titi Christian Counly Commission 100 Westehurch St Room 100 Ozark, MO 65721 0 October Term http://ChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 9:55 AM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 9:55 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia Attelded Name .0- r 4 2 - Title, h· , ,/ 7 ' 1 StitGs - b'. Arrived .: Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 9:55 AM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 9:55 AM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 9:55 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 9:55 AM Julia Maples Administrative ASsistant Present 9:55 AM II. Agenda Motion/Vote - 9:55 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes & Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News. 0 The County Commission reviewed an approved the minutes for Thursday, October 24, 2013 and Monday, November 18, 2013. There were no financials presented. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 10:00 AM Sam Yarnell Auditor Hearing - Budget Study Hearing The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Sheriff's Administrative Assistant Blanca Mallonee, Major C.E. Wells and Major Brian Cathey, Todd Wiesehan Planning and Zoning Administrator and Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News. The County Commission met with County Auditor Sam Yarnell for a budget study hearing for the Sheriff's Department 2014 budget. Prior to presenting the Sheriff's budget, County Auditor Sam Yarnell requested an adjustment of $ 200.00 to the Treasurer's 2014 budget to cover additional costs for 0 postage. t October Term Wednesday, November 20, 2013 9:55 AM County Auditor Sam Yarnell presented the Federal Forfeiture discretionary funds with a projected revenue of $ 40,000.00 for 2014, but the Sheriff budgeted conservatively at $20,000.00. Sheriff Kyle said these grant funds are decreasing each year and number of federal inmates are down and the county inmates have increased. County Auditor Sam Yarnell presented the Law Enforcement Fund which is another discretionary fund that is reimbursed by the federal government and currently they are two months behind. Major Cathey said he anticipates the funds arriving at the end of the month. County Auditor Sam Yarnell presented the C.C.W. discretionary fund which continues to grow. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked the Sheriff if this is a reasonable expectation for these funds. Sheriff Kyle said the numbers are what he expects. County Auditor Sam Yarnell said the beginning balance for the Sheriff was $ 116,880.69 and the year end shows a negative $67,319.31. Ms. Yarnell said there is $ 825,000.00 left in the Building Bond Retirement Fund. Ms. Yarnell said if the Sheriff uses $ 378,000.00 this year there will be a remainder of $ 200,000.00 that will carry over to meet their 2014 budket. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said he told the Sheriff that they would split the amount and if they don't use it they can use it to supplement their deficiency. Commissioner Lapaglia said we will transfer $ 500,000 from County Revenue and $ 640,000.00 from Building Bond and we take the money we saved this year and roll it over to next year2014. 21Page 5 October Term Wednesday, November 20, 2013 9:55 AM Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said the sheriff and he met and they agreed if the Sheriff can make it through to 2015, when the building bond note is paid off, there will be some relief in 2015. Sheriff Joey Kyle stated the additional law enforcement tax in 2015 will bring us up to where we need to be but nothing excessve. Sheriff Kyle stated he is expecting an increase in medical costs for the inmates. Sheriff Kyle said we have to provide healthcare to all inmates. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said we may have people breaking the law just to have a place to stay and food to eat. Sheriff Kyle has requested that four employees that are supervisors be brought to the same level of pay as the other supervisors. Sheriff Kyle presented this to the Commission to be included in the 2014 budget. Sheriff Kyle said the total cost to raise everyone to the supervisor pay would be $ 18,000.00 for the year 2014. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked Sheriff Kyle, Major Brian Cathey, and Major C.E. Wells, can you live with this budget. Commissioner Lapaglia said it will be very difficult to alter your budget in 2014 all expenditures must be reviewed carefully so you can live within your budget. Sheriff Kyle said the 2014 budget will be much more stringent because of the increased operating costs particularly medical and food costs for the inmates. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter noted the revenues are down by a quarter of a million in the Sheriff's budget. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the 2014 Sheriff's budget. Sheriff Kyle expressed his gratitude to the County Auditor's for her assistance with the 2014 budget. ----- 31Page r October Term Wednesday, November 20, 2013 9:55 AM 0 RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett III. Adiournment The meeting was closed at 10:29 AM The scheduled agenda for Wednesday, November 20, 2013, was completed and the Commission adjourned and will reconvene Thursday, November 21, 2013. 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N 48 8/&12@8828 8&1 3/ W N P,ingppooppoppp P 9 4; N jo MMEE;EMEZES®bt 82 Q § .(a cy,p*popp000000 1 obbobbhobbooo & e AN 0000000000000 01 0 01 N G .P --1 C 32 9 W -4 AN o cn 0*git¢tfleg>ijabit Christian County Commission 100 West Church St Room 100 Ozark MO 65721 October Term http://ChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:55 AM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 8:55 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia · :Atteifdee Name 167 1 :, 4%. . ,; c 4:, Titlel . f1 (f"L'.? I Statiis 2 12.Arrivid 1.1 Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 8:55 AM Cheryl Mitchell Assistant Present 8:55 AM II. Agenda Motion/Vote - 8:55 AM Kay Brown-County Clerk Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes & Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell. The County Commission reviewed and approved the minutes for November 20, 2013. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called a motion to approve the minutes. There were no financials presented. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: iLou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill BArnett Motion/Vote - 9:00 AM Tom Lawson-Human Resources Discussion - CERF Compensation Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Benefits Administrator Holly Burnette, Robert Palmer, Recorder Kelly Hall, Collector Ted Nichols and Treasurer Karen Matthews. The County Commission met with Chief Deputy Payroll Clerk Tom Lawson to discuss renewing the CERF County contribution for January 1, 2014. Tom lawson presented the CERF application renewal for 2014. Mr. Lawson presented 3 his information regarding the mandatory four percent that is withheld from the payroll for all employees that were hired after February 25,2002. All county employees hired 1, October Term Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:55 AM prior to February 25,2002, have nothing withheld from their pay check. Mr. Lawson said this action discriminates against the employees and causes increased financial burden. The County has one time in the year to change the CERF designation. He presented the background over the past ten years and the reason why we should consider changing this in the future. Mr. Lawson presented the 2003 annual report of 3.8 million in revenue which has increased in 2013 to 9.4 million. Tom Lawson presented a comparison of the two associate commissioners between the two employees that were hired before and after Feb. 25,2002. Mr. Lawson said the bottom line is one employee contributes nothing and another contributes every pay check and both receive the same benefit. Treasurer Karen Matthews said everyone sitting on the board that made this decision were hired prior to Feb. 25,2002. Ted Nichols said the CERF program was increasing the number of employees in the program and could not adequately fund it. The State Legislature voted to have the employees pay 4% to keep the program solvent. Robert Palmer stated how many years will take for the last county employee to retire before this law will be changed. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called a motion to keep the same level of compensation for the CERF retirement program RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 9:30 AM Travis Miller-Citizen Discussion - Building Code Committee Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Building Inspector Bob Barnhart, Travis Miller and Robert Palmer. The County Commission met with Travis Miller to discuss having him serve on the Building Code Committee. 21Page ('1 October Term Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:55 AM Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter said there was a resignation on the Building Code Committee board and needed to select a new committee person. Commissioner Weter asked for recommendations from Bob Barnhart and contacted Rock Solid for some recommendations. Commissioner Weter said Travis Miller was recommended. Mr. Miller said he has been a home builder since 2004 and serves as the secretary to the Home Builders Association. He lives in Nixa and his children attend Nixa Schools. Mr. Miller said he would be interested in assisting the county by serving on the Building Code Committee Commissioner Weter said the next Building Code Committee meeting is scheduled for December 5th, 2013. Commissioner Weter said the committee is to develop building codes that are consistent with the urban areas in the county. Mr. Miller said it is frustrating as a builder to have to work the various codes by each entity. Bob Palmer asked if the committee will be bringing anyone to the board that has experience with the international building codes. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said this is not an intense job that is held monthly but is very important. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called a motion to approve Travis Miller to serve as a member of the Building Code Committee. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 10:00 AM Joey Kyle-Sheriff Bid Opening - Bid Opening-Inmate Medical Services The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Captain Brian Gillman, Lieutenant Brandon Bressie and County Auditor Sam Yarnell. The County Commission met with Captain Brian Gillman, and Lieutenant Brandon Bressie to open bids for the inmate medical services from the following companies: 31Page 3 October Term Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:55 AM Bid #1 Complete Care, LLC, Carthage, Missouri Total Cost is $ 200,000.00 annually For 88 hours per week forthe nurse and includes the doctor. Bid #2 County Healthcare, LLC Ozark, Missouri Total Cost $ 245,247.60 for the annual cost for 98 hours per week The bid solicitation specified 98 hrs/week for the nurse. Captain Gillman will give a recommendation to the County Commission on December . 5th, 2013 at 9:00am Lou suggested take the two weeks and choose which is the best choice Presiding Commissioner made a motion to consider the bids on December 5th, 2013 at 9:00a.m.. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner- 1 SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner c W AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett U Motion/Vote - 2:00 PM Beth Schaller-MoDot Discussion - Monthly Update The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell The County Commission met Beth Schaller for the monthly update from the Missouri Department of Transportation said she spoke with cities on the OTO tour and the cities have Highway 14 as a priority for the future highway improvements. Ms. Schaller said next year MODOT is planning to do a two foot shoulderfrom Marionville to Highway W. Ms. Schaller said they are doing preliminary work at the intersection of Highway 14 and Cheyenne Road. III. Adjournment The meeting was closed at 2:35 PM The scheduled agenda for Thursday, November 21, 2013, was completed and the Commission adjourned and will reconvene Monday, November 25, 2013. 04441 Ah hA A 1-3 r 77 Presiding Commissineruou Lapaglia f 41Page $ 3 October Term Thursday, Ioyember 21293 8:55 AM Eastern Commissioner, Ray Weter ¥q/119*3 Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett 0 51Page Christian County Commission 100 West Church St, Room 100 Ozark, MO 65721 October Term http://ChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Monday, November 25, 2013 8:50 AM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 8:50 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia Attendee'Name 92 ' ' -». e.+ Title t. 3: F' k'' r. 1300-699-,2166 Phone Fax bvt?/1';Ams a loinj\'MFO,2. COM Email address Page 17 of 17 0 tf*.pidka¢Pdifill : k+21% 'I!271&. 0€12.4:art'Q < CHEIgPIAN COUNTY Lou Lapaglia D-ciA;.0 ran,mia.InnA COMMIMION Bill Barnett Western Commissioner 100 W. Church arcet. Doom 100 Omt Miggari 65721 Ray Weter Phone: 417-581-2112• fax: 417-581-5924 Eastern Commissioner · November 25, 2013 Mike Blankenship TCI Tires 2725 N. Eastgate Springfield, MO 65803 0 Dear Mike, You may recall, the Christian County Commission awarded the bid for truck and tractor tires tol j Tires for the 2012 budget year, with the option of renewing for up to six additional years. Toda3 6; the Commissioners voted to award the 2014 truck and tractor tire contract to TCI forthe year 8 ending December 31, 2014. We appreciate doing business with you. 6229-0#- 4 04 Bill Barnett LGAL-ap-ag'd f (/ Ray Weller Western Commissioner Presiding Commissioner Eastern Commissioner 0 Website: www.christiancountymo,gov Email: countycommission@christiancountymo.gov .*I '"*0*'2..'%+>09;4<11 lepdoketfg·>-25 O Printed on Recycled Paper *I **# Ide' »Ii'f. 44*iat.k CHQI&TIAN COUNTY Lou Lapaglia 3 A ./.lu,15 ./wilui-00'vil. f y vil- COMM[66ION Bill Barnett 100 W. Church arcet, Qoom 100 Western Commissioner - Ozark Mascot'i 65721 Ray Weter Phone: 417-581-2112 •Fax: 417-5869924 Eastern Commissioner November 25, 2013 Aaron Peck Unifirst 2244 N. Bolivar Road Springfield, MO 65803 3 You may recall, the Christian County Commission awarded the bid for Uniform Service for Count E offices in 2012, with the option of renewing for up to six additional one year periods. Today the & Commissioners voted to extend the Uniform Services bid to Unifirst for the year ending Decemb @ 31, 2014. We appreciate doing business with you. 2 A£4 -c*#GY'd- gUA (Di Bill Barnett Lod Lapagliaj 0/ Ray Welfer Western Commissioner Presiding Commissioner Eastern Commissioner 0 Website: www.christiancountymo.gov Email: countycommission@ohristiancountymo.gov O Printed on Recycled Paper ¢*Rik#il{*tlft? t *iff?4,3%4 NANION 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 & 6, & & & igES Kils 4,0 6 60 6 &°829 iggag to' m' CA Oil ED 995 Cle C C C CS C 2 2 2 23 - 01 lueu - 01 jueu lueu rent t 20080 025*, 9 El * 10 -1 -0 0 4;401 0 0 e O CnN+SA -4 cn Noo * p CD p N 01 = 0 0 01 Co N 29031 Nkthin M N 4 00 A N 9)*>le 0000 0000 Ac ual UU UUL UUU b UU U 1,141,900.00 Approved 2013 UU UUA UPL E 00'OES'000' L 00'001»6 atzY#$2 00'00046 00 Requested 2014 0 0 0 Cl.5-'855%15,'1115*,0.: *+A)4**°2-1.'- 2#Eacket:Pgd1414 0{ 4 4.44.5.% W.M W.-:M.·.+ 9 - A. h7 * Christian County Commission 100 West Church St, Room 100 Ozark MO 65721 October Term http://ChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Monday, December 2, 2013 8:40 AM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 8:40 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia Attendee-Naiheti. .C. ': C' L .· .21 -Title.. * 't ._ . f.,+L 'i"Sibtus. " ''-i.Ar'Fi,ied » Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 8:40 AM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 8:40 AM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 8:40 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 8:40 AM Cheryl Mitchell Assistant Present 8:40 AM II. Agenda Motion/Vote - 8:40 AM Kay Brown-County Clerk Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes & Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Mike Middleton and Bob 3 Becker with MODot and Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young. The minutes from November 25,2013 have not been reread and there were no financials to present. Motion/Vote - 8:45 AM Kay Brown-County Clerk Bid Opening - Bid Opening-2014 Voter Canvassing ' The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Mike Middleton and Bob Becker with MODot, Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young. The County Commission met with County Clerk Kay Brown to open bids for the 2014 Voter Canvass. There was one bid received from Edward J. Rice Company, Incorporated located in Springfield, Missouri. The total cost of the voter canvass is $ 15,736.98. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to award the bid to Edward J. Rice Company for a total cost of $ 15,736.98. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - - Contract to be Signed by Presiding Commissioner 0 October Term Monday, December 2, 2013 8:40 AM Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked who will sign the contract. There was one line provided for a signature. County Clerk Kay Brown said all contracts should be signed by the Presiding Commissioner. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter called for a motion to amend the previous motion to include having the contract signed by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 9:00 AM Michael Middleton-MoDot Discussion - Winter Operations Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Mike Middleton, Bob Becker, Quinton Taylor, Bret Hicks with MODOT and Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young. Michael Middleton thanked the Commission for the opportunity to present the procedure MODOT uses to handle inclement weather. Mr. Middleton said MODOT has reduced employees by 1,600 and has closed several road barns throughout the state in an effort to live within their means. Mr. Middleton said the state is operating in a maintenance mode such as the overlays on Highways 65 and 60. Mr. Middleton stated there is a defined winter operations schedule that serves 80 percent of the heaviest volume of traffic on Highway's 160, NN, 65 and 14. The truck fleet was reduced by 20 trucks for a total number of 300 trucks for snow removal and salt spreading for the state. Mr. Middleton said the state will be using beet juice mixed with salt and aggregate to help spread the ice further to save money. Mr. Middleton said the price of salt is $ 60.00 per ton. The state will spend approximately $ 16,000.00 per hour for a total cost of approximately 8 million dollars. Mr. Middleton stated in inclement weather the fleet runs 24 hours. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked what can the county do to assist MODOT. Mr. Middleton said we need our people in Missouri to work with us to approve funding to continue the maintenance and improvements needed for Highway CC and 14. Mr. Middleton said he needed to have one person to email or send a text message to ensure we are working together when the storms come. He also encouraged the road districts when they have their trucks out cleaning the roads go ahead and drop a plow if the state road crews haven't been through an area. There are some times when it will be a long route and it takes a long time before they can clear the road. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter expressed his appreciation to Mr. Middleton for his informative presentation. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia expressed his appreciation for relaying the information. 21Page 4 October Term Monday, December 2, 2013 8:40 AM 0 Motion/Vote - 1:30 PM Jami Wightman Discussion - Timberlake Subdivision Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Homeowners: Ken Thrasher, Troy and Melissa Egan, John and Candice Stump, Rick Smith, Trent Plank, Doug Arnold, Carl Biando, Jami Wightman, Leah Black, Steve Townsend, Benjamin Gillam, Del Purtee and Elaine Johnson. The Timberlake Subdivision homeowners presented a letter that was sent several years ago from Western Commissioner Bill Barnett to the Timberlake Subdivision regarding the deficiencies in the road. A date was not present on the letter so the meaning of the content was in question. The homeowners argue that the letter shows the roads were approved. The County Commission does not accept that argument and feel that the letter is referencing deficiencies in the road that need to be corrected before the road can be accepted. Spencer Jones stated we need to establish a time line and the letter references Great River Engineering and their name was changed to Great River Associates. Mr. Jones stated this letter was done prior to when the road was completed. A letter dated 10-14-04 was distributed by Julia Maples. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter advised the Commission and audience that the letter was signed by Eastern Commissioner Tom 0 Chudomelka. The subject of the letter was the deficiencies that needed to be corrected and the county's decision declining to accept the road. The undated letter has Eastern Commissioner Tom Huffs signature and references the deficiencies and requirements. Commissioner Weter feels that these two letters and the signatures, dates, and comments establish the time line and address an existing road and do not indicate county acceptance of the road prior to its construction. Spencer Jones said Great River Engineering did not inspect the roads in the Timberlake Subdivision. There was no contract signed by the county or the developer. The developer was notified of the deficiencies in the roads and never finished the roads. Elaine Johnson asked wouldn'tthe developer be required to have approval from ati the various entities of the county such as planning and zoning and shouldn't the contractor be called onto uphold whatever is signed and roads should be part of it. Spencer Jones said the developer called to have someone inspect the roads. The developer presented the findings to the earthwork and paving contractors and there was a dispute over who is responsible to fix the roads. The contractors could not reach an agreement so nothing ever was resolved. Jami Wightman said it is not right that the homeowners have to incur the costs of the road repairs. D Jami Wightman said the property owners asked Spencer Jones to attend a meeting of 18 of the 21 property owners. 31Page , t. October Term Monday, December 2, 2013 840 AM D Jami Wightman said they asked Spencer Jones for a cost breakdown of the road repairs for a double coat chip and seal. Jami Wightman said the estimate was $ 300,000. Jami Wightman said after the meeting the 18 homeowners prepared a proposal. Ms.Wightman presented the proposal to the County Commission and to Spencer Jones. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter said there will be additional costs for engineering. Jami Wightman said the homeowners met with a contractor and he quoted the project for $ 120,000 for three inches of hot mix without any sub grade work. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia stated you don't want to put hot mix over a poor sub grade. The sub grade is the foundation of the road. Spencer Jones said the areas where there is surface erosion have been there for six years. Spencer Jones cautioned the homeowners that you don't know what you have until you uncover the surface. Jami Wightman said we won't be able to do the road by the county's standards. Spencer Jones estimated the road construction and nothing else to be approximately $ 225,000.00. Jami Wightman said County can take care of the sub grade and the homeowners will take care of the pavement. 0 Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter reminded the attendees that the county could not expend funds on a private road and the road is indeed still a private road. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said there is no obstacle that cannot be worked around but the statute prohibits the county from spending money on a private road. Spencer Jones suggested where the sub grade is not failing it would not have to be removed. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett suggested doing a compression test to determine the condition of the sub grade. Carson Elliff said there is a 25% margin for reserve fund and with the engineering and four inches of pavement he estimates the cost to run around $ 375,000.00. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said the total cost per year for $ 375,000 would be divided into 20 equal principal payments and multiplied by 4 percent for each property owner. The homeowners, Spencer Jones, and the County Commission agreed to do a compression test on the road to determine how much sub grade work is needed. Spencer Jones said he would do a compression test and to give estimates for hot mix and chip and seal based on the findings of the test. Motion/Vote - 2:46 PM Kelly Hall-Recorder of Deeds Bid Decision - Bid Decision-Plat Map Cabinet 4-IP age October Term Monday, December 2, 2013 8:40 AM 0 The County Commission met with Recorder of Deeds Kelly Hall fora recommendation to award the Plat Map Cabinetto. Recorder Kelly Hall recommended to the County Commission to award the Plat Cabinet bid to U.S. Records of Missouri for a total cost of $ 7,481.00 installed. Ms. Hall said U.S. Records of Missouri bid was one thousand dollars higher than the other bid but they met the specifications of the bid, the other bidder did not. The bid stated the cabinet will be delivered and installed. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the bid proposal from US Records of Missouri for the cabinet for $ 7,481.00. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 2:45 PM Todd Wiesehan-Planning & Development Discussion - Right of Way-Olga Road Common I Road District The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell and Todd Wiesehan Planning and Zoning Administrator. The County Commission met with Todd Wiesehan Planning and Zoning Administrator to review 0 the Right-of-Way Deed for Olga Road to transfer additional right-of-way easement on the north side of Olga Road to the Common 1 Road District. The Grantor's are Linda and Virgil Lansdown. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - - Emergency Motion to Approve Payment of $ 2500 For County Remonumentation Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called an emergency meeting to approve the County Surveyor to do the remonumentation of the County's four corner boundary's for $ 2,500.00. Commissioner Lapaglia was advised by the County Surveyor that today is the last day to complete the remonumentation for the county for a total cost $ 2,500.00. Commissioner Lapaglia said the Department of Agriculture will be pay the remaining $ 2,500.00. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the payment of $ 2,500.00 for the County Surveyor to measure and certify the county's boundary lines. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett 0 - 51Page 0 October Term Monday, December 2, 2013 840 AM Motion/Vote - 3:00 AM Christian County Commission Discussion - Pre Bid Meeting-Riverdowns West Subdivision The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Tony Murawski, Mel Eakins and Spencer Jones of Great River Associates, Mike Burris Sewer Operator, Robin Thomas, Lew Davis, Treasurer, Richard Eddie President of the Homeowners Association, Tim Shultz Central Power Systems, Matt Stallcup of Stallcup Excavation, Doug Stanage of Ridge Hill Contractors and Mr. Davis of Davis Structure and Development Corporation and Jared Wheaton of Schultz and Summers Engineering. The County Commission met with Mel Eakins to host the pre-bid meeting for the Riverdowns West Subdivision treatment plant facility. Mr. Eakins presented the pre-bid information and read the pre-bid agenda. Mr. Eakins said the bid opening will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 19, 2013 at the Commission Office. Jared Wheaton the Schultz said the current construction permit just expired and a new permit will be issued to construct the facility. There were several questions from the audience such as: demolition of the existing plant, bad weather days allowed in the 90 day completion date, will the transformer need to be moved prior to construction, the total completion of the grounds cannot be finished until spring and what happens to the existing pads and drainage areas. 3 Jared Wheaton said they will discuss the questions and get back with the engineers. Mr. Wheaton said the contractor will be responsible to take out all the structure including concrete, gut the equipment, remove the waste water and do backfill. Mel Eakins said we will clarify the definition of a weather day within the 90 day construction window. Jared Wheaton said the existing plant operation will continue until the new plant is in operation before the existing plant is removed. Spencer Jones asked if the funding been secured and is there anything that will hold up the process. Mel Eakins said they will take all comments and questions from this meeting and prepare an addendum to address these comments and issue addenda as necessary. III. Adjournment The meeting was closed at 4:00 PM The scheduled agenda for Monday, December 2, 2013, was completed and the Commission adjourned and will reconvene Thursday, December 5, 2013. 