CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS BY CHRISTIAN COUNTY CLERK To: Michael Seitz, Managing Member for 65 & CC Development, LLC. and Deerbrook Development, LLC of Christian County, Missouri. The following is an Official Certificate of Election Results of the October 28, 2014 Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District Mail-In Election Municipal Election held in Christian County, Missouri, on October 28, 2014. I hereby certify: OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT QUESTION NO. 1 SHALL THE DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IMPOSE A SALES AND USE TAX OF ONE PERCENT ON ALL RETAIL SALES WITHIN THE DISTRICT FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY (30) YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH THE TAX IS FIRST IMPOSED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING REVENUE TO PAY THE COSTS OF MAKING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, REPAY BONDS OR NOTES ISSUED TO FUND THE COSTS OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, FUND OTHER NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS WrrHIN THE DISTRICT AND TO FUND THE COSTS OF OPERATION OF THE DISTRICT? 2 YES 0NO CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS I, Kay Brown, County Clerk/Election Authority of Christian County, Missouri, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and accurate return of all votes cast at the above named polling place for all CANDIDATES and FOR and AGAINST all propositions at said election as certified to me by the duly qualified and acting judges of said election. - ' Cdunty'Clerk/Election Authority Christian County Missouri .. October 28, 2014 ELECTION CERTIFICATION OFFICAL RESULTS For the October 281 2014 Mail-In Election by The Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District which compromises an estimated 33 acres of land lying in the northwest corner of the intersection of North 21St Street (Outer Road for Highway 65) and Highway CC in the City of Ozark, Missouri. The District has no buildings or structures within the District. Number of Ballots Mailed 2 Number of Ballots Cast 2 Number of Ballots Voting "Yes" Number of BaIIots Voting "No" 1-1 We, the two (2) election judges appointed by the County Clerk of Christian County, Missouri, do hereby certify that we canvassed the ballots cast for The Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District Mail-In EIection held in Christian County, Missouri on October 28, 2014. *4 Al tu RIAANulke Holly Bu¢nette, Republican Election Judge / 614JUL-6 -000 #aula Brumfiel{, in Judge I. Democratic Electi, / t. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th, day of Decembjr 2014. 34 IM *DM/0*1-1 * = Kay *61;61 Christian County Clerk/Election Authority KAY BROWN tle**MIne:2-9 PAA 22.2C. BM r 8 '49 / 42fasouff.4441 Robin Carnahan Secretary of State ReffmE CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION WHEREAS, 65 & CC Development LLC LC1237568 filed its Articles of Organization with this office on the June 25, 2012, and that filing was found to conform to the Missouri Limited Liability Company Act. NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROBIN CARNAHAN, Secretary of State of the State of Missouri, do by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do certify and declare that on the June 25, 2012, PEI the above entity is a Limited Liability Company, organized in this state and entitled to any rights granted to Limited Liability Companies. 21 ks'170 Wf'M IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereunto set. my hand and cause to be affixed the GREAT THIE SEAL ofthe State ofMissouri. Done at the City 9-dam:Afy 47g ofJefferson, this June 25,2012. 4 tifc . 44 044 HA 43128%111 Secretan' of State M.h,90hh, 3 'IZE""U File Number: 201217781489 LC1237568 State of Missouri Date Filed: 06/25/2012 Robin Carnahan, Secretary of State Robin Carnahan Secretary of State Articles of Organization The name ofthe limited liability company is: 1 65 & CC Development LLC Z. The purpose(s) for which the limited liability company is organized: The transaction of any lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organizpd under the Missouri Limited Liability Company Act, Chapter 347 RSMo. The name and address ofthe limited liability company's registered agent in Missouri is: Michael Seitz 2112 W Vista, Springfield MO 65807 Name Address The management of the limited liability company is: Manager Member The duration (period of existence) for this limited liability company is: Perpetual The name(s) and street address(es) of each organizer: Michael Seitz, 2112 W Vista, Springfield MO 65807 [n Affirmation thereof, the facts stated above are true and correct: (The undersigned understands that false statements made in this filing are subject to the penalties provided under Section 575.040, RSMo) Michael Seitz (Organizer Name) OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT QUESTION NO. 1 SHALL THE DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IMPOSE A SALES AND USE TAX OF ONEPERCENT ON ALL RETAIL SALES