1 Ozarks Transportation Organization 117 Park Central Square Suite 107, Springfield Missouri 65806 December 1,2009 Dear Planning Partners: Please find attached the executed Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) between Ozarks Transportation Organization (OTO), Missouri Department ofTransportation (MoDOn and its memberjurisdictions. OTO's federal certification review completed last August recommended the existing MOU be updated by the end of this month. OTO would like.to thank all ofthe memberjurisdictions, MoDOT, Federal Highway Administration, and Federal Transit Administration in the review of the MOU and completing it by the end of the year. Please call or e-mail me at 417-836-5442, tconklin@ozarkstransportation.org, if you have any questions regarding the MOU. Thank you. Sincerely, Tim Conklin Executive Director Ozarks Transportation Organization (417) 836-5442 / FAX (417) 862-6013 www.OzarksTransportation.org 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COOPERATIVE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING This Memorandum ofUnderstanding is made between the Ozarks Transportation Organization (OTO), the City of Battlefield, the City of Nixa, the City of Ozark, the City ofRepublic, the City of Springfield, the City of Strafford, the City ofWillard, Christian County, Greene County, City Utilities of Springfield, and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) for the purpose of carrying out continuing, comprehensive and cooperative transportation planning. This Memorandum ofUnderstanding entered into by the Ozarks Transportation Organization, the City ofBattlefield, the City ofNixa, the City of Ozark, tile City ofRepublic, the City of Springfield, the City of Stafford, the City of Willard, Christian County, Greene County, City Utilities of Springfield, and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC), do hereby enter into the following MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING which superse(les the MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING approved on January 18, 2002 by the MHTC on this 81 +4 day of Ochber, 20_99 WHEREAS, the Governor ofthe State ofMissouri on January 10, 1974 designated the Springfield Area Transportation Study Organization (SATSO) as the federally recognized Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) which has been renamed to Ozarks Transportation Organization (OTO); and WHEREAS, Ozarks Transportation Organization expanded their metropolitan planning boundaries in 2000 to include the City of Battlefield, the City of Nixa, the City of Ozark, the City ofRepublic, the City of Stafford, the City ofWillard, and portions of Christian County; and WHEREAS, Ozarks Transportation Organization was designated as a Transportation Management Area (IMA) in 2002 which requires a Congestion Management Process (CMP), Surface Transportation Program-Urban (STP-U) project selection, and Transit Planning; and WHEREAS, Ozarks Transportation Organization (OTC)), as the MPO, is responsible for the direction, coordination, and administration ofthe continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process in the Springfield, Missouri Urbanized Area under Title 23 U.S.C. Section 134 and Title 49 U.S.C. Section 5303, as amended; and WHEREAS, Ozarks Transportation Organization (OTO) has been designated as the organization responsible for transportation planning policy and programming matters, and adopting necessary plans required to meet federal guidelines; and WHEREAS, City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri is designated as the recipient of all eligible Federal Transit Administration funds; and MOU - OTO, Member Jurisdictions, and CU Page l of24 October 15,2009 WHEREAS, City Utilities of Springfield Transit is established pursuant to law, for the purpose ofproviding public transit service; and WHEREAS, the objectives ofthis MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING are to: (1) formalize the current cooperative efforts between OTO, the member jurisdictions, City Utilities of Springfield, and MHTC for the production and execution of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), the Long-Range Transportation Plan *RTP), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Congestion Management Process (CMP), and the obgoing transportation planning process in general; as well as (2) comply with the requirements of the current Federal Transportation Bill, all successors of this Act and subsequent regulations, and all other applicable laws and regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Ozarks Transportation Organization (OTO), the City ofBattlefield, the City ofNixa, the City of Ozark, the City ofRepublic, the City of Springfield, the City of Stafford, the City of Willard, Christian County, Greene County, City Utilities of Springfield, and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) do hereby mutually agree to the following roles and responsibilities: Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) and the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) Roles and Responsibilities: 1. MoDOT will cooperate with the other parties to this agreement in the development of the UPWP and will use the UPWP as the basis for their individual consolidated planning grant agreements with OTO. MoDOT will assist in identifying task/budget/schedule information to be used in the development ofthe UPWP. After approving the final UPWP, MoDOT will submit the document to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for approval. 2. MoDOT will cooperate with the other parties to this agreement in the development of amendment(s)/administrative modification(s) to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). MoDOT will assist in project selection and scheduling activities in consultation with the other planning process partners. MoDOT will submit/update project level data related to the State Highway System and MoDOT administered transit programs. After OTO approves the TIP or TIP amendment(s)/modification(s), OTO will submit said changes to MoDOT which will then obtain the Governor's approval before submitting a STIP amendment request to the FHWA and/or FTA for final approval to incorporate the TIP amendment into the STIP. Administrative amendments to the TIP will be submitted to FHWA and/or FTA for information purposes. 