4 3 f •1 i Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization (Springfield, MO Area MPO) Background Information What is an "MI'O"? MPO stands for "Metropolitali Planning Organization". The Springfield, MO Area MPO is the federally designated regional transportation planning organization that serves as a forum for cooperative transportation decision-making by state and local governments, and regional transportation and planning agencies. By federal law, any urban area with a population greater than 50,000 people is required to have an MPO. MPO's are charged with maintaining and conducting a "continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive" regional transportation planning and project programming process for the MPO's study area. What this means is that tile MPO Board must make regional decisions (cooperative) on how the transportation network (comprehensive) will function and grow over the next 20 years (continuing). The study area is defined as the area projected to become urbanized within the next 20 years (see attached map). The MPO includes local elected officials from the Counties of Christian and Greene, the Cities of Battlefield, Nixa, Ozark, Republic, Springfield, Strafford, and Willard, and appointed members from the Springfield-Branson Regional Airport Board and City Utilities. There are also three at-large representatives that are appointed by the City of Springfield and one at-large representative appointed by the A,IPO Board. The City of Brookline is also in the MPO service area but has yet to appoint a representative to the MPO. Non-voting Federal and State agencies with MPO membership include the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and the Missouri Department ofTransportation. Currently, the MPO Director is a contract employee with the City of Springfield, but answers to the Board of Directors. Representatives from the MoDOT, local governments, and area transportation agencies serve on the MI'O's Technical Committee (TC). The TC provides technical review, comments, and recommendations on draft MPO plans, programs, studies, and issues. Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) The LRTP serves as the framework and initial step in developing the region's network of transportation facilities and services. The LRTP uses a balanced, multimodal approach (i.e. automobile, buses, car and vanpools, bicycles, congestion and transportation demand management, truck and rail cargo, etc.) to address the region's long teim (20 years) projected travel needs, and provides for the consideration of impacts on the natural and human environment. Projects proposed in the LRTP must be within projected levels of available financial resources and must also meet federal air quality and planning requirements. Highway and public transportation projects and programs must be consistent with the MPO's final adopted LRTP in order to be eligible for federal- aid funds. 1 4 Congestion Management Svstems (CMS) The CMS is a systematic process for managing congestion by providing information on transportation system performance and proposing the use of alternative transportation strategies and programs to help alleviate congestion. The region's CMS document is currently under development and will evaluate where congestion is occurring, determine strategies to alleviate that congestion, and then develop evaluation criteria to determine if the selected strategies are working to address congestion. The CMS also documents current congestion management strategies and programs in the MPO's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The CMS is updated every 5 years in conjunction with the LRTP update. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) The MPO maintains and periodically updates the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP is a staged, multimodal program of projects for which federal- aid highway, aviation, and transit funds have been allocated and/or scheduled for allocation. Tile TIP also provides information on the allocation of state and local funds, and private funded projects. Unified Planning Work Program (UWP) The Unified Planning Work Program (UWP) spells out the activities, including plans and programs, the MPO will undertake during tile fiscal year. The Springfield Area MPO UWP includes work tasks such as administration, corridor planning, ridesharing, transportation planning and plan implementation, transit planning, and special studies. The UWP is similar to a city or county departments annual work program, except that the UWP budget is funded by two different federal transportation agencies and a local cash match. Where To Get More Information If you have any questions about the MPO, please contact Dan Rudge, Executive Director, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization, at (417) 864-1093. Mr. Rudge can also be reached by e-mail at drudee@ci.springfield.mo.us or by regular mail at Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization P.O. Box 8368 840 Boonville Springfield, MO 65801-1031 2 L Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization ..15i.. (area MPO) % t J US 160 Section line m i Hwyo nn *,041 M I HwyM 0 t.-Ill HnyT · Hwy EE --:DMsion:'- F, Nu/,00 Oueae*000,0,£40,1 r Hwyn' MO 266 D Hwy'n- 60 2- 'T J :9-,Battknoldla :.F, ·ki , »Ny AD Farm Road 6 Mo yum 1 1. 