Public Building Corporation November 13, 2008 Convene member Rick Wiles called the meeting of the Public Building Corporation to order at 1:15 p.m. on November 13,2008 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Bob Massengale, Absent: Phil Short Present: Ray Stentz, Absent: Greg Hanks, Present: Eric Peterson, Present: Rick Wiles, Present. The County Commission was atso present for the meeting. County Clerk, Kay Brown taking the minutes 1:15 p.m. Conversation with the Commission Those present for the meeting was the Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Brent Young Common 2 Road District Supervisor. Erick Peterson, Phil Short and Greg Hanks board members ofthe Public Building Corporation met with the County Commission to discuss the expansion options for the Judicial Center and the jail. Presiding Commissioner Grubaugh stated that the county has budgeted heavily for COLE from the Building Bond Retirement Fund but that amount will decrease in 2009. Presiding Commissioner Grubaugh, stated that the county has recently purchased the old abstract building thilt will be renovated which includes a new roof. There was also discussion regarding a drop in county revenues particularly in sales tax. Roll Call Attendance taken at 2:15: Bob Massengale, Absent: Phil Short, Present: Ray Slentz, Absent: Greg Hanks, Present: Eric Peterson, Present: Rick Wiles, Present. Motion/Vote - 2:15 p.m. Convene the Board Meeting memberRick Wiles made a motion to convene the meeting. Phil Short seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Absent), Phil Shon (Yes), Ray Slentz (Absent, Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Rick Wiles (Yes). Motion/Vote - Accept the Minutes from the Last Meeting Vice President Phil Short made a motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting and to include the conversation prior to convening this meeting in the minutes for today. Greg Hanks seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Absent), Phil Short (Yes), Ray Slentz (Absent), Greg Hanks (Yes), Bic Peterson (Yes), Rick Wiles (Yes). 2:15 p.m. General Discussion Mr. Shon stated that Ray Slentz, had moved and that the board needs to appoint a new board member to fill his position. Mr. Peterson asked was this an exploratory meeting with the possibility of adding on to the jail? Mr. Peterson asked about electing a secretary and that Greg Hanks would be filling in as secretary until a replacement is elected. Mr. Hanks asked are there plans to buildup on the Judicial Center or is the property that has been recently purchased to be used for additional space? November 13,2008 Presiding Cornmissioner Grubaugh had questions about the heating and air conditioning units if an addition were to be built on the third floor of the Judical Center. Mr. Wiles asked why was the building built for an extra floor to be added, if it wasn't feasible to do it? Mr. Wiles said that the businesses such as St. John's recently added on additional floors to two buildings with heating and air conditioning units on the roof. Presiding Commissioner Grubaugh made a call to Mr. Bates, the architect for the Judicial Center to inquire about adding a third floor but Mr. Bates was unavailable. Western Commissioner, Bill Barnett stated that S 350,000.00 extra was spent on the Judicial Center for the pugose of adding a third floor to the building. Presiding Commissioner Grubaugh stated that an exploratory committee was not selected because the Commission was busy purchasing property. Mr. Peterson stated that this meeting was to be a progress report. Presiding Commissioner Grubaugh stated that the sheriff is very crowded in the basement and that the courtroom would be tho first place that would need to be renovated. He suggested renovating the judicial building and moving Emergency Management, the Sheriffs Department and E-911 out. The Commission would like to discuss these changes with a citizens' group. The bond will paid offby 2016 and once the note is paid off the taxes would roll back. Mr. Peterson asked do you have a game plan as to how to proceed? Presiding Commissioner Grubaugh stated that he doesn't think thereis a need for more jailcells at Bis time. Mr. Hanks asked about the average time the county keeps a prisoner in jail? There was also discussion about the revenue that the INS prisoners provide the county. According to Presiding Commissioner Grubaugh,the Sheriffreceives approximately $ 900,000 in revenues and the state also reimburses the county. Mr. Peterson asked what is the protocol ofgetting a committee together to discuss different options and how to fund it? Another meeting was set for 9:00 a.m. on March 2,2009. Motion/Vote - 3:25 p.m. Adjournment Vice President Phil Short made a motion to adjourn the meeting until March 2,2009 at 9:00 a.m. Greg Hanks seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Absent), Phil Short (Yes), Ray Slentz (AbsenO, Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Rick Wiles (Yes). November 13,2008 N Public Building Corporation March 02,2009 Convene President Bob Massengale called tile meeting ofthe Public Building Coiporation to order at 3/2/2009 on March 2,2009 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Bob Massengale, Present: Phil Short, Present: Ray Slentz, Absent: Greg Hanks, Present: Eric Peterson, Present: Rick Wiles, Present. County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. Financial Condition Discussion The meeting was attended by Sheriff Kyle and Dick Bartow ofGeorge K. Baum & Company. The meeting was opened with the discussion ofreappointing officers. MOTION/VOTE - Vice President Phil Short madc a motion to reappoint the current slate of ofticers. Treasurer Eric Peterson made a suggestion ofappointing the Assistant Secretary Greg Hanks to Secretary and RickWiles to Assistant Secretary. MOTION/VOTE -AMENDED Vice President, Phil Short, amended his motion to appoint Greg Hanks to Secretary and Rick Wiles to Assistant Secretary and Treasurer Eric Peterson seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengate (Yes), Phil Short (Yes). Greg Hanks (Ya), Rick Wiles (Yes) and Ray Slentz (Absent). There was discussion ofappointing a new member to the Public Building Corporation Bond Committee to replace Ray Stentz. Mr. Bartow passed out a schedule of the revenue bonds left in the account. He explained the options that would be available to the county to get the yield down. In 2015, half of the sales tax from the revenue bonds will go offand what other means will the county have to generate extra money for law enforcement purposes. If we pay offthe bonds early the quarter sales tax will drop to a sixteenth. The reserves allow