44 /7 Christian County Commission January 03, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia catted the meeting of the County Commission to order at 8:45 a.m. on January 3,2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapagtia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. 8:45 a.m. Board of Commissioners Appointment Re: Lou Lapaglia as Presiding Commissioner The meeting was attended by Andy Arndt, Bob Rubino, Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young, Jane Burton, Judy Morisset and Gerald Keegan. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett postponed the 8:45 meeting for the Board of Commissioners appointment for another week or two. Presiding Commissioner Lou LapagIia discussed the 2011 contract with P.C. Net that was signed in December by the prior Commission. During the budget hearing meetings, Mr. Lapaglia requested that the contract for computer service with P.C. Net be extended for 30 days to allow time for Mr. Lapaglia to review the contract. P.C. Net would not extend the contract without penalty. 11= Bob Rubino asked "Doesn't state law allow for a new Commission to rescind any agreements or contracts made by the prior Commission?" Commissioner Lapaglia responded that state Iaw does allow for rescinding any contract within 90 days after taking office. However, to rescind this contract would cost the county in penalties. 9:00 a.m. Jim Bresee- Resource Management Consultant Re: Consulting Contract Signing The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Jim Bresee, Andy Arndt, Bob Rubino, Common 2 Road.District Supervisor Brent Young, Jane Burton, Judy Morisset and Gerald Keegan. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett reviewed the consulting contract with Jim Bresee for a total amount not to exceed $ 10,000.00. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett stated that Jim Bresec has been with the County for many years, served as a County Commissioner in Webster County and has assisted Greene County in the past. Commissioner Barnett expressed his appreciation for his serving in the Planning and Zoning and the Building Code Departments. Motion/Vote - Approve the Consultant Contract With Jim Bresee Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the consultant contract with Jim Bresee for $ 100.00 per hour and not to exceed $ 10,000.90. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 9:30 a.m. Christian County Auditor Sam YarnelI Re: Budget Hearing - Adopt 2011 Budget The meeting was attended Andy Arndt, Bob Rubino, Jane Burton, Judy Morisset, Gerald Keegan, Bruce Deckard, Teny Bohmont, Midas Owner Bill Gravitt and Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News. January 03,2011 1 t. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett reviewed the 2011 budget with County Auditor Sam Yamell. Auditor Yarnell mention three things that were added to the budget. The VOCA Grant of$ 30,000.00 to be added to revenue. The jail had $ 25,000.00 in expenditures that are r offset by $ 25,000.00 in revenues. The final numbers will be in by the middle ofthe month. Andy Arndt asked " How is the road money for this year and repairing pot holes?" Commissioner Barnett responded that the road department has a five year projected budget and the worst roads would receive attention first with fog seal or crack seaL The road funds for the county have been cut the last three years. Motion/Vote - 9:45 a.m. Approve the 2011 Budget Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the 2011 proposed budget. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). Motion/Vote - Approve the 2011 Holiday Schedule for the County Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the holiday schedule for 2011: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Lincoln Day (Unpaid), Washington's Birthday (Unpaid), Truman Day (Unpaid), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day (Unpaid), Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving (Unpaid), Day after Christmas. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 10:00 a.m. Spokane Baptist Church Rezoning Hearing Re: Juniper and Shortleaf Drive - 2010-0236 The meeting was attended by Judy Morisset, Jane Burton, Gerald Keegan, Bruce Deckard, Terry Bohmont and Gary Foster. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Todd Wiesehan and Bob Atchicy from the Planning and Zoning to review an order for properties located on Juniper Road and Shortleaf Drive regarding current land use for residential manufactured homes and mobile homes. The rezoning hearing for Spokane Baptist Church was cancelled and will be rescheduled. Court Order - 1-3-11-01 - Juniper Road and Shortleaf Drive Parcels ORDER NO. 1-3-11-01 ORDER OF THE CHRISTIAN COUNTY COMMISSION OZARK, MISSOURI DATE ISSUED: January 3,2011 SUBJECT: CASE NUMBER 2010-0236 TEXT: The Christian County Planning and Zoning Commission petitions the Christian County Commission to rezone twenty seven (27) meets and bounds described parcels of land located on Juniper Road and Shortteaf Drive, Ozark, Missouri from A-1 - Agriculture District, A-R - Agricultural Residence District, RR-1 - Rural Residence District and R-1 - Suburban Residence District to MH-1 - Mobile Home Subdivision as an Appeal Seeking Correction of the Zoning Map, based more closely upon their existing land use, on the properties described as follows: January 03, 2011 Rk -- ,\ PARCEL NUMBER WARRANTY DEED - BOOK/PAGE 19-0.6-13-2-2-1 315/3784 19-0.6-13-2-2-6.001 2008/9846 19-0.6-13-2-2-6 2008/0702 19-0.6-13-2-1-1 375/0178 19-0.6-13-2-1-2 341 / 8098 19-0.6-13-1-1-2 2010/5053 19-0.6-13-2-1-3 346/5330 19-0.6-13-2-1-3.001 314 /4296 19-0.6-13-2-1-4 331/1031 19-0.6-13-2-1-4.001 2006/14003 19-0.6-13-2-1-5 319/2271 19-0.6-13-2-1-6.001 313/7433 19-0.6-13-2-1-6 2006/17604 19-0.6-13-1-1-3 338/9097 19-0.6-13-1-1-2.007 357/4624 19-0.6-13-1-la.006 2008/13402 19-0.6-13-1-1-2.008 329/8591 19-0.6-13-1-1-4 300/2773 19-0.6-13-1-14.001 319/2272 19-0.6-13-1-1-5 331 /4886 19-0.6-13-1-1-5.002 377/8168 19-0.6-13-1-1-5.001 331/6363 19-0.6-13-1-1-2.005 19-0.6-13-1-1-6 2007/20458 19-0.6-13-1-1-8 338/6115 The Christian County Planning and Zoning Commission did, during public hearing on December20, 2010, vote unanimously to recommend approval of this request. Now, therefore, the Christian County Commission did this day, upon a motion by Commissioner Bill Barnett, seconded by Commissioner Lou Lapaglia, vote unanimously to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. Any new residence constructed or placed on site, (whether it is a manufactured / mobile home or a structure built home) or a non-agricultural, accessor'y building must obtain a Building Permit. 2. Any new residence constructed or placed on site, whether it is a manufactured / mobile home or a structure built home must first obtain a Septic Permit from the Environmental Division of the Christian County Health Department. 2. All other Christian County building and zoning regulations shall be adhered to. Done this 3rd day of January, 2011, at 10:05 a.m. CHRISTIAN COUNTY COMMISSION Lou Lapaglia Yes Presiding Commissioner Dated 1-3-2011 Tom Huff Yes Commissioner, Eastern District • Dated: 1-3-2011 Bill Barnett Yes Commissioner, Western District Dated: 1-3-2011 ATTEST: January 03,2011 3 / 1 -··--4 - Kay Brown County Clerk 23385-000\ 383506.doc Motion/Vote - 1:30 p.m. Accept the Lease Agreement for 207 South 2nd Street, Ozark, MO. Western Commissioner Bilt Barnett made a motion to approved the one year lease agreement with Joyce Lowther for the properly located at 207 South 2nd Street, Ozark, Missouri. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapagtia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). The County Commission signed the lease agreement. All Commission Meetings CanceIIed for January 6, 2011 The County Commission cancelled all meetings for January 6,2011. Sign*tires MZAA 35<0_ 0 -nF*Lapaglia fresi¥ifig Commissid j January 03,2011 4 \1 N ..Iza- .1--- ..Z I -7-===V i ( jf1'. Christian County Commission January 10, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called the meeting ofthe County Commission to order at 8:30 a.m. on January 10,2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. Motion/Vote - 8:30 a.m Approved the Thyssenkrupp Elevator Contract Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the Thyssenkrupp Elevator Contract for a five year term beginning January 1, 2011. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). The Commission signed the contract. The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. Motion/Vote - 8:35 a.