9 0 n Al.H 01- 1£ 6 r -|P «3.. BUMO 14 f\'P MO 14 -'- MC)14 C r f-1 C C MO 14 co Section !1 e Section line 1 r · ./ 14**1 Cl '0 Planning Boundary (246 Sq n·iles) ,'IPO Planning Boundary Expansion (427 Sqi:lan) 2' 1 | _ )anized Boundary (1990 Census) Lakes Scale 1220,000L 4 STATUS OF FY 2003 PROJECTS Highways/ Roads CHRISTIAN COUNTY Proiect Description Tvpe of Improvement Stlitus 2003 Nicholas Road- Hwy. 14 ROW Acquisition Design programmed for 2004 North to Greene County Line Spring#eld Area MPO 2004-2006 Transportation Improvement Program D1 PROGRAM1VIED IMPROVEMENTS Highway/ Roads Christian County (Unincorporated Area) FY 2004 State Highway F (MoDOT Project #8S0615) TIP # CH0401 Grading, paving and replacement ofBridge over Elk Creek 1.5 miles west of Route 65. Involves Bridge Y-753. Federal Source Agency: FHWA Federal Funding Category: Bridge MoDot Funding Category: Taking Care of the System (Rehab and Reconst) Work or Fund Category: Construction Federal: $964,000 MoDOT: $241,000 TOTAL FY 2004: Sl,205,000 Previous Funding: $471,000 Project Total: $1,676,000 Riverdale Road TIP # CH0402 - Replacement of Bridge over Finley River. BRO-022(06). Federal Source Agency: FHWA Federal Funding Category: Bridge MoDot Funding Category: BRO (Off-system BridgeProgram) Work or Fund Category: PE/ ROW/ Construction Federal: $520,000 MoDOT: $130,000 Project Total 2004: $650,000 Route CC (MoDOT Project # 8S0738) TIP #CH0403 Paving only 0.9 miles west ofthe Route 65 and Route CC Interchange. Reimbursement of $100,000 to Ozark Special Road ]District for portion of permit. Project on state right-of-way. Federal Source Agency: FHWA Federal Funding Category: STP MoDot Funding Category: Taking Care of the System (Rehab and Reconst) Work or Fund Category: Construction Federal: $0 MoDot: $117,000 TOTAL FY 2004: $117,000 Springfield Area MPO 2004-2006 Transportation Improvement Program D9 03/01/2004 03:32 4178641881 PE*mNG-DEPT 1-'Abl 93 STATUS OF FY 2004 PROJECTS Highways/ Roads CIIRISTIAN COUNTV Proicct Description Tvme of Tmnrovement *tatus 2004 Nicholas Road-Hwy. 14 ROW Acquisition North to Greene County Line State Highway F Grading, paving mid replacement of Bridge over Elk Creck 1,5 milcs west of Routc 65. Riverdale Road Replacement of Bridge over Finley River. BRO- 022(06). Route CC Pin:ing only 0.9 miles west of the Route 65 and Route CCInterchange. Ozorks l'ranfportation Organization 2005-2007 Tronsporation bnprovemen: Program Dl 21.-- h MEMO To: John Grubaugh, Presiding Commissioner Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner Tom Chudomelka, Eastern Commissioner From: Jeff W. Byrd, County Planner Date: July 21,2003 RE: MI'O Meeting - July 16, 2003 Wednesday, July 16, 2003, I attended the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization (MPO) meeting. The following are topics and issues discussed at the meeting. The meeting began discussing revisions of the Transportation Improvement Program Draft which was sent to the Board of Directors last meeting. The Board of Directors then approved the draft and it was sent back to the committee for final revisions. I have included a copy of the draft for your review. The document was 4 discussed and a few changeswere made._Qne change, in particular, I felt you 4 needed to be notified ofwas the removil of TIP # CH0403 on page D9.-Jay- Waggoner, MoDot stated that there were no plans to widen Nicholas Road from Highway 14 to the Greene County line at this time. Mr. Waggoner went on to state that if the county was willing to share the cost, the road expansion could be scheduled. Other items were discussed and changed, none relating to the county. If you have any questions regarding the draft, let me know and I will try to find answers. The second item was reviewing the Airport Access Road Study. With the expansion ofthe Springfield/Branson Regional Airport, studies have been conducted to locate the best route for visitors and patrons ofthe airport. Two studies were looked at and they are: An expressway starting at the Highway MM exit at I-44 and wrapping around to meet State Highway EE where the new airport terminal will be located. The second study is an expressway starting at the Chestnut Expressway exit on I-44 wrapping around to meet Highway EE. Both studies had advantages with the Highway MM project dividing up traffic more equally along the new road and other alternatives. The Chestnut Expressway route would be an advantage because it would serve the airport»s typical clientele better (studies found that 70% of airport visitors lived south of Chestnut Expressway and east of West By-Pass). In the end, the Technical Committee chose to approve both studies, for the reason that 5 l I--2- eventuglk-both routes would need. to be completed. Another reason was Rob 11 4 f Hancik; Director of Aviatio-n wfflillie Sl*ingfield/Branson-Regibnlil Airport.btatedn that thertinds could already be secured to buy the right-a-way needed fbr the projects. Finally, the meeting concluded with the formation of three subcommittees: A Long Range Plan Subcommittee, Vision 20/20 Subcommittee, and Congestion Management System Subcommittee. I was appointed and will take part in the Long Range Plan and Congestion Management System subcommittees. Both these groups are very relevant and important to the county and I will keep you updated on the progress. CC: Jim Bresee, Resource Management Consultant Gary Haddock, PIanning and Zoning Administrator \ hh \ --. 