WITHIN THE DISTRICT FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY (30 YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH THE TAX IS FIRST IMPOSED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING REVENUE TO PAY THE COSTS OP MAKING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, REPAY BONDS ORNOTES ISSUED TO FUND THECOSTS OFPUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, FUND OTHER NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE DISTRICT AND TO FUND THE COSTS OF OPERATION OF THE DISTRICT? YES NO INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "YES." If you are opposed to the question, place an"X' in the box opposite "NO." Section 4. Collection. The Sales Tax, when approved by a majority of the qualified voters, shall · be effective on the first day ofthe second calendar quarter after the Director of the Missouri Department of Revenue receives notice of the adoption ofsuch Sales Tax and the Department of Revenue shall be responsible for the collection ofthe Sales Taxes and shall pay such tax collectedto the District. The District shall receipt for and deposit the collections in the District's Depository. Section 5. Approval of Ballot. The District is hereby authorized, pursuant to the Act, to approve an election using a mail-in ballot, in the form of the Questions approved in Section 3 hereof, to all property owners and registered voters inthe District for approval of the CID Taxes in the mannerprovided in the Act. Section 6. Submission of Resolution to County Clerk. The Executive Director is hereby directed to submit this Resolution fully executed to the County Clerk of Christian County, Missouri and request in writing that a mail-in election be held in accordance Sections 115.650 through 115.660 RSMO "The Mail Ballot Election Act". Section 7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force and effect immediately after its adoption by the Board of Directors ofthe'District. Adopted at a meeting of the Board ofDirectors on August 12, 2014 144.44 b Mike Seitz. Chairman Date Att;st: A· 1117.-M t Shelly Stanley, Secretary Date - KAY BROWN ¢14&*'-2-9!!!!!!&lot' OF w D CHRISTIAN COUNTY 100 W. CHURCH ROOM 206 OZARK, MO 65721 Phone: 581-6360 Fax: 581 -8331 October 7, 2014 RE: Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District Deerbrook Development, LLC. Michael Seitz,Managing Member 896 RiverbluffDrive Ozark, MO 65721 Dear Mr. Seitz, Enclosed please find your ballot for the October 28,2014, Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District Mail-In Election. 1) Cast your vote per the instructions on the ballot. 2) Fold and place the ballot in the small secrecy envelope labeled #1. Seal the envelope. 3) Place the Secrecy envelope in the envelope labeled #2. Sien the Affidavit located on the envelope. IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY. Seal the envelope. 4) Place the signed and notarized envelope in the larger self-addressed and pre-stamped envelope and mail to: Kay Brown, Christian County Clerk, 100 West Church, Room 206 Ozark, Missouri 65721 Mail-in ballots shall be returned to my office in person, or by depositing the ballot in the United States mail and must arrive in my office no later than 7:00 p.m. the day of the election (October 28,2014). My office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If I can be of further assistance, please give me a calI at 417-582-4340. Sincerely, KI¥ A- Kay Brown _ OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE COMMONITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT QUESTION NO. 1 SHALL THE DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IMPOSE A SALES AND USE TAX OF ONE PERCENT ON ALL RETAIL SALES WITHIN THE DISTRICT FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY (30) YEARS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH THE TAX IS FIRST IMPOSED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING REVENUE TO PAY THE COSTS OF MAKING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, REPAY BONDS OR NOTES ISSUED TO FUND THE COSTS OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, FUND OTHER NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THIS DISTRICT AND TO FUND THE COSTS OF OPERATION OF THE DISTRICT? INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS If you are in favor of the question, place an"X" in the box opposite "YES." If you are opposed to the question, place an"X' in the box opposite "NO." Section 4. Collection. The Sales Tax, when approved by a majority ofthe qualified voters, shall be effective onthe first day ofthe second calendar quarter afterthe Director ofthe Missouri Department of Revenue receives notice ofthe adoption of such Sales Tax and the Department of Revenue shall be responsible for the collection ofthe Sales Taxes and shall pay such tax collected to the District. The District shall receipt for and deposit the collections in the District's Depository. Section 5. Approval of Ballot. The District is hereby authorized, pursuant to the Act, to approve an election using amail-in ballot, in the fonn ofthe Questions approvedin Section 3 hereof, to all property owners and registered voters in the District for approval ofthe CIr) Taxes in the mannerprovidedinthe Act. Section 6. Submission of Resolution to County Clerk. The Executive Director is hereby directed to submit this Resolution fully executed to the County Clerk of Christian County, Missouri and request in writing that a mail-in election be held in accordance Sections 115.650 through 115.660 RSMO "The Mail Ballot]Zlection Act?'