for a one yearpayment built in so ifthe county couldn't make the payment the savings is in reserve. The reserve is 10 percent of the original bond payment. The County may refinance ar 1.07% for cash flow purposes. There will be three interest payments coming up. As we get closer to the call date refinancing would save S 300,000.00 at the current rate but the arbitrage is S 194,505.79. Mr. Bartow asked the question " Do we want to lock in these interest rates at 1.070% for $ 194,505.79 and the interest rates could drop to zero and then call in the bonds? He recommended that the county take a wait and see approach until next year. lf it goes to 3% the refinancing could be done in a month and marketed. Tmasurer Eric Peterson asked, "Do you see tax revenues shrinking and the county revenues being a problem?" Mr. Bartow responded that there doesn't appear to be a negative impact in the market but the reinvestment market is not here. According to Mr. Barlow, the municipal bond market isn't going anywhere. We could save $ 350,000.00 if we refinanced today at the current rate but we are leaving S 200,000.00 on the table. Mr. Bartow suggested that we monitor it and see if the market improves before refinancing the bonds. Secretary Greg Hanks, suggested thar tile committee should take Mr. Bartow's recommendation. Presiding Commissioner Grubaugh stated that the county's sales tax was down by 10.94%. The Commission recently metwith Alan Bates to discuss the expansion of the Judicial Center and the jail. Mr. Bates March 02,2009 provided preliminary drawings and a contract. The Commission declined the contract at this time due to the drop in sales tax. According to Mr. Bates, the Judicial Center that houses the court rooms does not have adequate foundation to add a third floor, so the Commission were looking at expanding the Judicial Center to the West to include the street, ifthe City ofOzark agreed. However, the jail side does have the foundation to add a third floor and tile HVAC would not pose a problem. The Judges have discussed consolidating and if that occurred there would be six more clerk positions and the current facility is at capacity. The Commission also are considering with the expansion to possibly move the Sheriffs Department, Emergency 911, and Emergency Management to the South ofthe Justice Center. SheriffKyle has been tapping as much Federal money that is available through grants but those resources are also dwindling. He suggested there may be grant money available for the construction of the Sheriffs Department. 1 Mr. Barlow stated that there is a sunset on the sales tax. By 2015, the quarter cent sales tax will drop to a 16th and that would not be sufficient to fund the Sheriffs Department Presiding Commissioner Gmbaugh stated that the County transferred $ 600,000.00 from County Revenue to the Sheriffs Department. General Revenue is down and that means $900,000.00 would have to be transfeired to the Sheiiffs Department for the many fixed costs. There was discussion about the Federal Stimulus package but according to Mr. Bartow, no appropriations were listed for law enforcement orjudicial services. SheriffKyle stated that the jail is currently housing 100 to 125 prisoners. The revenue last year was S 35,000.00 for the additional prisoners. Sheriff Kyle is working to increase the revenues to S 100,000.00 by housing more prisoners. President Bob Massengate suggested that if there is any increase in the markets the board would reconvene to take advantage ofit. Mr. Barlow said the $ 200,000.00 is killing us right now and the Committee may want to consider refinancing later this year or next year when the interest rates improve. He monitors the market every month and once it raises to 2%, he will contact the Commission. Motion/Vote - Continue Monitoring the Market Treasurer Eric Peterson made a motion to have Mr. Bartow continue to monitor the market for the possibility of refinancing the bonds. Mr. Bartow will report back to the Commission if the market increases. Greg Hanks seconded the motion. The motion passedby vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), Ray Slentz (Absent), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Rick Wiles (Yes). Motion/Vote - Approve the November 13,2008 Minutes Vice President Phil Short made a motion to approve the November 13,2008 minutes. Greg Hanks seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), Ray Slentz (Absent), Greg Hanks €yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Rick Wites (Ycs). Motion/Vote - Pay the Bond Payment Vice President Phil Short made a motion to pay the bond payment. Rick Wiles scconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengate (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), Ray Stentz (Absent), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Rick Wiles (Yes). March 02,2009 W Adjournment President Bob Massengale Ordered that the commission adjourn until 3/2/2009 Greg Hanks seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), Ray Slentz (Absent), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Rick Wiles (Yes). March 02,2009 W Public Building Corporation April 08, 2010 Convene President Bob Massengale called the meeting of the Public Building Coiporation to orderat 9:00 a.m. on April 8,2010 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Bob Massengale, Present: Phil Short, Present: John Mitchum, Present: Greg Hanks, Present: Eric Peterson, Absent: RickWiles, Present. Dick Bartown Carl Yates Presiding Comm John Grubaugh and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett, Commission Secretary Julia Maples, Treasurer Karen Matthews, Lou Lapaglia and County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. 9:00 a.m. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Bob Massengate, President of the Public Building Corporation Board. Nominations were made for the following positions for the Board: President, Vice President, Secretaly, Assistant Secretary. Motion/Vote - For Board President Vice President Phil Short made a motion to choose Bob Massengale as President of the board for 2010-2011 year. JohnMitchum seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Absent), Rick Wiles (Yes). Motion/Vote - For Board Vice President Secretaly Greg Hanks made a motion to choose Phil Short as Vice President of the board for 2010-2011 year. Rick Wiles seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Absent), Rick Wiles (Yes). Motion/Vote - For Board Secretary Asst. Secretary John Mitchum made a motion to choose Greg Hanks as Secretaty of the board for 2010-2011 year. Phil Short seconded the motion. Tile motion passed by vote: Bob Massengate (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (AbscnO, Rick Wiles (Yes). Motion/Vote - For Board Assistant Secretary Vice President Phil Short made a motion to choose Rick Wiles as Assistant Secretary of the board for 2010-201 I year. John Mitchum seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Shoit (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Absent), Rick Wiles (Yes). Motion/Vote - Approve the March 22,2010 Minutes Secretary Greg Hanks made a motion to approve the minutes ofMarch 22,2010. Phil Short seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Absent), Rick Wiles (Yes). Refinancing the Public Building Corporation Bonds Mr. Bartow presented information for refinancing the Public Building Corporation bonds and to tock in the April 08,2010 1 interest rate. Mr. Bartow stated that the county received an A+ rating from Standards and Pores which is excellent and reflects well on the county. He pmsented the information on refinancing the bonds and reviewed the components of each page. There are six pages and on page 1- "Debt Service to MatuIity and to Call" are the payments that arc left and does not include the reserve fund, page 2 - "Debt Service Schedule" is the new schedule that the county will be responsible for, page 3 -"Pricing Summary" shows the yields, the average coupon is 2.56 and the amount of what we arc borrowing, page 4 - "Gross Debt Service Comparison" shows a savings of $ 600,000.00 and the reserve fund has been subtracted out, page 5 "Sources and Uses" shows that the County's liability which has been reduced and on page 6- "Detail Costs of Issuance" are the costs associated with refinancing the bonds. Mr. Yates presented a resolution that would authorize the old lease to be paid by the trustee and would authorize Commerce Bank to act as the trustee to collect the money and pay the bondholders. Thete will be a tax compliance agreement and the county will take the actions necessary to execute a tax compliance agreement for the bonds which are tax exempt The County will have a purchase agreement with George K. Baum Company resulting in a substantial savings for the taxpayers of Christian County. Mr. Bartow stated that a motion is needed to proceed with the refinancing. The County Commission will make an order for the resotution and the final documents will be provided for execution. MotionfVote - Accept the Resolution to Refinance Secretary Greg Hanks made a motion to accept the Resolution for the refinancing of the bonds for the Judicial Center. Phil Short seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phit Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Absent), Rick Wiles (Yes). Resolution -1- RESOLUTION NO. 2010-1 AUTHORIZING THE PUBUC BUILDING CORPORAnON OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI (THE ·CORPORATION") TOISSUE $4,680,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF LEASEHOLD REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS (CHRISTIAN COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER PROJECD SERIES 2010 FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING BONDS THE PROCEEDS OF WHICH WERE USED TO PAY THE COSTS OF A PROJECT FOR CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI: AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SAID BONDS; AUTHORIZING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SAID BONDS; DIRECTING THE APPROPRIATE OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS AND TO PERFORM SUCH OTHER ACTS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF THE BONDS. WHEREAS, the Corporation is a public benefit nonprofit corporation duly organized and existing under the Missouri Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 355 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the -Actl, for the purpose of benefiting and carrying out the purposes of Christian County, Missouri (the "Countyl, a second dass county organized under and existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Missouri (the "StateD, by providing for the acquisition, construction, Improvement, extension. repair, remodeling, renovation and financing of county sites, buildings, facilities, furnishings and equipment for the use of the County; and WHEREAS, the County Commission of the County (the ·County Commission·) has heretofore determined that it was necessary and desirable, acting pursuant to authoMty granted to the County by the laws of the State, to acquire, construct, equip and install a new Christian County jail and justice center fadlity by contracting with the Corporation for the acquisition, construction, equipping and installation of the same; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Corporation has heretofore determined that It was necessary and desirable to aid the County in the acquisition, construction, equipping and installation of a new Christian County jail and justice center fadlity {the 'Project·), induding the real estate (the ·Project Site) upon which the Project was to be constructed, equipped and installed (colectively the Project Site and the Project are herein referred to as the ·Improved Proper49 by exercising the authority granted under the Act and as provided in the Articles of Incorporation. to lease to the Countythe Improved Property to be acquired, constructed, equipped and installed April 08,2010 2 with the proceeds of an issue of the Corporation's Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2000 (Christian County Justice Center Project), in the aggregate principal amount of $9,875,000 (the ·Series 2000 Bonds-). Said Series 2000 Bonds were issued for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of acquisition, construction. equipping and installation of the Project and the Corporation leased the Improved Property to the County; and WHEREAS, the County has advised the Corporation that the County can achieve interest cost savings by refunding the Series 2000 Bonds which will benert the citizens of the County; and WHEREAS, the County has requested the Corporation refund the Series 2000 Bonds and to accomplish the refunding by the Corporation entering Into a Bond Trust Indenture (the -Indenturel dated as of May 1,2010 between the Corporation and Commerce Bank, N.A, Kansas City, Missouri, as Trustee (the "Trustee'), and issue an aggregate principal amount of Leasehold Revenue Refunding Bonds (Christian County Justice Center Project) Series 2010 (the Bonds•) to provide the funds to pay the cost of refunding the Series 2000 Bonds in accordance with the terms and provisions of the indenture and to pay a portion of the costs o f issuance, and the County, as the agent of the Corporation, has agreed to cause the Series 2000 Bonds