4 COUNTY OF CHRISTIAN Planhing & Zoning 100 W. Church Room 102 Telephone 017) 581.7242 0*ark;*10 65721. Facsimile (417) 581-4623 MEMO To: Couno, Commission John Grubaugh, Presiding Commissioner BiII Barnett, Western Commissioner Tom Chudomelka, Eastern Commissioner CC: Gag Haddock, Planning and Zoning Administrator Jim Bresee, Resource Management Consultant From: Jeff W. Byrd, County Planner Date: March 13, 2003 RE: MPO Technical Committee Meeting on March 12, 2003 This memo is regarding the MPO Technical Committee I attended on March 12,11. This memo is my attempt to keep you guys well informed ofwhat is discussed in the meetings. If you find this memo does not sum the meeting up well enough or is way too much information let me know. Also, ifyou just want me to inform you of information with regards to the county I can do that. Just let me know what works for you guys. I enjoy the meeting and look forward to keeping you informed on what I learn. The first item on the agenda was the Southeast Springfield Development Study. Bob Hosmer, Springfield Planning and Development Staff presented the two plans for vote. The plans were very similar with the only major change being an additional overpass with off and.on ramps located on US 65 between Battlefield Road and James River Expressway (US 60). JeffButler, Representative ofthe land owners expressed concern over the plan lacking the new overpass. The land owners felt it would be unjust for MPO to suggest the plan that would limit their options of development in the future. However MODOT reported that the new overpass would cause problems due to it being to close to the James River Expressway Interchange. MODOT staff felt that the additional interchange would cause costly improvements in the future. The committee decided to table the issue until the next meeting. They felt that the plans needed additional research by staffand a smaller group ofMPO members. I volunteered to join the smaller committee and I will keep you informed on additional changes made to the plans. Other transportation changes suggested for the pIan are as follows: f New Bridges and Interchanges 1. Improvements to the Evans Road Interchange. 2. A new Bridge overUS 60 between 65 interchange and J/NN interchange. 3. New interchange at US 60 and Highway J 4. Improvements at Glenstone and James River Freeways Interchange. 5. New interchange at US 60 and US 65 New Roads 1. New East/West arterial from Evans Road Interchange to National Avenue 2. Millwood Drive extended west to Highway NN. 3. El Dorado and Gasconade Road connection to Smith Road. 4. New loop connection road from Gasconade and Murphy south into the Childress property. 5. New road within and around the Conoco quarry development area. 6. Southwood Road extension south to Fremont Road/Ramsgate. 7. New frontage road at Evans Road south along US 65. 8. Frontage/Backage road system north and south along 60 between FR 181 to 3/NN. New Bike Routes 1. Extend primary bike routes down National to new east/west arterial. 2. New primary bike route on proposed new east/west arterial south ofEvans Road area. 3. New primary bike route on proposed new north/south arterial along Collinson Road (FR 193) - Highway J area. The next item on the agenda was to determine a system of rotation for Technical Committee Chair. The rotation chosen is as follows: Current - Willard Year 1 - Republic Year 2 - Christian County Year 3 - Battlefield Year 4 - Nixa Year 5 - Greene County Year 6 - Ozark Year 7 - Strafford Year 8 - Springfield The third item on the agenda was a presentation from Land Plan Consultants Inc. The presentation began with the values and benefits of greenways and concluded with the groups plans for the South Dry Sac Greenway. The Greenway which will begin near Ritter Springs Community Park northwest of Springfield wilI eventually end near Mulroy Road southeast of Springfield. The trail will be 12.4 miles long and will be completed in 5 phases. This item was approved for suggestion to the MPO Board of Directors. The phases wilI be as follows: Phase I 3.5 miles cost 1,408,000 Phase II 2.6 miles cost 915,747 Phase III 1.9 miles cost 717,747 Phase IV 1.6 miles cost 669,000 Phase V 2.8 miles cost 1.072.000 TotaI 12.4 miles Near 5 million The fourth item was a discussion about the realignment of Hazeltine Road to Chestnut Expressway in West Springfield. There are three options, one to construct an overpass over I-44 to hit Chestnut on the west side ofthe Interstate. This option was found to be very costly. The second and third options would take the road to the east ofthe current Hazzeltine and Chestnut Interchange. In those options only one home and a couple out buildings would have to be removed. No vote was made for the reason that this was an informational item. I' Aul 2- I - ..7 1.. L ·1 PC"n K--4 1 .i ' 3 W·.4 /1 OVERALL TRAIL PLAN El 0 LM leff 2 4 SOUTH DRY SAC GREENWAYSPRINGFIELD AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY ORGANIZATION TUFLF--1_-1 0 S S, j il,L--EMO li: --/ f ir,< 6 i Ju *w -i -2 -4/1 f .1 ,-1 . Um r .,U 111 , 4 61 C-' 7/ra Afl« - UP 1500 3000 6000 JL- i T7 1r 1.