. Section 7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force and effect immediately after its adoption by the Board of Directors ofthe District. Adopted at a meeting of tile Board ofDirectors on August 12, 2014 »4 N /1 1 tti Mike Seitz, Chairman Date Attest -j 31 j 7.lkAA 917-74 ' Shelly Stanley, Secretary Date NOTICE OF ELECTION I, Kay Brown, County Clerk of Christian County, Missouri, chief election authority for the same, do hereby cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in accordance with Missouri Revised Statutes 115.127 a notice of a special election to be conducted in accordance with Missouri Revised Statutes 115.650 through 115.660, known as the "Mail in Election" statutes. All qualified voters shall be eligible to vote in said election in accordance with Missouri election laws as herein provided. NAME OF DISTRICT HOLDING ELECTION: Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District. GENERAL BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT: The Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District compromises an estimated 33 acres ofland lying in the northwest corner ofthe intersection ofNorth 21St Street (Outer Road for Hi-ghway 65) and Highway CC in the City of Ozark, Missouri. The District has no buildings or structures within the District. TYPE OF TAX: A sales and use tax on retail sales within the District. RATE OF TAX: The sales and use tax rate is 1 % on sales within the District only. DURATION AND PURPOSE OF TAX: The Sales and Use Tax shall have a duration of thirty (30) years and both shall be used for public improvements within the District, repay bonds or notes issued by the District, be pledged to -secure repayment of such bonds or notes, fund other necessary improvements within the District, and fund the cost of operation ofthe District. DATE BALLOTS SHALL BE MAILED TO QUALIFIED VOTERS: Ballots shall be mailed October 17, 2014 DATE.OF ELECTION: October 28, 2014 QUALIFIED VOTERS AS DEFINED WILL CONSIST OF EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Registered voters who reside within the District. In order to vote in said election said person must be registered voters pursuant to the records of the election authority and as provided in Section 115.137 Subsection 1 of the Missouri Revised Statutes as of the thirtieth day prior to the date of the election. 2. If no such registered voters reside in the District, the owners ofreal property located within the District pursuant to the tax records of Christian County, for real property as ofthe thirtieth day prior to the date ofthe election. The Ballot must be returned to the election authority's office in person, or by depositing the Ballot in the United States mail addressed to the election authority's office and postmarked, not later than the date of the election. Any qualified voter that did not receive a Ballot in the mail or lost the Ballot received in the mail may pick up a mail-in-ballot at the election authority's office after October 17, 2014 until and including the day of the election. Election office location is the Office of County Clerk at 100 West Church Street, Room 206; Ozark, MO 65721. Kal%n, Christian Lounty Clerk 1 5 438/¥ ChieI ]Liection Official J I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am a qualified voter and the owner of real property in the 65 & CCDevelopment, L.L.C. and the ownkr of the Deerbrook Development, L.L.C.. pursuant to the real property tax records of the Christian County Assessor, I have voted the enclosed ballot and mn returning it in compliance with section 115.650 to 115.660, RSMo, have not and will not vote more than ona ballot in this election.for the above referenced L.L. companies. 14 ,I also understand failure to complete the information will invalidate the election. 4 D. W I am the authorized representative of the 85 & CC Devel6pment, L.L.C. and the Deerbrook Development, L.L.Cd both Missouri Limited Liability Companies in Good Standing with the Missouri Secretary of State Office. in such capacity. I amthe mananging member for 65 & CC Development and Deerbrook Development.· L.L.C. and am authorized to take action and execute , such instruments to carry on the business and affairS for 65 & CC Development L,'L:C. and DeerbE°ok Development. I. L.C. as dE,emed necessary. 