3. MoDOT will include OTO staff in their local consultation process. MoDOT will share routinely collected transportation data with OTO and will participate in the project identification, cost estimation, and project prioritization process related to the MoDOT LRTP, including the development ofreasonably anticipated revenues. MoDOT will MOU - OTO, Member Jurisdictions, and CU Page 2 of24 October 15,2009 monitor internal plans, studies and other activities in order to identify potential LRTP amendment(s) or revisions and inform the other partners accordingly. MoDOT will cooperate with the other parties to this agreement in the development ofthe LRTP. 4. MoDOT will participate on a regular basis in the activities and meetings of the OTO Technical Planning Committee and the OTO Board ofDirectors. MoDOT will assist OTO staff, the Technical Planning Committee, and the Board of Directors in their respective transportation planning duties, responsibilities, and assignments. 5. MoDOT will assist OTO staffin the development ofthe Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (ALOP). Within thirty (30) days after the close ofa federal fiscal year, MoDOT shall provide the MPO with Annual Obligation Report information. To the extent possible, the report(s) will contain the projects for which federal highway or transit funds were obligated in the preceding program year. The report(s) shall contain all federally funded projects authorized, including those revised to increase obligations in the preceding program year, at a minimum include TIP project descriptions and implementing agency information and will identify, for each project, the amount of Federal funds requested in the TIP, the Federal funding that was obligated during the preceding year, and the Federal funding, if any, remaining for subsequent years. 6. MoDOT will prepare and keep current the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) all MoDOT sponsored projects to be funded and implemented in the OTO metropolitan planning area during the subsequent five fiscal years, in accordance with federal guidelines. With input, and mutual agreement from OTO and member jurisdictions, the STIP will include projects derived from OTO's LRTP and MoDOT's LRTP. The OTO TIP, without modification, will be incorporated into the STIP by reference. 7. MoDOT, with input, and mutual agreement from OTO, will identify and prioritize needs, set investment priorities and provide a framework for decision making, for the purpose of implementing the LRTP. 8. MoDOT will assist and collaborate with OTO to meet the Federal requirements under Title VI, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Environmental Justice (E.J.) guidance with regard to education and outreach, preparation and review ofplans and projects, and technical assistance and staffsupport. 9. To support the development ofthe financial plan for the LRTP and TIP, MoDOT shall provide OTO with a long-range forecast of expected state and federal transportation revenues for the metropolitan planning area. 10. Execution ofthe Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Transportation Consolidated Planning Grant (CPG) Agreement for the Springfield Region will be carried MOU - OTO, Member Jurisdictions, and CU Page 3 of24 October 15,2009 out annually as described in the Agreement. The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) will make a grant from available federal funds in a manner consistent with the rules of the USDOT, FHWA, and FTA under 23 U.S.C. Sections 104(f) and 134 and 49 U.S.C. Section 5303. OTO will undertake and complete the program ofwork specified in the approved UPWP and the budget or scope of services. OTO will submit quarterly reports within thirty (30) days of the end of the quarter providing information regarding the implementation ofthe UPWP to both MoDOT and the USDOT. OTO Roles and Responsibilities: 1., It is in the public interest that OTO continue the transportation planning process for the Springfield Metropolitan Planning Area, in cooperation with MoDOT, FHWA, FTA, and other federal, state and local agencies as maybe or will become involved in the process. 2. OTO will annually prepare the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) that specifies the planning goals and responsibilities of all agencies in the Ozarks Transportation Organization area in transportation planning. The UPWP will include the planning activities of OTO and City Utilities of Springfield Transit proposed for the next one-year period by major activity and task. OTO shall prepare the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for transportation planning activities anticipated within the region during the next year, regardless of funding sources. Said activities shall be documented and the UPWP prepared annually by the Staffand the Technical Planning Committee and reviewed and endorsed by the OTO Board ofDirectors. Prior to the expenditure of any funds, such UPWP shall be subject to the approval ofthe Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the State of Missouri for funding the activities. Any changes in transportation planning and related activities, regardless of funding source, shall be accomplished by amendments to the UPWP and adoption by the OTO Board of Directors according to the same,.full procedure as the initial UPWP. Execution ofthe Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Transportation Consolidated Planning Grant (CPG) Agreement for the Springfield Region will be carried out annually as described in the Agreement. The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) will make a grant from available federal funds in a manner consistent with the rules of the USDOT, FHWA, and FTA under 23 U.S.C. Sections 104(f) and 134 and 49 U.S.C. Section 5303. OTO will undertake and complete the program ofwork specified in the approved UPWP and the budget or scope of services. OTO will submit quarterly reports within thirty (30) days ofthe end ofthe quarter providing information regarding the implementation ofthe UPWP to both MoDOT and the USDOT. MOU - OTO, Member Jurisdictions, and CU Page 4 of24 October 15,2009 3. OTO will prepare and keep current the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) which lists all major transportation projects to be funded and implemented in the OTO area during the subsequent four (4) fiscal years, in accordance with federal guidelines. With input, and mutual agreement from member jurisdictions, City Utilities of Springfield Transit, and MoDOT, the TIP will include a fulllisting ofproposed transportation improvements for all modes, as well as operating assistance. After the OTO Board of Directors approves the TIP or TIP amendment(symodification(4 OTO will submit said changes to MoDOT which will then obtain the Governor's approval before submitting a STIP amendment request to the FHWA and/or FTA for final approval to incorporate the TIP amendment into the STIP. Administrative amendments to the TIP will be submitted to FHWA and/or FTA for information purposes. 