- /h 1 11.1'LIY 71 L- :: :. LizEE. _ 1 [-7161-if-- 1/ 11 4kr "114,1,/O _ N 1 FLE 0 C}N-•g c-Ai 4 02 - €ZI/641/Zh- 1 1 · -r--7/4 . al IUTES •••••••••• YS C i'11 *LU' F I '1* 2jftm i. f 'FF»-Aul :,1 #-E-** IONS - 1 1-- -tii,Mwmmilri J ·IL: i....tE /' &4/-1__·iji-V ' ' i -Ir/0441 1144{p 01'0=, MN33HD 10 NNOD %21 111 -*i--rr -/=102i 1 [' L-z ; c=Itti1li44 08 ME] ON lS 111:Fliza EX F 1 U1 01 ON3031 0;8 .................. ......... . 11 1 r STREAM FLOWLINE PRIMARY TRAIL SECONDARY TRAILPROPOSED BIKE ROUTES LJ J 13 . If i -1.4 S , L. , 1 U X li r. i J LANOPLANCONSULTANTS•••CO-po'nATED MPO Boundary /74 21 7 J L 15 S 1 1 L 1 REPUBLIC 2 t ' A ,%/' Urban Service Area HILLS 7% ·' CounN Line U J /\./ Skeets ZARK MPO Boundary L· I Municipal Boundaries 'Luf J b 2 1 2 ples Springfield Area Transportation i Study Organization ;- 1 - 1 2001 Boundary Expansion Revision Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization Procedure and By-Law Manual The following constitutes the By-Laws, procedures, and responsibilities which will serve to establish, organize, and guide the proper functioning of the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization. The intent is to provide for an organization which will be responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1962, as amended, the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 and other subsequent laws setting forth requirements for transportation planning for all modes of travel. This planning task will be accomplished within a cooperative framework properly related to comprehensive planning on a continual basis. This cooperative-comprehensive-continuing planning process is known as the 3-C Planning Process. Further, this organization shall carry out any other transportation planning and programming functions as set forth in any agreements entered into by this organization and the Missouri Department of Transportation, the United States Department ofTransportation, or in such manner as events shall dictate. Section 1.0: Organization Name A. The name ofthis organization shall be the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization. Section 2.0: Organizational Structure A. The organization shall consist oftwo permanent (or standing) committees: the Coordinating Committee and the Technical Planning Committee. B. Ad hoc committees or study groups may be appointed from time to time by the Coordinating Committee as needs arise. Such ad hoc committees or study groups shall have specific charge and operate for a defined period oftime as stated in the motion(s) creating them. Section 3.0 Transportation Planning Area A. A description ofthe Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization's transportation planning area is shown in Attachment A at the end of this document. The Coordinating Committee will periodically review the transportation planning area based on existing and projected urban development trends. Any changes to the transportation planning area should be based on Comprehensive Plan recommendations. Any needed modification to Attachment A ofthe bylaws shall 1 1 adhere to the procedure outlined in Section 6.9. Section 3.1 Transportation Study Goals The transportation goals that will guide this study will be broadly defined as: A. A system of facilities that provides an efficient and adequate capacity for the safe movement ofpeople and goods to and from and within the area. B. A choice ofmode oftransport providing access and circulation to and from and within the area and adequate terminal facilities. C. A system flexible enough to accommodate social, technological, and other changes. D. A system of facilities which is realistically and functionally associated with sound growth and development policies for the area. Section 4.0: Transportation Study Objectives The transportation study objectives are based on achieving an efficient transportation system and one that provides satisfactory service to the area and its member communities. These objectives are: A. Promotion of appropriate land uses in the planning area. B. Innovations in addressing transportation issues. C. Publicly oriented transportation. D. Increase in individual mobility or transportation opportunities in select target groups (e.g. elderly, indigent persons, etc.). E. An effective transportation system. F. Increased safety. G. Lower operating costs. H. Economy in construction ofnew facilities. I. Increased marketing and public information. 