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Board Reappointments Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to reappoint the following to the PIanning and Zoning Commission: North Linn District Commissioner Richard Ailing, West Polk District Commissioner Gerald Griffin, Riverside District Commissioner John Smith and Union Chapel District Commissioner Donald Dishon. The term will expire December 31,2014. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia ('yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). Ordinance - 1-10-11-01 - Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Southemview Road - Ozark Special Road 8:40 a.m. --Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett approved and signed the Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Southernview Road to transfer additional right along Southernview Road to Ozark Special Road District. The Grantors are James and DaJuana Baker and Irving and Helen Baker. County Clerk, Kay Brown, attested the deed. RolI CalI Attendance taken at 8:45: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom HufT, Present. Motion/Vote - Approve the Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Cypress Hills Court Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Cypress Hills Court. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes). Tom Huff (Yes). Ordinance - 1-10-11-02 - Right-of-Way Warranty Deed Cypress Hills Court- Common 2 Rd. Dist. 8:45 a.m. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett approved and signed the Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Cypress Hill Court to transfer additional right along Cypress Hill Court to Common 11 Road District. The Grantor is Community Bank of the Ozarks, Inc. The deed was attested by County Clerk Kay Brown. 8:50 a.m. Brian Cathey- Sheriff's Department Re: Phone & Vehicle Discussion The meeting was cancelled and will be rescheduled. January 10,2011 1 9:00 a.m. Treasurer Karen Matthews Re: Banking Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Treasurer Karen Matthews, Chief Deputy Payroll Clerk Tom Lawson, Chief Deputy Clerk Norma Ryan, Ozark Bank President Dan Mathenia and Karla Divin, and ChiefDeputy Treasurer Barbara Stogner. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia, Eastern Commissioner Tom Huff and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Treasurer Karen Matthews to discuss the County's signature cards for the bank. There was discussion about the Depository Agreement and the signatures for the wire transfers to CERF, LAGERS and for federal and state taxes. Currently, the County has two signatures on all wire transfers but the depository agreement requires three. Treasurer Karen Matthews requested that the wire transfers remain with two signatures due to time restraints and that an addendum be added to the agreement. ChiefPayroll Deputy Clerk Tom Lawson agreed that federal and state tax hard wire transfers have been done this way for the past seven years. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia requested that the banking agreement and any addendums be reviewed by County Counselor John Housley. The Commission, Commission Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer County Clerk and Chief Deputy Clerk signed the new signature cards for Ozark Bank. 9:15 a.m. Christian County Commission Re: Employee Sick Time Discussion and Vote The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Common 1 Road District Supervisor Allen Moss, Chief Payroll Clerk Tom Lawson, Treasurer Karen Matthews, and Recorder Kelly Hall. On December 6,2010, the County Commission voted to decrease the sick time for employees from 12 to 6 days beginning January 1, 2011. The County Commission prepared a letter to be sent to ali the offices regarding the sick time. Recorder Kelly Hall had concerns that the employee sick time that is already accrued would be lost. There was also a question, if the holiday is used for doctor's appointments could sick time be applied for the unpaid holiday time. The Commission said that each employee's current amount of sick time would remain the same but all future sick time would be accrued at halfthe rate. The unpaid holiday can not be used as sick time regardless if the time is used for Doctor's appointments. The unpaid holiday is to be used for compensatory time to decrease the County's liability. Motion/Vote - 9:30 a.m. County Insignia Placed On All Vehicles Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the County insignia be placed on the outside panels of at] County vehicles. Tom Huff seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Yes). 10:30 a.m. Great River Associates - Spencer Jones Re: Hwy CC Project Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maptes, Ozark Ward 3 Alderman Eddie Campbell, Chad Zickefoose from MODOL Planning and Zoning Administrator Bob Atchley and Senior Planner Todd Wiesehan, Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young, Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News and Diane May ofthe S.W. Council of Governments. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia, Eastern Commission Tom Huff and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with David Lundstrom and Spencer Jones from Great River Associates to discuss the Highway January 10,2011 2 --» 1, CC Project. Mr. Jones gave the Commission an update on the Highway CC Project. There will be a meeting with stakeholders tomorrow night. Great River Associates has submitted two applications for the State cost share program. According to Mr. Zickefoose, the CC project is on the top of the list for the State's cost share program. The Highway 14 right-of-way plans are done and are waiting to be certified. Mr. Zickefoose suggested that the proposed right-of-ways along Highway CC and 14 be identified on the County's GIS maps for any future developers. This project has been a shared cost by the following entities: City of Ozark and the City ofNixa has each contributed $ 5,000.00, Ozark Special Road District has contributed $ 25,000.00 and Christian County has contributed $ 25,000.00 for a total cost of$ 60,000.00. Roll Call Attendance taken at 11:00: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. 11:00 a.m. Diane May - S.W. Missouri Council of Governments Re: Hazardous Mitigation Grant Proposal The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, EMA Director Phil Amtower, Planning and Zoning Administrator Bob Atchley and Senior Planner Todd Wiesehan, David Lundstrom and Spencer Jones of Great River Associates, Chad Zickefoose ofMODOL Brian Orr of Toth & Associates, Jim Stufflebeam SDA Architects of Springfield and Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Diane May of the Southwest Missouri Council of Governments to discuss the Hazardous Mitigation grant proposal. Ms. May stated that in late November it was discovered that there was around 5 million dollars left over from 2008 that could be used through Community Block Grant Funds. There were requests for proposals ofwhat could be provided through the funding. A statewide proposal to provide funding for planning in high hazardous areas was approved for 3.5 million. Ms. May reviewed the current Hazardous Mitigation Grant Proposal and the Commission signed the proposal to be submitted to FEMA. 1:00 p.m. All Commissioners Attend the OACAC Meeting at 204 E. EIm Street, Ozark, MO. The County Commission are attending the OACAC meeting located at 204 E. Elm Street, Ozark, MO. 3:35 p.m. Phil Amtower - EMA Re: Regional Homeland Security Grant Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Phil Amtower to discuss the Regional Homeland Security Grant application. This grant will provide $ 35,665.00 of funding for the following items:. 285 gallon drinking tank for $ 2,100.00, various supplies, two rubber dummies used for cert training, 100 student CERT manuals, road flairs, identification vests, and to pay a staffmember that does CERT training. This grant is 100% funded with no obligation to the County. Motion/Vote - Approve the Regional Homeland Security Grant Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the Regional Homeland Security Grant. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia signed the grant application. January 10,2011 3 *t COURT ORDER STATE OF MISSOURI }SS COUNTY OF CHRISTIAN January Term, 2011 In the Christian County Commission of said County, on the 7th day of January 2011, the following, among other proceedings, were had, viz: The Treasurer is hereby ordered to transfer the sumn of$ 279,535.54 from the County Revenue Sales Tax Fund to the following: ROAD DISTRICTS COMMON ROAD # 1 $ 86,600.11 COMMONROAD#2 $ 84,950.85 BILLINGS SPECIAL $ 30,105.98 GARRISON SPECIAL $ 6,205.69 OZARK SPECIAL $ 24,319.59 SELMORE SPECIAL $ 9,616.02 S. SPARTA SPECIAL $ 2,935.12 STONESHIRE SPECIAL $ 1,705.17 CITIES JITY OF BILLINGS $ 3,326.48 DITY OF CLEVER $ 1,984.70 JITY OF FREMONT HILLS $ 1,00633 JITY OF NIXA $ 12,299.56 LITY OF OZARK $ 12,998.40 DITY OF SPARTA $ 1,481.54 Sign*gres Lou paglia /Presiding (*lifilskioner January 10,2011 4 A l T 4 '/t -54 Christian County Commission e January 13, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called the meeting of the County Commission to order at 8:45 a.m. on January 13,2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. Motion/Vote - 8:45 a.m. Approve the New IRS Mileage Rate Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to adopt the new I.R.S. mileage rate of 51 cents for 201 I. This rate will be effective starting today. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Treasurer Karen Matthews. 9:00 a.m. Sheriff Re: Bid Opening Repair & Maintenance of County Vehicles The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Mr. Alan Quackenbush ofU.S. Automotive. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett opened bids for the repair and maintenance of county vehicles from the following companies: Midas Ozark Tire and Auto U.S. Automotive Campbell Ford The Sheriff will review the bids and make a recommendation to the County Commission. A decision meeting is set for Thursday, January 20,2011. 9:15 a.m. Sheriff Joey Kyle Re: Phones & Vehicle Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Captain Brian Cathey and Blanca Mallonee. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Sheriff Joey Kyle and Captain Brian Cathey to discuss county phones and vehicles. Captain Cathey suggested that the Sheriff's Department have a separate annual contract with Verizon Wireless for phones and service apart from the County. This contract would be a cost savings for the County and would provide new phones to the Sheriffs Department. The Sheriffwould prefer this contract on a trial basis. SheriffKyle suggested leasing five new vehicles through a state contract as opposed to purchasing them. By the time the four year lease expires the cars would need to be retired due to the high mileage. This program provides 100,000 mile warranty per car with an annual cost of$ 35,451.89 per year to be paid from forfeiture funds. By using this program the fleet would be regularly updated. The state contract is through Don Brown Chevrolet in St. Louis, Missouri. Motion/Vote - Proceed With The Sheriff's Verizon Contract Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to proceed with a one year contract between the Sheriff's Department and Verizon for new phones and phone service on a trial basis. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). January 13,2011 1 1 4/ e £ Motion/Vote - Approve the Sheriff To Lease Five Cars Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve a four year lease for five cars through the State ofMissouri to be leased through Don Brown Cheverolet. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 9:30 a.m. Sheriff Bid Opening Re: Inmate Healthcare The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples. Sheriff Joey Kyle, Captain Brian Cathey, Blanca Mallonee and Bryan Gillman. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett opened bids for the inmate healthcare from the following companies: Health Professionals, Ltd. Advanced Correctional Healthcare Commission Secretary Julia Maples stated that the Sparta Health Clinic wanted to submit a bid but no bid was received by the meeting deadline. The Sheriff will review the bids and will make a recommendation. A decision meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 20,2011. 10:00 a.m. Tim Hamilton - Pond Creek Designs Re: Bid Review - HVAC Renovation The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Collector Ted Nichols. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapagtia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Tim Hamilton of Pond Creek Designs to review the bids for the HVAC renovation. Mr. Hamilton reviewed the specific goats ofthe upgrade; to bring the energy efficiency ofthe courthouse to 14 sean provide fresh air on all three floors and replace some heating and air conditioning units. The grant witt provide $ 197,000.00 for this project but the budget came in at $ 246,504.50. Of the six company's contacted only two submitted bids. Greg Crawford Construction was the lowest bid. The HVAC equipment installation will be subcontracted to Randy Long. The County Commission requested Mr. Hamilton to provide options and to proceed with negotiations with Randy Long to get the $ 246,504.50 budget cost to fit the grant. 1:15 p.m. Emergency Meeting Common 2 Road District Truck Accident The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maptes and Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young. The County Commission call this emergency meeting due to an accident that happened this morning with a Common 2 Road District truck. Tile truck had a snow plow on the front of the vehicle that was destroyed in the accident. The Commission need to continue snow removal by replacing the 10 foot plow. The plow was originally purchased from Bus Andrews. Motion/Vote - Snow Plow Replaced Due to Accident Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to purchase a 10 foot snow plow for Common 2 Road District from Bus Andrews to replace the one destroyed in a traffic accident. The cost ofthe snow plow will be reimbursed through insurance. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). January 13,2011 4 4. 3 1:30 p.m. Dave Zanone - Department of Revenue Re: Local Use Tax Discussion - Teleconference The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, County Auditor Sam Yamell, Treasurer Karen Matthews, Andy Amdt, Allen Berry, Assessor David Stokely, Tara Muck of the Springfield Newsleader, Ozark City Administrator Steve Childers, Nixa City Administrator Brian Bingle, Bob Atchley and Todd Wiesehan ofthe Planning and Zoning Department, Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young, Collector Ted Nichols and Donna Osborn ofthe Christian County Headliner News. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapagtia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett had a conference call and a power point presentation with Dave Zanone of the Department ofRevenue regarding a local use tax. There was some discussion with Mr. Zanone regarding a county use tax. Andy Arndt was displeased with how the decision was made to have a use tax issue placed on the ballot by the County Commission. The agenda did not provide notice ofthe discussion or motion/vote regarding the use tax. He feels that the Sunshine Law was violated and should be rescinded. He also said that this is the worst time to raise a tax given the current economy. Presiding Commissioner Lapaglia stated that the discussion was brought up during the budget study sessions white reviewing the shortfall in revenues. The Commission was looking at all options of possible revenue streams. He was unaware that the discussion or motion/vote should have been posted in the agenda. Allen Barry was in support ofAndy's position and he did not understand how the use tax could be monitored and collected. Treasurer Karen Matthews suggested as gasoline prices begin to rise, people who work outside the county will leave Christian County to be closer to work. Assessor Dave Stokely stated that internet sales are tax free. County Auditor Sam Yarnell stated that a use tax would provide a level playing field to our local merchants and there would be more incentive to shop locally. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett said that they are trying to do something to help the county not just sit by and do nothing. Motion/Vote - Approve the January 3 and January 10th Minutes Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the January 3 and January 10th minutes. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). No Meetings For Monday, January 17th, 2011 The Courthouse will be closed Monday, January 17,2011, in observance ofMartin Luther King Jr. Day. Signajpres rf/-49£ L Ltou Laaglia/Presidingo¢fnissioner January 13,2011 3 i tr Christian County Commission January 20, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called the meeting of the County Commission to order at 9:00 a.m. on January 20,2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. 9:00 a.m. Sam Yarnell- Christian County Auditor Re: Approve 2011 Budget The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Treasurer Karen Matthews and John Smith. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett were notified by County Auditor Sam Yarnell that the budget was not ready to be approved. This meeting was postponed to a later date. 9:15 a.m. Christian County Commission Re: Use Tax Decision The meeting was attended by Commission Secretaiy Julia Maples, Juvenile Director Terri Goodall, John Smith, County Auditor Sam Yarnett, Tara Muck of the Springfield Newsleader, Ozark City Administrator Steve Childers, Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News, Mayor Brad Jackson, Recorder Kelly Hall and Prosecutor Amy Fite. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett discussed the use tax that was approved in November to be placed on the April ballot. MOTION/VOTE Rescind the Use Tax Ballot Decision Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made the motion to rescind use tax that was approved in the budget study session that was held on November 15,2010. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), and Tom Huff (Absent). After the motion/vote, Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia requested personal comments from the audience: Mr. John Smith, a former College Finance Professor, affirmed having a use tax because it would level the playing field with local businesses that pay sales tax. The use tax is the only means by which taxes can be derived from the internet sales. Treasurer Karen Matthews said she had spoke with the Grasconade County Treasurer and their county placed theusetaxon the 2010 November ballot and it failed by 75 percent. Also the Treasurer read the Missouri Association of Counties newsletter and their is abill posted regarding internet sales. County Auditor Sam Yamell, stated that the State ofMissiouri is already charging the use tax and people are paying it. There was atso discussion that individuals would not keep track of their sales but it would effect the businessess. Ozark City Administrator Steve Childers suggested that there is not enough time to educate the public on the use tax issue. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia stated that the county has a deficit of approximately $ 847,000, due to the lack in sales tax. The Commission has cut the number ofsick days by half, cut the budget by 6%, and January 20,20 I t 1 ,1 has cut holiday pay. There isn't any more fat to trim and the County is required to provide services to the public. Commissioner Lapaglia asked " Do we want to continue make withdrawals from the reserves?" He spoke with some Walmart Executives and they project revenues will not improve for awhile. Commissioner Lapaglia gave an example that an out of state purchase of$ 5,000.00 would result in a tax of$ 52.50. In his opinion this is the least evasive tax and we have to do something or cut services. If the use tax issue passed it would be July or August before the revenue would be received. We just can't put our head in the sand and do nothing. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett said it is ourjob to take care ofthe county's business and it is our duty to let the peopte decide because we work for the people. This use tax would help the local businessess in the county. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapagtia said there is already a tax imposed by the state that the people pay when they make a purchase from another state. MOTION/VOTE Place the Use Tax On the April Ballot Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made the motion to place the use tax on the 2011 April ballot. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), and Tom Huff (Absent). 9:30 a.m. Christian County Prosecutor Amy Fite Re: V.O.C.A. Grant, Phones, EmaiI Provider & Storage Space The meeting was attended by Treasurer Karen Matthews, Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News, SheriffJoey Kyle and Captain Brian Cathey. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Prosecuting Attorney Amy Fite to discuss V.O.C.A. grant, phones, email provider and storage space. Prosecutor Amy Fite wanted to have a current employee fulfill the VOCA grant duties. The VOCA grant did not budget for the position. The Prosecutor chose not to replace the VOCA grant employee but to use existing staff and alternate them in the office to cut costs. The budget will show a decrease in the VOCA grant but will be reimbursed in the general revenue fund. Prosecutor Amy Fite requested to terminate the contract on all County owned cell phones and pdas that are used in the office. According to Prosecutor Fite, there is no cancellation fee and those that need to be contacted will have a pager at a cost of$ 100.00 per year. Prosecutor Fite requested that the county take them or present them to the violence center. Western Commissioner Barnett suggested that Prosecutor Fite give the unused phones to the violence center. Prosecutor Amy Fite also discussed the lack of storage space needed for her office. She requested additional storage space for her records. The Commission suggested using the vault in the old Planning and Zoning office. SheriffKyle offered space for nonsensitive documents in his office for the Prosecutor's use. Prosecutor Amy Fite also addressed the current office e-mail that is hosted by Corporate net. Ms. Fite located a company in the State of Georgia that offers e-mail and a web site service for $ 59.50 a year instead of the current cost of$ 100.00 per month. Commissioner Lapaglia suggested that Ms. Fite verify the cost and service before canceling the current service. Western Commissioner Barnett appreciates everyone working together to helping one another. January 20,2011 2 e 10:00 a.m. Sheriff Joey Kyle Re: Bid Decision - Repair & Maintenance Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Sheriff Joey Kyle Captain Brian Cathey and Blanca Mallonee to make a decision for the vehicle repair and maintenance. The Sheriff went through the bids and did a comparison of each company's products and services. The Sheriff made the following recommendation: Ozark Tire and Auto should do the preventive maintenance such is brakes and oil changes because the hourly charges are less. Campbell Ford does an excellent job on the heavy duty maintenance, engine repair and transmission repairs. Motion/Vote - Award the Sheriff's Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to proceed with the Sheriff's recommendation to award Ozark Tire & Auto all minor repairs, oil changes, and preventative maintenance. For all heavy equipment repairs, engine repair and transmissions be awarded to Campbell Ford. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). t, 10:15 a.m. Sheriff Joey Kyle Re: Bid Decision Inmate Health Care The meeting was attended by Blanca Mallonee and Captain Gillman. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Sheriff Joey Kyle to make a decision regarding the inmate health care. Healthplan Professionals, Ltd. gave a proposal of $ 197,173.56 with a $ 20,000.00 cap. Advanced Correctional Healthcare gave a proposal of$ 222,907.20 with a a cap of$ 50,000.00. Healthplan Professionals, Ltd., is cheaper but the reduced cap amount could cost more in the end if thejail is unable to stay within the $ 20,000.00. Advanced Correctional Healthcare will reimburse the County the entire amount ofany unused cap funds. Advanced also offers supplies to be used in the jail and the court house for a reduced rate. Sheriff Kyle and Captain Gillman made a recommendation to the County Commission to award the inmate healthcare to Advanced Correctional Healthcare. Motion/Vote - Award Inmate Healthcare Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to award the inmate healthcare to Advanced Correctional Healthcare. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia rns), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 11:00 a.m. Employees John Bross and Jackie Weeks Re: Building Maintenance Discussion Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with John Bross and Jackie Weeks to discuss building maintenance. John and Jackie have expressed interest in fulfilling the duties that Aire Master provides for the County. They would be responsible for purchasing supplies and keeping the bathrooms clean and stocked with supplies in the courthouse, the judicial center and the Planning and Zoning building. Nrc Master will no longer service the County as of February 15th, 2011. A letter has been prepared to be sent to Aire Master and to the the elected oficials notifying them of the change. The Commission reviewed the job description of the maintenance department with John and Jackie and encouraged them to do their best and that some changes in cleaning procedures are needed in both January 20,2011 3 :4 buildings. The Commission are getting complaints from the Judges, the employees and the public regarding the stairwells ofthe Justice Building. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett and Presiding Commissioner Lapaglia expressed their appreciation of the work that John and Jackie did in the Commission Office. They also went over a list of duties that they are responsible for and items that needed attention. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia expressed his appreciation that John and Jackie are willing to take on the additional responsibility and save money for the county. Times are not good and we have to preserve what we have, change our attitude and do more with less. County Auditor Sam Yarnell was requested in regards to the budget for Aire Master. Western Commissioner Barnett asked John to remove the television from his room because he has received complaints from the public and the employees. Commissioner Lapaglia expressed his appreciation and told them that the whole courthouse will benefit from them taking up the stack for cleaning the bathrooms. r Motion/Vote - Approve the January 13, 2011 Minutes Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the January 13, 2011, minutes. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). 1:30 p.m. David Wilcock- Centurylink Re: Courthouse Phone System Discussion Mr. Wilcock called and cancelled the meeting due to inclement weather. COURT ORDER STATE OF MISSOURI }SS. CHRISTIAN COUNTY January Term, 2011 In the Christian County Commission of said County, on the 20th day of January 2011, the following, among other proceedings, were had, viz: THE TREASURER IS HEREBY ORDERED TO TRANSFER THE SUM OF$ 106,411.84 FROM THE COUNTY REVENUE CART FUND TO THE FOLLOWING: BRIDGE $ 15,961.78 ROAD DISTRICTS COMMON ROAD #1 $ 31,784.15 COMMONROAD#2 $ 31,187.18 BILLINGS SPECIAL $ 11,043.95 GARRISON SPECIAL $ 2,279.34 OZARK SPECIAL $ 8,927.42 SELMORE SPECIAL $ 3,527.55 January 20,2011 4 S. SPARTA SPECIAL $ 1,076.36 STONESHIRE SPECIAL $ 624.11 I t 3yu Lapaglia/PreIlronimisE January 20,2011 -r 1\ 4 Christian County Commission January 24, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapagtia called the meeting of the County Commission to order at 9:00 a.m. on January 24,2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapagiia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. 9:00 a.m. County Auditor Sam Yarnell Re: Adopt 2011 Budget The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, County Auditor Sam Yamell, Recorder Kelly Hall, Treasurer Karen Matthews, Assessor David Stokely, Andy Arndt and Judy Morisset. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapagtia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with County Auditor Sam Yamell to review the 2011 budget for approval. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia stated that the 2011 County's budget has a deficit of$ 850,000.00 and the balance will come from the reserves. The County Commission has cut 6% from the overall budget, eliminated some positions, and has eliminated approximately $ 18,000.00 for extra services. The Commission will look at the first quarter budget figures on April 1,2011 to explore other options. Motion/Vote - Approve the 2011 County Budget Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the 2011 County budget. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 9:15 a.m. Christian County Commissioner Re: Use Tax Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia MapIes, County Auditor Sam Yarnell, Recorder Kelly Hall, Treasurer Karen Matthews, Assessor David Stokely, Andy Arndt, Judy Morisset, Jane and Larry Burton, Leroy Winkle, Clif Pieper, Tara Muck ofthe Springfield Newsleader, Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News, Ozark Mayor Brad Jackson and Ozark City Administrator Steve Childers. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met to discuss the use tax ballot issue. Presiding Commissioner Lapaglia received a telephone call from Brad Shrock, the owner of Kitchenland regarding the use tax. Mr. Schrock expressed his concern that the use tax would hurt his business. There was further clarification after the meeting with Mr. Zanone from the Department of Revenue on the amount of use tax that a consumer would pay and that all out of state saIes including internet sales would be taxed. It is not the intention of the County Commission to hinder agriculture or the trade industry's through the use tax but to find another revenue stream to increase revenues. Presiding Commissioner Lapaglia stated his position would be to rescind the vote. After the first quarter the Commission will look at the budget and determine what options are available. The county has cut $ 20,000.00 in services to the County. The Sheriff' has also made drastic cuts to his budget. The road department will be cutting back by not contracting for services that could be done by the road crew. Western Commission Bill Barnett agreed that the motion should be rescinded due to recent information. Motion/Vote - Rescind the Use Tax Ballot Measure January 24,2011 1 Election. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapagtia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). 10:00 a.m. Tim Hamilton- Pond Creek Design Re: HVAC Project Bid Decision The meeting was attended Commission Secretary Julia MapIes, Ken Coates HVAC County Maintenance, Leroy Winkle, Judy Morisset, Treasurer Karen Matthews and Assessor David Stokely. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Planning and Zoning Senior Planner Todd Wiesehan and Tim Hamilton ofPond Creek Design to discuss the HVAC renovation project ofthe historic courthouse. Mr. Hamilton met with Mr. Long, the HVAC contractor for the project and $ 47,000.00 was deducted from the bid. There was discussion about the four units on the roofto be replaced. There was discussion about the units and the duet work in the former courtroom and the break room that could be saved with some alternations. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett asked about the testing and balancing the system that was also included in the bid. Mr. Hamilton stated that Mr. Long is required to do the test and balance of the equipment. Assessor David Stokely asked about architects blue prints for his office. Mr. Hamilton stated that the prints are not completely accurate and that they should go over the prints in the Assessor's office. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia expressed his appreciation to Mr. Hamilton for his due diligence on behalf on the County. Motion/Vote - Approve the January 20, 2011 Minutes Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the January 20,2011, minutes. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). Sign#tires 24'%535%; Bioner 1-*Lapac January 24, 2011 2 f fi Christian County Commission January 25, 2011 /0- Convene L\ Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called the meeting of the County Commission to order at 2:30 pm on January 25,2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapagtia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. 2:30 p.m. Treasurer Karen Matthews Re: Certification of Title III Funds The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Treasurer Karen Matthews to discuss the Title III funds certification. Treasurer Karen Matthews stated that she had received an e-mail from the federal government that Christian County is scheduled to received $ 17,406.00 in Title III Funds for the year 2011. In 2010, Nixa School District presented a fire wise program to the Commission and was approved for $ 12,080.00 in Title III funds. According to Treasurer Karen Matthews, this is the third year that Christian County has received over $ 100,000.00. The Commission must certify the acceptance of funds by February 1, 2011. The Title III funds can be used for search and rescuc on federal land, fire wise and community wildfire protection plans. 2:45 p.m. Christian County Commission Re: Support Letter Springfield-Branson Airport The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Building Code Administrators Bill Herman and Bob Barnhart. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett reviewed the letter of support for the Springfield-Branson Airport Free Trade Zone that would provide a free zone to create jobs through import and export business. This proposal to participate was offered to twenty-two counties by the City of Springfield Airport Board. Motion/Vote - Participate in the Foreign Trade Zone Board Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to be one of twenty-two counties to join the Foreign Trade Zone Board. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (AbsenO. The letter was signed by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett. Motion/Vote - Approve the January 24, 2011 Minutes Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the January 24, 2011 minutes. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (AbsenO. Motion/Vote - Certify the Title III Funds Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to certify the Title lII funds. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia Ores), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). Presiding Commissioner Lapaglia signed the certification ofTitle III funds. January 25,2011 1 S159'En.es . - 0\0462:* 4,1 A-*, Ebuapaglia/Presidir Unlissioner January 25,2011 Christian County Commission January 27,2011 Convene Presiding Comminioner Lou Lapnalla call©d the meeting ofthe Count, Commiasion to order at 2:00 p.m. on January 27,201 I nt the County Commission Offlae. Attendance: . Coung · Clork Kny Brown Is taking tho minutes. 2:09 p.m. Dave WI]cock - Contirylink Re: Phone Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Julia Maples. County Auditor Sam Yarnell. Public Adminisuator Angistnor Susan Pathkiller. Collector Ted Nichols, Deputy Collector Cindy Carey, Trusurer Karen Manhows. Recorder Kelly 11011, Asscs:or David Stokely, Terri Goodall fum Juvenile. CommisBion Secrotmy Che:yl Mitchell and Chicf Depi™ Clerk Norma Ryan. Presiding Commissioncr Emu Lopaglia metwlih Dave Wilcock, Marie Lacey, Wally Reding, and Ken Wack of Conturylink to discus; the installation orthe county phone system. Mr. Wilcook introduced the team thal will be installing Ihe zicw phone system. Mr. Wilcock discussed the date to Inmall the system training, and the dam basc options that will be specific to each ofrice. Tho goal of rhts phone systam is to savo money by condenstrig some ofthe lines and to provide greater efilclenoy. Chris M[ller willbc the moject manager. Ken Wack is the lead tech and Wally Reding is the Installer of the systems John Robena in Ths sslos engineer and Mark Looey will pro¥!de hining classes. SignE 7, fr-=2 - Januan 21 2011 1 U 2 + ar'. Christian County Commission February 03, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called the meeting of the County Commission to order at 9:00 am. on February 3, 2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent.Chief Deputy Norma Ryan is taking the minutes. 9:00 a.m. University of Extension Council - Re: Temporary Appointment The meeting was attended by Commission secretary Julia Mapies, Treasurer Karen Matthews and C2 Road District Supervisors Brent Young. The Commission discussed appointing Bill Barnett to the University Extension Council to replace Tom Huff until he is able to return to his duties. Motion/Vote - Appoint Bill Barnett to Replace Tom Huff on University Extension Council Board Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to appoint Bill Barnett to replace Tom Huff on the University Extension Council Board until Tom Huff is able to return to his duties. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(AbsenO. 9:05 a.m. Christian County Commission Re: Adopt Revised Purchasing Manual The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Treasurer, Karen Matthews and C2 Road District Supervisor, Brent Young. After some discussion regarding the contents ofthe revised manual, it was decided to postpone the adoption of the manual until the elected officials receive copies of the revision and meet to discuss in 8 days. Motion/Vote - Postpone Adoption of the Revised Purchasing Manual Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to postpone the adoption ofthe revised purchasing manual until the elected officials receive copies and have a chance to look at them and discuss them at a later meeting in 8 days. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapagiia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). 9:10 a.m. Library Board Appointment - Re: Rebecca Block The meeting was attended by Commission secretary Julia Maples. The initial appointment of Rebecca Block to the Library Board was mistakenly set to expire in February, 2011. The Commission extended the appointment to June, 2011. Motion/Vote - Extend Appointment of Rebecca Block to Library Board. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to extend appointment of Rebecca Block to the Library Board to expire on June, 2011. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 0 February 03,2011 1 1 T \9 Motion/Vote - Approve minutes of January 25th and 27th, 2011 Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the minutds for January 25th and January 27th as presented. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). 10:00 a.m. Sheriff Joey Kyle - Re: Security Discussion. The meeting was postponed and rescheduled to Monday, February 7th at 3:00p.m. COURT ORDER STATE OF MISSOURI }SS. CHRISTIAN COUNTY January Term, 2011 In the Christian County Commission ofsaid County, on the 3rd day of February 2011, the following, among other proceedings, were had, viz: THE TREASURER IS HEREBY ORDERED TO TRANSFER THE SUM OF$ 150,000.00 FROM THE GENERAL REVENUE FUND TO THE FOLLOWING: COLE (Leaving a balance of$450,000.00) Miptures « ouxyGO Lou bppaglia/Presiding CjiTAsioner February 03,2011 2 : e t:'.. Christian County Commission February 07, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called the meeting of the County Commission to order at 8:30 a.m. on February 7, 2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapaglia. Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. 8:30 a.m. Emergency Meeting Regarding Snow Days The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Consultant Jim Bresee. An emergency meeting was called by the County Commission to address the two days the court house was closed due to inclement weather. The Commission discussed allowing the employees the option ofusing sick time in addition to vacation or comp hours to supplement the time not worked. Motion/Vote - 8:35 a.m. Sick Time Used for Snow Days Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to for this time only, the employees have the option to use sick time in addition to vacation and comp time to supplement their pay for the snow days. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 8:55 a.m. Right-of-Way Ozark Special Road District Re: Southernview Road The meeting was attended by Consultant Jim Bresee, Ozark Ward 3 Alderman Eddie Campbell, and Mr. Jim Baker, former Trustee ofthe Southernview Road property. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Planning and Zoning Director Bob Atchley, Mr. Jim Baker and Consultant Jim Bresee. Mr. Atchley presented the Commission a revised Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Southernview Road due to an error in the trustee titling ofthe deed. The erroneous deed was filed 1/10/11 in the Recorder's office in Book 2011 page 367. The corrected deed will be recorded in the Recorder's office and a copy will be sent to Mr. Baker. 9:00 a.m. Frank Miller- MODOT Re: Hwy CC Project Funding Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Ozark Ward III Alderman, Eddie Campbell, Planning and Zoning Director Bob Atchley, Donna Baxter of the Springfield Newsleader and Donna Osborn of the Christian County Headliner News. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Consultant Jim Bresee, David Lundstrom, Steve Brown, and Spencer Jones from tile Great River Associates, Sarah Edwards ofthe Ozark Transportation Organization, Frank Miller and Chad Zickefoose of MODOT to discuss the Highway CC Project funding. Fremont hills recently declined participating in the funding of the Hwy CC project. Spencer Jones of G.R.A. has presented two applications for funding to the Missouri Department of Transportation that failed. Mr. Miller stated that the application deadline for the next cost-share grant is February 9th, 2011 and the second application submitted by Spencer Jones needed some minor revisions. Spencer has made the revisions and has resubmitted the application for approval. Mr. Jones stated that the cost-share program is the only current funding mechanism available at this time. Ifthe application is approved for funding the County is not obligated to take the funds. The cost share program for funding is the trend to have projects completed quicker and make dollars go further. February 07,2011 1 t rf' I Jim Bresee discussed the cost to the county. Spencer Jones said approximately 1.6 million which could be supplemented through a low interest loan through MODOT. The next step is to pursue the cost-share program for approval and proceed with financing. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia does not want the County to take on more debt without ample funding. 9:45 a.m. Treasurer Karen Matthews Re: Banking Adjustment The bank requested that the meeting be postponed to 10:30 a.m. due to a death. 