1 - :)'f: 7 7 111. -r 1: VL' 4 Signature. I ./ 65 & CC Development. LLC .. '2 4 . - 4 Michael Seitz. Managing Member m C2112 West Vista , r , 47 . , , Springfield, MO. 65807 0 2 1 - ' Parcel # 11-0.2-04-000-000-067.000 + .4. .0 4.4 4 . n Signature: Deerbrook Development, L.L.C. Michael Seitz. Managing Member 896 RiverbluffwDrive ozark, Mo. 65721 4, r i Parcel # 11-0.2-04-001-003-001.000 STATE OF MISSOURI ) COUNTY OF ) Before me personally appeared Michael Seitz. described in· lhis document as the managing member having the legal authority to sign this affidavit as the owner of the real property noted above. Subscribed and.sworn before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, this day of . 2014. (SEAL) Notary Public - t ..-- -L -r- KAY BROWN C.yi,€ommission OF D 3 CHRISTIAN COUNTY 100 W. CHURCH ROOM 206 OZARK, MO 65721 October 7, 2014 Phone: 581-6360 Fax: 581-8331 Deerbrook Development, LLC 3800 South Fremont Avenue. Springfield, MO 65804 RE: NOTICE OF ELECTION Dear Property Owner, You are hereby notified of an election being called by the Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District, for which I, as the ChiefElection Authority of Christian County, have been asked to conduct. You will find enclosed a Notice of Election, as well as a ballot for you to vote in the election should you chose to do so. I am requesting a copy of a corporate resolution or other evidence that the person casting the vote is empowered by the LLC to do so. You will find instruction on completing the ballot and returning it to my office. If you have any question please feel free to call my office. Sincerely - b01/ Kay Brown . Chief Election Official Christian County Enclosures ···,E#,2 STATE SE 4&%26*- --=w=:,e=up==,ept:=UP·%=A=-0:=Pt=-/-%A-As,AeQuA--rail=JLEPEIKy LC0077531 4 42 ./ ed. 25SECRET, i# oc=4M*ZZEP 14 10 8% i .....al, p 'W n .dUE0111#JUilmiliti.Vt fl Zix=# -1 41<.314 AOSSOUS' Matt Blunt Secretary of State 191 CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION 6 4 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ' 876* ' eN WHEREAS, '.* DEERBROOK DEVELOPMENT, L.L:C. ' 4*k '*5 filed its ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION with this office on the - #09 3rd day of FEBRUARY, 2003 i and that filing was found to 2krwPM conform to the Missouri Limited Liability Company Act; **c 0 NOW, THEREFORE, I, MATT BLUNT, Secretary of State of the : 15¢ State of Missouri, by virtue of authority vested in me by law, . 9> do certify and declare that on the 3rd day of FEBRUARY, 2003, [ lt¢ the above entity is a Limited Liability Company, organized in *0 this , state and entitled to any rights granted to Limited - A#hts Liability Companies. L F 852' 4 7.21/2 - 4 ..04- 2.10 ]Za>} *greft IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and imprinted the GREAT SEAL of .arit the State of Missouri, on this, the 0 ..f €&5,2 title 5 6, 3rd day of FEBRUARY, 2003. 11 48...! :2*»2 9 4% 1,\41 44. AfoccalL 0 0 00»t 3. 44. '·41 2.gE r,:.*:i .le# Secretary of State L,j,K 4*S#,TE $105.00 1 4.;X· 4.&15 -SOS/3011.011 -·- . - -- ---- ---- - ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF DEERBROOK DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. 1 The undersigned natural person of the age of eighteen (18) years or more, for the purpose of forming a limited liability company under the Missouri Limited Liability Company Act, adopts the following Articles of Organization: ARTICLE ONE The name ofthe limited liability company is: Deerbrook Development L.L.C. ARTICLE TWO This limited liability company is organized for the purpose of conducting any lawful business permitted under the Limited Liability Company Act, including, but not limited to the ownership and development of real estate. ARTICLE THREE The address, including street and number, if any, of the limited liability com- pany's initial Registered Office is 896 Riverbluff Drive, Ozark, Missouri 65721, and the name of its initial Registered Agent is Gregg A. Stancer. ARTICLE FOUR The management of the limited liability company is vested in the members. ARTICLE FIVE The duration of the limited liability company is perpetual. ARTICLE SIX Upon the withdrawal of any member, the remaining members have the following rights (if any) to continue the business and affairs ofthe limited liability company: FILED FEB 0 3 2003 SPFDDOCS 101155vl - -- -- -- - -SMME:FAR¥ BESTETE t:. A majority of the remaining members can, within ninety (90) days after said death or withdrawal of a member, elect to continue the limited lia- bility company. ARTICLE SEVEN The name and address of each organizer: Randell D. Wallace 1845 South National Avenue Post Office Box 4288 Springfield, Missouri 65808-4288 ARTICLE EIGHT For tax purposes, the limited liability company will be operating as a partnership. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand to these Articles of Organization this .274 day of /4-bre...., ,2003. 