2 Section 5.0: General Policies A. All development policies, reports, programs, and plans affecting regional transportation issues within the planning area should be coordinated with the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization. B. All committees shall proceed with their respective responsibilities and duties with proper consideration, at all times, for all modes oftransportation and associated facilities. C. Individual modal planning programs should be designed to be coordinated with planning for all other transportation modes and with comprehensive planning for the urban area. D. Transportation planning activities should be used to promote an efficient urban development pattern. Reasonable forecasts of future land use and socio-economic conditions shall be made to guide these activities. E. All published data and/or reports may be released to individuals or agencies. Participating jurisdictions and agencies shall follow their own procedures when requests are made for their own data. F. Transportation planning activities are prioritized annually in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The amount ofMPO planning funds are based on the population in the urbanized area. Although many ofthe planning activities focus on tasks within the urbanized boundary, there will be consideration ofthe planning needs ofmemberjurisdictions outside the urbanized boundary. Planning activities will be undertaken within the entire planning area. Specific planning projects will be prioritized based on need, development pressures, transportation issues, etc. MPO staff shall assist MPO member jurisdictions outside the urbanized area with potential funding source information for transportation planning project needs that are not included in the MPOs UPWP. G. Use ofMissouri Department ofTransportation funds that are allocated directly to MPO members that lie outside the urbanized boundary shall remain at the discretion ofthat jurisdiction, subject to the funds legal requirements. These projects shall be reported for transportation planning purposes in the annual Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 3 U Coordinating Committee By-Laws Section 6.0: Authorization and Purpose A. The Coordinating Committee is established under the authority ofInstructional Memorandum 50-3-71 from the Federal Highway Administration. This memorandum states that the Regional Federal Highway Administrator, on the recommendation ofthe State Transportation Department and the Division Engineer, shall certify annually that a continuing, comprehensive, cooperative OC) transportation planning process is being conducted based on a number of considerations including establishment of a policy board with appropriate representation from the state and affected local jurisdictions, and the existence of an area wide organization under which transportation planning is being conducted on a continuing basis. This certification is necessary under Section 134, Chapter I, Title 23, United States Code which provides that no project in an urban area of over 50,000 population shall be approved unless it is based on such a 3C transportation planning process. B. The purpose of the Coordinating Committee will be to serve as the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization *IPO) for the approved Transportation Planning Area (TPA), in order to provide official decision making responsibility for the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization. The coordination of elected officials and policy makers at this decision making level allows for a broad geographical impact on transportation planning decisions. Section 6.1: Membership A. Coordinating Committee - Voting Members 1. Two (2) Greene County Commissioner(s) 2. Three (3) Springfield City Council Member(s) 3. One (1) City Utilities Board Member 4. One (1) Springfield/Branson Regional Airport Board Member 5. Three (3) Citizen At-Large Representatives • One (1) Member Nominated by the Committee and Appointed by the MPO • Two (2) Members Nominated by Springfield and Appointed by the MPO 6. One (1) Elected Official from the City ofRepublic 7. One (1) Elected Official from the City of Ozark 8. One (1) Elected Official from Christian County 9. One (1) Elected Official from the City ofNixa 10. One (1) Elected Official from the City of Willard 11. One (I) Elected Official fromthe City of Strafford 12. One (1) Elected Official from the City of Battlefield 4 B. Coordinating Committee - Non-Voting Members 1. Federal Highway Administration Representative 2. Federal Transit Administration Representative 3. Federal Aviation Administration Representative 4.. District Engineer, Missouri Department ofTransportation (MoDot) C. The voting members of the Coordinating Committee shall serve terms on the committee coinciding with the terms of their respective offices, as determined by the specific local jurisdiction(s). The Citizen-at-Large Representatives shall serve a term ofthree (3) years, except for the inaugural year. The first years' Citizen-at- Large terms shall be the following: • The member nominated by the Committee and appointed by the MPO shall serve a term of one year. • One member nominated by Springfield and appointed by the MPO shall serve a term of two years. • One member nominated by Springfield and appointed by the MPO shall serve a term of three years. The City of Springfield may determine which of their initial nominees will serve the two and three year positions. Each elected representative or board representative shall name one (1) elected or appointed official as an alternate, in writing, who may exercise full member powers during their absence. Alternates for the Citizen-at-Large Representatives shall be nominated and appointed through the same process as the primary representative. The Alternate's term shall also correspond with the primary representative's term. D. Additional voting and non-voting members shall be appointed as is deemed essential or necessary by the members of the Coordinating Committee, through