3 6 1-p-G- r Ch October Term Mnday, December 2, 2013 8:40 AM /210622>Ok 10 ck , -11 / Presiding Commissron*, Lou LEipaglia Eastern Commissione Ray Weter 62* cEo.uo:t-- Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett 0 -FIPage Christian County Commission 100 West Church St, Room 100 Ozark MO 65721 October Term http:UChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:25 AM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 8:25 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia Attendee Name:-*Mafk Y *.ar - Titlek ' '' 30.1,1524.. UStatus-' t> .Arrived Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Absent Norma Ryan Chief Deputy County Clerk Present Julia Maples Administrative Assistant Present IL Agenda Motion/Vote - 8:25 AM Kay Brown-County Clerk Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes & Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Auditor Sam Yarnell and Carson Elliff. Commissioner Lapaglia requested a motion to approve the minutes for 11/4, 11/7, andll/25 and Court Order #11-27-2013 to transfer $ 226,800.00 to the Sheriff's Department. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter ABSENT: Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 8:30 AM Carson Elliff-Attorney Discussion - Stonehollow Subdivision The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Spencer Jones from Great River Engineering, Planning and Development Administrator Todd Wiesehan, John Hatch of Stoneshollow subdivision and Elza Campbell Road Commissioner of the Selmore Special Road District. The Commission met with Attorney Carson Elliff to discuss Stonehollow Subdivision. Carson Elliff stated he understood that a meeting was held with Selmore Special Road District to discuss continued maintenance on Stonehollow Subdivision. 1. D October Term Wednesday, November 27,2013 8:25 AM Elza Campbell said if the road was brought up to standard and re-leveled that they would take it over and maintain it. Spencer Jones said he met with Darrell Mrotek and discussed some issues that might need to be addressed such as, an aggregate base initially, allow it to settle for the winter and at a later date for the final chip and seal. This is the road condition that the Selmore Special District made the decision to take the road. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said we can only go out for 1 bid on the Neighborhood Improvement District. Carson Elliff said there's a way to have a temporary note for the financing and a total after the second bid. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked if the subdivision was ok with the amount of about $257,000. 0 Spencer Jones said it would go up to approximately $300,000. John Hatch said at $300,000 they are beyond their financial limits. Elza Campbell stated there are two whistles that need to be extended and some repairs. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia commented that we don't know interest rates, attorney fees, and engineering fees. Carson Elliff said we are on the edge or out of the project's financial feasibility. Spencer Jones said the time factor adds some cost for the final layer. Carson Elliff said before we do this we should meet with the homeowners. D 21Page 0 October Term Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:25 AM John Hatch said they are paying $10,000 each to right a wrong that they should not be responsible for. Spencer Jones said the $250,000 is the contractor's estimate until we bid it out and this is with the countygrand fathering the chip and seal. John Hatch said Darrell Mrotek was certain $257,000 would do it and now they are adding more to the bid. Elza Campbell said a couple of areas need to be dug out to keep from building up the surface. Spencer Jones said bonding was not included, so a 10% contingency is not excessive. Mr. Jones said the up front estimate always goes up. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter asked if we could move forward with the NID and if the estimate is more than they anticipated what would happen? 0 Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapagia said the alternative is send out the bid and if they come in over $257,000 then it will go to the homeowners; if they deny it the NID is gone. Commissioner Lapaglia asked the homeowners do they want to bid or not. John Hatch said the homeowners are not happy with the $10,000 let alone having to come up with more. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said the Commission are proud of Selmore Special Road District for taking this on. Commissioner Lapaglia asked, before we proceed, do you want to talk to the homeowners. John Hatch said they won't go any more so what will the county do forthem? Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter said what they have done is grandfather the chip and seal. The bottom line is we don't have the road deeded to the county. There is little we can do. The bond should not have been released. 0 Todd Wiesehan said it is not an obligation for the county to hold the bond. 31Page 0 October Term Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:25 AM Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked if we are talking about doing the counties portion. Elza Campbell said it is an 1/8th of mile and 30-40% is in Common 2 Road District 2 and 60% is in Selmore Special Road but all of it is in the NID it is just who maintains each portion. Selmore Special and Common 2 Road Districts have agreed to accept the chip and seal. There is nothing the county can do if it is private roads. Todd Wiesehan said the intent is the road be brought up to county standards. Spencer Jones said the bond money is to ensure a road is built so the homeowners will have access to the lots. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said if it is $300,000.00, it will cost around $600 a year per homeowner for the 20 years, if you could do it for $300,000. John Hatch asked if Darrell Mrotek will come off $257,000 bid? Spencer said Darrell Mrotek is being generous in his estimate but won't sign contract for a firm $257,000 today. John Hatch asked when the $20,000 bond released was the road up to the county's standard? The county has never been approached about taking the road over. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter commented that we are at the point of approving the NID or asking the homeowners to amended petition. Elza Campbell said that Selmore Special Road District voted to maintain the roads and the minutes will be sent to the Commission. Spencer Jones asked if you want to bid and hope it comes in below or do you start over if is comes in over what you can support. Spencer Jones will puttogether the bid package and if accepted he will get compensated. 0 October Term Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:25 AM John Hatch asked about the bond. Spencer Jones said the bond has been addressed and Selmore Special would like one bid for the preliminary work and another bid for the chip and seal to be done,in the spring. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked and if they come in over the estimate will they go back to the homeowners. Carson Elliff said they are over the way it is now. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter asked if we are at the point where we need to refer this back to the homeowners? John Hatch was interested at the $600 a year based on $300,000. John Hatch said if he could go back to the homeowner and say it will cost $60-$70 a month they might approve a new petition. Carson Elliff said he thinks it will be closer to $350,000. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter said the homeowners will have to direct to the commission what they want to do. Carson Elliff said he thinks they will have to go back for an amended petition, at $350,000, that comes out to $700 a year plus 5% interest which will is $735.00 a year. John Hatch said for $62 a month we can get new roads. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked Carson and Spencer are you comfortable with John presenting this figure of $350,000, to the homeowners? John Hatch thought the homeowners would be open to it. Carson Elliff said we need to get the petition signed, plans and specs, public notice and go for bid, because we are moving in to the first of the year. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter asked at what point can they decide this is a bad idea. 51Page 3 October Term Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:25 AM Carson Elliff said right now if they don't sign the petition or if they get a bid they can't live with. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said they will talk to the people over the holiday and get back to Carson. Commissioner Lapagra said the figure for $375,000 to be safe, would be $62.50. Commissioner Lapaglia asked John Hatch to speak with the homeowners and get back to Carson, the petition will need 2/3 or better to agree to $375,000. Motion/Vote - 9:30 AM Amy Fite-Prosecutor Discussion - Donated Vehicle Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. The Commission met with Prosecuting Attorney Amy Fite and J.J. Goulbourne regarding a donated vehicle. Amy Fite said Mr Goulboure said the Ozark Police have offered to donate a vehicle they are taking out of commission to the Prosecutor's Office. 3 Amy Fite asked would the county be willing to take title to the vehicle if the sheriff will be responsible for maintenance and the Prosecutor be responsible for the gas. Ms. Fite said when J.J. gets the letter he will bring it to the Commission and then they will get the title and then it can be insured by the County Auditor. The county will absorb the car on the behalf of the Prosecuting Attorney. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia requested a motion to accept the vehicle from the Ozark Police department and the car that JJ is currently driving will be taken out of service. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Lou Lai)aglia, Presiding Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter ABSENT: Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - Christian County Commission Minutes & Financials Approval - Transfer of Funds for County Law Enforcement The meeting was cancelled. Motion/Vote - 10:45 AM Joey Kyle-Sheriff 0 Discussion - Vehicle Discussion 61Page -- .6 October Term Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:25 AM The meeting was attended by the Commission Secretary Julia Maples. The Commission met with Sheriff Joey Kyle regarding vehicles. The sheriff would like to propose to trade a surplus military vehicle that they have with a value of $3500 dollars for training with a value of $7000. It is a training for a natural disaster. The training will be an 8 hour seminar and everything is provided for. The training will be free of cost to the other agencies. Lou entertained a motion to exchange 500511 title number 1993 AM General 2 and 1/2 ton to trade for $7000 worth of training. Lou entenained another motion to extend the contract for auto work to Ozark Auto Group for one additional year ending April 26, 2014. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Lou Lapaglia, Presiding Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter ABSENT: Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - - Extend contract for Ozark Auto Group The contract for auto work will extend for one additional year ending April 26, 2014. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] 3 MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Lou Lapaglia, Presiding Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter ABSENT: Bill Barnett III. Adjournment The meeting was closed at 10:55 AM The scheduled agenda for Wednesday, November 27, 2013, was completed and the- Commission adjourned and will reconvene Monday, December 2, 2013. 79,<.25;< eN-- Pres}tling Commissionet#tulapaglia 0cki 61 71Page 3 October Term Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:25 AM Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter -/* A.ImbL Western Commissioner Bill Barnett 3 0 81Page ¢4*{SErli 3 CERTIFIED COURT ORDER # 11-27-2013-01 STATE OF MISSOURI F SS. COUNTY OF CHRISTIAN October 2013 Term, In the Christian County Commission of said County, on the 27th day of November 2013, the following, among other proceedings, were had, viz: The Treasurer is hereby ordered to transfer in the amount of $ 42,220.00 from County Revenue to the following: COLE (Leaving a balance of $ 0.00) The Treasurer is hereby ordered to transfer in the amount of $ 184,580.00 from Building Bond to the following: COLE (Leaving a balance of $ 193,420.00) 3 f , le,u-,7 /19/ ' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have Youapaglia, PA©0 40 COMunissioner hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Commission, at my office in Christian County this, the 27th day Bill Barnett. Western Commissioner ofNovember. 2013. . . -1 LI_120p 44 3,- Ray WetertEastem Commissioner Clerk offhe Christian County Commission 2*914#*d.*31 4907549§1 Er€>·Lils,%9; CHEI6TIAN COUNTY- Lou Lapaglia 0 Presiding Commissione COMMIANON Bill Barnett Western Commissioner 100 W. Chutrh areet 12oom le Ozark Miagouri 65721 Ray Weter Phone: 417-581-2112 • Fax: 417-581-5924 Eastern Commissioner November 27, 2013 Mark Wolansky Ozark Auto Group 2450 N. Biagio Street Ozark, MO 65721 Dear Mr. Wolansky, 73 . In April of 2012 the County awarded Ozark Auto Group the bid for our "Full Service Vendor" to : purchase used vehicles with custom police packages, sell or trade older models for in kind sen/k E and demil county fleet vehicles. The service also included parts and same day service on engine 5 transmission installs, body repair, and detailing. The bid option was to renew for two additiona one year periods. A Therefore, we have voted today to award the contract to Ozark Auto Group for an additional ye pending our receipt of a current copy of your certificate of liability insurance showing adequate @ coverage provisions. Our contract will expire April 26, 2014, at which time the county will consider another one year M option. We have enjoyed our working relationship and look forward to doing business with you 0 again in 2014. Sincerely, " 1 A 1 t Pel¢1 -AJOY< Lou'Lapaglia ) U Bill Barnett Ray Wete Presiding Commissioner Western Commissioner Eastern Commissioner 0 Website: www,christiancountymo.gov Email: countycommission@christiancountymo,gov 43 Printed on Recycled Paper 10»*1#*Elwo»€147i« Christian County Commission 100 West Church St, Room 100 Ozark MO 65721 October Term http:UChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Thursday, December 5, 2013 8:55 AM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 8:55 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia Attehdee Name 'J r i ' ntle Status; 3 Arrived - Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 8:55 AM Julia Maples Administrative Assistant Present 8:55 AM II. Agenda Motion/Vote - 8:55 AM Kay Brown-County Clerk Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Major C.E. Wells. 3 The County Commission reviewed the minutes for December 2, 2013. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the minutes. There were no financials presented. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner - SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 9:00 AM Joey Kyle-Sheriff Bid Decision - Bid Decision-Inmate Healthcare The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Major C.E. Wells. The County Commission met with Sheriff Kyle and Major C.E. Wells to make a decision for the inmate healthcare. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia would like to post pone this decision due to concerns he has for the management of the inmate healthcare. Commissioner Lapaglia received a phone call from Davis Dental that some claims have not been paid for the inmates dental care. Commissioner Lapaglia had requested that Ms. Libby be at the October Term Thursday, December 5, 2013 8:55 AM meeting but she did not attend. Commissioner Lapaglia does not want the County's credit rating to be effected by these unpaid bills. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to postpone this decision to Thursday December 12 at 10:15 a.m. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 9:15 AM Joey Kyle-Sheriff Discussion - Judicial Facility Key Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Circuit Clerk Barb Stillings and Major C.E. Wells. The County Commission met with Sheriff Kyle and Major C.E. Wells to discuss keys for the Justice Center. Sheriff Kyle said a key was lost to the front door of the Justice Center and the cost to replace the keys and or change the locks is very expensive. Sheriff Kyle said that Circuit Judge Orr gave the responsibility of the keys to him. Sheriff Kyle said a new locking system has been installed for the exterior front doors and he would prefer having a minimal number of keys distributed for security purposes. Sheriff Kyle would prefer everyone use the side door to better secure the building. Commission Secretary Julia Maples met with each of the department heads to determine the number of keys needed for the front door. Ms. Maples said 63 keys are needed. Circuit Clerk Barb Stillings expressed her concerns that she wasn't notified of the change and she needs keys for her staff. The Sheriff recommended the keys be numbered and assigned to each individual and that a master list for signatures be kept for key control. Sheriff Kyle requested that each department be in charge of selecting the individuals that will have a key and each designee sign for a numbered key. 2 f PagW 72 October Term Thursday, December 5,2013 8:55 AM Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said the county will pay for the numbering system. Commissioner Lapaglia asked Sheriff Kyle if he would go to every department head and get the list of names, number the keys and have each key holder sign the list. Sheriff Kyle agreed to the terms. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to have Sheriff Kyle contact each department head, determine the number of keys needed, number all the keys and have all designated key holders to sign off on the key list. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett III. Adiournment The meeting was closed at 9:40 AM The scheduled agenda for Thursday, December 5, 2013, was completed and the Commission adjourned and will reconvene Monday, December 9, 2013. CP*41 -6 Presiding CommiA!**r, Lou Lapaglia 41(0.9 1 Eastern Cammissioner, Ray Weter 022 € orad Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett 31Page U Christian County Commission 100 West Church St, Room 100 ozark MO 65721 October Term http:UChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Thursday, December 12, 2013 8:40 AM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 8:40 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia *ttendee Namet, . lit :- e ···' 49 - Title :.. 4.· .j, Pf.>Status' 2 , 4%Arilifed, ' Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 8:40 AM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 8:40 AM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 8:40 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 8:40 AM Cheryl Mitchell Assistant Present 8:40 AM IL Agenda 1 Motion/Vote - 8:40 AM Kay Brown-County Clerk Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes & Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell. 0 The County Commission reviewed and approved the minutes for November 14th, December 5th, 9th, 2013. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the minutes. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - - Approve the HIDA Grant 24 Month Lease The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell. The County Commission approved a 24 month lease agreement for an automobile with Enterprise Fleet Management for a total cost of $ 29,995.12. The lease will be funded through the HIDA grant. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the lease agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management for $ 29,995.12, to be funded through the HIDA grant. •r October Term Thursday, December 12, 2013 8:40 AM RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett 8:40 AM - Prosecutor's Annual Report Meeting Postponed to 11:00 a.m. Today The County Commission was contacted by the Prosecutor to report that her presence was required elsewhere and the meeting scheduled for 9:00 a.m. should be postponed until 11:00 a.m. today. Motion/Vote - 8:45 AM Christian County Commission Discussion - 2014 Mileage Rates The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell. The County Commission approved the 2014 mileage rate of $ 0.56 per mile for reimbursement. The rate has decreased by.5 and will begin January 1, 2014. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the mileage rate of $ 0.56 for 2014. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUSI MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 9:30 AM Lara Fors-Greene County Prosecuting Attorneys Office Contract - Child Support Enforcement Contract Update The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Circuit Clerk Barb Stillings, and Assistant Prosecutor Attorney Kristen Tuohy. The County Commission met with Lara Fors from the Greene County Child Support Enforcement to review the regional contract with Greene, Taney and Christian County . for child support enforcement. Ms. Fors said the contract has changed from the previous year and will now be administered through the Missouri Office of Administration. The Office of Administration has drafted an agreement with the prosecutors as sub recipients and vendors. Ms. Fors said Greene County is the host county and will submit ail expenses to the Missouri Office of Administration for reimbursement. Ms. Fors said the contract is not clear on the funding so a Memorandum of Understanding was written by the county prosecutors that outlines what percentage each county is responsible for. Christian County will bear nineteen 0 percent of the cost. Ms. Fors said this is a three year contract that will begin January l, 2014 and will extend through December 31, 2016. Ms. Fors said the contract has an exit 2TPage October Term Thursday, December 12, 2013 840 AM clause which allows the county to cancel within 60 days with written notice. Ms. Fors said Christian County and Greene County Prosecutors have signed off on the contract and the Memorandum of Understanding. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter asked if this agreement is a statewide change for every county that has a shared responsibility. What percentage of the non reimbursable expenses will Christian County be responsible for. Lara Fors said Christian County would be nineteen percent responsible for any expenses incurred. Ms. Fors said she will perform the services with the funding she receives from the state and has been instructed by Greene County to stay within her budget. Lara Fors said all the counties have received the same contract and the percentage of the financial responsibility is listed for each county. The memorandum and the contract has been reviewed and signed by Prosecuting Attorney Amy Fite, Circuit Clerk Barb Stillings, Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia. Presiding Commissioner Lo Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the contract and the Memorandum of Understanding for child support enforcement. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 10:00 AM Joey Kyle-Sheriff Bid Opening - Bid Opening Excess Vehicles The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Ronny McHaffie and Jackie Howerton, Eddie Campbell, Sheriff Kyle and Captain C.E. Wells. The County Commission opened bids for excess vehicles from the following parties: 1. Hardscapes and More, LLC from Ozark, Missouri White Ford Crown Victoria $ 130.00, Chevrolet Impala $ 173.00, Teal Ford Crown Victoria $103.00 2. Ronny McHaffie, Fordland, MO. White Ford Crown Victoria 778.03, Chevrolet Impala 618.07, Teal Ford Crown Victoria 678.07 Ozark Body Works from Ozark White Ford Crown Victoria $ 1,351.00, Chevrolet Impala $ 511.31, Teal Ford Crown Victoria $ 601.00 3 1 Fage - October Term Thursday, December 12, 2013 8:40 AM The bids were awarded as follows: Ozark Body Works was awarded the White Ford Crown Victoria based on the highest bid of $ 1,351.00. Ronny McHaffie was awarded the Chevrolet Impala and the Teal Ford Crown Victoria based on high bids of $ 618.17 and $ 678.07 respectively. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 10:15 AM Joey Kyle -Sheriff Bid Decision - Bid Decision-Inmate Health Care The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Captain Brian Gillman, Sheriff Kyle, Major Brian Cathey and Major C.E. Wells. The County Commission met with Sheriff Kyle and Major C.E. Wells for a bid decision on the inmate healthcare. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter asked about the increase to 112 hours. Sheriff Kyle said he requested the hours be raised to 112. Libby Nichols said the healthcare staff is trained in the all the federal regulations and implications of the NCCHC and PRIA. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said he wants all bills incurred for medical care paid within thirty days. Major Wells recommended the County Commission award the inmate healthcare to CO. Healthcare, LLC for $ 259,236.24. Major Wells said they were the only company that met the requirements of the bid. Sheriff Kyle said the County Commission does have the option of rejecting all bids and rebidding the inmate healthcare. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to award the inmate healthcare to CO. Healthcare, LLC, for $ 259,236.24 for 2014. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 11:00 AM Amy Fite-Prosecutor Discussion - Annual Prosecutors Report 41Page October Term Thursday, December 12, 2013 8:40 AM The 9:00 meeting that was rescheduled was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Rance Burger reporter for the Springfield News-Leader, Donna Osborn reporter of the Christian County Headliner News. The County Commission met with Prosecuting Attorney Amy Fite for the Prosecutor's annual report. Ms. Fite presented a copy of the annual report which begins in 2003 and goes through November 31, 2013. The report indicates the number of felonies, misdemeanors, infractions, court orders, jury trials, bench trials, bad checks and restitution collected, referrals, tax cases, search warrants issued and preliminary hearings. Ms. Fite said Lacey Burk moved to the Victim Advocate position and assists Donovan Dobbs by collecting restitution on behalf of crime victims. The report shows the previous year of $ 212,258.09 collected and this year the amount has increased by $ 65,827.37, for a grand total collected of $278,085.46. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia noted an increase in the report of the number of crimes and asked what is causing the increase. Prosecutor Amy Fite said as the county grows in population crime will also increase. Ms. Fite said there has been the greatest increase in dwi's, alcohol, drug abuse and stealing. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett commended Amy Fite for her report that it was very thorough. Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter said he likes the format of the annual report. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia praised Prosecutor Amy Fite for her excellent work. III. Adiournment The meeting was closed at 11:30 AM The scheduled agenda for Thursday December 12th, 2013, was completed and the Commission adjourned and will reconvene Monday, December 16th, 2013. Prksiding Commitsi0er, Lou apaglia b»\( 41 51Page October Term Thursday, December 12, 2013 840 AM D Eastern Commissioner, Ray Weter 8 2 73(Ajmt--- Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett --1 61Page f: 0%66*P»"98:f ..7 21:aup Open-End (Equity) Lease Rate Quote Quote No: 246408! Inws nanagemeng Prepired For: Chlistlan County Sheriff's Office Date 12/06/2013 Cathey, Brian ABAM RBO Unit# Used Vehicle Starting Mileage 17000 Year 2013 Make Toyota Model 4Runner Series SR54dr 4x4 Vehicle Order Type Used Term 24 State MO Customer# 392292 $ 29,995.12 Capitalized Price of Vehiclel $ 2,074.72 * Ucense and Certain Other Charges State MO $84.50 * Initial License Fee $ 0.00 Registration Fee Order Information $0.00 Other Driver Name $ 0.00 Capitalized Price Reduction Extorlor Color S 0.00 * Tax on Capitalized Price Reduction Interlor Color $ 0.00 Gain Applied From Prior Unit Uc. Plate Typo Unknown $0.00 * Tax on Gain On Prior GVWR 0 $ 0.00 ' Security Deposit So.00 Extended Service Contract $ 29,995.12 Total Capitalized Amount (Delivered Price) S 614.90 Depreciation Reserve @ 2.0500% S 138.63 Monthly Lease Charge (Based on Interest Rate - Subject to a Floor)2 $ 753.53 Total Monthly Rental Excluding Additional Services Additional Fleet Management Master Policy Enrollment Fees $ 0.00 Commercial Automobile Uabillty Enrollment Liabillty Umit SO,00 $ 45.00 Physical Damage Management Comp/Coll Deductible 1000/ 1000 $ 0.00 Full Maintenance Programs Contract Miles 0 OverMileage Charge $ 0.00 Per Mile Incl: # Brake Sets (1 set = 1 Axle).0 # Tires 0 Loaner Vehicle Not Included $45.00 Additional Services SubTotal $ 0.00 Use Tax O.0000% State $ 798.53 Total Monthly Rental Including Additional Services S 15,237.52 Reduced Book Value at 24 Months $ 400.00 Service Charge Due at Lease Terminallon Quote based on estimated annual mtleage of 25,000 (current market and vehicle condillons may also affect value of vehicle) (Quote is Subject to Customer's Credit Approval) Notes Enterprise FM Tfust will bethe owner of the vehide covered by tms Quote. Enterprise FM Trust (not Enterprise Fleet Management) will be the Lessor of such vehicle undor the Master open - End (Equity) Lease Agreement and shall have all rIghts and obligations ofthe Lessor under the Master Open - End (Equity) Lease Agreement with respect to such vchido. , ALL TAXANDUCENSE FEES TO RE D;LLED TO LESSEEAS THEY OCCUR. Losses hereby authorizes t vehicle order, agrees to lease rho vehicle on the terms set forth herein and In the Master Equity Lease Agmementand agrees,hal Lessor shall have the dght to collect damages In the event Lesses falls orreruses to accept delivery of the ordered vehicle. Lessee certifics that It Intends that more than 50% of Ihe use or the vehicle Is to ba in a trade or business c[ the Lessee. 6 TITLE 7111kth, A/4 00€ 481/A/81»ATa la-ly-/L • INDICATE0TEMS TO BE BlUED ON *L 1 CaM,nlized Price of Vohide May be Adslod to Rolled Final M onulacturot, Involco. Le=no Hereby Asegrs to Lessorany Manufaa:rer Rebotes And/Or Manutacturer Inconllves Intended for the Lessee, Which Rebates And/Or Incentivss Have Bean Used Bytes:or to Reduce the Capita#zod Price cf rho Vehlclo. 2 Monlhly Lease Chaigs WiU Be Adlusled to Reflect th, Intarast Role on Ihe Dogvery Date (Subject to:, Floon. 3 Thi Induslonhe,eln of references to maintenance leesharvicasara solely forthe adrninistratlve convenlon,o oltesseD. Noh'llhstanding the inclusion of such refarances In INs [Invoice/Schedulotouotet, allmuch malritananceservlcamare to be ve,tormed by - ·.' - '" . 1 InG, and d such maintenance fi·es *ra payable by Lessea sdely for th e account of Enterprise Fleet Managemenl. Inc.. pursuant to thal certain soparate [Maintenance Agreementl entered Inla by and behyeen Lessee and Enterpriso Fleet Managemenl, Incu; prodded Ihatwch maintenance fees am being bmed by Enterprise FM Tarst, and arepeyabk a t the diroction 01 Ente,pIso FM Trust, wlety as an authorized age nt lor coliedlon on behalrof Enterplise FMot Managemen t. Ins Printed On 12/06/2013 10:58 AM Pa ..... 34 8, .78: + -4. t·U P»+PacketiPO,518'2 443 018/:....::... I ·:#t I 9 .....$41:'tAti CHEISTIAN COUNTY Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commission COMMI66ION Bill Barnett 100 W. Chumh arceL 12oom 100 Western Commission< Ozark Mizsouri 65721 Ray Weter Phone: 417-581-2112 • Fax: 417-581-5924 Eastern Commissione December 12, 2013 To: Christian County Office Holders Re: Mileage Rate for 2014 3 Dear Elected Officials and Office Administrators, The Christian County Commission announces the mileage rate for 2014 will correspond with thi 02 approved I.R.S. rate. The amount will decrease .5% from the 2013 rate to 56 cents per mile, an will be effective January 1,2014. We ask that you continue to utilize county vehicles while traveling to training sessions or runnir errands. This practice will continue to save the county money. Thank you! fj i.e ,01- 6, (Orfr Bill Barnett Ray Wer v -t Presiding Commissioner Western Commissioner Eastern Commissioner Website: Www.christiancountymo,gov Email: countycommission@christiancountymo.gov Ngemi .,g0 .*--I;4*. / r.™ *REE?t?ao?* * Printed on Recycled Paper 1>€21,4Sig&lit ME•ki;,u·6',G>,4i1 2013 Christian County PmsecutingArtorney Annual Report (RSMo §56,095) 4*0-AW CHRISTIAN COUNTY ANNUAL REPORT AUu ANNUAL REPORT DECEMBER 1, 2012 THRU NOVEMBER 30, 2013 1. FILED CHARGES 900 FELONIES 'i.. Ir MISDEMEANORS,®FRACTIONS, AND COUNTY ORDERS ··· ' H :: ti · ./··i- '.1' .4 .4,050 8 -...... y TOTAL CHARGES FILED , 0·.5 >0 3· 4,950 0- 'ANdata Is reponed from case management system. 3 _ELONIES MISDEMEANORS, INFRACTIONS, AND COUNTY ORDERS 3,537 ac i. 4 19 4,202 j TOTAL CHARGES FILED : in datijs repeif* 9% 7946•ement system. C *-i@Fail;;ZE&P}!F#EmlFm**%9;Eme!72,.,f&NA' 696! d FELONJES 1 f0 MISDEMEANORS, INF.RACTIONS, AND COUNTY ORDERS 4. = F. . . 3,502 k 0 . N 4,198 u TOTAL CHARGES FILED · C ;The 4,198 charges med resulted In 3,190 cases filed with the Circuit Ccurt. .-All data ts rEpoltE# from case management system. € 0 1 utiF?ackbtfPg210%9 fz M:'4294., A D 2MU ?„44.' L & 4 :*2 V» 9. 7%€imatik 2013 Christian County Prosecuting Attorney Annual Report [RSMo §56.095) 2. REFERRALS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT For the period from December 1, 2012 to November 30, 2013 this office was referred approximately 5,631 charges (excluding child support cases and merchant bad check cases) for review from law enforcement agencies. This represents approximately a 53.7% increase from 2011 and an 8.5% increase from 2012. For felony referrals it represents approximately a 20% increase from felony referrals in 2012 and over a 100% increase in the number of felony charges referred in 2011. As you can see below between December 1, 2012 and November 30, 2013 this office issued approximately 4,950 charges. The Prosecutor's Office declined to issue approximately 405 misdemeanor charges and 177 felony charges for a total of 582 charges that were declined. It has 131 charges under review that have been reviewed and a prosecutor has requested and is waiting for additional information from law enforcement; ie. a lab report, supplemental reports, etc. Thus, between December 1, 2012 and November 30, 2013 this office reviewed approximately 5,663 charges. This represents a 11.5% increase from 2011 and an 8.5% Increase from 2012 in number of cases reviewed. Charges Referred . 4,512.. 1,119 5,b: 4 Charges Under Reviewl 75 56 :LE , Charges Issued . .... . .1 m ': 4,050 L: ·· 22.4 -. 900 ' -, - - - 1...: 4-9. 405 177 52 t Charges Refused C cha/ges Reviewed 4,530 b u: 3 1,133 5,61 g 1 Charges that a prosecutor has reviewed and that are on HOLD awaiting additional information from law enforcement. 2 All data Is from the case management system. 1- .9-rn.M'='biIBMAN!# 0 Charges Referred : . : 4,260 l . ··· 932 5,15 N Charges Under Reviewi 84 86 15 Charges Issued * #...:. ..: '.1 : 3,537 ·' ' 1 665 - u . 4,2( § Charges Refused 669 181 8! 1 Charges Reviewed ·· 4,290 ·· :-+ 932 : 5,21 g Charges that a prosecutoN#as'revlelv,kiind th;Falion +RiLD awaiting additional Information from law en forcement. 'Andati 'SEomthlase-mina-gemintsystern. .. ... · ' C Charges Referred · ·0, 3,126 · t. 545 - · 3,6¢ < Cases Under Reviewl 29 84 11 Charges Issued ·· 3,502 1... :. i 696 4,llc. EIGUs Refused 517 253 71 Charges Reviewed .? .. ' 4,0484 .. .. . 1 2.:-*:Lt : ' 1,03+. · ... 4. 5 · 5,0810 1 Cases that a prosecutor has reviewed and that are on HOLD awaiting additional informatlon from law enforcement. 2 The number may be underreported because the Case Management System tracks cases under review by defendant Instead of by charges. ' All data Is from the case management system. 4 The gre-er.fumbe! revie>V!1.versus charges referred Is due to a backlog of re ferrals that existed as of January 1,2011. 2 RM®kbillm@11 ·2' ;ti 32@W[Pati.: 1 IU) 8?li,..*3 2013 Chrlsdan County ProsecutingAttorney Annual Report (RSMo §56.095) 3. BREAKDOWN OF CRIMINAL CASES CLOSED BY THE OFFICE guilty Pleas , . ;. 590 counts y 1,620 counts i ;; 2,210 Guilty PIeas Jury Trials 5 felony jury trials 0 misd jury trials 5 Jury Trials (29 counts) (10 cts guilty; 2 cts guilty alternative ct) (6 cts guilty; 2 cts not guilty) (2 cts gulity; 1 ct not guilty) (2 cts guilty; 2 ct not guilty) (2 cts not guilty) Bench Trials 3 felony bench trials 13 misd bench trials f 16 bench trials (24 coun. m,„ual rrosecuIorS Kepon} 1gunty (15 counts guilty) ' . - i 2 not guilty · (6 counts not guilty) Other Dispositions2 363 1,750 2,113 TOTALS 985 3,391 f'" » 4,376 1 All data Is from the case management systern. 1 includes dlsposittons such as dismissed per prea to another charge, successful completion of drug court, victim or wltness unava[Iable, deferred prosecution agreement,and/ordefertdar ! now legal, etc ' 451udes In fritponf' county orders ang other non-felofy dlsppsltions. Guilty Pleas„ · 7 317 counts 7 1 9.- : 1,653 counts · · 1,970 Guilty.Pleas iBuu,vig nili,wgi r,CpU, 1 1 144/ lury Trials 4 Guilty (5 counts) 1 Guilty (icounts) 5 Jury Trjals (7 counts) 2 Bench Trials O 11 Guilty (11 counts) 21 Bench Trials (23 : . /.ki- :17 ·<10 Not Guiltq (12 .... ' counts) : -*:: ,11-* : :1' . 3 counts) 4 1 .0 . Other Dispositionsi 233 - fjok 1,936 TOTALS · 555: 3,381 3,936 *All data 1£ from the case management system. 2 Indudes disposttlons such as dismissed per plea to another charge, successful completion of drug court, victim or witness unavailable, deferred prosecution agreement, and/or defenda 'Indudes infractions, county orders and other non-felony disposit Ions. 1 now legal, etc. Guilty Pleas c D. :: - 2 299 counts ' 5 5 1,284 counts ·· . ·+ 1,583 Guilty Pleas · ; 1 Juryfrials 1 Guilty (3 counts) 2 guilty (2 count) 4 Jury Trials (7 counts) 1 1 Not Guilty (2 counts) Bench Trials , · 2 Guilty.(2 counts) ,- 1 , -10 Guilty (1.2 counts) -+ -..20. Bench Trials (25. , 7 1 Not Guilty (1 count): T. 6 Not Guilty (6 counts) counts) 1 1 Not Guilty by reason Af % In 3 ..1, t.:...2.9...i: 1 . ; .1,6/ .. ..r: ., c .,·if... . :. mental disease or:defect (4.Z .j 44* s :...2.· 2.7.1':':!.¢i©*i· ...04 : ' ··Ii· · . ' *tj. . ..it •: .. ·p. ,2 1* CO Other Dispositionsi 289 counts 1,577 counts 1,866 TOTALS ' ' ,. 600 2,881 . 3,481 i indudes dIspositions such as dismissed per plea to another charge, successful completion of drug court, victim or wltneis unavailable. deferred prosecution agreement. and/ordefend, legal, ek Indudes Infracttons and county orders. 3 1*·€ *ace;1 -#I. * .I ;.3Packetfeg.512*4 *5'.'..:3:it*:19*N 2013 Chrlstian County Prosecuting Attorney Annual Report (RSMo §56.095) n 4. BAD CHECKS AND RESTITUTION COLLECTED A. BAD CHECKS -&*R/19/1i21&13&t/FS'*FrthriwoEME,$440£4 6 2013- ' ·_ j y 48© ·· .'+ 328 _ ·. : 7 ··· 153 ,4 12,15§,00 115,p74.61 $9,862.39 $52,4491 - 2012 477 319 37 - 115 $1,937.51 $14,604,43 $9,921.40 $75,937.; 2011 294 . 310 ..D -- 22 : '297 = $1,800.67 3 $13,547.03 $7,365.82 __$70,7286 2 20102 776 N/A 31 127 33,035.00 -§21,99·12 N/A $108,152.1 E 20092 4 797 N/A -12 32 .· 190 $4,153.09.- $23,019.95 . N/A $164,8123 3 20082 1,259 N/A __N/A 3011 _ __N/A $32,017.70 N/A $ 128,503.. 2 20072 1,256 N/A .. 2__45- 227 _$4,599.2- $25,33&95. _ N/A $150,520.1 £ 20062 1,504 N/A 48 332 N/A $32,825.96 N/A $145,893. 20052 1,058 N/A N/A 3491 9 - N/A : _.N/A N/A $96,756.. 20042 879 N/A N/A 2291 N/A N/A N/A $178,420.1 < 20032 836 1 N/A N/A. 1941 N/A :, N/A NA $82,195.1 1 l iU ch;724 Kied . Mlsme- a nd Felo nles w- not tracke d s;pa rately. • 2 Information for 2003 to 2010 15 from the corresponding annual report previously filed with the County Commission. 7 N/A: Information is not known. B. RESTITUTION . 2 3 C 12/1/2012 to 11/30/2013 $278,085.46 $212,264- & 12/1/2011 to 11/30/2012 u 12/1/20ioto 51/30/2011 - $211,899.93 £ Restitution is in addition to amount of bad checks collected. Amount from previous years was not previously reported on annual reports and due to changing to a more cost effective case management system for restitution the information from previous years is not readily available. 4 f.41?h6keiP9413:4, 49. 2 494 ;,1 . 2013 Christian County Prosecuting Attorney Annual Report (RSMo §56.095) 3 5. TAX CASES OPENED FOR 12/1/2012 TO 11/30/2013 . 1310141(%=%44%NIR!511Nll#*1H)M*Ma 2013 127 20. 9 ···r i $268,362.63 2012 - 0 512 37· $14*365.68 1 Beginning in 2012 due to changes in legislationme-mdthod fo-rrefrralsand method of collection changed. zm,viv:uen,aa:m*mqo'hiaiE'iGiERaigiEFiti[ii-*WljKiE'f44*@i 20114· ''· 4: :..d. {11 ..1 ....1.;·F "z·· 283'3.:s..11 . ..3· .r* ;, 9 .: ;;r'.1.7 ...>.3;.1 ...'24$ii.%519,%'64< &*109Ch«DP*»09/ 4.·*4. :. ..1. :4-v·' 04 4'4313. t; fill 6$*804;2*11. 20091 ..4 . I. *278 0 ·. .. f 44: ··· ::3 ·$86;389.97 10081:·:, 'C. :2 I % ./ r 02·:.·'5.L:'2':f i.. .·8·525,806.912 ' '4$32?6.24,223,- .·J 4®44.f.-4'rti.: .ROL» 140' it241::r;·; C;:.·27 3.:. ..0 ti. . '.4 .-,titi :'t..5:4$4457.*0172; 120011{. 3Ft, ··· re:.·· - :r. ., T ..4 : :.:N. i. 147 C' · .4 5 + 331 /$23;129,56 Years 2003 through 2010 are from the previous annual reports DIed with the county Commission. ' The annual report$ for 2006 and 2007 as submitted reflect the same amount collected for both years. 5 %*pS@my.08%*t@. 2013 Christian County Prosecuting Attorney Annual Report [RSMo §56.095) 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2013 . t r :'1 V '2 36 .: t. '· ": i 11-7 ..-- --1 fA.Opitijpigrtidf*1!Paitu*f.f,t,Ystem. + r . 3M*I[M,ft{B@*941 o - 01· ou, -- 9,4/m#*11MaXt#feeliffedName & Title ,/ Date Authorized Signature for the Prosecuting Attorney Name&Title Date Authorized Signature for the County Commfssioner/Execuuve Name &Title Date Authorized Signature For the Department of Social Services Date L . r. .iE J lueuteoJO:ju3 voddns pt!40 : SEN.) lueweeifiv e,lgeiadooo voddns pt!40 gt,01-*COZ :luattl#028¥ Contract For Services Contract #: ER10214C018 line: IV-D County Reimbursement Cooperative Agreement Missouri Department of Social Services Djvision of Finance & Administrative Services Contract Period: Purchasing Unit Ianuary I, 2014 through December 31,2016 P.O. Box 1643 Jefferson City, MO 65102 The Departmentof Social Services desires to contractfor the services described herein. All terms, conditions, and prices contained herein shall govern the performance of this contract Contractor/County Information: Coung,Name: County ofChristian Mailing Address: 110 W. Church St, Rm 206 City, State Zip: Ozark, MO 65721-6901 State Vendor #: 44600047301 County Level Designation: Level C Multi-County Project Name (ifapplicable]: Springfletd Project .LOm.6.W.Pbrs: l'APA,Oirector Contact Person E-Mail Address:Lobaw *For*dss. mo,301 1 Ub<*01(euteour mbor Contractor Contact Person Name and Title: U 0 The undersigned hereby Qgrees to provide the services und/or items, arthe prices stated, pursuantto the requirements of this docunient and further agrees thatwhen this document ts countersigned by an authorized omcial of the Missouri Departmentof Social Services, a binding contractshailexist between the contractor ond the DepartmentofSociat Services. The authorized signer Ofthis document certifies that the contractor {named below) and each of its principals (as defined by 45 CFR 761 arenetsuspended or deborred by thefederat government in witness thereof, the parties below hereby execute this agreement. Date Author)zed Signature for the Circuit Clerk Name & Title /-, Al,laci,fi C. Cts?('11#/1.< 7rill,4 1.2 70-£24'2 . 1: ina g.-A L,6-·fF. j Date j %¥411Azed ifknatur@* the Prose£utmg Attorney Namet,itte V V tycomnitssioner/Executive Lou la*A, 4fslb[17 . l2-12-13 Name & TitleU Date AutHorized Signature C n V 142 -17'/3 Authorized Signature for the Department of Social Services ilate J »tb-Yar lueuleojolua Woddne PINO : 98*L) luatuaeiBV eme.[edooo uoddns Pt!40 9102-*107 :lueut402#V 1#kiff*8*91 1 Introduction and Background Information 1.1 The Missouri Department of Social Services, Family Support Division [Department) hereby enters into thfs cooperative agreement with the County of Christian (hereinafter "County'l by their respective office holders, including the Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Clerk and Presiding Commissioner for the reimbursement o f child support services. a. For the purpose of this cooperative agreement the term "contractor" shall referto the "county"; and b. For the purpose of this cooperative agreement the term "contract" shall mean the same as "cooperative agreement". 1.2 The Department issues contracts for these services under the authority ofan Expenditure Registration System (ER102] issued to the Department by the State of Office of Administration. 1.3 The mission of the Department of Social Services is to "maintain or improve the quality oflife for Missouri citizenst The Family Support Division is responsible for maintaining and strengthening Missouri families, helping people achieve an appropriate level ofself-support and self-care through needs based services. 1.4 The Department under Title W-D of the Social Security Act, and under section 454.400, RSMo, has been delegated the responsibility for the development and administration of a statewide program to establish and enforce support obligations owed to children receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families {TANF} benefits andto other persons, which obligations are established through the offices of the various Circuit Clerks within the State of Missouri. 1.5 The contract period shall be from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016. 2 General Performance Requirements 2.1 The contractor shall provide services to the Department, in accordance with the provisions and 3 2.2 Services reimbursed by the Department shall consist only of those services described herein, as authorized requirements stated herein. by the Department. 2.3 The contractor shall coordinate all contract activitles with designated representatives of the Department 2.4 Correspondence: Within five (51 days the contractor shall provide the Department with the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the contractor's representative servicing the contract. a. The contractor understands that electronic mail {e-mail) will be used to transmit contract documents and other correspondence from the Department to the contractor and that any such emails containing information regarding specific cases will be encrypted. It shall be the responsibility ofthe contractor to ensure the timely review and response to e-mailed documents. 2.5 Contractor's Personnel; The contractorshall only employ personnel authorized to work in the United States in accordance with applicable federal and state iaws. This inctudes but is notlimited to the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant ResponsibilityAct OIRIRA) and INA Section 274A a. If the contractor is found to be in violation of this requirement or the applicable state, federal and local laws and regulations, and ifthe State of Missouri has reasonable cause to believe that the contractor has knowingly employed individuals who are not eligible to work in the United States, the state shall have the right to cancel the contract immediately without penalty or recourse and suspend or debar the contractor from doing business with the state. The state may also withhold up to twenty-five percent (25%) o f the total amount due to the contractor. b. The contractor shall agree to fully cooperate with any audit or investigation from federal, state or local Iaw enforcement agendes or any other duly appointed civil authority. J l a 412:#.693 1 8+4*adk#}F¢ju:$*d+Il Lan: A 24:. J lue{Uaoloju Moddns PINS : 92*6) lueulee43v eA'Wiedoos 1.loddns pt!40 9Log-*Loz :luatlnmenv c If the contractor meets the definition of a business entity as defined in secUon 285.525, RSMo pertaining to section 285.530, RSMo the contractor shall maintain enrolimentand participation in the E-Verify federal work authorization program with respect to the employees hired after enrolIment in the program who are proposed to work in connection with the contracted services included herein. If the contractofs business status changes during the life of the contract to become a business entity as defined in section 285.525, RSMo pertaining to section 285.530, RSMo then the contractor shall, prior to the performance of any services as a business entity under the contract: 1} Enroll and partidpate in the E-Veri fy federal work authorization program with respect to the employees hired after enrollment in the program who are proposed to work in connection with the services required herein; and 2) Provide to the Department the documentation required in the exhibit titled, Buslness-Entitv Certification, Enroliment Documentation, and Affidavit ofWork Authorization affirming said company's/individual's enrollment and participation in the E-Verify federal work authorization prograrn; and 3) Submit to the Department a completed, notarized Affidavit of Work Authorization provided in the exhibit titled, Business Entity Certi fication. Enrollment Documentatbon. and Affidavit Qf Work Authorization. 2.6 Subcontractorst Pursuant to subsection l of section 285.530, RSMo, no contractor or subcontractor shall knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien to perform work within the state of Missouri. In accordance with sections 285.525 to 285.550, RSMo, a general contractor or subcontractor of any tier shall not be liable when such contractor or subcontractor contracts with its direct subcontractorwhoviolates subsection 1 of section 285.530, RSMo if the contract binding the contractor and subcontractor aftlrmatively states that: a. the directsubcontractor ts notknowingly in violation of subsection 1 ofsection 285.530, RSMo and b. shall not henceforth be in such violation, and c. the contractor or subcontractor receives a sworn affidavit under the penalty of perjury attesting to the fact that the direct subcontractor's employees are lawfully present in the United States. 2.7 Affidavit of Work Authorization and Documentation: Pursuant to section 285.530, RSMo, if the contractor meets the section 285.525, RSMo definition of a'business entity" Otttp://www.moga.mo.gov/statutes/C200-299/2850000525,HTM}, the contractor must affirm the contractor's enrollment and participation in the E-Verify federal work authorization program with respect to the employees hired after enrollment in the program who are proposed to work in connection with the services requested herein. The contractor shall complete applicable portions of Exhibit # 1, Business Entity Certification, Enrollment Documentation, and AffidavitofWork Authorization. The applicable portions of Exh ib it # 1 m u st b e submitted prior to execuUng the contract 2.8 Debarment Certification; 2.8.1 The contractor certifies by signing the signature page of this original document and any amendment signature page(s) that the contractor is not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment declared ineligible, vo[untarity excluded from participation, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation under federal assistance programs. 2.8.2 The contractor must complete and submit Exhibit # 2, Certification Regarding Debarment, prior to executing the contract. 2.9 Subrecipient Determination and Reguirements 2.9.1 It has been determined that the contractor is a subrecipient as defined in Office of Management and Budget COMB) Circular A-133, Section 210. J 1%»93*tmt.4-9-1 luaulej.folua woddne pt!40 : 9zn) illeuteelfiv emeuedooo Uoddns pi!40 9J0Z-FLOZ :luetuLIOUUV 1%,18*dilieaa 44 lilli:=44 lip'... a. The Department will provide the contractor with applicable federal funding source information including the federal granting agency, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number and grant name, award number and award year(s). The contractor shall comply with all applicable terms and conditions of the funding grant. a. Additionally, the contractor shall comply, as applicable, with the applicable provisions of: 1) OMB A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-profit Organizations; 2] OMBA-122, Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations; 3} OMBA-110, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions ofHigher Learning, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations; 43 OMB A-102 - Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments; S] OMB A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments; and 6] All other laws, regulations and policies authorizing or governing the use of any federal funds paid to the contractor under the contract. b. In the event the contractor is a for-profit entity. the contractor shall also comply with the OMB Circulars applicable to Non-Proflt Organizations. The contractor shall not utilize federal funds, or any required matching funds, provided under this contract as matching funds for any other federal grant, unless specifically allowed under that grant. Allowable Exnenditures: The contractor shall ensure that all expenditures invoiced, claimed and/or reported are consistentwith the requirements stated herein. Unless otherwise stated herein, the contractor shall invoice the Department based on actual, allowable costs incurred. a. All expenditures Invoiced, claimed and/or reported by the contractor must satisfy the: rt/3 11 General provisions for allowable costs, as defined in the applicable OMB Circular; and 2] Specific provisions for allowable costs, as defined in applicable Federal program rules. b. Submission oran invoice by the contractor shall constitute the contractor's certification that the items included on the invoice represent actual, allowable costs associated with performing the requirements ofthe contract c. In the eventthe contractor utilizes employees thatworksolely on activities funded under the contract, the contractor may utilize employee payroll records to meet supporting documentation requirements. d. In the event the contractor utilizes employees thatwork on other activities in addition to activities · funded under the contract the contractor must maintain personnel activity reports that either: 1) reflect the cost distribution of the actual activity reimbursable under the contract for each employee, account for the total amount ofcompensation for each emp!oyee, and are prepared on at least a monthly basis, coinciding with one or more pay periods; or 2) aresupported by astatisticalsampling system or other substitute system. In the event the contractor utilizes a statistical sampling system or other substitute system, the contractor shall submit a detailed description of the allocation methodology for the prior approval ofthe Department. Any changes to the approved methodology implemented are subject to the prior approval of the Department. e. Materials acquired, consumed or expended may only be invoiced by the contractor if such expenditure is: 1) for a benefit specific to the purposes and requirements under the contract; or 2) a cost chargeable or assigned in part for the purposes authorized under the contract, in accordance with relative benefits received. In the event materials acquired, consumed or expended are 4 ) allocable, the contractor shall submit a detailed description of the allocation methodology utilized to assign those costs in accordance with the relative benefit:s received, for the prlorapproval of the welues.Jolul 1.loddns Pinlo : Szn) luewee/Bv e,lue/adooo 1·toddne Pillio 9;002-*boz :lueut4O81 Department Any changes to the approved methodology implemented are subject to the prior 6 Pli¥*.06:.9 approval of the Department. F. In the event indirect costs are included aspartofthe cost reimbursement under the contract, such indirect costs must be approved In either a Federal or State Approved Indirect Cost Negotiation 13 The contractorshall submit its current Approved Indirect Cost Negotiation Agreement to the Agreement. Department prior to invoicing for indirect costs. 2) In the event the contractor's approved federal or state indirect rates change, the contractor shall submit an updated Federal or State Approved indirect Cost Negotiation Agreement to the Department prior to invoicing for revised/updated indirect costs. 3) The Department has a policy governing maximum indirect rates allowable under Department contracts and therefore reserves that right to limit the indirect rate reimbursable to the contractor in accordance with such policy. g. The contractor must have the prior, written approval of the Department for any automated data processing costs in excess of $1,000,000, The contractor shall also comply with th6 applicable provisions 0145 CFR Part 95, Subpart K for any such costs. 2.9.5 The contractor shall maintain an accounting system that, at a minimum, records expenditures in a manner that readily identifies the expenditure as an activity allowable under the funding grant and allows required federal financial reports to be easily prepared. 