41» AL) AA Randell D. Wallace FILED FEB 0 3 2003 tu»- SEGREFAB¥ AR §TATIE -2- SPFDDOCS 101 I 55v1 1 - 4 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State ofMissouri, County of Christian. ss: I, Ashley Sudheimer being duly sworn according to law, state that I represent the publisher of the Christian County Headliner News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the County of Christian. where located; which has been admitted to the Post Office as periodical matter in the city of Ozark, the city of publication; which newspaper has been published regularly and consecutively for a period of three years and has a list of bona fide subscribers voluntarily engaged as such who have paid or agreed to pay a stated price for a subscription for a definite period of time, and that such newspaper has complied with the provisions of Section 493.050 Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2000. The affixed notice appeared in said newspaper on the following consecutive weeks: From Orkhf \5' 2014 to OCA(hr 22_, 2014 both inclusive. ls insertion,Vol. 65, No. 44 , OCAAIr \6 , 2014 2nd insertion, Vol.. 58, No. 60, Ck'Adrir- 2.1,2014 3rd insertion, Vol. ,No. , 2014 4m insertion, Vol. ,No. ,2014 Ashley Sudheimer Subscribed and sworn to methis 22. day of .DCAC?Of..C ,2014 r ondaA-- 'Notfiry Public My commission expires March 27, 2016. Filed and recorded this day of , 2014 -/7 60 (Publication Fee, $ 344. ) - MELISSA BURKS Notary Public - Notarv Seal STATE OF MISSOORI Polk County My Commission Expires f.'tar. 27,2016 Commission #12503399 t -64> 'K -1 -1 NOnCE OF ELECTION 1, Kay Brown, County Clerk of Christian County, Missouri, DATE BALLOTS SHALL BE chief election authority for the · MAILED TO QUAUFIED VOT- same, do hereby cause to be ERS: Ballots statt be mailed published in a newspaper of October 17,2014 general circulation in accord- ance with Missouri Revised DATE OF ELECTION: October Statutes 115.127 a notice of a 1 28,2014 · OFFICIAL BALLOTFOR 'special election to be conduc- DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE ted in accordance with Missouri , f QUALIFIED VOTERS AS DE- J i COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT Revised Statutes 115.650 ' FINED WILL CONSIST OF ; DISTRICT through 115.660, known as the EITHER OF THE FOLLOW- "Mail in Election' statutes. Al] : ING: , QUESTION NO. 1 qualified voters shall be eligible SHALL THE DEERBROOK to vote in said .election_In 1. Regi3!gred voters wilp re- ' MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY 1 accordance with Missouri elec- side Within the District. In order- tion laws as herein provided. to vote in said election .said 1 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IM- person must be registered POSE A SALES AND USE NAME OF DISTRICT HOLD- voters pursuant to the records TAX OF ONE PERCENT ON ING ELECTION:· Deerbrook of tfie election authoriw and as ALL RETAIL SALES WITHIN Marketplace Community Im- provided in Section 115.1970 THE DISTRICT FOR A PERI- provement District Subsection 1 of the Missouri OD OF THIRTY (30) YEARS Revised Statutes as ·of the FROM THE DATE ON WHICH GENERAL BOUNDARIES OF i thirtieth day prior to the date of THE TAX IS FIRST IMPOSED THE DISTRICT: The Deerbrook the election. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRO- 2. N no such registered voters VIDING REVENUE TO PAY reside in the District, the THE COSTS OF MAKING Marketplace Comniunity TRi- owners of real' property located PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, within the Diskict pursuant to REPAY BONDS OR NOTES provement District . compromi- the tax records of Christian ISSUED TO FUND THE ses an estimated 33· acres of land lying in the northwest County, for real property as of COSTS OF PUBUC IM- comer of the intersection of the thirtieth dily prior to the date PROVEMENTS, FUND OTHER North 21st Street (Outer Road : of the election. NECESSARY IMPROVE- for Highway 65) and Highway MENTS WITHIN THE Dts- CC in the City of Ozark, The Ballot must be returned to TRICT AND TO FUND THE Missouri. The District has no the election authorityb office in COSTS OF OPER-ATION OF ' buildings or structures within person, or by depositing the THE DISTRICT? the District. Ballot in the United States mail addressed to the election au- YES 1 TYPE OF TAX: A sales and thorityb office and postmarked, NO use tax on retail sales within. not later than the date of the the District. election. Any qualified voter INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS that did not receive a Ballot in RATE OF TAX: The sales and the mail or lost the Ballot If you are in faVor of the use tax rate is 1 % on sales received in the mail may pick ' 1 question, place an *X' in' the 4 within the District Rqly. i ,-up a mail-in-ballot at the -bpx opposite 'YES.• p_ele&tion--author-ity's.office,-altec__ If -you an# bpposed to ttil 91 DURATION AND RURPOSE= October 17, -2014 1]ntil- and question, place an •X• in the OF TAX: The Sales and Use including the day of the elec- box opposite 'NO: Tax shall have a duration of tion. Election office location is thirty (30) years and 6oth shall the Office of County Clerk at be used for public improve- 100 West Church Street, Room 906: Ozark:MO 65721 ...... ' ments Within the District, repay W . 71 41444.1, 19•40'3 -4 bbnds or notes issued by the 1 Kay Brown, ., ·· , TA ' 5 1 District, be pledged to secure ' Christian County Clerk repayment of such bonds or Chief Election Official notes, fund other necessary improvements within the Dis- Date trict, and fund ther cost of ·operation o! the Distict. i; r 1- 3 @NeighborNews Borvar Hetald Free·Pres5• 417.32&7636 MARKETPLACE BuffaloRenex•417,3452224 NeighborNews GREAT DEALS, GREAT RESULIS Cedar Coumty RepubBcan • 417.276,4211 PO Box 330 THE DRIVE TheMashlieldMail•417.859.2013 Bolivar MO 65613·0330 IEelarIUE,U,1 0.