10:00 a.m. PIanning and Zoning Adm. Bob Atchley & Spencer Jones of GRA Re: Road & Access Standards Revision The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Planning and Zoning Administrator Bob Atchley and Spencer Jones, David Lindstrom, Steve Brown of Great River Associates. The County Commission are looking at amending the road standards to include concrete and or hot mix. Spencer Jones of Great River Associates presented the road standards used in Taney County and suggested reviewing other neighboring county's road standards before making changes. Common 2 Road District Supervisor Brent Young suggested having a concrete approach for all commercial properties.Spencer Jones will do some more research regarding Homeowners Associations and suggested scheduling a work session to completely cover the road standards and to later include the Special Road Districts. 10:30 a.m.Treasurer Karen Matthews The meeting was attended by Treasurer Karen Matthews, Marcus Heitman, Planning and Zoning Director Bob Atchley, Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Chief Deputy Clerk Norma Ryan, Linda Failla from E-911, Assessor David Stokely and Deputy Assessor Amy York and E-911 Director Ranee Duffy. Karla Divin from Ozark Bank presented the new bank signature cards to the Commissioners. The following individitals signed the new bank cards: Treasurer Karen Matthews, County Clerk Kay Brown, Chief Deputy Clerk Norma Ryan, Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia, Western Commissioner Bill Barnett and Commission Secretary Julia Maples due to a change in personnel in the Treasurer's office. 10:45 a.m. Ranee Duffy - E-911 Director Re: E-911 Addressing Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Marcus Heilman from Ozark City, Planning and Zoning Director Bob Atchiey, Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Linda Failla from E-9 1 1, Deputy Assessor Amy York, Assessor David Stokely, E-911 Director Ranee Duffy and Udell Mentola, Ozark City Planner Steve Childers and Travis Cossey from the City ofNixa. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with E-911 Director Ranee Duffy, the city planners, the county offices that deal in mapping to discuss having a countywide addressing. A countywide addressing system would be more efficient than the current system and would cease redundancy of effort. Mr. Mentola discussed having the county map revised to make it more efficient. There was discussion ofhaving Linda Failla the County addressing employee move to the Assessor's Office and her salary be partially paid by E-911. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia thought it was a positive idea if it works better for the county and the city's. February 07, 2011 2 .. Steve Childers asked ifthe addressing processes would be similar if we had a central addressing location and do you anticipate any address changes? A suggestion was made to start with the US Postal standards and prepare a base map and have everyone sign off on. 2:00 p.m. Larry Ballard, Collector Ted Nichols and Assessor David Stokely Re: Tax Issue Discussion The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Donna Osborn, Community Publishers. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Larry Ballard, Collector Ted Nichols and Assessor David Stokely to discuss the tax issue regarding51B Butterfield Place. Mr. Ballard is asking for a refund ofpenalties and interest because the lots 5 lA and 518 were split and they were not aware the split had been done. Mr. Ballard stated he did not receive a tax bill reflecting the split. The collector can't waive penalties and interest. Mr. Ballard must pay and appeal to the County Commission and they decide what is to be done. Mr. Nichols says the Statute states if there is a county error, the county may adjust. Commissioner Lapaglia ask Mr. Ballard to find out some more information and get together with the Assessor. The County has 30 days to make a decision. 2:30 p.m. Tim Hamilton Pond Creek Design Re: HVAC Renovation for Courthouse The meeting was attended by Tim Hamilton, Pond Creek Design, Courthouse Maintenance man Kent Coates and Commission Secretary Julia Maples. Tim Hamilton reported back to the Commission regarding some earlier questions. There is no salvage value on the old equipment. The commission has first salvage rights and my take it and use it on any other county property, or they may take bids and sell the old equipment after they recover the R22. Tim miscalculated the rebate has a potential closer to $24,000. This brings his contingency funds to $203,800.00. The prices include demolition, fresh air on all floors and trim work on all areas needing replaced. Tim will make a time line starting with the second floor, then the first and finally the third. The project will take approximately three months and will cost no more than $227,000.00. Motion/Vote L Proceed with Pond Creek Designs on HVAC Renovations Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to issue a notice to proceed to Pond Creek Designs, Crawford Construction, Long Heating & Air with the renovations on the HVAC in the historical courthouse at a cost of up to $227,000.00 beginning on March 1, 2011 thru May 31, 2011. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bilt Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 3:15 p.m. Sheriff Joey Kyle Re: Security in County Buildings Discussion The meeting was attended by Randy Price, Lieutenant Rod Wells, Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Captain Brian Cathey. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Sheriff Joey Kyle to discuss the security in the historic courthouse. Sheriff Kyle and Mr. Price had presented this same security program to the former Commission and nothing has been done. Mr. Price presented the Commission a brand new video camera system that could be used for surveillance of the halls and doors on the first floor ofthe courthouse. Mr. Price is donating this new system to the County that consists of four video cameras and a monitor for 24 hour protection. February 07,2011 3 1 *, By having this system in place it will protect the county against liability. Mr. Price will provide an estimate for two more camera's and to install the equipment. COURT ORDER STATE OF MISSOURI } SS COUNTY OF CHRISTIAN Janumy Term, 2011 In the Christian County Commission of said County, on the 7th, day ofFebruary 2011, the following among other proceedings, were had, viz: The Treasurer is hereby ordered to transfer the sum of $ 291,570.72 from the County Revenue Sales Tax Fund to the following: ROAD DISTRICTS COMMON ROAD #1 $ 90,328.61 COMMON ROAD #2 $ 88,608.34 BILLINGS SPECIAL $ 31,402.17 GARRISON SPECIAL $ 6,472.87 OZARK SPECIAL $ 25,366.65 SELMORE SPECIAL $ 10,030.03 S. SPARTA SPECIAL $ 3,061.49 STONESHIRE SPECIAL $ 1,778.58 CITIES CITY OF BILLINGS $ 3,469.69 CITY OF CLEVER $ 2,070.15 CITY OF FREMONT HILLS $ 1.049.65 CITY OF NIXA $ 12,829.11 CITY OF OZARK $ 13,558.04 CITY OF SPARTA $ 1,545.34 Lou Lapaglia/Pre: imissioner February 07,2011 4 P Christian County Commission February 10, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia called the meeting of the County Commission to order at 9:45 a.m. on February 10, 2011 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. 9:45 a.m. John Torgerson Re: To Represent Christian County on the Ozark Mo. Interim Financing Commission The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Mapies, Planning and Zoning Senior Planner Todd Wiesehan, EMA Director Phil Amtower. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett discussed having John Torgerson to represent Christian County on the City of Ozark Interim Financing Commission. Motion/Vote - Appointment to the City of Ozark TIF Commission Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to appoint John Torgerson as the Christian County Representative to the City of Ozark TIF Commission. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). 10:00 a.m. Circuit Clerk Barb Stillingk and Captain Bryan GiIlman Re: Surcharge & Order for Criminal Cases The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Lieutenant Rod Wells, Circuit Clerk Barb Stillings, Deputy Kevin Turpine, Captain Jennifer Taylor, Brian Cathey, and County Auditor Sam Yarnelt. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Circuit Clerk Barb Stillings and Captain Bryan Gillman to discuss having a biometric verification system referenced in Section 488.5026 RSMO. This section of the law refers to a $ 2.00 surcharge for all inmates for the use of a biometric verification system. According to the statutes, the Circuit Clerk collects the surcharge to be payable to the Treasurer. Captain Gillman presented a copy of an ordinance that is used by Taney County for the Commission's review. County Auditor Sam Yarnell asked, "Who will collect the charge and how is it tracked?" Clerk Stiltings stated that the Court System has a program set up for this purpose that tracks the charges. Captain Brian Cathey suggested having a prisoner cost per diem but this would have to be ordered by the Judge. Captain Gillman said this biometric verification system would improve the technology level in the jail. Motion/Vote - Approve the Biometric Verification for the Jail Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to adopt to implement a Biometric Verification System in the jail with a surcharge of$ 2.00 per prisoner. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). Court Order - 02-10-11-1 - $ 2.00 Surcharge for Biometric Verification Order No. 02-10-11-1 February 10,2011 1 t... Order of the Christian County Commission WHEREAS, Chapter 488, RSMo., allows fora twodollar surcharge for all criminal cases, and the funds to be deposited in an inmate security fund pursuant to Section 488.5026, RSMO; and WHEREAS, the County Commission upon consideration of the factors set forth in Section 488,5026, RSMO; elects to impose such a surcharge for all criminal cases filed in Christian County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI AS FOLLOWS: On this day and upon the motion of Associate Commissioner Bill Barnett and seconded by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapagtia, with Commissioner Huff being absent, Commissioners Barnett and Lapaglia voted that the County Commission of Christian County, Missouri, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 488.Section 5026, RSMO., hereby approves a surcharge of two dollars to be assessed as costs in each court proceeding or the defendant has been dismissed by the court or when costs are to be paid by the state, county, or municipality. A surcharge of two dollars shall be assessed as costs in a juvenile court proceeding in which a child is found by the court to come within the applicable provisions of subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of section 211.031. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the moneys collected by clerks of the courts pursuant to the provision of subsection 1 of this section shall be collected and disbursed in accordance with sections488.010, and shall be payable to the Christian County Treasurer. The Treasurer shall deposit funds generated by the surcharge into the "Inmate Security Funcr. Funds deposited shall be utilized to develop biometric verification systems to ensure that inmates can be properly identified and tracked within the local jail system. Upon the installation of the biometric verification system, funds in the inmate security fund may be used for the maintenance of the biometric verification system, and to pay for any expenses related to custody and housing and other expenses for prisoners. This Order shall be in full force and effective from and after its passage. Done this 10th day of February, 2011. Lou Lapaglia Bill Barnett Tom Huff Presiding Commissioner Western Commissioner Eastern Commissioner Roll Call Attendance taken at 1:25: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Present. 1:30 p.m. Office Holders Re: Discussion of Purchasing Manual The meeting was attended by Chief Deputy Payroll Clerk Tom Lawson, Captain Bryan Cathey, EMA Assistant Linda Barger, County Auditor Sam Yamett, Assessor David Stokely, Prosecutor Amy Fite, Assistant Public Administrator Susan Pathkiller, Circuit Clerk Barb Stillings and Jennifer Taylor, Collector Ted Nichols, Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, County Surveyor Loyd Todd, Collector Ted Nichols and Assistant Cindi Carey, Chief Deputy Clerk Norma Ryan, Planning and Zoning Department employees Todd Wiesehan, Bob Atchley, and Kathy Fleming, Kim Baxter from Building Inspections, Judge Orr's Secretary Cindy Childress, Common 1 Road District Supervisor Allen Moss, Treasurer Karen Matthews, Sheriff's Assistant Blanca Mallonee and Recorder Kelly Hall, Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia, Western Commissioner Bill Barnett and Eastern Commissioner Tom Huffmet with the office holders to discuss the purchasing manual. Update the manual making purchases The items that were covered in the updated purchasing manual are as follows: *Requisition must have prices listed or the Auditor will not sign off. *Requisition will be returned to officeholder after signed. * Requisition number must include the year with the abbreviation of the office. * Requisition must be signed and approved before making the purchase. * Rushed Orders should be infrequent * Page 2- processing of film no longer necessary in manual. * Linda Barger asked about working with grant funds. February 10,2011 2 * Amy Fite asked about using the county credit card and how can purchases be made online. * County does have a Wai-Mart and Lowe's Card There was a suggestion made to have another meeting in two weeks to review the changes. Motion/Vote - Purchasing Manual Meeting In Two Weeks Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to schedule another meeting in two weeks to review the purchasing manual. Tom Huff seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Yes). 2:00 p.m. Assessor David Stokely Re: NIXPO - Discussion With Office Holders The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Assessor David Stokely, Treasurer Karen Matthews, Collector Ted Nichols, Recorder Kelly Hall, County Auditor Sam YarnelI, Planning and Zoning Administrator and Senior Planner Bob Atchley and Todd Wiesehan, Prosecutor Amy Fite, Circuit Clerk Barbie Stillings and Sheriff's Administrative Assistant Blanca Mallonee. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett had a discussion with Assessor David Stokely regarding having a booth at the NIXPO event on March 19th, 201 I . The booth space is approximately $ 225.00. The majority ofthe elected officials voted to volunteer to serve and contribute equally for the cost of the booth space. This would be an outreach to the community to meet, greet and provide information of the services provided by the County. There was discussion about 1 developing a group brochure highlighting the services of each office and related cost. There was also discussion about the Ozark event that is scheduled for Apri130,2011. Treasurer Karen Matthews, asked what are you going to do next year and who is paying for the booth? Signdres A L-··[fad LapabliaLPresidinD<*i#sioner February 10,2011 3 Christian County Commission February 14, 2011 Convene Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapagtia called the meeting of the County Commission to order at 9:15 a.m. on February 14, 2011 at tile County Commission Office. Attendance: Lou Lapaglia, Present: Bill Barnett, Present: Tom Huff, Absent. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. Motion/Vote - 9:15 a.m. Approve the Minutes for January 25,27, February 3 and February 10 Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approve the minutes for January 25,27, Feb. 3 and Feb. 10,2011. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff (Absent). Motion/Vote - Approve the Kerr Road Right-of-Way Western Commissioner Bill Barnett made a motion to approved the Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Kerr Road. Lou Lapaglia seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Lou Lapaglia (Yes), Bill Barnett (Yes), Tom Huff(Absent). Ordinance - 2-14-11-01 - Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Kerr Road The County Commission signed the Right-of-Way Warranty Deed for Kerr Road to transfer additional right-of-way along Kerr Road to Common 2 Road District. The Grantor is Tumback Cattle Company, LLC. The deed was signed by Scott D. Olson the registered agent. The deed was attested by County Clerk Kay Brown. 9:30 Recorder of Deeds Kelly Hall Re: Bid Opening Computer Server The meeting was attended by Commission Secretary Julia Maples and Rick Robinson ofPC Solutions Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett met with Recorder Kelly Hall to open bids for a new computer server. The following companies submitted bids: P.C. Solution 1st bid Dell Server 2008 $ 14,314.36 P.C. Solutions 2nd bid Microsoft SQL Intel Server 2008 $ 14,179.00 P.C. Net I bid III ProLiant $ 18,021.75 P.C. Net HP ProLiant with optional 1PK LTO Ultrium universal cleaning cartridge and backup software $ 23,611.64 CDWG Microsoft MBG SQI Server 2008 $ 19,230.37 IBM$ 23,983.09 includes extra options Cott Systems Dell PowerEdge T610 Intel Server$ 25,729.00 The