2.9.6 The contractor shall be responsible for any deferrals, disallowances, questioned costs, or other items not allowed for Federal Financial participation claimed by the Department on behalf of the contractor, a. The contractor shall return any funds disallowed within six (6) months, either to the Department or directly to the applicable federal agency, as instructed by the Department 2.9.7 Audit Requirements: If required pursuant to OMB Circular A-133, the contractor shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted in accordance with provisions of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133, including subsequent amendments or revisions, a. Inaccordance with the provisions of OMB CircularA-133, as revised, the contractor shall consider all sources of federal awards, including federal resources received from the Department, in determining the federal awards expended in its fiscal year. b. In the eventthe contractor is required to complete an audit pursuantto OMB Circular A-133, the contractor shall submit a copy of the final audit reportin accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-133, to the Department at: DeparLment ofSodal Services Division of Finance and Administrative Services Attn: A133 P.O, Box 1082 Jefferson City, MO 65102 c. The contractor shall make all reports prepared in accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A- 133 available for inspection by representatives orthe Department during normal business hours. d. The contractor shall provide the Department, in a timely manner, with access to any independent auditors' reports that present instances of noncompliance with federal laws and regulations that bear directly on the performance or administration of this contract. In cases of such noncompliance, contractor will provide copies of responses to auditors' reports and a plan for corrective action[s). 11 The contractor shall cooperate with the Department in resolving questions that the Department may have concerning the auditors' report and plans for corrective action(s). 1 luetuaoiojuguoddnS Pill[0 : 92*0 queuteeifiv eAneledoooj.toddnS P)!40 9)002-*102 nueuttloeuv ERR¢@¢80·424] e. Unless otherwise required herein, the contractorshall keep, for a period of five {SJ years following the termination or expiration ofthe contract or until alllitigation, claims or audit findings have been resolved and final action is taken, such records as may be reasonably necessary to facilitate an effective 2.9.8 Transparensv Reporting: In order to assist the Department in comp[ying with its reporting requirements audit. under the Federal FundingAccountability and Transparency Act (FFATA],the contractor must fully complete and submit Exhibit # 3, Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act {FFATA] Data Form, to the Department prior to the award of the contract. a. The contractor should register in the federal government System for Award Management [SAM) available at www.san,-gov, to record information about the contractoFs organization, including executive compensation data. SAM is a secure, single repository of data and the contractor should only need to' register once and renew annually thereafter and update information as necessary. 3 Specific Performance Requirements 3.1 General Prouram Requirements 3.1.1 Pursuant to 13 CSR 30-2.010, and for the purpose of this contract, the followingdefinitions shall apply: a. Level A County -A county which is designated to have sole responsibility for the entire operation ofthe IV-I) program in that county and also performs specific legal functions on cases referred to them by the b. Level B County - A county ln which the prosecuting attorney is designated to have sole responsibility Department. for a specific portion of the IV-D program in that county and also performs specific legal functions on cases referred to them by the Department c. Level C County -A county in which the Department is designated to have sole responsibility for the entire operatlon of the IV-D program, in that the contractor performs specific legal functions on cases referred to them by the Department d. Multi-County Project - A designated group of Level C counties that have individually entered into a contract with the Department, and have agreed to expand their local resources for the purpose of establishing, enforcing and collecting child support obligations. e. Referral or Referred Cases - Any child support case under the state IV-D program sent to the Prosecuting Attorney by the Department for a requested action, and shall include all cases requiring legal referral for "requested action" pursuantto the Departmenfs Missouri Child Support Procedural Manual. (hter://dssweb/fsd/csepolicy/manpolicydocs/index.html 3.1.2 Pursuant to 13 CSR 30-2.010, the Department has identified the contractor's County Level designation(s} on the signature page of the contract. The contractor shalt provide services for each IV-D case in accordance with the requirements stated herein, including any additional requirements specified in Attachment A OV-D County Additional Requirements), as applicable. 3.1.3 The Departmentis vested with the sole ownership, control and authority of the IV-D program in Missouri. The policies and procedures adopted by the Department shall be controlling for all IV-D activities and purposes to be performed by the contractor. a. The Department policies and procedures can be located at: http://10.60,16.82/fsd/programs/cse/index.htin#Doticv 3.1.4 No provisions of this contract shall be construed to alter the statuto}y, constitutional or common law powers and duties of the Prosecuting Attorney, including but not limited to, the power to use his/her discretion in determining the course of action to be taken in a case. 3.1.5 The contractor shall maintain records as required by the Department and federal regulations, including 45 CFR 302.15 and 45 CFR part 74. 44**d lueuleNO#13 uoddns Pl!40 : SEVI·) lueulee16¥ eAReiedooo Noddns pt!40 9102-*1·DZ nuaultloun¥ ked¢k#tffdA-En*j 3.1.6 The contractor shall not subcontractwith any other business, organization, or governmental body to perform any or all portions ofthe requirements stated herein without the prior written approval of the 3.1.7 All outside child support inquiries, with the exception ofinquiries made by custodial or non custodial Department parents on their own cases, (ag. media,]egislator, vendor, and other governmental agencies) made to the contractor regarding the statewide child support program, its policies, procedures or performance shall be forwarded to the Department for response. a. In the event the Department must formally respond to an inquiry, at the request of the Department, the contractor must within five (5) business days draft a response or provide al] necessary case information in order for the Department to respond. b. When requested by the Department, the contractor shall provide a written response to outside inquiries, and mustprovide the Departmenta copy within five (5) business days of the request. 3.1.8 Tile contractor may respond appropriately to all media and/or legislative inquiries made to the contractor regarding the contractor's program and any case within said program. The contractor shall provide notice of a contractor program inquiry and its response 1mmediately to the Department. 3.1.9 The contractor shall notify the Department by e-mail of the following personnel changes: within ten {10) calendar days, the names and e-mail addresses of all new personnel; and within three [3) business days of 3.1.10 The contractor shall utilize the Department's Microsoft Outlook system for electronic mail (e-mail) for personnel departures. contract documents and other correspondence related to the contract. 3.2 Prosecuting Attorney's fPA) Office Responsibilities 3.2.1 The PA must take action pursuant to Chapters 210,452, and 454 RSMo and within the time frames specified in 13 CSR 30-2,010 on all cases referred to them from the Department. Case actton shall include, but is not limited to: a. filing a co-respondent petition when the custodial parent fails to cooperate in paternity action; b. pursuing arrears due the Department with or without the custodial parent's cooperation; and c, pursuing all enforcement referrals either criminally or civilly. 3.2.2 The PA shalt meet stricter time requirements than those specified herein upon notification by the Department of any change(s) in federal law or regulation requiring the stricter time frames. 3.2.3 The PA shall be responsible for ati direct communication with the custodial parent, non-custodial parent and, if ethically appropriate based upon the rules bound by the Missouri Bar, the attorney(s] on all active referrals. 3.2.4 The PA shall use the Department's Missouri Automated Child Support System (MACSS) to: a. accept referrals from the Department; b. record all IV-D acUvitles; c. comply with the requirements of13 CSR 30-2.010; d. document the reason for return or rejection of any referral for any reason upon closing and returning e. enter such information as is required for the state case registry pursuant to section 454.412 RSMo. the referral; and 3.2.5 The PA's personnel shall attend all training courses identified mandatory training by the Department 3.2.6 The PA must retain and monitorall referrals accepted, for enforcementof existing orders, Ara period of not less than three (3) months after initial judicial action is completed in cases where the obligor has complied with the court's order for three (3] consecutive months. luetueoJOJUE woddns PI.!40 : 972&) luaulaeJBv eABe.[adooo tioddns pl!.40 91.0Z-¥1·DZ :Jueunpenv a. Referrals mustbe retained and monitored fora period of not less than six [6) months after initial judicial action is completed for all other cases to ensure compliance with the court's order or other agreement entered into between the contractor and obligor. b. Referrals may be ended and returned in cases where it is known that the obagor cannot make payments as ordered due to incarceration, disability, or in cases that are dismissed by the court. 3.2.7 The PA shall return referrals to the Department only when there is lack of jurisdiction, a conflictof interest exists, no reasonable legal remedy is available, the referral packet is incomplete and the Department fails to provide necessar·y information requested by the contractor within fourteen (14) calendar days, or in other extenuating circumstances upon mutual agreement between the Department and the contractor. a. Referrals mustbe returned within fifteen (15) calendar days of request of the Department. 3.2.8 The PA shall have the same authority as re ferenced in the child support policy procedural manual as Departmentpersonnet to forgive or reduce unreimbursed assistance paid by the Department prior to the entry of an order for child support. The contractor shall nothave the authority to forgive or reduce post- judgment principal or arrearages assigned to the Department or judgments or arrearages due to the 3.2.9 The PA shall petition for a judgment against the non-custodial parent in all actions that include declaration family. of paternity for the cost of genetic testing paid directly or indirectly by the Department. judgments for genetic testing must reflect that payment is made to: FSD Genetic Testing Unit P.O. Box 2320 Jefferson City MO 65102 3.2.10 Pursuant to the Supreme Court Rule 88.01, the PA shall apply the child support guidelines in all cases 0 referred by the Department to establish a support obligation. Any deviation from the required MO Form 14, Child Support Calculation Worksheet, must be noted in the child support order; in MACSS; and the information must be forwarded to the Department's office currently designated in MACSS. ,httpi//www.courts.mo.gov,/courts/ClerkHandbooksP2Rulesonly,nsf/c0c6ff<99*f4993f86256},250057 a. The Mo Form 14 can be found at: dcb8/2380cbb7556e91186256¢86005213£4?OpenDocument#Untitledo,f,20Section. 3.2.11 The PA shall review its "Referral Checklist" at least once per year by December 31• on the Department's intranet site (littp://1 0,60.16.82/fid/training/CSE/PA/I.egaIReferratReq/index,htm}. Any and all changes that need to be made shall be coordinated through the Department's Prosecuting Attorney MACSS Liaison. 3.2.12 The PA shall not represent any interested party other than the Department in any matter referred to the 3.2.13 Pursuant to section 568.040 RSMo, the contractor shall report to the Department on a quarterlybasis contractor. {April 15,11, fuly 15th, October 15:h, and january 159 the number of charges filed and convictions obtained. The PA must submit the report in the format and manner specified by the Department a. For purposes of this cooperative agreement, the term "conviction" is defined as a guilty piea or a conviction. 3.3 Circuit Clerk (CIerk) Responsibililies a. to the extent required by Chapters 452 and 454 RSMo, on ati child support and/or spousal support 3.3.1 The Clerkshall uU]lze MACSS: b. pursuant to section 454.412 RSMo,to enter such information as is required for the state case registry. cases; and 47 c.Lt =454923F1 lueweojoitevoddns PI!40 : 98*X) lueuteaJfiveADeledooo yoddnS PI!40 91.OZ-¥602 :lueutqoe#v l€Nk#§£,pii*j 3.3.2 The Clerk shall provide the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Records, with certified copies of all orders estab]!shing paternity in accordance with section 454.485 RSMo within ten (10) business days or the filing date of the order. 3.3.3 The Clerk shall comply with 45 CFR 304.50 for the treatment of program income in such a manner thatthe Department meets its state plan requirements for the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE). 3.3.4 The Clerk shall not charge any fees to the Department, or any attorney bringing action pursuant to a referral by the Department for requests of copies, filing of any action or document necessary to establish paternity, or to establish, modify or enforce a child support obligation. (§454.445 RSMo) All requests must be completed within ten (10) calendar days. 3.4 Department Responsibilities: 3.4.1 The Department will refer appropriate IV-D cases to the contractor for establishment, enforcement, modification or outgoing cases pursuant to the Uniform Interstate Family SupportAct CUIFSA). 3.4.2 The Department will review MACSS and www.courts.mo.gov/casenet for case information before making a status inquiry to the contractor. 3.4.3 Pursuant to section 454.440 RSMo, the Department will provide federal and state parentlocater services to 3.4.4 Upon filing with the Secretary of State, the Department will notity the contractor of any proposed rule or the contractor. regulation impacting the child support enforcement program, pursuant to section 454.400 RSMo. 3.4.5 The Department with the assistance of the state's Information Technology Services Division UTSD), will provide the following services: a. Installation and problem resolution assistance for personal communication software; 3 b. Problem resolution assistance for MACSS-related printing problems; c, Problem resolution assistance for Outlook e-mail as it relates to communication with the Department on child support activities; and d. Microsoft Office application assistance related to child support business. 3.4.6 The Department with the assistance of ITSD, will provide user ID's and passwords for the contractor's staff assigned to carry out the requirements stated herein, within five (S) business days ofreceipt of the request. Request must be submitted through the Departmenfs online security access unit. 3.4.7 The Department will notify the contractor, or their designee the following information: a. Key personnel changes at the Department; b. Statewide statistical data; c. Annual federal audit compliance reports: d. MACSS changes; f. Al[ program-related information distributed to Department supervisors or managers. e. Policy(s) issued; and 3.5 Fiscal Requirements 3.5.1 The contractor shall appropriate a sufficient amount of funds in accordance with the performance standards required pursuant to 13 CSR 30-2.010. 3.5.2 The contractor shall ensure that the only federal funds certified for use under this contract are federal revenue sharing funds available for this purpose. 3.5.3 Beginning with the calendaryear 2015 and every odd year thereafter, the contractor may submit a cost al[ocation plan, which includes a proposed indirect cost rate, no later than six (6} months before year end. J 3.5.4 Pursuant to 13 CSR 30-9.010[4),the contractor shall submit an annual budget request on or before July 1• of each year to the Department for approval. Annuat electronic budget forms and formula calculations will lueulaoJOJug uoddns Pl!40 : 92*0 quautaNSve.Mlemdoos Woddne PI!40 91·02-4102 :luelutioelly 1 -*..1 1 -1 1 . 3 : - p.] 232*:5.a' ·. El#48#eitp;2:2%7: 9- be provided to the contractor no later than May 151 each contract period. The contractor shall utilize the new annual budget form in preparation ofthe annual budget. a. The contractor shall have fifteen (15) calendar days to provide comments on the proposed formula b. The contractor shallsend any comments to their representative at Missouri Office of Prosecution calculations. Services {MOPS) and/or Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (MAPA] and shall immediately send a copy of the comments to the Department's County Reimbursement Manager. The MOPS and/or MAPA representative shall have an opportunity to discuss the finat formula calculations with the Department before final application of-the formula is made to the budgets of the counties. c. Pursuant to Department Policy 4-100, the contractor's administrative fee (i.e. indirect costs) may not exceed eight percent (8%) of total contractamount. (htip://dssweb/dpl/adman/POLICIES/4-100.pdf). d. The annual budget request must be submitted via e-mail to the Department's County Reimbursement 3.5.5 Pursuant to section 454.405 RSMo, the contractor shall furnish office space and other administrative Manager. requirements. The contractor must receive prior written approval from the Department for any office space leased from the private sector. Space obtained from the private sector shall be acquired in accordance with sections 105.454, and 50.660 RSMo, and 13 CSR 40-3.010(5)(A). 3.5.6 The contractor shall receive prior written approval from the Department for purchases of equipment with an initial cost of twenty-five hundred dollars {$2,500) or more which are necessary for fulfillment ofthe contract requirements in accordance with 13 CSR 40-3.010. 3.5.7 Pursuant to 13 CSR 40-3.010, the contractor shall receive prior written approval from the Department for out-of-state travel for performance of reimbursable child supportactivities, and shall abide bythe same 0 expenditure reimbursement limitations as the Department imposes on its personnel. 3.5.8 The contractor may request reimbursement for tn-state trainings that are determined to be sumdently program-related. Approved reimbursement wit! be paid at the current Federal Financial Participation 3.5.9 Allowable costs for travel and per diemwill be reimbursed at rates as defined by State of Missouri Travel [FFP) rate. Regulations http://www.oa.mo.gov/acct/. 3.6.1 The Department reserves the right to complete audits to determine the reliability of data provided bythe 3,6 Ai:dits: contractor for data used to compute federally-D performance measures and other performance measures 3.6.2 The audits may include, but are not limited to, on-site audits of hardcopy or electronic case records and outlined in this contract. 3.6.3 The contractor shall maintain individual case records adequate to permit evaluation of the progress of each data entered into MACSS. case. Such case records shall be in accordance with 45 CFR 302.15 and 303.2 and shall include, ata minimum, the following: a. Original referral documentation b. Record of all contacts with parties to the action; and 3.6.4 The contractor shall provide, to the Department, copies of all notices and reports as described herein of any c. Record of all legal action. audit performed by another entity to the following address: Department of Social Services, Family Support Division County Reimbursement Unit 615 East 13th Street, Room 204-2 Kansas City, MO 64106 t,tifji¢*. WewaOJOJUR Noddns putio : 91*10) lualuaev eAneladooo poddns Pl!45 91·DZ-$408 auatulloeuv /../ - 01 3.6.5 The Department may conduct annual financial audits to determine whether funds received by the contractor were used in accordance with the requirements stated herein, state law and federal regulations governing authorized IV-D expenditures. 3.6.6 The contractor shall make available all appropriate financial records to the authorizing representatives conducting the inspection and audit. 3.6.7 Reimbursements to the contractor shall, in all cases, be subject to an adjustment after a financial audit as a. If the Department reimbursed the contractor in a previous budgetyear an amount greater than follows: allowed, then the Department may reduce the contractor's budget in the following budget year after providing thirty {30) days written notice to the contractor of its intent to do so. b. A reduction to the contractor's budget as a result of an adjustment pursuant to an audit finding shall be treated as a one-time reduction and not an automatic permanent reduction of the contractor's budget for future budget amount projections. c. The contractor shall submita written reimbursementrequest and statement of explanation, when requesting an amount in excess of the approved budget amount The Department must provide a written determination to the contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of the statement of explanation. 3.7 Monitoringand Comnliancet 3.7.1 The Department reserves the right to monitor the contract throughout the effective period of the contract to ensure financial and contractual compliance. If the Department determines the contractor to be at high- risk for non-compliance, the Department shall have the right to impose special conditions or restrictions. Written notification will be provided to the contractor of the determination of high-risk and of any special 0 conditions or restrictions to be imposed. The special conditions or restrictions may include, but are not limited to, those conditions specified below: a. Requiring additional, more detailed financial reports or other documentation; b. Additional contract monitoring; c Requiring the contractor to obtain technical or management assistance; and/or d. Establishing additional prior approvals from the department. 3.7.2 The contractor's performance will be measured in accordance to 13 CSR 30-2,010 for cases referred from the Department for legal action to be taken. Compliance reviews shalt be conducted solely on the case Information contained in MACSS. 3.7.3 Prosecuting Attorney Compliancm Pursuant to 13 CSR 30-2.010. the Departmentwill take the following actions should the ProsecutingAttorney fal] to comply with the performance requirements as stated a. The Departmentwill send written notice to the Prosecuting Attorney identifying non-compliance with herein: policies and procedures, requirements, or regulations for the safeguarding of federal tax information, performance measures, data reliability or program compliance audits, b. The Prosecuting Attorney must submit within thirty {30) calendar days, a written corrective action plan to the Department for approval. The corrective action Man must contain specific actions and timeframes to bring the Prosecuting Attorney back into compliance. 1) The Department reserves the right to terminate the contract should the Prosecuting Attorney fail to submit and implement an approved corrective action plan or failto achieve compliance with the terms and conditions stated herein. c. The Prosecuting Attorney shall attend necessary and required training when determined to be non- compliant with program performance standards. luetuaolojug Pocking Pl.lID : 92*1.) jueuteeiGY eADeledooo Wocking pit.40 91.03-#1.07 :luou3409114 ..' 1-131-=1 L412*4591 ed>294% 3.8 The contractor shall comply with the feder·al tax information requirements stated in the Assurance of fation: 3.8.1 Safeguarding IRS/'SSA Restrictions/Penalties {Exhibit # 41 document attached hereto. In addition, the z a. require aH new hire and tenured personnel to certi fy and complete the Departmenfs securiM, policy contractor shall: and IRS penalties for unauthorized disclosure of federal tax information. The training can be located at: 1:16.57112&!giumEQrm,0; b. complete and print the electronic Internal Inspections Reportannually 01*g:LQ.216.SLCIninectionRepol-t[155vjuil)91*Madm.59:aNmdefiallk.aspx] and retain for c. not send or receive any federal tax information by electronic mail (e-maill or facsimile; five (5) years; d. not disclose or release any form of protected federal tax information to any attorney representing a non-custodial parent in the referred case under the contractor's control; e. provide a visitor access log that must not contain personal identi fication information (Le. social security number, case number, or other personal identifying information) that may be viewable by other visitors; provide all visitors with visitor badges; and all visitors must be accompanied by contractor f. only provide key/combination locks to authorized personnel that have a need to access federal tax personnel at all times; information; maintain key/combination accountability records; change key/combination locks when authorized personnel changes occur or at a minimum annually; and g. immediately report an unauthorized inspection or disclosure of federal tax information via e-mail or hardcopy, including breaches and security incidents, to the compliance coordinator or designee, Currently the compliance coordinator can be contacted atgary.h.hinzpeter@dss.mo.gov. luetueololug Woddne pmlo : 93,1,) 11!eulea.8Ve.se.,adooo poddns Pl!40 91.03-*toz :11181114041¥ :»30*3 N#*fed' 4 General Contractual Requirements 4.1 General: 4.1.1 The contract shall consist of anyand aIl of the following documents, as applicable: a. an original contract document; and b. any subsequent amendments to the contract 4.1.2 This contract shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Missouri and shall govern the terms and conditions of the contracted services provided to clients of the Department by the contracton a. To the extent that a provision of the contract is contrary to the Constitution or laws ofthe State of Missouri or ofthe United States, the provisions shall bevoidand unenforceable. However, the balance of the contractshall remain in force between the parties unless terminated by consentofboth the contractor and the state. 4.1.3 The contractor shall comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations related to the performance of the contract 4.1.4 The exclusive venue forany legal proceeding relating to or arising out of the contractshall be in the Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri. 4.1.5 This contract shal[ constitute an assignment by the contractor to the State of Missouri ofall rights, title and Interest in and toall causes of action that the contractor may have under the antitrust laws ofthe United States or the State of Missouri for which causes ofaction have accrued or will accrue as the result of or in relation to the particular supplies and/or services purchased or procured by the contractor in the fulfi!!ment of the contract. 4.1.6 The contractor certifies that the contractor and each of its principals {owners, director and others as defined by 45 CFR Part 76) are not suspended or debarred from contracting with the federal government a. In the event the contractor or any of its principals become suspended or debarred during the contract period, the contractor shall immediately send written notification to the Department. b. Suspension or debarment of the contractor, or failure by the contractor to provide written notification ofsuspension or debarment to the Department, may result in immediate termination of the contract 4.1.7 The contractor shall not transfer any interest in the contract, whether by assignment or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the Department. 4.2 Amendment, Termination and Renewal: 4.2.1 The contract shall not bind, nor purport to bind, the Department for any commitment in excess of the original contract period. 4.2.2 Funding for the contract must be appropriated bythe Mfssouri General Assembly for each fiscal year included within the contract period. Therefore, the contract shall notbebinding upon the Department for any period in which funds have not been appropriated, and the Department shall not be liable for any damages or costs, including attorneys fees, associated with termination caused by lack of appropriations. a. The Department reserves the right to terminate the contract, without penalty or termination costs, i f such funds are not appropriated or available. b. In the event funds are not appropriated oravallable for the contract the contractor shall not prohibit or limit the Department's right to pursue alternate contracts, as necessary, to conduct state governmental c The provisions of the above paragraphs shall apply to any amendment or the execution of any option to affairs. extend the contract. ,23:at<#1 lueuteolojuEI 14oddns P[[40 : 9290 luewee,6¥ ameledoos Moddns Pi}4O 91)21402 nuaunpeuv + £31.49::9 4.2.3 Any change, whether by modification and/orsupplementation, shall be accomplished by a formal, written it»»6.1 contract amendment Oral agreements or agreements confirmed by e-mail orotherwise to modify the Ott'Tfl contract shall not be enforceable. 