-,n- ChisbanCount,HeadherNews·417.581.3541 Advertising Invoice CHRISTIAN COUNTY CLERK Acct#:44514 100 W CHURCH ST # 206 Ad#:33191 OZARK, MO 65721 Phone#:417-581-6360 Date:10/14/2014 Salesperson: ASHLEY SUDHEIMER Classification: Legal-Christian County Ad Size: 1.0 x 161.00 I - l 1 Advertisement Information: Description Start ] Stop Ins. Cost/Day Total Missouri Legals ©0/15/2014||10/22/2014 2 161.00 322.00 Center line charge 11- 1- - - 0.00 Payment Information: Date: Order# Type 10/09/2014 33191 BILLED ACCOUNT Total Amount: 322.00 Amount Due: 322.00 Attention: Please return the top portion of this invoice with your payment including account and ad number. Ad Copy RECEIVED OCT 27 2014 KAY BROWN COUNTY CLERK 1. Megslorea VOIers wno To· I side within the Distlict. In order to voto in sail election said 1, Kay Brown, County Clerk 01 person must bo rugistored Chijan County. Missoun. voters pursuant to the records chief election authority tor the or thu election authorily and as some, do hamby cause to bo decl in Sedion 115.137 paished in a newspaper of *Don 1 ol the Mssouli gonoml circulation in accord· Rovsod Statutes as 01 the once with Missouri Revisod thirtieth day plior to the date 01 Statutes 115.127 a notion 01 0 tho oloction special oloction to be conduo 2,. 11 no such rogbtored voters tod b accodanco with Mssoun reside h tho District, the Revised Statutes 115·650 ovmels of real propolly located through 115.660. known as the within the District pursuant to •Mail in Election• statutes. Al the tint records of Christian quautied voters shante eleble County, for real prcporty as 01 to voto in sald olodion in the thirtiothday priorto thedato accorda[*20 with Mssouri oloc· of the doction lion laws as horoinprovided. The Ballot rnust bo returned to NAME OF DISTRICT HOLD · the election authoritfs offte in ING ELECTION: Deefbrook person, or by dopositing the Marketplace Con,nunily trn- Banot h tho Urited States mai provernont District. acklessod to trho otocitn au· thority's o![to and postmarked, GENERAL- BOUNDARIES OF not later than the date of the THE DISTRICT: The Dee:brook eloction. Any qualined voter Markotplaco Community t:Tr Uiat dia not raccivo a Ballot in - plovement Distlict comp=u· tho mal or lost tho Balot ses an ostknated 33 acres 01 received k, the mail may pidi land lying in tho nortlwest a mail-*tanot at the comer 01 the intersection 01 °ecson autholitys otlw after North 21st Street (Outer Road October 17, 2014 unt and for Highway 65) and Highway liduiing tho day of tho eleo> CC in tho City 01 Ozz,k, tion. aoction oltico iocation B Mssouri mo District has no the Ofico 01 Counly Cle:k at buikings or st,udurns within 100 West Church Street, Room the Dist;ict. 208; azark, MO 65721 TYPE OF TAX: A sales and Kay Brown, use tax on retail salas within Christian County Clork the Dishid. Chiot Boction Omcial Data RATE OF TAX: Tho sales and tme tax rate is 1 96 on sales OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR within the Dstrkst only. DEERBROOKMARKETPLACE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DURATION AND PURPOSE DISTRICT OF TAX: Tho Salos and Use Tax shan havo a duration of QUESTION NO. 1 thirty {30) years and both shal be usod lor publk improve· SHALL THE DEERBROOK ments wihin the Dishict. repay MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY bonds or notes issued by tho IMPROVEMENT DISIHICT liU!· Distrtt, be pledged to secure POSE A SALES AND USEE repayment of such bonds or TAX OF ONE PERCENT ON notos. fund other nocossaly ALL RETAIL SALES WITHet inprovemonts witta tho Dis> THE DISTRICT FOR A PER!· trict. and lund tho cost 01 OD OF THIRTY {30) YEARS operation of the District. FROM THE DATE ON WHICH THE TAX IS FIRST IMPOSED DATE BALLOTS SHALL BE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRO· - - MAILED TO QUALIFIED VOT· VIDING REVENUE TO PAY ERS: Batots slum be maled THE COSTS OF MAKING -YES October 17,2014 PUBUC IMPROVEMENTS, __ NO REPAY BONDS OR NOTES DATE OF ELECTION. Ockbof ISSUED TO FUND THE INSTRUCTION TOVOTERS 28,2014 COSTS OF PUBLIC md- PROVEMENTS, FUND 01HER If you are in lavor 01 tho QUALIFIED VOTERS AS DE- NECESSARY IMPROVE- quostion, place an -r in the FlNED WILL CONSIST OF MENTS WiTHN THE DIS· bax oppoN!0 7ES.- EITHER OF THE FOLLOW· TRICT AND TO FUND THE 11 you ara opposed 10 tho ING: COSTS OF OPERATION OF quostion. place an -r in tho THE DISTRICT? box opposto -NO.