the amendment ofthe bylaws. E. A Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funding Formula shall be established by the MPO, based on jurisdiction population within the urbanized area. This funding formula would be used to distribute funds to jurisdictions within the urbanized area. A jurisdiction may choose to spend part of their allocated STP funds on a project that lies outside their boundaries but it is at their discretion. This type of deviation from the Funding Formula shall require a 100% vote ofthe urbanized area jurisdictions. Formal changes in the Funding Formula must also be approved by a 100% vote ofthe urbanized area jurisdictions. F. A Major Thoroughfare Plan Subcommittee shall be established to consider any changes or updates of the Major Thoroughfare Plan. The Coordinating Committee 5 shall determine the membership, with the membership being representative of population (not necessarily a one-to-one relationship, but recognition given to the populations of the various jurisdictions as a factor in membership of subcommittee). This subcommittee will be charged with making recommendations to the Coordinating Committee with respect to the Major Thoroughfare Plan. Any modifications to the recommendations from the Major Thoroughfare Plan Subcommittee shall require a 2/3 vote of the full MPO Coordinating Committee. Section 6.2: Meeting Procedure A. The rules of order herein contained shall govern deliberations and meetings ofthe Coordinating Committee. Any point of order applicable to the deliberations by this committee and not contained herein shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedure. B. Meetings of the Coordinating Committee shall be held at least annually. C. The Committee shall establish and approve an annual meeting schedule. Meeting notices and committee function(s) will normally be initiated by the MPO Staff. When providing notification for a meeting at least five days notice will be provided describing the time and location. A proposed agenda should also be provided to ensure that adequate preparation can occur. The five days notice may be waived if extenuating circumstances require an emergency meeting, provided that ali members have received actual notice of such meeting. D. A quorum shall consist of at least one half of the voting members or alternates. E. All meetings ofthe committee shall be open to the general public who may participate at the discretion of the Chairman. Section 6.3: Officers A. The Coordinating Committee shall elect a representative from their membership to serve as Chairman at their initial meeting. The Chairman shall serve a one (1) year term to expire the first meeting of the calendar year following the first full-year of the position. Thereafter, each one (1) year term shall commence at the first meeting of the calendar year and end at the first meeting of the following calendar year. There must be a majority ofthe voting members present to vote on the Chairman position. B. The Coordinating Committee shalI elect a Chairman Elect. The Chairman Elect position shall assume the duties of Chairman following his or her respective term. The newly elected position shall assume the Chairman Elect's duties. Chairman Elect will assume the responsibilities of the Chairman in his or her absence. 6 C. Any appointed positions on the Coordinating Committee shall commence and/or conclude at the first meeting of the calendar year after the term expiration. D. A modification of the Coordinating Committee members may occur mid-year if there are elections, resignations or changes in representative board memberships. Section 6.4: Responsibilities A. Review and approve the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the Public Involvement Policy, Bylaws, any changes to the Memorandum of Understanding, and any other MPO related policy, report, or programs that affect transportation issues within the Transportation Planning Area (TPA). B. Through the By-Law process, determine the jurisdictional representation of the Technical and Coordinating Committees. C. Take official action on any committee recommendations and other matters pertaining to furthering the planning process. D. Adopt transportation goals and objectives to guide the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization. E. Adopt a short-range transportation improvement program that is updated annually. F. Insure that citizen participation is achieved in transportation planning. G. Establish Federally funded project priorities consistent with Federal mandates. H. Establish an annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) that outlines the MPO urban area planning projects for the fiscal year. Section 6.5: Staff Support A. Staff support for the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organizations Coordinating Committee function(s) shall be provided as identified in the annual Unified Planning Work Program. This support would include assistance with: a). Coordination ofthe transportation planning program; b). The Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP); and, c). Various transportation related work plan tasks. Section 6.6: Order ofBusiness A. The business ofthe committee shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in 7 the following order, unless the order shall be suspended by unanimous consent. 