4.2.4 The Department shall have the right, at its sole option, to renew the contract by written notice to the contractor. In the event the Department exercises its renewal option, all terms, conditions and provisions of the original contract and any subsequent amendments shall remain in effect and shall apply during the 4.2.5 The contract may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, by giving sixty {60) days advance renewal period. written notice to the other party at its principal address. The termination shall be effective sixty (60) days from the date of notice or the date specified in the notice. The Department reserves the right to withdraw any orall of its cases before the end of the sixty (60)·day period, if applicable. 4.2.6 Breach: The Department may terminate the contract for breach of contract by providing the contractor with written notice of termination. a. The termination shall become effective on the date specified inthe notice. b. At its sole discretion, the Department may give the contractor an opportunity to cure the breach. c The Department shall notbe required to pay for services rendered or goods provided after the effective date o f the termination of the contract. 4.2.7 Any written notice to the contractor shall be deemed sumcient when deposited in the United States Postal Service mail postage prepald, transmitted by facsimile, electronic mai!, or otherwise delivered to an authorized employee of the contractor or the contractor's principal place of business. 4.2.8 In the event of termination all case records, documentation, data, reports, supplies, equipment and accomplishments prepared, furnished, acquired or developed by the contractor as a direct requirement specified in the contract shall become the property of the Department a. Upon termination ofthe contract, the contractor shall maintain, store, transfer, dispose and provide for the authorized release of all case records, documentation, data, reports, supplies, equipment and accomplishments developed by the contractor as a requirement of the contract, as directed by the Department. The contractor shall not destroy or dispose of any such information without prior, written permission of the Department b. Upon termination of the contract the Department shall have access to all case records pertaining to the performance ofthe contract and, as requested by the Department, the contractor shall make available to the Department all case records and documents prepared or developed as a result of the contract 4,2.9 Imlisition of Serviceg Upon expiration, termination, or cancellation ofthe contract, the contractor shall assist the Department to ensure an orderly transfer of responsibility and/or the continuity of those services required under the terms of the contract to an organization designated by the Department, if requested in wating. The contractor shall provide and/or perform any orall of the following responsibilities: a. The contractor shall deliver, FOB destination, ail records, documentation, reports, data, recommendations, or printing elements, etc., which were required to be produced under the terms of the contractto the Department and/or to the Department's designee within seven {7) days after receipt of the written request, or other such time as directed by the Department b. The contractor shall continue to provide any part or all ofthe services in accordance with the terms and conditions, requirementsand specifications of the contract for a period not to exceed thirty {30) calendar days after the expiration, termination or cancellation date of the contract for a price not to exceed those prices set forth in the contract c. The contractor shall discontinue providing service or accepting new assignments under the terms of the contract, on the date specified by the Department, in order to ensure the completion ofsuch service prior to the expiration ofthe contract. ...2*fl luewOOJOilia Noddns pt.!40 : 92,0 juelueek[3¥ eme,edooo voddns Pl!40 9602-*Loz :luou-14oe#V Ef,¢*Adi:06:ai fi i 4.3 Subcontracting: 1 .....7/IN» ... ./4·4/I.¢ 4,3.1 The contractor may subcontract for the services/products required herein only with prior written approval 4.3.2 The utilization of a sub-contractor shall in no way relieve the contractor ofthe responsibility for providing from the Department the services required herein. 4.3.3 Any subcontracts for the services/products described herein shall be in writing and shall include any and all provisions and contractual obligations, including all requirements of the contract's General Contractual Requirements, that are necessary to ensure the successful fulfillment ofal! obligations under the contract that are performed by a subcontractor. 4.3.4 Any subcontracts must ensure that the Department and the State of Missouri is indemnified. saved and, held harmless from and against any and all claims of damage, loss, and costs (induding attorney fees and litigation expenses] of any kind related to a subcontractin those matters described in the contract between the Department and the contractor. 4.3.5 The contractor shall be solely responsible. for ali legal and financial responsibilities related to the execution ofa subcontract. 4.4 Con f[id of Interest: 4.4.1 The contractor certifies that the contractor has no other contractual or other relationships which create any actual or appearance of conflict of interest During the term orthe contract neither the contractor nor any of its employees shall acquire any other contractual relationships which would create such a conflict a. In the eventthe contractor becomes aware of any circumstances that majr create a conftict of Interest the contractor shall immediately take such actions to mitigate or eliminate the risk of harm caused by the conflict or appearance of conflict b. The contractor shall promptly, fully disclose and notify the Deparnnent of any circumstances that may arise that may create a conflict ofinterest or an appearance of conflict of interest Such notification shall be submitted to the Department in writing within seven (7) business days after the conflict or appearance of a conflict is discovered. c. In the event that the Department determines that a conflict or an appearance of a conflict exists, the Department may take any action that the Department determines is necessary to mitigate or eliminate the conflict or appearance of a conflict. Such actions mayinclude, butare notlimited to: 11 exercising any orall of the Department's rights and remedies under the contract, up to and including terminating the contract with or without cause; or 2) directing the contractor to implement a corrective action plan within a specified time frame to mitigate, remedy and/or eliminate the circumstances which constitute the conflict o f interest or appearance of conflict of interest; or 3) taking any other action thatthe Department determines is necessary and appropriate to ensure the integrity ofthe contractual relationship and the public interest. 4.4.2 In accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, state executive order or regulations, the contractor certifies that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire anyinterest, directly or indirectly, which would conflict in any manner or degree with their performance of the contracted servkes. The contractor further agrees that no person having such interest shall be employed or conveyed an interest, directly or indirectly, in the contract 4.4.3 The contractor certifies that: a. no State of Missouri employee assisted the contractor in obtaining this contract or will participate in J the performance of this contract if such involvement constitutes a conflict of interest; / .....4 4 74 1 course of his/her state employment; and 1,299:kelj¢lit**ij I-ff@2352#1 luaulaoqua Uoddns plitio : SEN.) luellieaJOV eAAe.tedooo woddns Pit.MC) SLOZ-noz :Wautlpe#V b. no State of Missouri employee shall be compensated under this contract for duties performed in the A-" ?4/*e:7;.It ' c. before any State of Missouri employee maybe involved in the performance of this contract written approval shall be obtained from the director o f the Department. 4.4.4 In the event the contractor is a not- for-profit agency, contractor board members must abstain from voting on any funding proposal relating to this contract, in which they have administrative control or a monetary interest. Board members who have such an interest and participate in discussion prior to a vote must disdose such interest in a meeting of the board prior to such discussion. 4.4.5 No monies provided by the Department under this contract shall be used to promote or further nepotism. 4.4.6 The contractor shall represents itself as an independent contractor offering such services to the generat public and shall not represent itself, its employees, or its subcontractor's, as employees of the Department or the State o f Missouri. 4.5 Business Compliance; 4.5.1 The contractor must be in compliance with applicable laws regarding conducting business in the State of Missouri and certifies by signing this contract that it and any subcontractors are presently, and will remain, in compliance with such laws. 4.5.2 The contractor shall have and maintain current and in good standing, any and all licenses and/or certifications which are required by law, rule or regulation for the duration of the contract. a. The contractor shall notify the Department if the contractor's license{s] and/or certification[s) have or may be termlnated, terminated, modified or qualified within seven (7] business days. b. The contractor shall notify the Department within seven [7) business days if the contractor becomes 3 aware that the contractor or its agents, officers or employees are under any investigation by law enforcement governmental agency or other entity with authority to investigate, revoke, suspend or take action against any license or certification that the contractor, its agents employees or officers, may have to conduct business. 4.5.3 If required by state law, the contractor shall be registered and in good standing with the State's Secretary of State and shall submit their State Certificate of Good Standing to the Department upon request. 4.5.4 The contractor must timely file and pay all Missouri sales, withholding, corporate and any other required Missouri tax returns and taxes, induding interest and additions to tax. 4.6 Personnel and StaffinE. 4.6.1. The contractor shan comply with the Fair Labor Standard Act, Equal Opportunity EmploymentAct, any other federal and state laws, rules, regulations and executive orders to the extent that these may be appiicable and further agrees to insert the foregoing provision in al] subcontracts awarded. 4.6.2 The contract is predicated, in part, on the utilization of the specific resources, individuals and/or personnel qualiftcattons as identified and/or described in the contractor's proposal/bid, when applicable, or in the contractual requirements stated herein. Therefore, the contractor shall only utilize personnel and/or individuals in the performance of this contract who meet specific qualifications required for services to be provided. a. No substitution of personnel shall be made by the contractor without written approval of the Department and such substitutions made pursuant to this paragraph shall be equal to or better than those originally proposed, offered, identified or required. 4.6.3 The contractor shall only uUlize personnel including those ofany subcontractor(s}, who are appropriately qualified and licensed or certified, as required by state, federal or local law, statute or regulation, respective to the services to be provided through this contract, and shall provide documentation of such licensure or certification upon request. *044, ,:r luautaoqua Woddns PI!40 : 92410) litelliealfiv eADe,ectooopoddns plillo 91,02-*1,03 :1ueuslloeliv 1%64##t¢**31 4.7 Federal Funds Requirements; 4.7.1 The contract may involve the expenditure of federal funds. Therefore, forany federal funds used, the contractor shall comply with the requirements listed in the following subparagraphs. 4.7.2 The contractor shall comply with the requirements o f the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (P.L.104- 156] and Circular A-133, including subsequent amendments or revisions, as applicable or 2 CFR 215.26 as it relates to for-profit hospitals and commercial organizations. A copy of any audit report shall be sent to the Department each contract year, i f applicable. The contractor shall return to the Department any funds disallowed in an audit of the contract. a. If the contractor is a sub-reclptentas defined in OMB Circular A-133, Section 210, the contractor shall comply with all applicable implementing regulations, and all other laws, regulations and policies authorizing orgoverning the use of any federal funds paid to the contractor through the contract 4.7.3 in performing its responsibilities under the contract, the contractor shall fully comply with the following Office of Management and Budget COMB) administrative requirements and cost principles, as applicable, including any subsequent amendments: a. Uniform Administrative Requirements: A-102 - State/Local Governments; 2 CFR Part 215 - Hospitals, Colleges and Universities, For-Profit Organizations (if specifically included in federal agency implementation], and Not-For-Proflt Organizations (OMB CircularA-110); and b. Cost Principles: 2 CFR Part 225, State/Local Governments (OMB Circular A-87); A-122 - Not-For-Profit Organizations; A-21 - Colleges and Universities; 48 CFR Part 31, For-Profit Organizations; 45 CFR Part 74, Appendix E - Hospitals. 4.7.4 In accordance with the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, Public Law 101-166, Section 511, "Steven's Amendment", the contractor shall not issue any statements, press releases, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money without the prior approval of the Department. Any statements, press releases, and other documents issued with Department approval must clearly state the following, as provided by the Department: , a. the percentage of the total costs ofthe program or project which will be financed with Federal money; b. the dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program; and c. the percentage and dollar amountof the total costs of the projector program that will be financed by nongovernmental sources. 4.7.5 The contractor shall comply with 31 US.C § 1352 relating to limitations on use of appropriated funds to influence certain federal contracting and financial transactions. No funds under the contractshall be used to pay the salary or expenses of the contractor, or agent acting for the contractor, to engage in any activity designed to influence legislation or appropdations pending before the United States Congress or Missouri General Assembly. The contractor shall comply with all requirements of 31 U.S.C, § 1352 which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. Thecontractorshall submitto the Department, when applicable, Disclosure of LobbyingActivities reporting forms. 4.8 Financial Requirements: 4.8.1 Theavailability offunding for this contract shall be determined solely by the Department and such determination shall be final and without recourse by the contractor. 4.8.2 Payments due under the terms of the contract shall be made by the Department upon receipt o f a properly itemized invoice, as set forth herein, a. The contractor shall submit their invoices in a timely fashion and no later than the time period specified in § 33.120 RSMo, unless more restrictive requirements are established by state or federal law or regulation. £5·69*1 luaweojolug Woddne Pullo : 92*0 luatiteei6'f eAqeledooo lioddns PAD 91·02-,1,02 nueu,qoeuv i*444£ ¢4.fi#31 . .el./* 215:01*J lueulawo#'3 Uoddns pl!.40: 92*0 luauteedfi¥ GAneiedooo poddne P}}40 9302-:402 :lueunpe#V 28*€9*Re- a. Any costs fncurred for the use or purchase ofservices, equipment or automated system equipment is - „45).=30'*...1/*i-:..#I..... not eligible for federal financial participation if, in the sole opinion of the Department, such equipment 40»83 duplicates services provided by MACSS. p=7 5.5 No other payments or reimbursements shall be made to the contractor other than those specified above. 5.6 The contractor shall Invoice the Department within ninety (90) calendar days after thelastdayofthe month in which services are claimed. a. Thecontractorshall submitits invoices to: Family Support Division - Child Support County Reimbursement Unit 615 E. 13th Street, Room 204-2 Kansas City, MO 64106-2829 b. Each invoice shall have a unique identifier as an invoice number. Invoice numbers must not be duplicated in the same fiscal year. 5.7 Failure ofthe contractor to submit required reports when due, may result in withholding or rejection of payment under the contract. The Department shall reject payment due to the contractor's failure to perform or deliver the required work or services. 5.8 The Department, at its sole discretion, may: a. audit all invoices, in a manner determined by the Department; b. reject any invoice for good cause; c. make invoice corrections and/or changes with appropriate notification to the contractor; d. deduct from an invoice any overpayment made by the Department; and 0 e. recover from tile contractor any funds for which adequate verification and documentation of expenditures, if required, is not maintained. 5.9 The contractor shall understand and agree that the Department reserves the right to make payments to the contractor through electronic funds transfer [EFT]. Therefore, prior to any payments becoming due under the contract, the contractor should return a completed State Vendor ACH/EFr Application. The State Vendor ACH/EFT Application can be downloaded from the internet at: http://www.oa.mo.gov/purch/vendorinfo/vendorach.pdf. 0 hogyz5ia 41·f lueweoiojug Vocking p!!40 : 93*0 :Ualuee.16¥ e/lueiedoos UoddnS Pl!40 91·02-M·02 :luell,408#V *fia¥141 I 692€« Ve Attachment A -IV-D County Additional Requirements ifiE-f:*08]*icd;Int¢ A.1 Inthe event the County is designated as a Level A County, the County shall comply with the additional following requirements. A.2 Prosecuting Attornev's (PA'I Office Level A Responsibilities All The PA shall provide the following IV-D services on cases they have the sole responsibility for: a. Establishing paternity; b. Establishing and modifying child support obl®tens; c. Enforcing child, spousaland medical support obligations; 1) The PA shall provide support enforcement services to individuals pursuant to 45 CFR 302.31 and 45 2] The PA shall secure, establish, and enforce medical support obligations pursuantto 45 CFR 303.30,45 CFR 30233. CFR 303.32,454.600 through 454.700, RSMo, and procedures estab}ished by the Department. d. Cooperating with other states, tribes, and countries where there is a Federal Recjprocating Agreement or a e. Conducting manuallocation activities, as needed, to supplement the automated system's location activities; bilateral agreement; f. For cases requiring or requesting a review and adjustment, utilizing procedures established by the and Department and in accordance with 452.370,454.400,454.498 and 454.500, RSMo. A.2.2 The PAshall be infull compliance with federalaudit requirements and established Departmental procedures as set forth in the procedural and forms manuals and the Missouri Automated Child Support System (MACSS} Quick 3 Reference Guide when providing the serv(ces stated herein, a. The Child Support Procedural Manual can be located at: http://dssweb/fsd/csepolicy/manpolteydocs/index.htni. b. The Missouri Automated Child Support System (MACSS) Quick Reference Guide can belocated at: http,//dssweb/fsd/traininy/CSE/MACSSORG/index,htmt. A.2.3 The PA's office managers shall attend all scheduled meetings for Department managers, when notified by the Department A.3 Department Level A Responsibilities A.3.1 The Department will measure the contractofs performance based on federal performance measures in accordance with 45 CFR 305.2, and by utilizing data from MACSS or the managed reporting program (http://ssrvrocp/ibi apps/login/mr/mr login.isp). B. 04:Leve]Bitountv B.1 In the event the County is designated as a Level B County, the County shall comply with the additional following requirements. B.2.1 jackson County Family Support Division cases: Cases for support collection or paternity determination services B.2 Definitions under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act wherein the applicant is a resident of Jackson County or which would otherwise be assigned to the Kansas City offices of the Family Support Division under existing practiceand procedures, except for Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney cases. B.2.2 Iackson County Prosecuting Attorney cases: Cases for support collection or paternity determination services under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act where in the applicant is a jackson County resident who as Head of Household has never received and Es not receiving either cash or non-cash benefits or assistance under Title ZV- A or X1X of the Social Security Act nor has a prior companion Temporary Assistance for Needy Families {TANF] I ./u) case as a result of prior ]V-A eligibility on the part of the applicant or involved family. 14U lualueo.tolug woddns Pl!.40 : gEn) quatuea,f,veAReiedooo l.loddns ptiqo gl.og-,Log.·weutqoe#V Gboe ./ B.3,1 The PA shall provide the following IV-D services on cases they have the sole responsibility for: a. Establishing paternity; b. Establishing and modifyingchild support obligations; c. Enforcing child, spousal and medical support obligations; 1] The PA shall provide support enforcement services to individuals pursuantto 45 CFR 302.31 and 45 CFR 302.33. 2] The PA shall secure, establish, and enforce medical support obligations pursuant to 45 CFR 303.30,45 CFR 303.32,454.600 through 454.700, RSMo, and procedures established by the Department. d. Cooperating with other states, tribes, and countries where there is a Federal Reciprocating Agreement or a bilateral agreement; e. Conducting manual location activities as needed to supplement the automated system's location activities; and f. For cases requiring or requesting a review and adjustment, utilzing procedures established by the Department and in accordance with 452.370,454.400,454.498 and 454.500, RSMo. B.3.2 The PA shall use all applicable means Including, but not limited to, wjthholding of unemployment compensation benefits, certification for federal income tax interception, immediate income withholding, administrative process, state income tax withholding, liens against real and personal property, posting of bonds, reporting to consumer reporting agencies, and placing liens on worker's compensation benefits. B.33 The PA shall be in full compliance with federal audit requirements and established Departmental procedures as set forth in the procedural and forms manuals and the Missouri Automated Child Support System (MACS) Quick 0 Reference Guide when providing the services stated herein. a. The Child Support Procedural Manud can be located at: http://dssweb/fsd/csepolicy/manpolicydocs/index.htm. b. The Missouri Automated Child Support System {MACSS) Quick Reference Guide can be located at: httpi/./dssweb/fsd/training/CSE/MACSSORG./index.html B.3.4 With regard to Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney cases, the Department will, within five {5) working days of receipt of the application of services, forward the application to the PA. in accordance with 45 CFR 303.2, the PA shall be responsible for further requirements and al! other case responsibi[ity as set forth herein. B.4 Department Level B Responsibilities B.4.1 The Departmentwill measure the contractor's performance based on federal performance measures in accordance with 45 CFR 305.2, and by utilizing data from MACSS or the managed reporting program (http://ssrvfocp/ibi apps./login /mr/mr login.isp). I L «,9 JV.2>.,-*V.2949;*17 6234%911*vel €1€0imt* C.1 In the event the County is designated as a Level C County, there are no additional requirements. D. 4: Mi'itti-{38*nit#*0}det D.1 In the event the County is designated/identified as a participant in a Multi-County Project (Project), the County shall comply with the additiona! following requirements, as applicable. D.2 Project Partidpants:The Project shall consist of the counties listed in the table below. The county labeled with an asterisk (*) shall be designated as the "Host" County for the Project Greene County* Taney County Christian County ¤2'ft'*.*a'*71 Waluao.Jolua Poddns pullo ; gzw') quatueeJEiv elie/edooo Voddns PINS 9 LOZ-not :lueutqoeuv Iv@Pa,51¢et{Pg/414 :, 1 <*4114 J D.3 Proiect Collaboration L·%.y=.le #/ I. ,»y, D.3.1 The contractor shall collaborate with other Project Participants, as required, to ensure successful delivery of child support enforcement services. D.4 Host Countv Responsibilities D.4.1 The Host County shall serve as the lead entity for the Project. D.4.2 The Host Countyshall establish and identle an office for the primary location for the Project D.4,3 The Host County shall employ Assistant Prosecuting Attorney(s) and support staff for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of this contact. a. The personnel required above shatispend one hundred percent (10096} of the time working on child support enforcement activities. b. The Host County shall take the necessary steps, as required by law, to appoint/commission the individuals hfred as assistant prosecuting attorneys for each of the counties participating in the Project, thereby conferring on the assistant prosecuting attorneys all of the authority, duties and responsibilities of said offfce for each county participating in the Project. 1) The Host County may limit said commission to child support services at the option of each participating county. D.4.4 The Host County shall appropriate sufficient funds to compensate required personnel and to provide for the investigation and litigation of cases referred to the Project D.5 Reimbursementsto the Hosteountv D.5.1 The contractor {non-host county) shall reimburse the Host County for the non-host county's share of expenditures made to fulfill the requirements of the Project 0 D.5.2 The contractor (non-host county) shall reimburse the Host County in accordance with the applicable percentage share listed in the table below. 68% Taney County 13% Christian County I9% Greene County 0 10 3215:al Ef waluesiolug poddns pl.!110 ; SEPI.) luetuaaiBv eAReiadooo Uoddr,g Pl!.40 9 LOE-FLOZ :Weusteellv / I / 9£L ' P -ppe,/4/ Exhibit #1- Business Entity Certification, Enrollment Documentation, and Affidavit of Work Authorization Business Entity Certification: The contractor must certify their currentbusiness status by completing either BoxA or Box B or Box C on this Exhibit. BOX A: To be completed by a non-business entity as defined below. BOX B: To be completed by a business entity who has notyet completed and submitted documentation pertaining to the federal work authorizatton program as described at http://www.dhs.gov/mes/programs./gc 1185221678150.shtm. BOX C: To be completed by a business entity who has current work authorization documentation on file with a Missouri state agency including Division of Purchasing and Materials Management Business entity, as delned in section 285.525, RSMo, pertaining to section 285530, RSMo. is any person or group of persons performing or engaging in any activity, enterprise, pro fession, or occupation for gain, benent, advantage, or livelihood, The term "business entity" shall include but not be limited to self-employed individuals, partnerships, corporations, contractors, and subcontractors. The term 'business entity" shall include anybuslness entity that possesses a business permit, license, crtexcertincate issued by the state, any business entity thatis exempt by law from obtaining such a business permit, and any business entigy that is operating unlawfully without such a business permit. The term•buslnessentity•shall not Includeaself-employed Individual with noemployees orentities utilizing thesenlices of direct sellersas denned jnsubdivision [17) of subsection 12 ofsection 288.034, RSMo, Note: Regarding governmental entities, business ent[ty inc[udes Missouri schools, Missouri universities (other than stated in Box CD, out of state agencies, out o f state schools, out of state universities, and political subdivistons. A business entity does not Jnclude Missouri state agencies and federal government entities. BOX A - Currently Not a Business Entity 0 i certify that [Company/Individual Name) DOES NOT CURRENTLY MEET the definition of a business entity, as defined in section 285.525, RSMo pertaining to section 285.530, RSMo as stated above, because: (check the applicable business status that applies below) O I ama self-employed individual with no employees; OR O The company that 1 represent employs the services of direct sellers as defined in subdivision {17) of subsection 12 of section 288.034, RSMo. I certify that I am n'ot an alien unlawfully present in the United States and if {Company/Individual Name) is awarded a contract for the services (Contract Number) and if the business status changes during the life of the contract to become a business entityas defined in section 285.525, RSMo, pertaining to section requested herein under 285.530. RSMo, then, prior to the performance ofany services as a business entity, (Company/Individual Name] agrees to complete Box B, comply with the requirements stated in Box B and provide the Department of Social Services with all documentation required in Box B of this exhibit County Commissioner/Executive Name County Commissioner/Executive Signature {Please Print) Company Name (ffappticable) Date 0 1UeUIaOJO;l]3 Voddne PI!40 : 93>0 :Uell,amov eA!,medooo voddns Pl!40 gLOZ-*LOZ :luoutlloe#v Er@»810*,gil Exhibit # 1 (continued] {c**1#0 *q014%**ifjj@igiojN{)*jm%***ve,i*.docun#iiNi9*Lnd®¢j#j*f#fd€R.,k AuthdrG:*to*41*di¢j**k,Wiihiil*94¢816£Mi&*u*10*Wi*ki4134iU#319;06* E¢Ympi44#i}*Ct). Box B - Current Business Entity Statug {Business Entity Name) MEETS the definition of a business entity as defined in section 285.525, RSMo, pertaining to section 285.530. I certify that County Commissioner/Executive Business Entity County Commissioner/Executive Business Representative's Name [Please PrtnO Entity Representative's Signature Business Entity Name Date 0 E-Mail Address As a business entity, the contractor must perform/provide each orthefollowing. The contractor should check each to verify completion/submission ofail of the following: O Enroll and participate in the E-Verify federal work authorization program [Website: http://www.dhs.gov/files./programs/gc 1185221678150.shtm; Phone: 888-464-4218; Email: e-veri fv@dhs.gov) with respect to the employees hired after enrollment in the program who are proposed to work in connection with the services required herein; AND O Provide documentation affirming said company's/individual's enrollment and participation in the E-Verify federal work authorization program. Documentation shall include EITHER the E- Verify Employment Eligibility Verification page listing the contractor's name and company lD OR a page from the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) listing the contractor's name and the MOU signature page completed and signed, at minimum, by the contractor and the Department of Hometand Security - Verification Divlsion. If the signature page of the MOU lists the contractor's name and company ID, then no additional pages of the MOU must be submitted; AND O Submita completed, notarized Affidavit ofWork Authorization provided on the next page of this Exhibit. 