- ® NeighborNews Bo#varHEaldFree-Press•41732&7636 MARKETPLACE BuNalo Reflex•417345.2224 NeighborNews GREAT DEALS, GREAT RESUCTS Cedarcounty RepIMcan·417.276.4211 PO Box BO THE DRIVE meMatshfiddMall•417.859.2013 Bolivar MO 65613-0330 m==amiz,;. ...,o. ChristianCountyleadherNews•417.5813541 Advertising Invoice CHRISTIAN COUNTY CLERK Acct#:44514 100 W CHURCH ST # 206 Ad#:33191 OZARK, MO 65721 Phone#:417-581-6360 Date:10/14/2014 Salesperson: ASHLEY SUDHEIMER Classitication: Legal-Christian County Ad Size 1.0 x 161.00 j Advertisement Information: Description Start Stop Ins. Costa)ay Total Missouri Legals | 10/15/2014| 10/22/2014| 2 || 161.00 | 322.00 Center line charge - - - 11 0.00 Payment Information: Date: Order# Type 10/09/2014 33191 BILLED ACCOUNT Total Amount: 322.00 Amount Due: 322.00 Attention: Please return the top portion of this invoice with your payment including account and ad number. Ad Copy 1 1. Meg:STOroa VOIMS Yino re· I side wittn the Distrid. In ordor to voto in sail oloction said 1, Kay Brown, County Clerk 9' Person must bo fogisterod Clristian County, Missoun, voters pursuant to the records chief election autholity for the of the election authority and as same, do hamby cause to be provided in Section 115.137 pubnshed in a newspaper o' Subsection 1 ol the Mssouli goneral circulation in accord· Revisod Statutes as of the a™» with hissouri Revised thirtioth day prior to the date ol Statutes 115.127 a notice 01 a tho election. spodal eloction to bo conduc· 2 It no such logistored voters tod in accodance with Missotni reside in the District, tho Revisod Statutes 115.650 owners of reall proporty localed through 115.660.known as the withh the District pursuant to ·Mall in Election- statutes. Al the tax ecords of Christian quawled voters shall be eligble County, for real property as of to vote in sold oloction in the thirtieth day priortothodate accordanco with Missouri oloc, of tho election. tion laws as heroin provkdod The Ballot must be returned to NAME OF DISTRICT HOLD- the election authority# ofrce in NG ELECTION: Doerbrook person, or by dopositing tho Maiketplam Communtly Im- Balot in tho Unted States mal provement DEfid addrossed to the election au- thoritys ollice and postn=kai GENERAL BOUNDARIES OF not later than tho date of tho THE DISTRICT: The Dee,brook oloction Am, qualified voter Mwk*laco Col™mmM trn- mat dll not ruceivo a Ballot in - -Ii- provement Dist,id comprorr» Cho mal or lost tho Balot ses an ostkimied 33 acres 01 - .waived in the mail may pidc land lying in the northwest a mail*balot at the comer o! the intorsoctlon 01 ;ection autholitls €11!be allor North 21st Street {Outer Road October 17, 2014 unti and for Highway 65) and HUghway hducing the day of the eloo CC in tho City 01 Ozark, lion, Election ollico location s Mssouri The District has no tho Olite of County Clerk at builings or sctures wibn 100 Wost Church Siniet, Room the Distrid. 206; aza« MO 65721 TYPE OF TAX: A salas and Kay Bfown, use lax On retail Sales within Clidstian Cointy Clock tho Dishid. CIWor Election Ollicial Dato RATE OF TAX: The sales and use tax rate is 1 96 on sales OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR withh tho District only. DEERBROOKMARKETPLACE COMMUNNY IMPROVEMENT DURATION AND PURPOSE DISTRICT OF TAX: The Sales and Use Tax shal have a dumtion of QUESTION NO, 1 thiny {30) years and both shall be used for public inprove- SHALL THE DEERBROOK ments within the Disttict. repay MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY bonds or notes issued by the BAPROVEMENT DISTRICT IM· District, be pledged to secure posE A SALES AND USE lopayment of such bonds or TAX OF ONE PERCENT ON notes, fund other nocossary ALL RETAIL SALES WITHIN hiprommonts wihin tho DiE- THE DISTRICT FOR A PEER!· trist, and !14 the cost 01 OD OF THIRTIF {30) YEARS opemtion of the Diskict. FROM THE DATE ON WHICH THE TAX IS FIRST IMPOSED DATE BALLOTS SHALL BE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRO . MAILED TO QUALIFIED VOT- VIDING REVENUE TO PAY ERS: Banots shan bo maied THE COSTS OF MAKING YES October 17.2014 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, -NO REPAY BONDS OR NOTES DATE OF ELECTION. October ISSUED TO FUND THE INSTRUCTIONTOVOTERS 28,2014 COSTS OF PUBLIC IM PROVEMENES, FUNDO-THER 11 you are in fauor of the QUALIFIED VOTERS AS DEE- NECESSARY IMPROVE- quostion, placo an W in tho FINED WILL CONSST OF MENlS WITHIN THE DIS- bax ctposite -YES' EITHER OF THE FOLLOW· TRICT AND TO FUND IHE 11 you are opposod to tho ING: COSTS OF OPERATION OF question, place an ·X· in tho THE DISTRICT? box opposito WO.' RESOLUTION 2014-02 LEVYING A SALES TAX ON ALL RETAIL SALES MADE IN THE DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (THE "DISTRICT") WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 144.010 TO 144.525 RSMO. EXCEPT SALES OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS, BOATS OR OUTBOARD MOTORS AND SALES TO PUBLIC UTILITIES WITHIN SUCH DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION OF.THE TAXES TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE DISTRICT FOR THEIR APPROVAL AT THE ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID DISTRICT; AND SUBMITTING THE RESOLUTION TO THE CHRISTIAN COUNTY CLERK REQUESTING AN ELECTION BE HELD. WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen ofthe City of Ozark, Missouri (the •'City") duly adopted Ordinance No. 14-033 on July 21, 2014 acting on apetition filed by owners ofreal property (the "Petition") within the Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement Dislrict (the "District") and approved the creation within