to be refunded; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Corporation further finds and determines that it is necessary and desirable in connection with the issuance of the Bonds that the Corporation enter into certain documents and that the Corporation take certain other actions and approve the execution of certain other documents as herein provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PUBUC BUILDING CORPORATION OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. (a) The Corporation is engaged In activities that are essentially public in nature. The purposes and activities of the Corporation are those permitted under the Act and all the Improved Properly is located within the geographic limits of the County; (b) The Corporation is not organized for profit, except to the extent of retiring indebtedness, and the Articles of Incorporation so provide; (c) The income of the Corporation wit! not inure to any private person, and the Artides of Incorporation so provide; (d) The County has a beneficial interest in the Corporation and will have exclusive beneficial possession and use of the Improved Property while the Bonds remain outstanding; (e) The County shall obtain and have a beneficial interest throughout the term of the Lease, hereinafter defined, in the Improved Property, which Lease will tenninate upon payment in full of the Rental Payments under the Lease, and the assignment under Indenture will be discharged upon payment of the Bonds; and ( f) The County is authorized by the Constitution and the laws of the State to transfer the Improved Property to the Corporation and lease the Improved Property from the Corporation. Section 2. Ratification of Special Warranty Dead. The Corporation agreed to acquire fee simple title in and to the real estate by a special warranty deed. The Corporation agreed to accept the conveyance by the County and agreed to make reconveyance to the County upon repayment of the Bonds and In consideration thereof to enter into the Lease, hereinafter defined. Section 3. Authorization of Bonds. The Corporation hereby authorizes the issuance and sale of its Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $4,680,000 for the purpose of providing funds to refund and pay the costs of refunding the Series 2000 Bonds. The Bonds shall be issued and secured pursuant to the hereinafter approved Indenture. The Bonds shall be dated May 1, 2010, shari mature on June 1 in the years and In the amounts and shall bear interest from the date thereof payable semiannually on June 1 and December 1 in each year at the respective rates per annum set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. The Bonds shall be in such denominations, shall be in such forms, shall be subject to redemption, shall have such other terms and provisions, and shall be issued, executed and delivered in such manner, subject to such provisions, covenants and agreements, as are set forth in the Indenture herein described. Section 4. Limited Obtigations. The Bonds and the interest thereon shall be limited obligations of the Corporation payable solely out of the rents, revenues and receipts received by the Corporation from the Rental Payments to be made by the County pursuant to the herein authorized Lease and such rents, revenues and receipts shall be pledged and assigned to the Trustee as security for the payment of the Bonds as provided in the April 08,2010 3 Indenture. The Rental Payments payable by tile County under the Lease shall be subject to annual appropliation by the County Commisston. The Bonds and the interest thereon shall not constitute a debt or liability of the Corporation. the County. the State or of any political subdivision thereof. and the Bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. Section 5. Authorization of Documents. The President or a Vice President and the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Corporation be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute, seal and deliver, in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation, the following documents, in substantially the form submitted to and reviewed by the Board of Directots of the Corporation at this meeting and on file with the County Clerk (copies of which documents shall be filed In the records of the Corporation), with such changes therein as shall be approved by the President or Vice President signing such documents, their signature thereon being condusive evidence of the approval thereof: (a) The Lease Agreement dated as of May 1, 2010 (the 'Lease') by and between the Corporation and the CounM under which the Corporation shall acquire, construct, equip and install the Project and shalliease the Improved Propertyto the County upon the terms and conditions as set forth in said Lease (on file with the County Clerk); (b) The Indenture under which the Bonds are issued and pursuant to which their repayment is secured by the assignment of the Rental Payments to the Trustee under such Indenture upon the terms and conditions as set forth In said form of the Indenture (or file with the County Clerk); (c) The Tax Compliance Agreement dated as of May 1, 2010 (the 7ax Comptiance Agreement·) by and among the County, the Corporation and the Trustee which controts the investment of funds and the use of proceeds of the Bonds upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Tax Compliance Agreement (on fie with the County Clerk); (d) The Commitment far title insurance (on file with the County Clerk), if any; (e) The Continuing Disclosure Agreement dated as of May 1, 2010 (the 'Disdosure Agreement) among the Corporation,the Trustee and the County concerning continuing disclosure obligations undertaken by the Corporation and the County, as an Obligated Party, for the benefit of the Original Purchaser of the Bonds upon the telms and conditions set forth in the Disclosure Agreement (on file with the County Clerk); and (f) The Purchase Contract (the "Purchase Contractl among the Corporation, the County and George K. Baum & Company, Kansas City, Missouri (the ·Underwriterl underwhich the Corporation agrees to sell the Bonds to the Underwriter upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Purchase Contract and at the interest rates and in the prindpal amounts shown on Exhibit A thereto. The Lease, the Indenture, the Purchase Contract, the Tax Compliance Agreement and the Disdosure Agreement together with the Bonds are sometimes collactively referred to herein as ·Bond Documents." Section 6. Approval of Preliminary Official Statement The Corporation hereby approves the Pmliminary Offidal Statement, dated April 1, 2010, from which a final Offidal Statement shall be