0 1: LA,k:.,2 illeutaoiolug Voddns pl!110: 92*1.) quetueeifive,Wle/adDOO Voddng PI!40 91.0/*Log :Watut!081:v RN€¢*(4*41 Exhibit # 1 {continued) Afftdavit of Work Authorization The contractor who meets the section 285.525, RSMo, definition of a business entity must complete and return the following Affidavit ofWork Authorization. (Name of Business Entity Authorized Representative) as Comes now (Position/Tttle] first being duly sworn on my oath, affirm - (Business Entity Name] is enrolled and will continue to participate in the E- Verify federal work authorization program with respect to employees hired after enrollment in the program who are proposed to work in connection with the services related to contract(s} with the State of Missouri for the duration of the contract[s), if awarded in accordance with subsection 2 ofsection 285.530, RSMo. I also affirm that (Business Entity Name) does not and will not knowingly employ a person who ·is an unauthorized alien in connection with the contracted services provided under the contract[s) for the duration ofthe contract(s), if awarded. In Amrmationthereof, the facts stated above are true ond correct (Theundersigned understandsthat false statements made in this filing are subject to the penalties provided under section 575.040, RSMo.) County Commissioner/Executive Signature Printed Name 3 Date Title E-Verify Co mpany ID Number E-Mail Address Subscribed and sworn to before me this of . l am commissioned as a (MONTH.YEAR) {DAY) notary public commissioned as a notary public within the County of , State of (NAMEOF COUNTY) and my commission expires on (DATE) (NAME OF STATE) Signature of Notary Date D - *>1 Wattles.loiua Uoddns PI!40 ; gin) lueluee,Eve,meiedooo poddns PI!40 91.02-PLOZ :lueult!00#v tte?41*F#*4#fil Exhibit # 1 (continued) (Complete.thefollowingifyou V ' Executive Compensation Information* *Completethis sectionifrequired. Seeinstructionsforadditionalinformation beforecompleting. List the organization's top five most highly compensated executives for the preceding contractor fiscal year. Arnount Name 1. 2.. 3. 4. 5. Certification: I attest the facts stated above are true and correct. I understand the information provided will be reported by the Department of Sodal Services to the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) and the information will be accessible to the public. C AA,(23:K Lou- Lapoe /la_ MinW Commissio 5ignature Printed Name 1 1/1 2*3 Presiolirij C,ommits,bner Date Title 0 h./114; 1 luatuaoio#13 Woddng pt!40 : SZ,1,) lueuleaJE]v eAnekedooowoddns pt!40 91·02-NOE :Weut,lowl;V 1*lf#*64#mE Instructions for Completing the FFATA Data Form ZiD Code + 4 This is the four digitzip code extension available athttp:.4/zip4.usps,com/*4/welcome.isp DUNSNumber Dun & Bradstreet (I)&B) provides a D-U-N-S Number, a unique nine digit identification number, for each physical location of your business. DUNS Number assignment is FREE for all businesses required to registerwith the US Federal government for contracts or grants. See http; //fedgov.dnb.com/webform Parent Organization's DUNS Number Complete if applicable. This is typically used bylarge organizations with multiple facilities in several locations. The parent organization's number is number assigned to the headquarters for the operation. Principal Place of Performance Complete if the primary place orperformance is differentthan the address listed above. Executjve Compensation Information Review thefollowing questions to determine whetheryou are requiredto reportexecutive compensation information. 1. In your preceding completed fiscal year, did your business or organization receive: 00. 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues from federa] procurement contracts (and subcontracts), and federal Anancial assistance subject to the Transparency Act, as·defined in 2 CFR 170.320; and 0 pp. $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from federal procurement contracts [and subcontracts id federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act? £ Yes Yo Note: If the answer to either Question la or lb is "No",your organization's compensation information is not required. Bang:complete the Executive Compensation Informationsection ofthe FFATA Data Form. Note: If the answer to both la and lb is "Yes", proceed to Question 2. 2. Does the public have access to the informaUon about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 [15 U.S.C. 78M[a}, 780(d)] or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 19867 (To determine (fthepublic has access to the compensation information, see the U.S. Securities and ExchangeCommission's totol compensation filings at http://www,sec, gov/answers/execomp.htm O Yes ONO Note: Ifthe answerto Question # 2 is 'Yes",your organization'seecutive compensation information is not required. Nate: Ifthe answer to Question #2 is "No",you are required to complete the Executive Compensation Informationsection ofthe FFATA Data Form. Definitions "Executive" means officers, managing partners, or any other employees in management positions. "Total compensation" means the cash and non-cash dollar value earned by the executives during the preceding fiscal year and includes items such as salary, bonuses, stock awards, incentive plans, pension plans, deferred compensation, etc. Additional information about reporting compensation is available at: https://www.rsrs.vov/documents/OMB Guidance on PFATA St,haward and Executive Compensation Revorting 08272010 odr 1 t*: €48001 luetuao.10,113 Noddns pl!40 : 9Zll.) lueuteekS¥ eABe.tedooo poddns pi!40 9 Loz-*I,02 :luaultioenv 41 Exhibit #4- Assurance for Safeguarding IRS/SSA Restrictions/Penalties ©Radk«jibl,9 i« 4 . .*.I - 1. PERFORMANCE 1,1 in performance of this contract the Contractor agrees to comply with and assume responsibility for compliance by his or her employees with the following requirements; a. Al] work will be performed under the supervision ofthe contractor or the contractor's responsible employees. b. Any Federal tax returns or return information (hereafter referred to as returns or return information) made available shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this contract. Information contained in such material shall be treated as cont(dential and shall not be divulged or made known in any manner to any person except as maybe necessary in the performance of this contract. Inspection by or disclosure to anyone other than an officer or employee of the contractor is prohibited. c. All returns and return information wit! be accounted for upon receipt and properly stored before, during, and after processing. In addition, all related output and products will be given the same level of protection as required for the source material. d. No work involving returns and return information furnished under this contract will be subcontracted without prior written approval of the IRS. e. The contractor will maintain alist ofemployees authorized access. Such Ilst will be provided to the agency and, upon request, to the IRS reviewing office. £ The agency willhave the right to void the contract if the contractor fails to provide the safeguards described above. 2. CRIMINAL/CIVIL SANCTIONS 2.1 Each officer or employee of any person to whom returns or return in formation is or may be disclosed shall be notified in writing by such person that returns or return In formation disclosed tosuch officer or employee can be used only for a purpose and to the extent authorized herein, and that further disclosure of any such returns or return information for a purpose or to an extent unauthorized herein constitutes a felony punishable upon conviction by a fine of as much as $5,000 or imprisonment for as long as five years, or both, together with the costs of prosecutton. Such person shall atso notify each such officerand employee that any such unauthorized future disclosure of returns or return information may also result in an award of civil damages against the officer or employee in an amaunt not less the $1,000 with respect to each instance of unauthorized disclosure. a. These penalties are prescribed by IRC Sections 7213 and 7431 and set forth at 26 CFR 301.610300-1. 2.2 Each officer or employee of any person to whom returns or return information ts or may be disclosed shall be notified in writing by such person that any return or return information made available in any format shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this contract Information contained in such material shall be treated as confidential and shall not be divulged or made known in any manner to any person except as may be necessary in the performance of this contract. Inspection by or disclosure to anyone without an officiat need to know constitutes a criminal misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by a fine of as much as $1,000.CO or Impriscriment for as long as 1 year, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. Such person shall also notig each such officer and employee that that any such unauthorized inspection or disclosure of returns or return information may also result in an award of civil damages against the officer or employee [United States for Federal employees) in an amount equal to the sum of the greater of $1,000.00 for each act of unauthorized inspection or disclosure with respect to Which such defendant is found liable or the sum ofthe actual damages sustained by the plaintiff as a result of such unauthorized inspection or disclosure plus in the case of a willful inspection or disclosure which is the result of gross negligence, punitive damages, p[us the costs of the action. The penalties are prescribed by IRC Sections 7213A and 7431. 2.3 Additionally, it is incumbent upon the contractor to inform its officers and employees of the penalties for improper disclosure imposed by the Privacy Act of 1974,5 U.S.C. 552a. Specifically, 5 U.S.C. 5528(00),which is made applicable to contractors by 5 US.C, 552a(m)(11 provides that any officer or employee ofa contractor, who by virtue of his/her employment or official position, has possession ofor access to agency records which contain individually ident[fiabIe information, the disciosure of which is prohibited by the PrivacyAct or regulations established thereunder, and who knowing that disclosure of the specific material is prohibited, willfully discloses the materja] in anymanner to any person or agency not entitled to receive it, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than $5,000. **1.-1 1 Wauteo.tolug Woddns Pl!40 : SEFO lueuteeA/ eA!;eiedooo poddns pl!40 9 I.03-4].02 :lualuqoeuv 2.4 Granting a contractor access to FTI must be preceded by certifying that each Individual understands the agency's security policy and procedures for safeguarding IRS information. Contractors must maintain their authorization to access FTI through annual recertification. The initial certification and recertification must be documented I and placed in the agency's files for review. As part of the certification and atieastannually afterwards, contractors shoufd be advised ofthe provisions of IRC Sections 7431,7213 and 7213A (see Exhibit 6, IRCSec. 7431 Civil Damagesfor Unauthorized Disclosure ofReturns and Return Information andixhibit S,18£ Sec.77213 Unauthorized Disclosure orb®rmation). The training provided before the initial certification and annually thereafter must also cover the incident response policy and procedure for reporting unauthorized disclosures and data breaches. (See Section 10) For both the initial certification and the annual certificatlon, the contractor should sign, either with ink orelectronicsignature, aconfidentiality statement cert®ing their understanding of the security requlrements. 3. INSPECTION 3.1 The IRS and the Agency shall have the right to send its officers and employees into the offices and plants of the contractor for inspection of the Facilities and operations provided for the performance of any work under this contract On the basis of such inspection, specific measures may be required in cases where the contractor is found to be noncompliant with contract safeguards. 4. CONTRACT LANGUAGE FOR TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 4,1 Performance; 4.1.1 In performance of thjs contract, the contractoragrees to comply with and assume responsibility for compliance by his or her employees with the following requirements: a. All work will be done under the supervision of the contractor or the contractor's employees. b. Any return or return information made available in any format shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this contract. Information contained in such material will be treated as confidentia[ and will not be divulged or made known in any manner to any person except as may be necessary in the performance of this contract, Disclosure to anyone other than an officer or employee of the contractor will be prohibited. c. All returns and return in formation will be accounted forupon receiptand properly stored before, during, and after processing In addition, all related output will be given the same level of protection as required for the source material. d. Thecontractorcertifies thatthedata processed during the performance of this contract will be completely purged from all data storage components of his or her computer facility, and no output will be retained by thecontractorat the time thework iscompleted. If immediate purging of all data storage components is not possible, the contractor certifies that any IRS data remaining in any storage component will be safeguarded to prevent unauthorized disclosures. e. Any spoilage orany intermediate hard copy printoutthal may result during the processing of IRS data will be given to the agency or his or her designee. When this is not possible, the contractor will be responsible for the destruction of the spoilage or any intermediate hard copy printouts, and wi[i provide the agency or his or her designee with a statement containingthe date of destruction, description of material destroyed, and the method used. f. All computersystems receiving,processing,storing, or transmitting Federal tax information must meet the requirements defined in IRS Publication 1075. To meet functional and assurance requirements, the security features of the environment must provide for the managerial, operational, and technical controls. All security features must be available and activated to protect against unauthorized use of and access to Federal tax Information. g. No work involving Federal tax information furnished under this contract will be subcontracted without prior written approval of the IRS. h. The contractor will maintain a list of employees authorized access. Such Iist will be provided to the agency and, upon request, to the IRS reviewing office. L Theagency willhave the right to void the contract if the contractor fails to provide the safeguards described above. OR**7<41 1UeUJBNOJU3 uoddne Pl!110 : 9ZDI) lueulae.,riv eA!,exedooo uoddns pl.!40 9102-*108 : lueuttpe#v 4*#ER#*35*fljkl 4.2 Criminal/Civil Sanctions: 4.2.1 Each officer or employee of any person to whom returns or return information Is ormay be disclosed will be notified in writing by such person that returns or return information disclosed to such officer or employee can be used only fora purpose and to the extent authorized herein, and that further disclosure of any such returns or return information for a purpose or to an extent unauthorized herein constitutes a felony punishabte upon conviction by a fine of as much as $5,000 or imprisonment foras long as 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. Such person shall also notify each such officer and employee that any such unauthorized further disclosure ofrelurns or return information may also result in an award of civil damages against the officer or employee in an amount notless than $1,000 with respect to each instance of unauthorized disclosure. These penalties are prescribed by IRC sections 7213 and 7431 and set forth at 26 CFR 301.610300-1. 4.2.2 Each officer or employee of any person to whom returns or return information is or maybe disclosed shall be notified in writing by such person that any return or return Information made available in any format shall be used only for thepurpose of carrying out the provisions of this contract. Information contained in such material shall be treated as confidential andshaill notbe divulged or made known in any manner to any person except as may be necessary In the performance of the contract. luspectlon by or disclosure to anyone without an official need to know constitutes a criminal misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by a fine of as muchas $1,000 or imprisonment for as long as 1 year, or both,together with the costs of prosecution. Such person shall also notify each such officer and employee that any such unauthorized inspection ordisclosure of returns or return information may also result in an award of civil damages againstthe officer or employee [United States for Federal employees) in an amount equal to the sum of the greaterof $1,000 foreachactofunauthorized inspection or disclosure with respect to which such defendant is found liable or the sum of the actual damages sustained by the plaintiffas a result ofsuch unauthorized inspection ordisclosureplus in the case ofawillful inspection or disclosure which is the result of-gross negligence, punitive damages, pills the cohts of the action. These penalties are prescribed by IRC section 7213A and 7431. 4.2.·3 Additionally, it is incumbent upon the contractor to inform its o fficers and employees of the penalties for improper disclosure imposed by the Privacy Act of 1974,5 U.S,C. 552a. Specifically, 5 U.S.C, 552a(0(1), which is made applicable to contractors by 5 U.S.C. 5528(m)(11 provides that any officer or employee of a contractor, who by virtue ofhis/her employmentor official position, has possession ofor access to agency records whlch contain individually identifiable information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by the Privacy Act or reguiations established thereunder, and who knowing that disclosure of the specific material is prohibited, willfully discloses the material in any mannerto any person oragencynotentitled to receive it, shallbe guilty of a misdemeanor and ffned notmore than $5,000. 4.2.4 Granting a contractor access to FTI must be preceded by certifyingthat each individual understands the agency's security policy and procedures for safeguarding IRS information. Contractors mustmaintain their authorization to access Fl'I through annual recertification. The initial certification and recertification must be documented and placed in the agency's files for review. As part of the certification and at least annually afterwards, contractors should be advised of the provisions of IRC Sections 7431,7213 and 7213A [see Exhibit 6,IRC Sec. 7431 Civil Damages.for Unauthorized Disclosure of Returns and Return Information and Exhibit 5, IRC Sec. 7213 Unauthorized Disdosure of/?formation). The training provided before the initial certification and annually thereafter must also cover the incident response policyand procedure for reporting unauthorized disclosures and data breaches. (See Section 10) For both the jnitial certification and the annual certification, the contractor should sign, either withink or electronic signature, a confidentiality statement certilying their understanding of thesecutity requirements. 4.3 Jnspection: 4.3.1 The IRS and the Agency shall have the right to send its officers and employees into the offices and plants of the contractor for inspection of the facilities and operations provided for the performance ofany work under this contract. On the basis of such inspection, specific measures may berequired in cases where the contractor is found to be noncomptiant with contract safeguards. 4 0# e. ER.U- }91/1/3-6/2 Alitlibzed *0gd-forithe Cfty ProsecutingAttorney Dke / / £ if / tJ V g (e,eo queell eleulutuoispea ple : 82,1,) eies quee,1 00 pleMB :luetuqoeuv .351% tw.4 itit; CHEISTIAN COUNTY Lou Lapaglia 2 0 Presiding Commissioner f LEA COMMIASION 4$' Bill Barnett * tty=gm m ==-· 2%.lt Western Commissioner 100 W. Churdt Etreet, Iloom 100 Ozark Miasouri 65721 Ray Weter Phone: 417-581-2112 • Fax: 417-581-9924 Eastern Commissioner December 12, 2013 Libby Nickols CO. Health Care LLC P. 0. Box 1665 Ozark, MO 65721 Dear Ms. Nickols, After careful consideration, the County Commissioners voted today to award the 2014 calendar year contract for inmate health care to CO. Health Care, LLC. This is.a one year contract with the option to renew each year for a total of six additional one year periods. Please forward the County a copy of your certificate of liability insurance along with qualification certificates of each of your staff members. We look forward to doing business with you again in 2014. Sincerely, n 'RQ 8-0 24(bl LodLapaglia V Bill Barnett Ray Wet4 Presiding Commissioner Western Commissioner Eastern Commissioner D Website: www.christiancountymo.gov Email: countycommission@christiancountymo.gov @ Printed on Recycled Paper Christian County Commission 100 West Church St, Room 100 Ozark MO 65721 October Term http:UChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Monday, December 9, 2013 8:55 AM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 8:55 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia Attende*Name L >· f.: F'%' . .; 14. 1,1..*Titllk· 4. 4 .-21 - stat;lis,#.NEL 'Arrived: , Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 8:55 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 8:55 AM Julia Maples Administrative Assistant Present 8:55 AM II. Agenda Motion/Vote - 8:55 AM Kay Brown-County Clerk Minutes & Financials'Approval - Approve Minutes & Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and County Auditor Sam Yarnell The County Commission reviewed and approved the minutes for November 27, 2013. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the minutes. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - - Approve Sales Tax Court Order 12-9-2013-01 The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and County Auditor Sam Yarnell. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve sales tax Court Order 12-9-2013-01 $ 339,927.81 for December Sales Tax. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 9:00 AM Sam Yarnell-Auditor 63 Hearing - Budget Study Hearing October Term Monday, December 9,2013 8:55 AM 3 The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. The County Commission met with County Auditor Sam Yarnell for a budget study hearing for revisions to the 2014 budget. County Auditor Sam Yarnell said the County Clerk received the monthly budget report and was concerned the current postage amount will not be adequate for next year and asked to increase the 2014 postage budget for elections and the county clerk's office. County Auditor Sam Yarnell indicated that the VAWA grant would not be forthcoming. The Prosecutor has elected to maintain her budget as previously presented with the funds reassigned at 3 percent staff salary increase, excluding the Prosecutor and the grant employee. The County Commission signed the budget revisions for the County Clerk and the Prosecutor's offices. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the County Clerk's revisions to postage and the Prosecutors reallocation of funds. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner 0 SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 10:00 AM Christian County Commission Proposal - Propane Bid Quotes for 2014 The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Common 1 Road District Supervisor Richard Teague The County Commission reviewed the quotes and opened bids for propane gas for the Common 1 Road District from the following companies: Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said quotes and were submitted rather than bids because the amount of propane used is such low amount. Hoods Propane quote was $ 1.64 pergallon MFA quote was $ 1.79 per gallon Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to award the propane oil to D Hoods Propane for $ 1.64 pergallon. 21Page October Term Monday, December g, 2013 8:55 AM 0 RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett III. Adjournment The meeting was closed at 10:05 AM The scheduled agenda for December 9th, 2013, was completed and the Commission adjourned and will reconvene Thursday, December 12, 2013. PresiAing Commisslonew: Lou Lapaglia 0 Eastern Cqmmissioner, Ray Weter .S 2 g OAMet Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett 31Page CERTIFIED COURT ORDER # 12-9-2013-01 The Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay the following entities 2013 SALES TAX October 2013 Term R# 24466 December 6, 2013 COURT ORDER SALES TAX #332 RECEIVED $ 339,927.81 CK #'S COMMON ROAD I 30.98% 105,309.64 301-420-200 COMMON ROAD 11 30.39% 103,304.06 302-420-200 COMMON ROAD I BUDGETAPPORTIONMENT 17,708.33 301-420-200 COMMONITOTAL 123,017.97 COMMON 11 TOTAL 103.304.06 AMOUNTTO REIVIAIN IN POOL 113,605.78 -Loti Lapaglia, -¥r#= Commissioner TEZEd,15 Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner 10041 -1X-j24 =A Ray Wet¢r, Eastern Commissioner IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I, have, hereunto set .. my hand and affixed the seal of said Commission, at my office in Christian RECEIVI:ri County, this the 9th day of December 2013. 14:152.Pk-, DEC 06 Eli 4 (84*w KO WAY if·{OWN Kay Brolh, Clerk of the County Commission COURTy C,uff·'s: 9,4 Pjik«28?4>4. 1./.% 7 . =1=1 2 te/'r·*5:Wile 11=-1-2-k-6-1-k-1.-k-1-1 000000000000 C 666666666666 12/5/20131:22 PM 10 >3 N N tele N N le N N N OZ-III 090900000000 6,0,6, c, 6, 6 & 6 6 w A 1 *CON-10=Cat CO NOO 0000001000000 0 2 5 11 m 5,0 -O -0 0 0 0 Co on 0 3 0 0 0 3-10 0 >2-@ae-@ms.32'a <0000 -1 C FI C-¤ 0 0 -'C C ' a 38 7% ig m. 93 rD 1 42 q &232% W O 0 9 0 0 3%3 i Ng-m ax]Al § 0 0 J W Z. 0.2823 33 U) 0 Of UN ga.@ m O 0 m- m. 90 n 1 & g O0 5 2 - 3 01 2 E- 2 2 p-a>p ,» o h R N O.>1 8.88@ 8191&Mibl p a O} Co O p,9>*op 00; -bobb,En owwbok,o 0 010 O 0 0 0} 10 O -1 01 4 N CD A 00 0 a,A 2 ij-•w,eMA 30 -C) p --1-Np-4 S N PppploN w N ceo Cl N -10 NOW NOON 5238gw ocnaoocri 0-1 O)000·0001 00090,0000900 50 JO P P --1 -W PS;,-c» 01 41 N 00 -1 CO N W = -1 0 4 01 01 CD A -1 Egigg9 Ola) fjo)01$ .=.f·n,AA m>loop 0 O 00 1000 01 0 -4 00 CO G) O 9 0 -41 0 4 0 01 01 4 4 0 A 01 N e N - O 0 (D 04 0.-1 4 -k a)* 2 -1 P -0) m .-3.221 K N Pt»-* WP 01 5 4 0 CA) al -4 Wo=le 9 0 Ch 5 Woro 00 000,00 o 0-1 ·N o 01 cy] 0 - ..NO)00 pompopooppop '-P.. 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W .A .- 4 -00 .co O 0 GO Wa) WO CD WO 2. -4 -1 01 40001ON=ONCDO-100-4-4 -4 hgovoheppsoppfpfo N a) 4444 0 00 0 NOT 00 0 0 40>000000 00 00000 4 5,)3•'PPPY» F 655»wpowp # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23)00 01070) CO U W W We e W W W COCD CA) = 0 -• W A -4 Ch a A al 0 0 00 90 >1 90 A:.PCONOCIPOMP $ 42< 0 07 01 0 ul o o k 0, b 'co co b c: 0, to 3 WWN.NOMOOW»000,0 -0 CO N N N ZON N M N N NO N N N c, 0-1 1.