ORDER NO. 04-06-2020-01 ORDER OF THE CHRISTIAN COUNTY COMMISSION OZARK, MISSOURI DATE ISSUED: April 6,2020 SUBJECT: CASE NUMBER 2020-0031 TEXT: Steven Jolley petitions the Christian County Commission to rezone a 8.21 acre tract of land from A-1 (Agriculture District) to A-R (Agriculture Residence District) in order to lawfully permit land use compatible with surrounding parcels and be reflected as such on the Christian County Zoning Map at Forgey Road near Billings, Missouri, located within Parcel 09-0.4-17-0-0-12.005 which is legally described as follows: A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW1/4) OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH, RANGE 23 WEST, CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17. THENCE 50204'34"W, ALONG THE WEST UNE OF SAID SECTION 17. 1329.91 FEET; THENCE 587'59'05-E. 49.71 FEET; THENCE S01*53'48*W. 8.20 FEET; THENCE S8803'181 5.84 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINe THENCE S88'03'18"E, 411.24 FEET; THENCE S69*49'551 14.42 FEET: THENCE S8801'297. 213.24 FEET; THENCE S02'28'3694 559.95 FEET; THENCE N87*52'57W, 635.04 FEET: THENCE N02'09'151 562.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. The Christian County Planning and Zoning Commission did, during public hearing on March 16, 2020 review this request and hear public comment. A motion to recommend approval of this change passed by a unanimous vote. Now, therefore, after additional review of this case and having heard additional public comment the Christian County Commission did this day, upon a motion by Commissioner Bilyeu, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, by a unanimous vote to approve this request. F1 ,Done this 6th day of April, 2020, at 10:15 a.m. CHRISTIAN COUNT¥1]OMMISSION Yes 3(f noia.A• 4 / 47 1 200 Ralph Phillips ./„„u. Presiding Commissioner Yes Dated:00·£56·222a Mike Robertson Commissioner, Eastern District lig,L Yes filosea Bilyeu Cj : 4-6- 20-20 Dated Commissioner, Western District ATTEST: Kay Bilown County Clerk 23385-000\ 383506.doe yv.OUNT):/'/// *8 5. go:. 49 0 :74= 24£ 6 5 ..0 S 49(651,24.*P 0,1,1/1,1,+ 2 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 1- 00St., Ozark, MO 65721 ZO REZONING REQUEST0103 '9 ludv :31¥a DNIEIVBHL£00-0202 :El)ElIMAN BS¥0Xellor UeAels :1NVOIlddV(10!49!a einjino!16¥) L-v : DNINOZ .1.NablynO U.10. 51 Ill M N 1106 i r =tp:@f T Z' 1-11 1 . C 0 22% r D SURROUNDING LAND USES: Dispersed residences and larger agriculturalparcels C I .LI ' 0 MU=EF l Uk£;' DATION: East side of Forgey Rd, near Billings, MO 0 Or elli Afl 9712* ti b Q 1 ·W#WI, · 1 •.fi.. 't -*8 11> 4 ' BC ...2 -SA f.-1 5 5. 8 00 0 47 IF 9 A. -- J fJ . 34 1 *l db ti 4' " 8 0 r7 0 41 <> a 0 L, 1 f /3 * C 4%4 El Fi*· -l rtrzz A:12 7 J 4 % ROJ tiGAODURANOOLiF===• 1%:1 El 4.Jit e i in' '4: 2>:426 C 9(«A ...ic£ /0 7 - t 249»WE@Rk 2 uest Itive create dence led into a Planning and Zoning Commission is also reviewing an appeal reqto an administrative decision to deny this applicant's administrevision associated with this 8.21 +/- acre parcel. to rezone this property to A-R in order be able to5 acre parcels. LU Isebl einlinouBV El-V 01 Ou!uoz u! eOusuoileinfiekl Buluoz Aunoo el.11 Jo Be elo!11¥ u! g!pqns eq ueoleoied joelqns elll 'peAold0,102 E SE 1IBLUS £Afy. BACKGROUND AND SITE HISTORY: 22 -a C 0 Bunsenbei s! lueoldde 0 CO U) 111.4.. Z O 06 Z m si Suiuoz ui eD 0 CD 0 Z O 2 0 0 E 2 N 1- 2 continued dispersed residential development. ntly surrounded by other tracts E 0uo joeue lueouluals Aula lem.lepiseJ leuo!1!Ppe Jo Alillqissod el# seweio lealed s!41 Jo Bu!UOZe.I eli The Christian County Comprehensive Plan looks at this area as one of The parcel to be re-zoned as A-R is currewhich are being used for dispersed reside u!ELLI IleAA B S! 40!48AB 4 jou plnOAA eDump Buluoz s!41 pBOJ*1!Aljoeulloo uep jseped JO JEInoll.leA A AA 'PH Ae610:I Buole 362;UOJJ Sell el!$ 341 Be.le elll u! lueludoleAe A A Land Use Plan: Compatibility: :&!A!10euuoo :slueueg 0!Iqnd C 0 9 isee elli eseo s!41 ul 'Ulds s! leoied E B es iscaping and Buffering:No provisions for landscaping or buffering have been offered or will berequired at this time. If and when the site is developed, the prescribedresidential setbacks found in Article 32 would be applied. ling Design:would be subject to the codes administered by theDepartment. :SSEmUOO pue 'pel he610:I Buole 8621uoll Jo :088 Alewl.Ulxo.Idde Sell el.!S 34-L1 Duluiel.Uek eSeluoil elenbepe s! elel.U "SseOOB Jo ju!od pellsliqmse euo C70!11$!P Peol oal uo :ses!Ales Ael# el!nbek plnOAA SlleAAeq 01 eAB4 plnOAA SlilejSAS'luel.Up PROJECT / SITE ANALYSIS:The site is 8.21 +/- acres in size and is currently vacant. Lane Bull(Any future buildin sng Inspectio s Acct N E 1!INA Cu ue HNCIOIN Jo BAoidde 2 0 deaaeq'le phiurloo ell J Xq peAoidde 00 341 6u!41!AA Sllel 'pu Aefuo:I Jo e41 eues Allue.uno se!1!lijn ON E Buildi l.le ewool arcels )n this a. COuld remain after any residential development should be monquate to allow for continued normal absorption of rainwater. E :sjoedlul 0 re'e when the site is further developed, it would be done onare at least 3 acres in size. The amount of pervious are k CO 0 C 0 0 0 CO 0 CO i ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Stormwater Impact: cr; 2 0 - CO CD 0 C (1) 2 22 CO H k = B B Z CZ 02 CGI 0 RC CD .0 O 0 0 L J 0 4- Al Old A O -22 co -23 -23 -E J E .2 0 0 EES -E O 11 CO NE L.0 J ·- 4-- a CO ge@- -0 CO .2 .E EE 0192 VE v O C CO r Q. Cd go ,„ , CGa-= m cl' - C 0 E n 236 Ed CUO O O2 .. > 0 E O g 22 82 ta-= O co 0 O -O a N> N C Q) -0 4. Occic C a NCO CO 0- 1 2 0- o o 0 co : . U.1 - cO *- C -0 .C= 12 8 +1 Ec i 00 1 0- C 5 2- E co E ippie I./9 0- E 0 cna) E 00 2. .. 14 I *u·>19lair·- Ul C ·-v .C O .- 0 4/Li.4 ;* *14 i .0.0 4 A-IL i. 0 204.- 37 47 / 1-- O . **4?lik»¥,4 , * . - r