1. Roll Call 2. Approval ofminutes ofprevious meetings 3. Communications from the presiding officer 4. Unfinished business 5. New business 6. Presentation of other communications to the committee 7. Adjournment Section 6.7: Motions A. No motion shall be debated or put to a vote unless seconded. When seconded, the proposer shall have the floor. B. The motion shall be reduced to writing by the proposer when required by the presiding officer, or any members of the committee. C. When a question is under debate, the following motion shall be in order and shall have precedence over each other in the order stated: 1. To adjourn to a certain day 2. To adjourn 3. To postpone to a certain time 4. To take a recess 5. To lay on the table 6. To previous question 7. To amend Motions 1-5 shall be decided without debate. Section 6.8: Rules ofDebate The presiding officer may move, second, and debate from the Chair and shall not be deprived of any ofthe rights and privileges of a member by reason oftheir acting as the presiding officer. Roberts Rules of Order shall control all aspects of debate noninconsistent with any provision of these By-Laws. Section 6.9: Amendments ofBy-Laws Any section herein contained may be amended at any meeting ofthe Coordinating Committee provided such amendment be delivered to the Chairman ofthis committee at least five (5) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be presented to the committee. It shall be the duty ofthe MPO staffto include in the notice of such meeting, notice of the proposed amendment setting out the exact form of the proposed amendment. Such amendment sliall be adopted if it receives the affirmative vote ofa 8 majority of at least a quorum of the voting members present. Technical Planning Committee By-Laws Section 7.0: Authorization and Purpose A. The Technical ·Planning Committee is established under the authority of Instructional Memorandum 50-3-71 from the Federal Highway Administration. This memorandum states that the Regional Federal Highway Administrator, on the recommendation ofthe Missouri Department ofTransportation and the Division Engineer, shall certify annually that a continuing, comprehensive, cooperative (3C) transportation planning process is being conducted based on a number of considerations including establishment of a policy board with appropriate representation from the state and affected local jurisdictions, and the existence of an area wide organization under which transportation planning is being conducted on a continuing basis. This certification is necessary under Section 134, Chapter I, Title 23, United States Code which provides that no project in an urban area of over 50,000 population shall be approved unless it is based on such a transportation planning process. B. The purpose ofthe Technical Planning Committee is to analyze issues arising during the conduct of the Springfield Area Transportation Study from a technical perspective and make recommendations to the Coordinating Committee. The purpose is also to provide a linkage between planning and implementation. Section 7.1: Membership The Technical Planning Committee shall be composed of people involved in planning, engineering, public policy, or related fields and whose experience and expertise is valuable for supporting the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization. A. Technical Planning Committee - Voting Members 1. MoDot (Jeff City), Urban Planning Engineer 2. MoDot District 8 Office, District Engineer 3. Springfield/ Branson Airport Director ofAviation 4. Administrator, Greene County Highway Department 5. Traffic Engineer, Springfield Department of Public Works 6. City Utilities Director ofTransit Services 7. Director, Greene County Planning Department 8. MoDot (Jeff City), Assistant Administrator ofTransit 9. MoDot District 8 Office, Transportation Planning Manager 10. A representative ofthe Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce 11. A transit representative of Southwest Missouri State University 12. A representative of Ozark Greenways 9 13. Greene County Highway Department Chief Engineer 14. Springfield Director of Public Works 15. Springfield Director ofPlanning and Development 16. Representative from the City of Willard 17. Representative from the City of Strafford 18. Representative from the City of Republic 19. Burlington-Northern Representative 20. Trucking Representative 21. Private Transportation/Transit Provider Representative 22. R-12 School District Representative 23. Representative from Christian County 24. Representative from the City ofNixa 25. Representative from the City of Ozark 26. Representative from the City of Battlefield B. Technical Committee - Non-Voting Members 1. Federal Transit Administration Representative 2. Federal Aviation Administration Representative 3. Federal Highway Administration Representative 4. Southwest Missouri Advisory Council of Governments Transportation Advisory Committee Member Section 7.2: Meeting Procedure A. The rules of order herein contained shall govern deliberations of the Technical Planning Committee. Any point of order or rule on debate applicable to the deliberations by this committee and not contained herein shall be governed by Roberts Rules ofParliamentary Procedure. B. The Committee shall establish and approve an annual meeting schedule. Meeting notices and committee function(s) will normally be initiated by MPO Staff. When providing notification for a meeting at least five days notice will be provided describing the time and location. A proposed agenda should also be provided to ensure that adequate preparation can occur. The five days notice may be waived if extenuating circumstances require an emergency meeting and provided that all members have received actual notice of such meeting. C. All meetings ofthe committee shall be open to the general public who may participate at the discretion ofthe Chainnan. D. A quorum shall consist of at least one-half ofthe voting members. 