-1.NODONP-jew-4 :m. 'b wklooknboo L Nbbo*bvk,c, )0 co 0 0 -1 0 0 00 01 0 0 co O 0, crl co %@ i)kit?€82&111%P 1. d :p»d. c .i.... 6-441# »»«*4«*.,2'491. C 01 01 -0=0 07 el 12/5/2013 2:51 PM 81 $ Ocb£'2 a) 07 crl cn Lk & 92 al CO 00 00 6 6 1 tb 10 4 00 -0 -1 W £ OO OO NESIO Eo ' ENDING BALANCE -103& »0 0 -1 m TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2 22. =!» c m r O-1 2 700 Z -1 mc 00 - 9 g =1 *3 m -0 0 03 Om O -1 m 0 5. m m m OK If) mz m 63 2 8 bl KN 34,65 17,3[ 28& E it 1 --4 9 -h 2. 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Our bid will be $1.79 per gallon for propane until December 31, 2014. Thank you, (D Bill Dickey, Manager MFA Oil 606 N. 4h Street, Ozark, MO A'*041.#WA -t€%4*%8<4,/0*Whe&6#44*.&.#.A<.4----- . :' 7,-./ .1 JAN -0 h *t/6/ ' -7.6.4. i ™ 9 1-1 -1/7 b..84• ./*•*0 •/ * U" .4-44.:U...14-tiht,.t. 4-,L 21/ I'll ...../.j .W ... 4 -1 6,_ ·„ .46- i e. 8 4 24 · 1- MFA OIL COMPANY, One Ray Young Drive, P.,O. Box 519, Columbia, Missouri 65205 • (573) 442-0171 • 1. 4'.'$}. Packet Pg. 12 £#FiG%%! 0 26 9646 Aa»00 6444,9,0. 1·44 Exil 61 • 1651 S. Hwy. K • Bots D'Arc, MO 65612 Office 417-732-0600 • 1-800·749-5432 • Ce11417-849-0005 • Fax 417·732·6619 November 26, 2013 Christian County Commission 100 W. Church St., Room 100 Ozark, MO 65721 Dear Commissioner, 0 Hood's Propane Company would like to submit a bid of $1.649 per gallon guaranteed for propane for the Christian County Commission Road District. We look forward to being your propane provider for the Christian County Commission Road District. Please call us at 417-849-0005 with questions. Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your propane. Sincerely, & T-6 c plotj Paul C. Hood 440,(1@F-P*3333 £ S .I.. .Il . I. . r:/Ill ' i)*b'f::•.a3111 0 C-HUIcSTIAN COUNTY Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner COMMI66ION Bill Barnett Western Commissioner 100 W. Churdi areet, Iloom 100 U----« 2.. ··..'Titlb --. 6: L>....4,79'.133.1.·Statiis' 702.Ar-rived Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 9:25 AM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 9:25 AM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 9:25 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 9:25 AM Julia Maples Administrative Assistant Present 9:25 AM II. Agenda Motion/Vote - 9:25 AM Kay Brown-County Clerk Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes & Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. 3 Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said the minutes for December 12,2013, were not ready and will be approved at a later date. Motion/Vote - 9:30 AM Beth Schaller-MoDot Discussion - Monthly Updates The County Commission was contacted by Beth Schaller, that she was sick and would not be attending the meeting today. The County Commission cancelled the meeting. Motion/Vote - - Adjourn the Meeting Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett III. Adjournment The meeting was closed at 9:35 AM The scheduled agenda for Monday December 16th, 2013, was completed and the 0 Commission adjourned and will reconvene Thursday, December 19th, 2013. t.5 9 October Term Monday, December 16, 2013 9:25 AM n 2 249 Presiding Commissio r, Lou Lapaglia A -6.U--4 Eastern Commissioner, Ray Weter h f€P B a« Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett 0 n 21Page Christian County Commission 100 West Church St Room 100 Ozark MO 65721 October Term http://ChristianCoung,MO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:45 AM The Christian County Courthouse- - I. Convene The meeting was called to order at 8:45 AM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia *tidhdde Nablb'%. IF .1 1.':- Ftlitt:< . '?}jrbl?']2{itritidi,'.-ci32%'1 f J I:Stalms i: I -' 2*hikedr.,t: Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 8:45 AM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 8:45 AM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 8:45 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 8:45 AM Cheryl Mitchell Assistant Present 8:45 AM ' II. Agenda Motion/Vote - 8:45 AM County Clerk Kay Brown Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes and Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell 3 The County Commission reviewed the minutes for December 12th and the 16th, 2013. There were no financials to approve. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the minutes. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] '- P MOVER: RKy Weter, Eastern Comrnissioner k ··i j . SECONDER: ' Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner lf' 1 n $ .4 AYES: :o ,[. -:LouLLaphglia, Ray.Weter,Bill Barnett . Motion/Vote - 9:00 AM Ben Clutter-Springfield Affordable Housing Center Discussion - Continuum of Care Board Appointment Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretar·y Cheryl Mitchell and Phil Amtower, Emergency Management Administrator. The County Commission met with Ben Clutter to make an appointment to the Continuum of Care Board. Ben Clutter Director of the Continuum of Care Board said this organization is part of HUD and is funded through grants. Mr Clutter said this is a collaborative group representing Christian, Webster and Greene Counties to serve the homeless citizens. 0 Mr. Clutter said there is an open position on the board and he recommended to the Commission to appoint Phil Amtower to the board. Mr. Clutter said this is a two year 3 0 October Term Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:45 AM appointment beginning January 1, 2014. Mr. Clutter said his position is funded through a SGAC grant from the City of Springfield. Mr. Clutter said he is responsible to oversee the financials and all funding streams of the organization and to insure that each county in the group receives their share of the resources. Ben Clutter said the federal funds are shrinking and we have to insure the funds are used conservatively. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked if there is a lot of overlapping of services. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia asked, if serving on this board would be a conflict of interest with Mr. Amtower's position. Phil Amtower said serving on this board would complement his position because of the involvement with the community partnerships. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called· for a motion to appoint Phil Amtower to serve on the Continuum of Care Board beginning January 1, 2014, for a two year term. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] 0 MOVER: 2 ; Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner =. e SECONDER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner 1 2 .r AYES: , 'Lou Lapaglia, Ray Wetef, Bill Barnett - t' . 1 Motion/Vote - 10:00 AM Christian County Commission Bid Opening - Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell The County Commission opened the bids for the postage machine from the following companies: 1. Pitney Bowes from Oklahoma City, OK. 2. Summit Mailing and Shipping Services from Edmond, OK Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion for a continuation of a bid decision forthe postage meterto Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 9:45 a.m. The meeting was adjourned to 2:30 p.m. 0 21Page 0 October Term Thursdays December 19, 2013 8:45 AM RESULT: : ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] " MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Uu Lapaglia, Presiding Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter . 't ABSENT: Bill Barnett t Motion/Vote - 2:30 PM Christian County Commission Contract - Department of Agriculture-Remonumentation Program 2014 The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell. The County Commission discussed the remonumentation program for 2014 that will have a fifty percent shared cost with the Department of Agriculture. The County Surveyor will check the pins of the county to certify the boundary lines for Christian County. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to proceed with the 2014 remonumentation of the county, to survey the county boundary line pins. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] . MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioneri P t SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: t Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 3:00 PM Mel Eakins-Great River Associates & Carson Elliff Attorney Bid Opening - Bid Opening-Sewer Plant for RiverDowns West N.I.D. The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Attorney Carson Eliiff, Spencer Jones, Great River Engineering, Planning and Development Administrator Todd Wiesehan, The County Commission opened bids for the Riverdowns West N.I.D. sewer plant from the following companies: Ridge Hill Contractors, Nba, Mo., Branco General Contractors, Neoso, Mo., Davis Structure and Development, Springfield, Mo. Bids were read by Mel Elkins and reviewed and a recommendation and decision will be made by December 30th, 2013 at 3:00 Branco:981,000.00 and 22,750.00 Davis:817,449.00 and 9,975.00 Ridge Hill:887,250.00 and 5,600.00 0 31Page October Term Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:45 AM The financing bids were from Guaranty Bank, Ozark Bank, Liberty Bank, and Stern Brothers, St. Louis, Mo. Carson Elliff looked at all bids and will make a recommendation on Dec. 30th at 3:30 p.m. Liberty Bank Int rate .99% 4640.63 int. Stern Brothers base rate of 1.49% an placement fee 2.282% Guaranty Bank rate is .90% est fees of 3125.00 Ozark Bank is 1.02% with no loan fees. This is for the temporary note for 9 months. Motion/Vote - 3:30 PM Gordon Carriker-Missouri University of Extention Discussion - Office Manager Position Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary.Julia Maples, and Danny Self The County Commission met with Gordon Carriker from the University of Missouri Extension to discuss and officer manager position. Gordon presented the budget early and they were not aware of the Matrix and they want to make sure she is paid comparably. In 2004 there office manager was a county employee. The council decided to take her on as an extension employee. At this time the county is not paying the benefit package for the extension employee. Lou said we are paying 32% benefits to our employees. Julia indicated that their employee should be 12.50 and atthis time she makes a little over 11.93. Ray ask if that is what was coming out of our payroll. Who cuts her check? The extension is the one who cuts her check and there is no benefit or insurance. Gordon said the university offers a subsidy on insdrance. All he needs to ask is to allow the council to raise her to 12.50 per hour and that would increase thebudget 1.9% over what was originally submitted. Lou said what we can do is our budget is set, so what they can do is take that out of something else so the totality is the same. The amount to reduce is 1,185. Gordon said they are tapped out and that is why they are coming here. Ray said the 2012 62445 2013 number is 65443. In 2012 we paid 2 years rent and that is not in this year. Ray is trying to figure out the difference between her duties and the clerical we have that make 10-11 per hour. Kim in building code makes 10.24 and she runs that office. Gordon said his girl runs the office and scheduling and . bookkeeping. Lou ask Gordon to back offof something and increase her there. In 2015 the state will cut out hundreds of thousands of dollars so we will be looking at all areas like Circuit, extension. Don't you see anything where you can cut? Gordon said the state and university funding suggested the county to provide 50% and they would pay 50%. Lou asked what would happen if they reduce next year. Lou ask Ray if he had any ideas? The figure is $1185.00. Sam said we are to the point where we can't continue. Gordon . said they are just trying to make it fair. Lou said we are trying to get our people to the minimum. Kim Baxter has been here 6 years and makes 10.24. Danny Self asked if she was getting benefits? Ray said as long as she is not on our payroll all we can do is add that amount of money to your block grant. Gordon said yes that is what he is wanting. Ray said the amount you are talking about is.60. Gordon said he realizes it is about 5% 41Page 0 October Term Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:45 AM raise and it doesn't look good. Ray said the amount you need to add is $1285. Lou ask if what happens if we give a .30 raise instead of 60? Gordon said at least we are trying. Lou ask Ray what he thinks if we meet them half way. Gordon said that would be great. Lou recommends to take her up to .30 per hour. Ray said that the people that make 10.24 would be looking for an increase and he will be looking to see what he can do about them but he would support that. Lou entertained the motion to increase the budget for extension center by $629.00 for 2014. RESULT:_ ' j AbOPTED [2 TO 01 7 9 9 + 4 MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner „ D * I SECONDER: - Lou Lapaglia, Presiding Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter . = t ABSTAIN: Bill'Barnett Motion/Vote - Planning & Development Administrator-Todd Wiesehan Discussion - Right of Way Dedication-East County Une Road in the Common I Road District The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell. 0 The County Commission with Todd Wiesehan Planning and Development Administrator for a Right-of-Way Dedication for East County Line Road to transfer to the Common 1 Road District. Todd Wiesehan presented the Right-of-Way Dedication of deficient roadway. The property owners are McGinnis. The county ask for it. Commission Lapaglia entertained the motion to accept this into the county. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] t- MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner 1. SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner 4, '1 , AYES: . Lou Lapaglial Ray Weter, Bill Barnett . , Motion/Vote - 4:05 PM Planning & Development Administrator-Todd Wiesehan Discussion - Right of Way Dedication-Riverdale & Aspen Roads in the Common 11 Road District The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell The County Commission with Todd Wiesehan Planning and Development Administrator for a Right-of-Way Dedication for Riverdale and Aspen Road in he Common 11 Road District. Todd said the whole family inherited and have agreed to donate two small sections of road. Commissioner Lapaglia entertained the motion to accept into Common 11 Road District. 3 51Page October Term Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:45 AM RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] ' MOVER: *. Bill Barnett, Western Commissidner L . SECONDER: Ray W,ter, Eastern Commissioner o , AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett ' 6 2 Motion/Vote - 4:17 PM Treasurer Karen Matthews Discussion - Payment in Lieu of Taxes (Title 111)·Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell. The County Commission met with Treasurer Karen Matthews to discuss Title Ill'funds. Karen said we have to do this every year. It wasn't supposed to be done. This was supposed to be done December 15th. We will receive 79,070.0.0 and are not going to allocate for Title Ill or Title 11. Ray said he talked to Rich Hall and Kay and Mr. Hall was proud of the fact we were giving to roads. Is this what we are doing this year? Karen said Common 1 and Garrison are the roads. Chadwick, Ava, are the schools. 75% goes to schools and 25% goes to road. This is only the forest. She doesn't know about the minerals. Ray asked about the PILT and Karen said that doesn't come until later. She thinks all of these are on the chopping block. Bill asked about the fire departments and Karen said that was last year and not this year. Bill asked what the school can use it for? Karen said they can use it for whatever they want. Lou ask how it be split up? Karen said we are not going to allocate anything for Title lit and we are taking the whole payment. Commissioner Lapaglia entertained the motion to dispense the National Forest money to the entities that Karen mentioned and we will take the full amount. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner. SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett III. Adjournment The meeting was closed at The scheduled agenda for Thursday, December 19th, 2013, was completed and the Commission adjourned and will reconvene Monday, December 23, 2013. dfl#*g inerlpu Lapaglia Pretiding Commissi n 61Page 0 October Term Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:45 AM Eastern Commissioner, Ray Weter 19 *.d- Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett 3 0 71Page 2.3.8 i 0 gSUMMITEEEE Corporate Office Springfield 500 Enterprise Drive 2060 W. Woodland Edmond, OK 73013 Sprinfield, MO 65807 Mailing & Shipping Systems,Inc. (405) 947-0707 (417) 889-2200 Itemization of Proposal: Option #1 1 - IS 6000 Base, Mixed Mail Feeder with Wire ways, $ 9,928.80 15"inch Adjustable Color Touch Screen Control Panel, External 10 lb. weigh platform, Standard Keyboard with stand, LAN kit, Line Conditioner 1 - IS 6000 Dynamic Weighing Module for in motion weighing. $ 4,410.90 1 - IS 6000 External Roll Tape Device $ 1,129.50 = .S 0 1 - IS 5000/6000 Model 115 Meter head $ 85.00 monthly 8 E 1 - Maintenance Contract (price locked in for 4 years) $ 2,104.00 yearly g 1 - Postal Rate Changes $ No Charge E No Charge 2 1 - Postage Refills $ 0 C) C 1 - ISINK5/6 Ink Cartridge (100,000 impressions) $ 402.95 each 0 1 - 7465233-01 single labels for built label dispenser (300 labels) $ 31.30 each 1 - ISROLLTAPE10 Thermal tape rolls for External Label Device $ 117.90 per box A Total Cost of Equipment . $ 15,469.20 Total Cost of Maintenance per year $ 2,104.00 Total Cost of Meter Rental per year $ 1,020.00 0 hq Authorized Dealer For neopost And Other Fine Products O Sales * Service * Supplies Packet Pg. 9 2.3.a 0 4 11 Opt On (371 Special Terms and Conditions County offices process an average of 700 pieces of mail daily. The County currently owns a DM1000 System mail stream solution with a Intellilink Attachment: Summitt Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine tor County ottices) Interface PSD for DM500. (Purchased 02-21-2007). The County is interested in an option for a discount/trade in allowance. The machine we purchase must have the following minimum standards: Can vendor. Product Features supply? yes/no Durable, high quality material do.s.. . Long lasting print head 01 0 1. Energy Star compliant (0- Security System Simple, el'gonomic operations Reliable production & maximum uptime C#es. Touch screen w/large descriptive prompts & adlustable panel height 6101 - High capacity ink tank Dynamic scale and catch tray 61 el , Processing Speeds minimum 180 LPM 401. Process nested or non-nested envelopes & postcards £121 , Voltage: 110 VAC 612&>. Frequency: 50-60 Hz 0123» . job imprint memories 'leL. High Capacity envelope feeder 403. Iet Spray sealing system with filter and adjustment levels 4 0 S. , Page 16 of20 Packet Pg. 10 2.3.a 0 04 11*1. DA Reporting/postage usage by trends and departments and postal c ass P#'/h j fo'-iw Envelope sizes: Minimum 3.5" X 5" Maximum 10" X 14" (40-5 Envelope flap depth: Minimum 1" Maximum 3-7/8" - Ll 05 Thickness: 5/8" 61»1 Orientation: Portrait or landscape (401Attachment: Summitt Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) Delivery and Installation: Within 20 calendar davs 01 #S , Warranty (ALS· - 6 Subscription Agreement with software upgrades 01 2 1 Maintenance Agreement with rate caps ' 1/C p 2> Equipment Routine Maintenance: Preventative maintenance shall include on-line, telephone service as well as providing on-site service calls as requested by Christian County. Vendor will provide a professional, written or typed maintenance service ticket of each service visit upon completion ofthe service. The ticket must at a minimum identil> time/date, what maintenance was performed, and what parts if any are replaced, repaired, or ordered. . 4 01 (D Routine Service Coverage: Routine regular service shall be performed within four (40 business hours of the service request Routine regujar maintenance shall consist of at minimum determining the problem Christian County is experiencing with their machine, fixing the identified problem, and providink all parts ana supplies necessary, including replacement of worn parts. This type of routine regular maintenance shall-be provided at no additional cost to the monthly maintenance price. In addition, the monthly maintenance price shall include replacement of parts for routine service. Ir the request is made after noon, then the response time can be counted into the next work-day , starting at 8:00 a.m. Some circumstances fe.g., parts availability as determined by troubleshooting over the phone] may result in extensions of this response time as mutually agreed to by the vendor and Christian County, on a case-by-case basis. 01 0 b Parts and Supply Requirements: The Vendor agrees to supply all parts materials ana supplies necessary to maintain and repair equipment. All p arts shall be new and in compliance with manufacturer standards. Reconditioned parts shall not be acceptable unless the part if no longer available and the County has given the vendor its prior approval to use a reconditioned part. The vendor should attempt to locate materials and supplies which are environmentally sound. 42 -b . Emergency Service: Defined as service performed after 5:00 p.m. weekdays, on Saturdays, Sundays, or state-recognized holidays and if the county identifies the call as an emergency. If needed the vendor will resolve the emergency on site. All emergencies shall be paid at the quoted emergency Page 17 of20 Packet Pg. 11 2.3.a 0 price, which shall be based on actual service. Emergency phone calls, time spent going to and from site, fuel and all other expenses will be included in the quoted price. All parts and supplies necessary to remedy the emergency shalrbe priced and negotiated betore implementation. A,D Back-up equipment: Regarding equipment that cannot be fixed on site, the vendor has agreed that in the event the vendor determines the equipment needing repair cannot be repaired on site, and if it is anticipated that the equipment cannot be put back into operation within one 8-hour work day, Attachment: Summitt Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) then at Christian County's request the vendor must provide the count:Y with the same piece of equipment or operational equivalent at no additional charge that would allow the county to continue mailing operations until the equipment being repaired can be put back into service. The vendor shall not remove any equipment from the county without the county's prior authorization, and until the replacement is on site and operational. M -es Training: The vendor will supply at least two separate two hour training session on site for the various department personnel. Training will involve all aspects of operating the postage machine and troubleshooting. Rob Optional scale for larger envelopes (.1 0- Technology that meets postal services new requirements (123 D Capability to upload rates, postage uploads, etc. ('!26 tape option 0 £ S. 0 Page 18 of20 Packet Pg. 12 Investment Summary saSUMMITa=ta 2.3.a - Christian County Mailing & Shipping Systems, Inc. Proposed Equipment: Troy Harlan 2060 W. Woodiand Springfield, MO 65807 (417) 429-4559 IS-6000 Erconomicallv encineered for maximum oroductivitv and outout !1 Attachment: Summitt Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening.Postage Machme for County ottices) The IS-6000 sets a new standard for mailing system productivity, operability, and efficiency. Neopost observed high volume mailing machine operators and listened to production mall center customers to design this next generation mailing system. The IS-6000 delivers simple, ergonomic operations; investment protection and cost savings; reliable production, and maximum uptime. Coupled with the new Internet-connected Neopost IMeter™ postage meter and powerful Apps to manage your business, it is clear that the IS-6000 ts the ulttmate 0 choice In high volume mailing systems. Simple, Ergonomic Operations • Height adjustable 15" touch screen moves backward and forward, swivels left and right, and moves up and down, providing a comfortable working environment • All screens display large descriptive buttons ancl prompts, making navigation a breeze • Cool shades of blue Illuminate the screens minimizing eye strain and fatigue • Customizable screens Increase operational efficiency • Added comfort of a full keyboard makes account or department setup/usage, and custom text messaging on the envelope easy o Optional remote label dispenser reduces work steps and optimizes the ergonomic workspace • Custom ergonomic workstation creates a comfortable and efficient workspace Reliable Production and Maximum Uptime • Over 200lbs, this rugged, durable system is a perfect fit for large volume and production mail processing centers o Processing speeds up to 210, 260 or 300 letters per minute (Ipm) and up to 160 Ipm in dynamic weighing , mode, the IS-6000 is ready for any job o Process nested or non-nest envelopes Cup to .87 and postcards with ease • Dual pump, jet spray sef'ling system with filter and 5 adjustment levels ensures a quality tip-to-tip envelope seal • High capacity envelope feeder and power conveyor stacker help maximize throughput by decreasing the number of starts and stops of the malling system. Investment Protection and Cost Savings • Advanced modular design allows you to purchase the components, Apps and options you need, eliminating overspending a Print head is designed to last the life of the system, saving money on traditional scheduled print head replacement IBI Ute indicia reduces ink usage Packet Pg. 13 a- 2.3.a 3 Investment Summary =*SUMMIT -g:** Christian County Mailing & Shipping Systems, Inc. Equipment Includes the Following: 1 - IS 6000 Base, High Capacity Mixed Mail Feeder, Dynamic Scale for in motion weighing, Catch Tray, 15" touch screen monitor Standard Keyboard, Roll Tape Label Dispenser, 10 lb. 0 External Scale. Equipment Investment Lease Option: $ 601.88 per month - 60 Month lease $ 667.18 per month - 48 Month lease $ 780.27 per month - 36 Month lease Payment Includes: Equipment, Meter Rental, Maintenance, and Free Rate Change Protection for the term of the lease. 0 Purchase Option: $ 15,469.20 Equipment $ 85.00 Meter Rental Monthly $ 175.33 Maintenance Monthly $ No Charge Rate Change Protection Meter Rental and Maintenance can be billed Quarterly or Annually. Notes • Delivery: Approximately 30 to 45 days. • Price includes Shipping/Installation/Training. Prices do not include sales tax. This proposal, which includes: Investment Summary and all brochures are prepared for the exclusive use of the company named above. This proposal expires January 15„ 2014 0 Packet Pg. 14 2.3.a E SUMMITEEGEE Corporate Office Springfield 500 Enterprise Drive 2060 W. Woodland Edmond, OK 73013 Sprinfield, MO 65807 Mailing & Shipping Systems, Inc. (405) 947-0707 (417) 889-2200 Itemization ofProposal: Option #2 Attachment: Summitt Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) 1 - IN 750 Postage meter base, High Capacity Mixed Mail Feeder $ 5,722.00 with Wire ways, Catch Tray, 6" Color touch screen display, External 10 Ib. weigh platform, LAN kit, and Line conditioner 1 -IN 700 series Dynamic Scale Module for in motion Weighing. $ 3,675.00 1 - IN 700 series RTD (External Roll Tape Device) $ 1,255.00 1 - IN 700 series Meter Head Model 112 $ 65.00 monthly 0 1 - Maintenance Contract (price locked in for 4 years) $ 1,304.00 yearly 1 - Postal Rate Changes $ No Charge 1 - Postage Refills $ No Charge 1 - ININK67 Ink Cartridge Go,000 impressions) $ 158.95 each 1 - 7465233-01 single labels for built label dispenser (300 labels) $ 31.30 each ' 1 - ISROLLTAPE10 Thermal tape rolls for External Label Device $ 117.90 per box Total Cost of Equipment $ 10,652.00 Total Cost of Maintenance per year $ 1,304.00 Total Cost of Meter Rental per year $ 780.00 0 m. Authorized Dealer For 11 eopost And Other Fine Products 0 Sales O Service * Supplies Packet Pg. 15 2.3.a 41 O O.p.4 0--n - D- It- (37) Special Terms and Conditions County offices process an average of 700 pieces of mail daily. The County currently owns a D?41000 Svstem mail stream solution with a Intellilink Interface PSD for DM500. (Purchased 02-21-2007). The County is interested in an option L for a discount/trade in allowance. The machine we purchase must have the following c minimum standards: Can vendor Product Features supply? ves/no Durable, high quality material 6jS 0 C / S g Long lasting print head Mot· C Energy Star compliant C /2/9 -2 / 1 000'- Security System / O E Simple, ergonomic operations 615 .. @ Reliable production & maximum uptime · 6 25 n D 8'2:12 Touch screen w/large descriptive prompts & adjustable panel height ' .52142£,·1 0,1-I- Obm High capacity ink tank N 6 pc & 1 , Dynamic scale and catch tray ha M / 1 Processing Speeds minimum 180 LPM /770* /93 Process nested or non-nested envelopes & postcards nan-©84•01 en'X Voltage: 110 VAC 495 .. 