4. OTO will prepare and update, as required, the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the OTO area that specifies all major transportation improvements planned and considered financially feasible in a period covering at least twenty (20) years, in accordance with federal guidelines. Said transportation plan will be a balanced intermodal plan that will incorporate both the long-range and short-range strategies and actions of City Utilities of Springfield Transit. The LRTP will be updated every three (3) to five (5) years, and amended from time to time as necessary and appropriate. The LRTP (and any revisions) will be approved by the OTO Board of Directors and submitted for information purposes to the Governor. Copies of the updated or revised LRTP will be provided to FHWA and FTA. 5. OTO will prepare and regularly review a Public Participation Plan that details the means and procedures by which the public and other stakeholders, including freight and other transit providers, will be afforded involvement in the OTO planning process. 6. OTO will comply with all federal guidelines including the certification of the planning process, and will act upon requests from the FHWA and the FTA in this regard. 7. OTO will assist City Utilities of Springfield Transit, to the extent time and funding pennit, in carrying out planning and programming work as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and other appropriate federal and state laws and regulations. 8. The OTO transportation planning process will include all federally required planning factors in developing plans and programs. MOU - OTO, Member Jurisdictions, and CU Page 5 of24 October 15,2009 9. To the extent time and funding permits, the transportation planning process will provide for technical services to area units of government including City Utilities of Springfield Transit. 10. OTO will work with member jurisdictions, including City Utilities of Springfield Transit, on refining and implementing the priorities established in the LRTP and TIP, and will coordinate the implementation ofthe recommendations ofthe OTO Transit Development Plan. 11. OTO will prepare appropriate publications suitable for technical and public use that communicate significant findings and recommendations coming from the planning process. 12. OTO will work with City Utilities of Springfield Transit, as well as area human service transit agencies, to fulfill Title 23 and 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 requirements regarding a coordinated planning process, including the update of the Transit Coordination Plan and the implementation of said plan. 13. OTO wilI periodically report to the member jurisdictions participating in the planning process, including the public transit operators, on the status of transportation planning in the OTO area. 14. OTO will publish, on or before the last day ofDecember of every year, the Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (ALOP). The ALOP will be available online and in hardcopy upon request. 15. OTO will regularly review its Title VI Plan. 16. OTO will be responsible as the lead for coordinating transportation planning and programming in the Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) which includes the City of Battlefield, the City of Nixa, the City of Ozark, the City ofRepublic, the City of Springfield, the City of Strafford, the City of Willard; and portions of the Counties of Christian and Greene. A map providing a visual and itemized description of the current MI'A will be included on the OTO website. It is recognized that the scope of the regional study area used with the transportation demand model may extend beyond the MPA. The boundaries of the MPA shall be subject to approval ofthe OTO Board ofDirectors and the Governor. OTO will provide a copy of the Board approved MPA map to FHWA & FTA for their approval. 17. The OTO Board of Directors is the chiefregional authority responsible for cooperative development and approval of the core transportation planning activities and products for MOU - OTO, Member Jurisdictions, and CU Page 6 of24 October 15,2009 the urbanized region. This includes ensuring all planning and programming documents are developed in accordance with the federal requirements including consultation with relevant land use management, environmental and planning agencies, coordination and consistency ofplans and programs with related transportation elements of applicable federal laws and regulations, and, if applicable, planning and transportation conformity findings. The OTO Board of Directors will consider, analyze as appropriate, and reflect in the planning and programming process, the metropolitan planning factors and requirements for MPO and state certifications as required by sections 23 C.F.R. 450.306 and 450.334 respectively. The OTO Board ofDirectors shall establish and follow rules of order and record and shall be responsible for electing a chairman and other officers as deemed appropriate. Voting membership ofthe OTO Board of Directors and any standing committees shall be set by the adopted OTO By-Laws. The individual voting representatives may be revised from time to time as designated by the respective government or agency. State elected officials may also serve on the OTO Board of Directors. Voting and nonvoting members may be added or deleted by the OTO Board by a majority of all voting members in accordance with non-substantial voting membership changes as allowed in 23 C.F.R. 450.310. The OTO Board of Directors members will be identified on the N EE . *-'' 9 - 3-= - U -1 .»2 * 22 2 19087 1 9.91 '4440,1 MOU - OTO, Member Jurisdictions, and CU Page 24 of24 October 15,2009