10 Section 7.3: Officers A. The Technical Committee shall elect a representative from their membership to serve as Chairman at their initial meeting. The Chairman shall serve a one (1) year term to expire the first meeting of the calendar year following the first full-year of the position. Thereafter, each one (1) year term shall commence at the first meeting of the calendar year and end at the first meeting of the following calendar year. There must be a majority ofthe voting members present to vote on the Chairman position. B. The Technical Committee shall elect a Chairman Elect. The Chairman Elect position shall assume the duties of Chairman following his or her respective term. The newly elected position shall assume the Chairman Elect's duties. Chairman Elect will assume the responsibilities of the Chairman in his or her absence. C. Any appointed positions on the Technical Committee shall commence and/or conclude at the first meeting of the calendar year after the term expiration. D. A modification of the Technical Committee members may occur mid-year ifthere are changes in staff or resignations. Section 7.4: Responsibilities A. The Technical Planning Committee shall discuss options, facilitate cooperation among operating departments, review proposals, and recommend technical methods, procedures, and standards on all policies, reports, programs, and plans related to development and transportation issues within the planning area of the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization. B. The Technical Planning Committee shall discuss and recommend alternative transportation plans and programs to the Coordinating Committee. Section 7.5: Staff Support A. Staff support for the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization's Technical Committee function(s) shall be provided as identified in the annual Unified Planning Work Program. This support would include assistance with: a). Coordination of the transportation planning program; b). Review and approval ofthe Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP); and, c). Various transportation related work plan tasks. 11 Section 7.6: Order of Business A. The business ofthe committee shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order, unless the order shall be suspended by unanimous consent. 1. Roll call 2. Approval ofminutes ofprevious meeting(s) 3. Communications from the presiding officer 4. Unfinished business 5. New business 6. Presentation ofother communications to the committee 7. Adjournment Section 7.7: Motions A. No motion shall be debated or put to a vote unless seconded. When seconded, the proposer shall have the floor. B. The motion shall be reduced to writing by the proposer when required by the presiding officer or any members ofthe committee. C. When a question is under debate, the following motion shall be in order and shall have precedence over each other in the order stated: 1. To adjourn to a certain day 2. To adjourn 3. To postpone to a certain time 4. To take a recess 5. To Iay on the table 6. To previous question 7. To amend Motions 1-5 shall be decided without debate. Section 7.8: Rules of Debate The presiding officer may move, second, and debate from the Chair and shall not be deprived of any ofthe rights and privileges ofa member by reason oftheir acting as the presiding officer. t 12 , Adopted by the Coordinating Committee, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization, February 4,1993 Revised by the Coordinating Committee, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization December 16,1993 Revised by the Coordinating Committee, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization August 1,1996 Amended by the Coordinating Committee, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization October 3, 1996 Amended by the Coordinating Committee, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization May 29, 1997 Amended by the Coordinating Committee, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization August 7, 1997 Amended by the Coordinating Committee, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization June 4,1998 Amended by the Coordinating Committee, Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization October 7, 1999 Draft Bylaws for the proposed MPO Expansion, approved by the MPO Coordinating Committee on December 7, 2000. Final Changes to the Draft Bylaws for the proposed MPO Expansion, May 11,2001. N:\SHARE\PLAN\AA.transpfiles\MPO\BOUNDARY\newbylaws-Final.doc 5/1 1/2001 13