drafted (collectively referred to as the 'Official Statement") in connection with the offering of the Bonds (on file with the County Clerk). Section 7. Acceptance and Ratification of Special Warranty Deed, Facility Deed of Trust and Facility Note and Approval of Leaseback of Completed Project The Corporation hereby ratifies the execulon and delivery of the special warranty deed from the County trans ferring tiOe to the Project Site and in consideration of such conveyance accepted a fadlity note and a facility deed of trust, securing the fadlity note back from the Corpomtion, and executed the 2000 Lease (as defined in the Indenture) of the Improved Property back to the County. Section 8. Execution of Bonds and Other Documents. The Corporation is hereby authorized to enter into and the President or Vice President and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Corporation be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute, by manual or facsimile signature of the said President or Vice President and Secretary or Assistant Secretary on, the Bonds and to deliver the Bonds to the Trustee for authentication, for and on behalf of and as the act and deed of the Corporation in the manner provided in the Indenture, The Corporation is hereby authorized to enter or accept, as the case may be, and the President or the Vice President of the Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of and as the free act and deed of the Corporation, the Bond Documents. The President or Vice President is authorized to execute the Offidal Statement and such other documenm, certificates and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to cany out and comply with the Intent of this Resolution. Section 9. Redemption of Series 2000 Bonds. The Selies 2000 Bonds are hereby called for redemption pnor April 08,2010 4 to maturity on June 1, 2010, the redemption date thereof. The Series 2000 Bonds shall be redeemed at the principal payment office of Commerce Bank. N.A. by the payment on the redemption date of the principal thereof, together with any redemption premium and accmed interest thereon to the redemption date. The omcers of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to take such other action as maybe necessary in order to effect the redemption of such Series 2000 Bonds as herein provided. Section 10. Acknowledgment of the Nature of County's Obligation. The Corporation does hereby acknowledge that the obligation of the County to budget for and make Rental Payments under the Lease and Additional Rentals thereunder is subject to the express condition that the County Commission o f the County annually budget and appropriate funds In a sufficient amount annually to pay the Rental Payments and Additional Rentals to accrue during that Lease Term which Lease Term is subject to that condition and is thus annually renewabte. Section 11. Futther Authority. The Corporation shall, and the officers, agents and employees of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to, take such further action, and execute such other documents, certilicates and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent of this Resolution, and to carry out, comply with and perform the duties of the Corporation with respect to the Bonds, the Bond Documents, to make alterations, changes, additions in the foregoing agreements, statements, instruments and other documents herein approved, authorized and confirmed which they may approve, and the execution or taking of such action shall be condusive evidence of such necessity or advisability. Section 12. Bond Counsel. The law firm of Yates, Mauck, Bohrer, EMiff & Fels, P.C., Springfield, Missouri, Is employed as bond counsel to the Corporation. Section 13. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force and effect immediately after its adoption by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. Adopted by the Board of Directors this 8th day of April, 2010. THE PUBUC BUIL-DtNG CORPORATION OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI By: Name: Title: [SEAU Attest: By: Name: Title: EXHIBIT A Maturity Date Principal Amount Interest Rate 06/01/2011 $ 800,000 2.00% 06/01/2012 890,000 ZOO 06/01/2013 925,000 2.25 06/01/2014 1,000,000 2.60 06/01/2015 1,065,000 3.00 Adjournment April 08,2010 5 Secretaly Greg Hanks ordered the board adjolim the meeting. Phil Short seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Etic Pertson (Absent), Rick Wiles (Yes). April 08,2010 Public Building Corporation March 24, 2011 Convene President Bob Massengate called the meeting of tile Public Building Corporation to order at 10:00 a.m. on March 24,2011, at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Bob Massengale, Present: Phil Short, Present: John Mitchum, Present: Greg Hanks, Present: Eric Peterson Present: Ken Fitzpatrick. The meeting was also attended by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia and Western Commissioner Bill Barnett, SheriffKyle, County Auditor Sam Yamell, Dick Bartow, Commission Secretary Julia Maples and County Clerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. Dick Bartow recommended that the Board have the election of Officers. Motion/Vote - 10:00 a.m.Vote For President of the Board Secretary Greg Hanks made a motion to retain Bob Massengale as President of the Board. Phil Short seconded the motion. The motion passed by votc: Bob Massengate (Yes),Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - 10:05 a.m.Vote for Vice President of the Board Secretary Greg Hanks made a motion to retain Phil Short as the Vice President of the Board. Eric Peterson seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengate (Yes), Phil ShOIt (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - 10:10 a.m.Vote For Treasurer of the Board Vice President Phil Short made a motion to nominate Eric Peterson for Treasurer. Greg Hanks seconded the motion. Tile motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - 10:15 a.m. Vote for Secretary to the Board Treasurer Eric Peterson made a motion to nominate Greg Hanks as Secretary to the Board. Phil Short seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes),Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eiic Peterson (Yes), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - 10:20 a.m. Accept the Minutes for April 8, 2010 Vice President Phil Shon made a motion to accept the April 8, 2010 minutes with one correction in the adjournment of a mispelling to Bob Massengale's name. Greg Hanks seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - 10:25 a.m. Accept Rick Wiles Resignation Vice President Phil Short made a motion to accept the resignation of Rick Wiles. John Mitchum seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson (Yes), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Commission Secretaty Julia Maples received averbal resignation and an e-mail from Mr. Wiles and no other letter was submiited. The Commission appointedKen Fitzpatrick as a replacement for Rick Wiles. March 24,2011 10:30 a.m. Public Building Corporation Discussion Eric Peterson asked SheriffKyle about the number of inmates housed in the County jail. Sheriff Kyle said that we are at capacity averaging between 90 to 95 inmates. He asked about the number of 1NS detainees and the average stay. SheriffKyle said most INS prisoners stay an average of 2 weeks. In the past the County would draw an income of S 750.00 to $ 850.00 from the INS prisoners which helps offset the cost of running the jail. ICE numbers are half ofwhat they were two years ago. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia voiced his concern for when the Building Bond will expire in 2014 and there will be a 1/16 of a cent to fund the Sheriffs Department. The Sheriff is out of space, another courtroom is needed for another judge, additional clerks, and storage space is needed by all offices. Eric Peterson asked what were the findings of the Architect's report on tile footings of the Justice Center for an additional third floor and is it cost effective? There was also discussion o f expanding across the street. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett said that Allen Bates recently passed awayand he would check with his office. Hc said that Mr. Bates worked with Rick Lamb and the Judges to expand the court space. Eric Peterson asked how do we move forward? Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said that the board needs to make a recommendation to the County Commission. SheriffKyle said that the expansion is not of immediate attention but if the growth continues we need more space. Eric asked, "If we expand across the street would the Sheriff be moving to another facility?" Dick Barrow said that the tax will expire and 1/16th will continue to fund law enforcement. The sales tax will service the debt but the problem is 2015 the 1/16 is not enough to finance the Sheriff's Department and the Board needs to meet with another engineer to research the options available for expansion and do we need to decide if we want to have a sunset clause. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett said that the people would not support an issue without having a sunset clause for the Judicial Center Sheriff Kyle suggested that we need an increase of the sales tax not an extension of the cument tax. The Sheriff's Department is down by thirty officers mainly in the jail and they make a little better than minimum raise. Dick Bartow said we need to know how much the expansion will cost and what the quarter cent will bring in. He suggested getting a bid for an architect to do a master platt and defer the cost until the bonds are issued. Western Commissioner Bill Barnett said that at the time, when Mr. Bates presented the options, there was pressure on the county for another judge and providing more space for the additional clerks. He said the board were very aggressive to pursue plans and the County Commission dragged their feet. Dick Barrow made a recommendation to the Board to recommend to the Commission to purse a master plan from an architectural firm for a cost ofapproximately $ 20,000.00 and defer the cost until the bonds are issued. He suggested having three to five architects with credentials submit an RIFQ and to build with a vision for 2025. Presiding CommissionerLou Lapaglia suggested that we need an underground area for the EMA office March 24,2011 W and EMA trailer. Eric Peterson made a recommendation that the Public Building coordinate a subcommittee board to assist the County Commission to solicit for an RFQ from three to five architects for master planning services. Bob Massengale asked for further questions. Everyone agreed to move forward and pursue the selection of an architect and the options that are available. Eric Peterson and Ken Fitzpatrick volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. Motion/Vote - 11:30 a.m. Pay the Building Bond Payment and Interest for Judicial Center Vice President Phil Short made a motion to pay the annual Building Bond and interest payment for the Judicial Center. John Mitchum seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), Eric Peterson ('yes), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). 11:35 a.m. Adjournment Secretary Greg Hanks ordered the board adjourn tho meeting. Phil Short seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Yes), EIic Pertson (Yes), Ken Fitzpatdck (Yes). March 24,2011 W Public Building Corporation March 18,2013 Convene President Bob Massengate called the meeting ofthe Public Building Corporation to order at 10:45 a.m. on March 18,2013 at the County Commission Office. Attendance: Bob Massengale, Present: Phil Short, Present: John Mitchum, Present: Greg Hanks, Absent: Eric Peterson, Absent: Ken Fitzpatrick, Present. The meeting was called to order by President of the Board Bob Massengale. County CIerk Kay Brown is taking the minutes. Motion/Vote - 10:45 a.m.Nominations for President Vice President Phil Short made a motion to nominate Bob Massengate for President. John Mitchum seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Absent), Etic Peterson (Absent), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). MotionfVote - 10:55 a.m. Nominations For Secretary Ken Fitzpatrick made a motion to nominate Greg Hanks for Secretary. John Mitchum seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Absent), Eric Peterson (Absent), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - 11:05 a.m. Nominations for Treasurer John Mitchum made a motion to nominate for Treasurer Eric Peterson. Phil Short secon(ted tile motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Absent), Eric Peterson (Absent), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - Nominations for Vice President President Bob Massengale made a motion to nominate Phil Short for Vice President. Ken Fitzpatrick seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Absent), Eric Peterson (Absent), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - Approve the March 8, 2012 Minutes Vice President Phil Shon made a motion to approve the mintes for March 8,2012. Ken Fitzpatrick seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Absent), Eric Peterson (Absent), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Sheriff and Justice Center Revenue Discussion The meeting was attended by Commissioners: Lou Lapaglia, Bill Barnett and Ray Weter, Commission Secmtary Cheryl Mitchell, Dick Bartow and County Auditor Sam Yarnell. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia stated the county's budget shows a strong balance for the 2012-2013, with enough in reserves to cover the bond payment. Mr. Bartow said the sales tax is performing well and relieved the sales tax passesd without a sunset. The interest on the bonds is approximately 2- 2.5% which is vely good. Mr. Bartow said we need to save for a March 18,2013 large down payment on the Judicial Center expansion to pay less in interest on what is borrowed. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said he has been talking with the owners of the old landing strip in Ozark. Commissioner Lapaglia was interested in a portion ofthe total parcel. He said it would be so costly to build on to the existing building and could be less expensive to build a new jail facility that could house the Sheriffand administration. Then we could expand within the Justice Center for an additional court room and keep fourjail cells to hold prisoners to appear in court. Ken Fitzpatrick asked what is the cosr per acre? Bob Massengale asked are you looking to put the tax issue on the ballot again. Dick Barrow and Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said we want to pay off the Justice Center and buildup the reserves. Bob Massengale asked, will going first class have an affect on the reserves. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said we have financial obligations for the CC amd 65 corridor of S 193,000 for serveral years, FEMA shelter, hire a road engineer and additional CoSIS for salary increases. In addition, we have recently added more deputies and cars for them to patrol and hired an investigator that is shared by the Prosecutor and the Sheriff. We are also addressing safety concerns in the Justice Center. We have hired tile Federal Marshall service to do a security audit on tile building and determine what is needed to make the Justice Center a safer place. Dick Bartow reminded the board that 2015 is two years away and if they are planning to place a sales tax on the ballot it takes time to prepare. Motion/Vote - Pay The 2013 Bond Payment Vice President Phil Short made a motion to pay the 2013 bond payment for the Justice Center. Ken Fitzpatrick seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengale (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Absent), Eric Peterson (Absent), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Motion/Vote - 11 :20 Adjourn the Meeting John Mitchum made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Phil Short seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote: Bob Massengate (Yes), Phil Short (Yes), John Mitchum (Yes), Greg Hanks (Absent), Eric Peterson (Absent), Ken Fitzpatrick (Yes). Signatures Board Secretary/Greg Hanks Presiden#Bob Massengate Vice PresidenVPhil Short Treasurer/Eric Peterson March 18,2013 W Public Building Corporation 100 West Church, Room 100 Ozark MO 65721 Business Meeting - Minutes - Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:00 AM The Christian County Courthouse I. Call to Order/Roll Call *iumiuiuamEmtie=23 2*Emll#nflettENEEE®NPEF-17 *79 *i;i0WalEZ3 mini Bob Massengale Chairman Present 11:00 AM Phil Short Vice Chairman Present 11:00 AM Greg Hanks Secretary Absent John Mitchum Board Member Present 11:00 AM Ken Fitzpatrick Board Member Present 11:00 AM Eric K. Peterson Treasurer Late 11:10 AM Kay Brown County Clerk Present 11:00 AM Cheryl Mitchell Assistant Present 11:00 AM 11:05 AM - Vote for Officers The meeting was attended by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia, Western Commissioner Bill Barnett, and Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter, Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Dick Bartow representative of George K. Baum and Company, Tom Chudomelka and Jason Massengale. Chairman Bob Massengale called for nominations for president. Vice Chairman Phil Short made a motion to retain all the present officers in their current positions. iR#ULT*?rae'Dq?fER„[Ht*NI¥p:gS]*01{ti.I:i.f,7#<,I#rl. 9]M!:9·*E.t»*2149®Pp»©hprt*¥'-**e**h*i.....1-41%*@*f®»i*..1,&4.4'ili£E.1 ISECANDiltil*yeJ[§1)EM#fliatiz®fallif+9614%%*UEFEE#%4*#4jijLI<,?4@93%**kg 3I RMW A ei#Fi·r„·r··1-igk # M ax EiwE* : 162:11 94NRL %L[lm k '2iMilcaJ9 OF /PER M.,5 0 #ipli E··-r FEF--,····7.1 ...EL#=4-METri w' T e)' w•ty; -/4 t i-*. E[JTE ti*Q€1 r,AYE@f€9FEBbiMass.''n#a.1.9.Ph.1.1-0...KF©¤JMy hT.f K.-.e..<'tz.£,3K....#.-,..:-''.'.'S's-4.-5. i:*BSENTittle*LE#%.Gr*HhihI@,4 EtiEK .PeterkS;8.3#FO..dEl61pae@wl.21*INE(41**f'FEEE:¤,»=,n 11:10 AM - Approve the Prior Minutes The meeting was attended by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia, Western Commissioner Bill Barnett, and Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter, Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Dick Bartow representative of George K. Baum and Company, Tom Chudomelka and Jason Massengale. Chairman Bob Massengale called for a motion to approve the March 20th, 2013, minutes. Business Meeting Thursday, March 20,2014 11:00 AM *RESUIL¥?8:#323*b.62-YE bitl)NA.NiM'OUS]-45'ET+ 9Fli-+ -471,"-"--1%2,*5ZE?%*+I«19*224:@*CE-f-*2*5;Ell *16vER@44KeNtEid#athEEBQrdM1447444»44@U . *-i-IL 4,,R@.,*--12.'2-..di@*%49»31#FPEE@z:IA@3 -hdQE-F*(C)f..£ ttlitd#Su W43#iiLL-@y®acLit-®o„.2[f..... g_f-*@GlE -% F!%-12$m 11:1 ' fd®al=6 ;:3: = 27 * f - 4 :1:7Mra]M1ri],liNiEr'CE=;2ikE-E,M·REHizE, ENE1 -26Eb[•i3Pdlq!EFR EFE -4--'E-|'-ENl[JJ il MNi• i; %1'1],f i-iE·-hl i' ; r .elt=WI -?-AYES? .../[tt@]P?. Mis*fi-g@675 libtt)]Mitchi?*11:ifipat-tidld P.eliE£6 h;. itU+,g..lijli@... *%3*it# ***:1%4%%idljdkjiW#«*ZO@*8*i*'.t8'.4*Ef>47«***i*% 11:20 AM - Make Bond Payment The meeting was attended by Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia, Western Commissioner Bill Barnett, and Eastern Commissioner Ray Weter, Commission Secretary Cheryl Mitchell, Dick Bartow representative of George K. Baum and Company, Tom Chudomelka and Jason Massengale. Chairman Bob Massengale said he spoke with Sheriff Kyle and asked him to attend the meeting but he was unable to attend. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia reviewed the financial status of the Justice Center and the desire to pay off the bond note by December 2014. Commissioner Lapaglia said currently, there is $ 1,626,000.00 in the bank and the final bond payment would be approximately 1.6 million. Commissioner Lapaglia said the final bond payment is not due until June 2015, and by paying it early it will free up funds for the Sheriff's Department. Commissioner Lapaglia said since we met last year the county has obtained a double A credit rating with Standards and Poor. Dick Bartow said a double A standard shows the county has practiced good financial management and has built the cash reserves. Commissioner Lapaglia said we recently were notified, by January 1, 2017, we will possibly have another judge and by 2020 when the county's population reaches 100,000, we will be assigned another judge. Commissioner Lapaglia said they are getting more information regarding the price of the old airport property for possible future development. Dick Bartow said you could pursue using a short term note to pay off in six months by using the general revenue fund but be careful not to co-mingle funds. Mr. Bartow said we might have to lease/purchase the land and go out for bonds to build a facility. Mr. Bartow said we don't want to borrow money on a long term basis but for a two or three year project. Bob Massengale asked Dick Bartow would there be any reason why the bonds should not be paid off early. 21Page Business Meeting Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:00 AM Eric Peterson asked are there any potential negatives to pay the building off early and can it be done earlier. Dick Bartow said we need another facility and this will free up funds to look at purchasing property. John Mitchum asked what about the property that was previously purchased around the square. Presiding Commissioner Lou Lapaglia said we need more parking. Eric Peterson called for a motion to pay off the bonds early should funds be available. diREULT?2%%09biLED*UNANIMOIU*-11*%73£21%@Flitlt..-.,..Efff@%14*91459* t*#{Offi.FiEr¢J€?Rfte *ionpt{disuterg 216::Ei41*bl=M#§§*Agikiti##ifi-4€pit..-Ffv.-W k:%b=.f£ji*>P*t¢*Bils.#:L PABSENTE'3@flf&®:Ad bh'* MitthuhiJ lif...lip...=012*.M_.'.--5.8-713....6.. %$6*7?4**%32 II. Approve the Prior Minutes Motion/Vote - 11:20 AM - Approve the 2014 Minutes The meeting was attended by Presiding Commissioner Ray Weter, Western Commissioner Bill Barnett, Frank Lorenz and Steve Stewart. Chairman Bob Massengale after reviewing the 2014 minutes, said a motion/vote was taken by the board to pay the final payment by December 31, 2014, to save the interest from the final payment. Chairman Massengale asked the County Commission why this wasn't done. Presiding Commissioner Ray Weter said the Sheriff needed an additional transfer from Building Bond and there was insufficient funds to make the final payment and retire the bond at the end of 2014. Greg Hanks noted the 2014 minutes had two errors: The new judge is scheduled for January 1, 2015 and it should be changed to January 1, 2017. Business Meeting Monday, March 30, 2015 moo AM The amount of a$ 400,000.00 for the December 31, 2014 final payment should be changed to approximately 1.6 million. The County Clerk will correct the 2014 minutes. A motion was made by Phil Short to approve the March 20, 2014 minutes with the corrections. The motion was seconded by Ken Fitzpatrick. til#Sl,LT*%9fA98RIPlp-8!*PUS]ifefffE0*Ell®***;'31?73'*EEE?350*E r;u.; '=rl:r, I:1'9:;=CCR,Fl- ·1iFJ '4-1 4! M-'*=I;•-'G - - -' -I - I, r--r [;cr '=e=",2 ,-I_ 262. L e ' C.,4- '- - 1 ;t w= ;;;;.4*=; . ;;4 .p;;1;* ;;;ri•·:; 1- : -· r„_c E=-23 [2 -4-·-*- 96 H·EZ?i#i·2i'Nis,Glie z . k " 1=LM-1'.1.»m--3·.£45@lwmme Qill'®m-N . i :t*49-=11*lq€.F.,t E. z - #1mm2*:01.01*mAI,ME.'41;Ig-"»«Ob=-«F©*7«»Aute»»*al«=IU:4«€ «U_4*jj»*5**#244ttei**%4» iMOVER:410>1182:,ep.hilShort fyite Gliii(fi@'A-*44*Yf@%,2642fIEE?423172@C<%@idE-44 ,#IC(DEREF*¢&0tjbt!64994»Fle 31#..+15, 2.„..,6. :Isil bAYE?:14**y€@*se#@156.225(ibrtltianks.P*221-6-n.F'f-io,htickf¢Y?3*f??61?1*09 8 -· . · · -,· 4= i R-- 2.- ir '.;. 'R'2'...|SWE.©"Lf l--ci'ELIFEL, •Lei-: / =: = ;F- :9 - 72 T i c w !,1 M J. LE,1-EENJ2 3-,16293 - Tm.]"- 2/1"6-f 4•2*SE**trE»*34**Il=a-EN9ah b.Mitehtn¥*Apa*I.,A,ViALen=»2-«*...,fr.I..9.**®»Il¢»*2*3*0**itin"*=1*:Et.i**y III. Vote for Officers Motion/Vote - - Election of Officers The meeting was attended by Presiding Commissioner Ray Weter, Western Commissioner Bill Barnett, Frank Lorenz and Steve Stewart. Bob Massengale, Chairman of the Board called for a vote to elect the 2015 Public Building Corporation Board of Directors. Chairman: Bob Massengale Vice President- Phi Short Secretary - Greg Hanks Treasurer - Eric Peterson Ken Fitzpatrick made the motion to keep the current board with their assigned positions. Phil Short seconded the motion. ERESUbill.%4*ITAbop,f#B-j[UNANIMOUSIN€CE?F-% ; t®i©.-r=*ull.**/I#*#A. mt,-01EMA2914.:2,6akh«==4 3.1,/ _ ,=92'Ur= '21'L- ="0«tame«=«P=*¢***496%*€4*4%44*,48§1@EF®00* €MRX-41*JK®JEit-,pattic-4'29.--e,Ir.v . -GM=-=&1-=-r -6-=t-4 - --'-, fSECIONIDERi]MO@11]jilISiforf.I=Vit€{thaiririji'Ah)-¢t!21[t-]IM·5]t=*»Ed@EtiOEI24-I:95...429*%@02#El#% 4*Ya#44%.t«**414*4*MilkikirithAit®*421:,194*E«E M,lk{@4+Lf•15.5 ,1.>.FENG:-4:-L,2% A+._2.6.--·rEErEn-E:'69§,7,7.,3, :.3.7.2--J.'* EL-2.i L.+EEE-E,%-i. ISS Bil..:221.--3,,- 3,7-5:%,1.% iM8569, fABSENT:%%61$1123Etiohn' Mit¢lium?r=it*¢%*2tlIi®™E-J qifc**1E,P.....% .2., 11 =1:-:9 : 1 ..:. 1.r 21Page Business Meeting Monday, March 30, 2015 moo AM IV. Make Bond Pavment Motion/Vote - - Motion The meeting was attended by Presiding Commissioner Ray Weter, Western Commissioner Bill Barnett, Frank Lorenz and Steve Stewart. The Board discussed retiring the debt and makingthe final bond payment by June 1, 2015. Chairman Bob Massengale called for the motion. Ken Fitzpatrick made the motion to make the final bond payment as of June 1, 2015. The motion was seconded by Phil Short. ERESULT: E=I--2.11 91[ ____ -1/3,-2-225·Makwl>®b--MN:#6,3$2*i#/91%-*0111*1'%E114=liliti:Za/SHAT,L *9*ADOPTED [ONANIMboslic n.. * + -27;9394*RP-f--FO-%22@**223/%-S-*3.*-mk#%7242 *qy,-Rj*tf, #cae¢-Flt¢#J[i¢%,i-*fj€444*F49§%®ff?**1+4 .-§i,.*rehir/laErI ·*I+,Fr#t:°P.r#@tltfir:'fEE ,-24,2-il.223,4@F?9111<%211+ -·9 1f P' PSECq?974239)2#1*rt;2*¢Fht.78Pftil:931:21:T,,.'..,F-1,1[Libn¢%599%9 MABSENT:-.®]24%49:?16'ihIN4th-uft'ipelm€*J:E®%904*33%221. 11.-%48*.9?m -p-fr .=41.. - ..' M...EMAilil»Vipicitlwl,2,%1#1*i,immJJu,Mim, ...-_11,]m•i-=f BEr:[5 V. Adjourn Motion/Vote - - Adjourn Chairman Bob Massengale called for a motion to adjourn. Phil Short made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Greg Hanks. iRESUi*F}nit°Ew*boPTEDI[uNANIMOUS]I e , - RE=: 10 1 b-J=*14%:-f«3Et/'447*P##41% :" 1.3.=11.91,. 41ALIi 94=821'CdidAGirm@42%1*«a==--- iMOVER-·J#*ti- --Phil -Slibrti 'E 22-NEr'§NEE EEK' -pEN, /'347/diFI,9-;6/-/444-M· TR£-E:1 4] 4/E i.° E'__ i I]IJJ Gr@glitinks,ISe;trdti04?kietip.ii.0,<42,#2---6.04- :2.3.*©y-[q[-™,m;:. t FErJ:--.*r.2..L:th:-:121% 1-6.i@ 3¢, Am F.Ed,Al,EE d,Ttf.-Li@tr.p.4E,liz:Mit,F:'El r-2_101€71y®,8.-4 :RIE?'r*12 63;,Ta-Q-il. 223:=,4,4,1-rk*1-*%9?J.1]Ftl '.*r@/2>L'pi:'E &*J li;%?°3