9 C) Frequency:.50-60 Hz 44-9 E 1 2 Iob imprint memories 2122 N High Capacity envelope feeder 401 Iet Spray scaling system with filter and adjustment levels ,$022/1>114 brusk Page 16 of20 Packet Pg. 16 2.3.a 0 price, which shall be based on actual service. Emergency phone calls, time spent going to and from site, fuel and all other expenses will be included in the quoted price. All parts and supplies necessary to remedy the emergency to shall be priced and negotiated berore implementation. Back-up equipment: Regarding equipment that cannot be fixed on site, the vendor has agreed that in the event the vendor determines the equipment needing repair cannot be repaired on site, and if it is anticipated that the equipment cannot be put back into operation within one 8-hour work Attachment: Summitt Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) day, then at Christian County's request, the vendor must provide the county with the same piece of equipment or operational equivalent at no additional charge that would allow the county to continue mailing operations until the equipment being repaired can be put back into service. The vendor shall not remove any equipment from the county without the county's prior authorization, and until the replacement is on site and operational. (10& Training: The vendor will supply at least two separate two hour training session on site for the various department personnel. Training will involve all aspects of operating the postage machine and troubleshooting. 01,0 5 Optional scale for larger envelopes 4·09 Technology that meets Postal services new requirements 4/s 0 Capability to upload rates, postage uploads, etc. tips tape option U #.b 0 Page 18 of 20 Packet Pg. 17 2.3.a 0. Reporting/postage usage by trends and departments and postal class 1 1/ m PIMB\14 Envelope sizes: Minimum 3.5" X 5" Maximum 10" X 14" Envelope flap depth: Minimum 1" Maximum 3-7/8" m i<11 3" Thickness: 5/8" 4445 Orientation: Portrait or landscape 61.#S. Attachment: Summitt Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening.Postage Machine for County Offices) Delivery and Installation: Within 20 calendar days 4,s Warranty 4,3 Subscription Agreement with software upgrades (415 Maintenance Agreement with rate caps Ll-PS- Equipment Routine Maintenance: Preventative maintenance shallinclude on-line, telephone service as well as providing on-site service calls as requested by Christian County. Vendor will provide a professional, written or typed maintenance service ticket of each service visit upon completion ofthe · . service. The ticket must at a minimum identify time/date, what maintenance was performed, and what parts if any are replaced, repaired, or ordered. 4 fs n Routine Service Coverage: Routine regular service shall be performed within four (4) business hours of the service request. Routine regular maintenance shall consist of at minimum determining the problem Chnstian County is experiencing with their machine, fixing the identified problem, and providing all parts ana supplies necessary, incluaing replacement of worn parts. This type of routine regular maintenance shalI-be provided at no additional cost to the monthly maintenance price. In addition, the monthly maintenance price shall include replacement of parts for routine service. Ir the request is made after noon, then the response time can be counted into the next work-day starting at 8:00 a.m. Some circumstances [e.g., parts availability as determined by troubleshooting over the phoneJ may result in extensions of this response time as mutually agreed to by the vendor and Christian County, Qg on a case-by-case basis. Parts and Supply Requirements: The Vendor agrees to supply all parts materials and supplies necessary to maintain and repair equipment. All parts shall be new and in compliance with manufacturer standards. Reconditioned parts shall not be acceptable unless the part if no longer available and the County has given the vendor its prior approval to use a reconditioned part The vendor should attempt to locate materials and supplies which are environmentally sound. (41% Emergency Service: Defined as service performed after 5:00 p.m. weekdays, on Saturdays, Sundays, or state-recognized holidays and if the county identifies the call as an emergency. IF needed the vendor will resolve the emergency on site. All emergencies shall be paid atthe quoted emergency Page 17 of20 Packet Pg. 18 2.3.a Investment Summary - == C_) Christian County Mailing & Shipping Systems, Inc. Troy Hadan Proposed Equipment: 2060 W. Woodtand Springfield, MO 65807 017) 4294559 IN 750 Mailing System The Powerful Choice for Ontimizing Mail Center Manaaementn---..in-.1.• wun'"11" 1 WOL.Qu 1.,w.t;. WIU l ,•114 . 9,u wpentlig.rosiage nflacnine Tor uounty Ultices)• When it comes to meeting your most demanding mailing needs, nothing delivers like the Neopost IN-700 Series. As part of the latest generation of mailing systems, the IN-750 has a sleek and modem design that depicts dean lines, boid edges and alumjnum accents, whlle maintajnlng the Neopost commjtment to build and ship products In the most ecological manner. Coupted with the Neopost [Meter™ postage meter and a suite of Apps, the capabilitjes of the 700 Serjes exceed those of a tradltional mailing system. In fact, the 700 Series easily Integrates with Neoposes Enhanced Mailing and Shipping (EMS) software for total control of postage and shipping activities and costs. With an IMeter™ postage meter and Apps, fresh eco-design and Integratjon to enhanced mailing and shipping software, It ts dear the IN-700 Series is the powerful choice for optimizing mail center 0 management today and jn the future. o Experjence simple navigation with an intuitive color touch screen • Mixed size pieces are easily processed wIth the automatic feeder and self aligning rollers • The IN-750 is fast, with processing capablifttes up to 175 letters per minute (Ipm) • Dynamic Scale categorizes and rates mixed size mall Inline at speeds up to 110 letters per minute • Short cut keys save time and provide Instant job set up • The Rate W]zard provides condse step-by-step instructions making USPS® rate selection easy • 10, 30 or 70 lb. platforms handle even the heaviest parcels and oversized packages with ease • Reduce manual processing and handling with differential weighing • Optional keyboard makes account / department set up and processing E-Services a breeze • Up to 50 operatorswith pin-code protection • Remote label dispenser reduces work steps and optimizes your ergonomic Work space • Neopost IMeter™ postage meter with powerful business Apps provides better management of your mailing operations and cost control o View mail data online via myNeopost D Experience significant cost savfngs on Priority Maile and Express Malle when using the Commerdal Rates APP • Track, allocate and report postage usage by department, time period and postal class with the Online Postal Expense Manager App o E-Services and E-Services with Electronic Return Receipt App helps you track, confirm, and save when processing mall utilizing USPS* Extra Servfces such as €Delivery Contrmation™, esignature Confirmation™, and eCertified Mall™ with Electronic Return Receipt • Personatize ttems and help promote your business with ad slogans, custom text messages, QR codes or company logos • Easily Integrates with optional EMS soltgare for total control of your mall processing and shipplng needs. Packet Pg. 19 1- 52.3.a 0 Investment Summary ES UMMITE---=------< Christian County Mailing & Shipping Systems, Inc. Equipment Includes the Following: 1- IN 750 Base, IN 750 High Capacity Mixed Mail Feeder, Dynamic Scale for in @ motion weighing, Catch Tray, 6" Color Touch Screen, External Roll Tape Devie, 6 10 lb. External Scale. 0 Equipment Investment Lease Option: $ 403.99 per month - 60 Month lease $ 451.24 per month - 48 Month lease $ 533.07 per month - 36 Month lease Payment Includes: Equipment, Meter Rental, Maintenance, and Free Rate Change Protection for the term of the lease. Purchase Option: $ 10,652.00 Equipment $ 65.00 Meter Rental Monthly $ 108.67 Maintenance Monthly $ No Charge Rate Change Protection Meter Rental and Maintenance can be billed Quarterly or Annually. Notes • Delivery: Approximately 30 to 45 days. • Price includes Shipping/Installation/Training. Prices do not include sales tax. This proposal, which includes: Investment Summary and all brochures are prepared for the exclusive use of the company named above. This proposal expires January 15„ 2014 0 em 21(47 ne o %11 osi Packet Pg. 20 2.3.b i Pitney Bowes Engineering the flow of communication- December 18, 2013 Christian County Commission Attachment: Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) Attn: Julia Maples 100 W Church St, Rm. 100 Ozark, MO 65721 Attn: Julia Maples RE: Invitation to Bid - Postage Machine for County Offices Pitney Bowes Connect 2000+ and related Items Due Date: December 19, 2013 Attachments: Invitation to Bid Pitney Bowes General Terms (used for purchase and rentals) Pitney Bowes Customer Satisfaction Guarantee Dear Ms. Maples: Pitney Bowes Inc. CPBY) is pleased to submit the enclosed offer in response to the 3 referenced Invitation to Bid CITB») for Digital Mailing System and related Items (Postal Equipment). For more than 93 years, PB! has been helping customers meet their varied mailing needs at highly competitive prices. As the original equipment and software manufacturer and service provider of the products offered, we are committed to providing superior customer service: product, quality value based innovative solutions and.technology, and outstanding service. Please note; this offer is contingent on the terms of this offer letter. Any subsequent contract or purchase order will be · governed by the terms of your solicitation document as well as any terms contained in our proposal. Pal is willing to negotiate in good faith effort upon award. The following proposal outlines our offer. PBI bids in accordance with the ITB and the attached Pitney Bowes General Terms, which is referenced above as an Attachment. The agreement is industry standard and is specific to the type of transaction and products being offered. If there is a conflict between the Pitney Bowes General Terms and Conditions and this ITB, the Pitney Bowes General Terms and Conditions shall govern. Pitney Bowes is willing to negotiate the terms and conditions upon notice of award. Pitney Bowes respectfully notes, modifies or takes exception to the Christian County Commission Invitation to Bid as noted below: Section 13 Insurance: Pitney Bowes respectfully changes "named" to «insured in the below paragraph and makes a correction in calendar year stated, see bold. "The vendor shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract comprehensive general liability 0 insurance which names Christian County, Missouri and its elected officials and Packet Pg. 21 2.3.b employees as additional insured in an amount sufficient to cover the sovereign immunity . limits for public entities as calculated by the Department of Insurance and published annually in the Missouri Register per section 537.610, RSMo. For the calendar year 2014 vendor shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance coverage for all claims arising out of a single accident or occurrence of at least $2,657,587 and for any one person in a single accident or occurrence of at least $398,638 Vendor shall maintain during the life of the contract Workers Compensation Insurance for Vendofs employees coverage that shall meet Missouri statutory limits or $1,000.000 for each accident, whichever is greater. Section 14 Vendor Liability Pitney Bowes respectfully takes exception to the entire Attachment: Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) section and submits alternate language provided below: Pitney Bowes Inc. CPitney Bowes') shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Christian County Commission, and its officers: directors, and employees (collectively referred to herein as "Customer"), against any and all third party liabilities, claims, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) resulting from bodily injury or death to any person or tangible property damage (which shall exclude loss of or damage to software, information and data), to the extent that such injury or damage is caused by Pitney Bowes' gross negligence In its performance of services while on Customers' business premises; provided that Pitney Bowes shall not be liable for any incidental, special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages resulting or alleged to result from such negligence. Section 16 Terms and Conditions: Pitney Bowes respectfully takes exception to language requiring use of the Christian County Commission's Terms and Conditions. Pitney Bowes Terms and Conditions industry standard) shall govern and prevail and PBI is willing to negotiate in good faith effort upon award. Section 21 Prices: Pitney Bowes respectfully takes exception to the following sentence, "Vendofs price must be the lowest offered to any government or commercial consumer, under the same terms and conditions." This exception is corporate policy. Section 25 Billing and Payments: Pitney Bowes invoices cannot be delivered with the materials and packing slip. Section 29 Services: Pitney Bowes respectfully takes exception to the entire section. Pitney Bowes Terms and Conditions (industry standard) shall govern and prevail. Section 30 Reporting Requirements: Pitney Bowes respectfully takes exception to the entire section. Pitney Bowes is willing to negotiate this section upon notice of award. Section 31 Liquidated Damages: Pitney Bowes respectfully takes exception to this section in its entirety. It is corporate policy. Section 37 Special Terms & Conditions: Equipment Routine Maintenance: Pitney Bowes accepts the first half of this section but cannot provide a maintenance service ticket. Routine Service Coverage: Pitney Bowes can provide if the Christian County Commission purchase the premium tier service agreement - GRSP4. Parts and Supply Requirements: Pitney Bowes accepts this section with the removal of the word supplies. Packet Pg. 22 r| 2.3.b Back-up equipment: Pitney Bowes takes exception to this entire section. Loaner 0 equipment is not included in the standard SLA. We sincerely thank you for the opportunity of providing you with solutions that meet your goals. Pitney Bowes looks forward to a long relationship and hope this will be one of many opportunities to become and remain one of your most valuable vendors. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Sincerely, Attachment: Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) Aleen Milliser Major Account Manager Pitney Bowes Inc. D 0 Packet Pg. 23 2.3.b 0 (37) Special Terms and Conditions County offices process an average of 700 pieces of mail daily. Attachment: Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) The County currently owns a DNI1000 Svstem mail stream solution with a Intellilink Interface PSD for DM500. (Purchased 02-21-2007). The County is interested in an option for a discount/trade in allowance. The machine we purchase must have the following minimum standards: Can vendor Product Features supply? ves/no Durable, high quality material Long lasting print head Energy Star compliant D Security Svstem Simple, ergonomic operations Reliable production & maximum uptime Touch screen w/large descriptive prompts & adiustable panel height High capacity inktank Dynamic scale and catch tray Processing Speeds minimum 180 LPM Hes Process nested or non-nested envelopes-& postcards Hes Voltage: 110 VAC 469 Frequency: 50-60 Hz Hes Tob imprint memories Hes High Capacity envelope feeder Hes Tet Spray sealing system with filter and adjustment levels 4 25 Page 16 of20 0 Packet Pg. 24 2.3.b 0 Reporting/postage usage bv trends and departments and postal class Envelope sizes: Minimum 3.5" X 5" Maximum 10" X 14" Hes ' Envelope flap depth: Minimum 1" Maximum 3-7/8" cies Thickness: 5 /8" He5 Orientation: Portrait or landscape 469Attachment: Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) Delivery and Installation: Within 20 calendar days \les Warranty 465 Subscription Agreement with software upgrades de-5 Maintenance Agreement with rate caps Ves Equipment Routine Maintenance: Preventative maintenance shall include oIl-line, telephone service as well as providing on-site service calls as requested by Christian County. Vendor will provide a professional, written or typed maintenance service ticket of each service visit upon completion of the service. The ticket must at a minimum identify time/date, what maintenance Ves was performed, and whatparts if any are replaced, repaired, or ordered. 0 Routine Service Coverage: Routine regular service shall be performed within four (4) business hours ofthe service request Routine regular maintenance shall consist ofat minimum determining the problem Christian County is experiencing with their machine, fixing the identified problem, and providing all parts and supplies necessary, including replacement of worn parts. This type of routine regular maintenance shalrbe provided at no additional costto tile monthly maintenance price. In addition, the monthlv maintenance price shallinclude replacement of parts for routine service. Ifthe request is made after noon, then the response time can be counted into the next work-day starting at 8:00 a.m. Some circumstances fe.g., parts availability as determined by troubleshooting over the phone] may result in extensions of this response time as mutually agreed to by the vendor and Christian County, 4 eS on a case-by-case basis. t Parts and Supply Requirements: The Vendor agrees to supply all parts materials and supplies necessary to maintain and repair equipment. All parts shall be new and in compliance with manufacturer standards. Reconditioned arts shall not be acceptable unless the part if no longer available and the ounty has given the vendor its prior approval to use a reconditioned part. The vendor should attempt to locate materials and supplies which are Hes environmentally sound. Emergency Service: Defined as service performed after 5:00 p.m. weekdays, on Saturdays, Sundays, or state-recognized holidays and if the county identifies the call as an emergency. IF needed the vendor will resolve.the emergency on site. All emergencies shall be paid atthe quoted emergency 1-es 0 Page 17 of20 Packet Pg. 25 2.3.b 0 price, which shall be based on actual service. Emergency phone calls, time spent going to and from site, fuel and all other expenses will be included in the quoted price. All parts and supplies necessary to remedy the emergency shali be priced and negotiated before implementation. 4,6 Back-up equipment: Regarding equipment that cannot be fixed on site, the vendor has agreed that in the event tne vendor determines the equipment needing repair cannot be repaired on site, and if itis anticipated that the Attachment: Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Bid (1433 : Bid Opening-Postage Machine for County Offices) equipment cannot be put back into operation within one 8-hour work day, then at Christian County's request, the vendor must provide the countY with the same piece of equipment or operational equivalent at no additional charge that would allow the county to continue mailing operations until the equipment being repaired can be put back into service. The vendor shall not remove any equipment from the county withoutthe county's prior authonzation, and until the replacement is on site and operational. He Training: The vendor will supply at least two separate two hour training session on site for the various department personnel. Training will involve all aspects of operating the postage machine and troubleshooting. Ves Optional scale for larger envelopes 4.6 Technology that meets postal services new requirements ·46 0 Capability to upload rates, postage uploads, etc. Yes tape option Ves 0 Page 18 of20 Packet Pg. 26 VVALAINARFU BALt:b AUKEEIVIEN I / tqUIFIVIEN 1 & bUr I WAKT MAIN I tNANCE AUKEEM 2.3.b Your Business Information AMMAN,+041*%£4*thib:,1,)Mi.*#*04,IM,9443*44#Ie,=A•:?dic*w-146,n,Min#KIMAP.;t,02¥&,Ima<91:.•-0122==*9*10-*Ii,1'Reig 12/12/2013 Customer PO # Date Prepared Maintenance Agreement # CHRISTIAN COUNTY COURTHOUSE Customer Name Tax ID # (FEIN/TIN) 100 W CHURCH ST RM 206 OZARK MO 65721-6901 Billing Address: Street City State Zip+4 21109898862 Contact Name Contact Phone # · Bming ID # 100 W CHURCH ST RM 101 OZARK MO 65721-690' Installation Address (Afdifferent imm b#/ing addmss): Street Clty State Zip+4 2 21109908869 Fiscal Period (fmm - fo) · Location ID # Delivery CAN # Your Business Needs 1 DiscounU Net Price Annual Qty Item Program Description Unit Price Maintenance Cos ID Trade-ln allowance Equipment· Softwa Mal] Stream Solution -1 1 # AZBD GANSCA12 Connect+ 3000 Series WOW $10,347.00 $1.00 $10,346.00 $1,425.00 60.0 1 APSH G/WSCA12 220/135 LPM Feature $897.00 $0.00 $897.00 $0.00 $0.0 1 1FWW GANSCA12 10 Ib Interfaced Weighing $1,022.00 $0.00 $1,022.00 $0.00 $0.0 1 MSD1 G/WSCA12 10 in. Display -Standard Apps Center $0.00 so.00 $0.00 $0.0 Your Service Option(s) w.--- 6-™li•aWii•:111%47t-/Elitl:2/.8,1-1/1,4U/:20#W&*4•*aMS,t•*1124::Or•,atki. '4·6:i;./ # : ·Aew.%·1'4:29:'J#1&>Liem,t£e:w:4'£11'·6,6;·*'V,;i;),D74 't;i . CERTIFIED COURT ORDER #12-23:20.13:01 1 h ·· .I .. 1 , , ... , ... The Treasur&r is hereby ordered to pay'the following-:dritities': .. ·2013, PART 1 . OctobJ ·2013 *Term Receipt: 24502 - bate: December 19, 2013 · AMOUNT RECEIVED , ' 3121,094.64 295-420-300 CHECK # BRIDGE ' * 15.00% ·- $18,164.20 ROAD MILES COMMON 1 . 297.51 29.67% ' $35,928.78 COMMON 2 280.69 27.99% $33,894.39 BILLINGS SPECIAL 103.25 10.30% $12,472.75 GARRISON SPECIAL 24 2.39% $2,894.16 OZARK SPECIAL 102.97 10.27% $12,436.42 SELMORE SPECIAL 27.5 2.74% 33,317.99 SOUTH SPARTA SPECIAL 11.1 ' 1.11% 31,344.15 STONESHIRESPECIAL 5.3 0.53% $641.80 -- TOTALROADS 852.32 100.00% $102,930.44. TOTAL BRIDGE i $18,164.20 TOTAL DISBURSED - $121,094.64 A (kou--- * * E C El ¥ E j Z Lou Lapaglia, Presiding Commissioner O 1:E ... 't i l. p; A/MLe/2/7 48*654414%81#L. 6215 1 la'.71) a» . CHmSTIAN COUNIYTREASURER ln-:2 3 RECEWEL KiAREN MATTHEWS w C 2 0 2013 .. -2 3 Bill Barnett, Western CommissioneRAY Ed·,ty\AIM E- COUNTYCLERM · 9 Ray Weer, Eastern 6ommissioner IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Commission, at my office in Christian County, this the 23rd day of December, 20: 1<4, A /la - Kay Brwn, Clerk of the County Commission F14*4€231.*.3 CHQI&TIAN COUNTY Lou Lapaglia . 2 -12 Presiding Commissioner : 1 Bill Barnett COMMI&NON Western Commissioner . p 100 W. Church arect Qoom 100 Ozark Maaiairi 65721 Ray Weter Phone 417-5818112 • fax: 417-581-9924 Eastern Commissioner December 23, 2013 John View 351 South Timbercreek Nixa, MO 65714 Dear John, The Christian County Commission voted today to reappoint you to the Planning & Zoning Board f for the Garden Grove District. Your term will expire December 31, 2014. On January 1, 2015 we will become a first class county and the County Commissioners will be reorganizing the structure of the planning and zoning board according to Missouri State Statute 64.215. We appreciate your service to us and the citizens of the county. Thank you for your willingness to serve on the Planning & Zoning Board. Sincerely, Aky h #e © aAbkij<- K% JIA Lou Lapaglia Bill Barnett Ray Weter Presiding Commissioner Western Commissioner Eastern Commissioner Website: www.christiancountymo.gov Email: countycommission@christiancountymo.gov 4 Printed on Recycled Paper zc- CHQI&TIAN COUNTY Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner =- COMMI66ION Bill Barnett 100 W. Clnkh &reel Qoom 100 Western Commissioner Omr Migaari 65721 Ray Weter Phone: 417-542112 • Fax: 417-581-924 Eastern Commissioner December 23, 2013 Phil Short 816 Stoneridge Road Sparta, MO 65753 Dear Phil, The Christian County Commission voted todhy to reappoint you to the Planning & Zoning Board for the Sparta District. Your term will expire December 31, 2014. On January 1, 2015 we will become a first class county and the County Commissioners will be reorganizing the structure of the planning and zoning board according to IMissouri State Statute 64.215. We appreciate your service to us and the citizens of the county. Thank you for your willingness to serve on the Planning & Zoning Board. Sincerely, 1.5014- . J 419 10»62- 8741 ult Lou Lapaglia Bill Bhmett Ray Weter Presiding Commissioner Western Commissioner Eastern Commissioner Website: www.christiancountymo.gov Email: countycommission@christiancountymo.gov * Printed on Recycled Paper ; \1 Christian County Commission 100 West Church St, Room 100 Ozark, MO 65721 October Term http:UChristianCountyMO.iqm2.com - Minutes - Monday, December 30, 2013 1:15 PM The Christian County Courthouse L Convene The meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia Attendee Namelt, 41· t * . .5 4 4 7 Title »· r 0 r '.4 ' ff ·5tatits U>%*rriGed 4 Lou Lapaglia Presiding Commissioner Present 1:15 PM Ray Weter Eastern Commissioner Present 1:15 PM Bill Barnett Western Commissioner Present 1:15 PM Julia Maples Administrative Assistant Present 1:15 PM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 1:15 PM II. ' Agenda Motion/Vote - 1:15 PM County Clerk Kay Brown Minutes & Financials Approval - Approve Minutes and Financials The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. The County Commission reviewed the minutes for December 19th and December 23, 3 2013. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the minutes. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - - Approve Court Order # 12-30-2013-01 The County Clerk presented a court order to transfer funds from Building Bond to the Sheriff's Department in the amount of $ 193,400.00, leaving a balance of zero. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve Court Order# 12- 30-2013-01, to transfer funds from the Building Bond fund to the Sheriff's Department. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 1:30 PM Auditor Sam Yarnell t October Term Monday, December 30, 2013 1:15 PM Budget Discussion and Decisions - Commissioners Adopt the Recommended 2014 Budget The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. The County Commission met with County Auditor Sam Yarnell to adopt the 2014 recommended budget. County Auditor Sam Yarnell said the budget has been laid down for 14 days for the public's viewing. There have been some minor changes but the bottom line has not changed. The remaining funds to be transferred to the Sheriffs Department is completed. The fund transfers from the Building Bond fund has decreased and there was a change of $ 600.00 for the Extension Office. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the 2014 budget for Christian County. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 2:30 PM Sheriff Joey Kyle Contract - Sign Contract for Inmate Health Care The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. The Commissioners signed the 2014 contract with Co. Health Care, LLC. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called for a motion to approve the 2014 inmate health care contract with Co. Health Care, LLC. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 2:45 PM Christian County Commission Contract - Renew Maintenance Contract for Commissioners Copier The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. The County Commission approved the contract with Corporate Business Systems for the Commission's Savin C9125 copier for an additional year beginning February 14, 2014 and ending February 14, 2015 for $ 9.98. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Weter, Eastern Commissioner SECONDER: Bill Barnett, Western Commissioner AYES: Lou Lapaglia, Ray Weter, Bill Barnett Motion/Vote - 3:00 PM Postponed 21Page October Term Monday, December 30, 2013 1:15 PM 0 Bid Decision - POSTPONED TILL FURTHER NOTICE (Bid Decision-River Downs West) The River Downs West Neighborhood Improvement District meeting was postponed until further notice. III. Adjournment The meeting was closed at 3:00 PM The scheduled agenda for Monday, December 30th, 2013, was completed and the Commission adjourned and will reconvene Monday, January 6, 2014. 0 -L-'-se•/,A- Ywr·-·-9., J Presiding Commissinet/Lou Lapaglia 1 , ii) 4 t 0 Eastern Commissioner, Ray Weter dtf- Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett 0 31Page t D CERTIFIED COURT ORDER # 12-30-2013-01 STATE OF MISSOURI F SS. COUNTY OF CHRISTIAN October 2013 Term, In the Christian County Commission of said County, on the 30th day of December 2013, the following, among other proceedings, were had, viz: The Treasurer is hereby ordered to transfer in the amount of $ 193,420.00 from Building Bond to tile following: COLE (Leaving a balance of $ 0.00) l IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have issioner hereunto set my hand and affixed the 02 Seal of said Commission, at my office in Christian County this, the 30th day BIll BarnettWestern Commissioner ofDecember, 2013. L.£.--4€Xzh Ray WeterA astern CommisKioner Clerk ofihe Christian County Commission 0 £45.&d,%39*©2