the City ofthe District; and WHEREAS, the District is a body corporate and political subdivision created under and exercising the authority granted by the Community Improvement District Act contained in Sections 67.1401 to 67.1571, Revised Statutes ofMissouri, as amended (the "Act':); and WHEREAS, the Petitionprovides for the sales tax ofthe District (the "Sales Tax") herein the "CID Taxes"); and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 67.1545 ofthe Act, this Resolution shall not be final nor shall the Sales Tax be levied until the Sales Tax authorized by this Resolution have been submitted to and approved by the affirmative vote of the qualified voters of the Districts by mail in ballot; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DEERBROOK MARKETPLACE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. It is hereby found and determined that to accomplish the purposes for which the District was established, it is necessary to impose the CID Taxes set forth in the Petition and authorized by the Act. It is further hereby found and determined that the Agreement is in furtherance of the public purposes ofthe District under the Petition and as set forth in the Act. Section 2. Imposition of CID Taxes. (a) Pursuant to authority granted by and subject to the provisions of Section 67.1545 of the Act, a Sales Tax is imposed on sales made by retail businesses operating in the District for aperiod ofthirty (30) years. The rateof Sales Tax shall be 1% on all retail sales made within the District except sales ofmotor vehicles, boats or outboard motors and sales to public utilities. The Sales Tax shall become effective as provided in Section 67.1545 ofthe Act and shall be collected as provided in such statute. Section 3. Vote. The CID Taxes Ievied by Section 2 ofthis Resolution shall be submitted by mail-in ballot to the qualified voters of the District for their consideration and approval. as required by the provisions of Section 67.1545 of the Act, at the election hereby called and to be held in said District on the 28th day of October, 2013. The ballot shall be in the following form: AMENDMENT TO PETITION FOR CREATION OFA COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT UNDER MISSOURI REVISED STATUES 67.1401 TO 67.1571 AS AMENDED PETITION SUBMITTED TO: City of Ozark, Missouri DATE OF PETITION: Apri124, 2014 NAME OF THE PROPOSED DISTRICT: Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District AMENDMENT DATE: June 23, 2014 Comes now the recorded owners of 100% of the total assessed value of all real property and 100% of the per capita owners of taxable real property within the proposed Community Improvement District requesting the following changes to the Petition to Create submitted to the City Clerk 6f Ozarks Missouri dated April 24,2014 be amended to make the following additions and or changes to the Petition. This Amendment to the Petition request that the City Clerk ofthe City of Ozark, Missouri, review said changes in the Original Petition to certify that it complies with the requirements of subsection 2 of Missouri Revised Statute 67.1421 and contains all required information. 9 This Amendment Petition request that all other information and request within the Petition dated April 24,2014 remain the same and be considered a part of the Petition to Create the Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District for consideration as a whole, and for the Board of Aldermen to conduct the public hearing and final consideration to create the District using the information as provided in this Amendment with the Petition to Create dated April 24,2014 information together. AMENDMENTS TO THE PETITION TO CREATE DATED APRIL 24, 2014:: Section 13: MAXIMJUM RATE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND METHODS OF ASSESSMENTS: Current language under this section stating that no special assessments will be authorized is herein deleted. New Section 13 to be Added: MAXIMUM RATE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND METHOD OF ASSESSMENTS: Petitioners desire to have the ability to impose a special assessment to fund site improvements at a rate not to exceed $.25 per square foot of land, and to impose such special assessment based on a prorated bases of total taxes generated by the business. Exhibit C: CHANGE IN WORDING IN EXHIBIT C-FIVE-YEAR PLAN DELETE SECOND PARAGRAPH OF EXHBIT C PAGE 10 OF 16 AND ADD THE NEW PARAGRAPH BELOW: , The Petitioners propose the District impose a 1% sales tax within the istrict, subject to approval of the voters of the District to assist in the funding of the estimated cost of $4.1 million. Of the $4.1 million total, it is proposed that the Distict enter into a cooperative funding agreement with the City of Ozark, whereby the City of Ozark will contribute 75% of the 1% general sales tax, which the City now imposes, generated from all new retail sales within the District. The City would be limited to fund no more than the cost of the relocation of 21St and the new traffic light, and the cost ofthe land for the regional storm water basin, which are estimated to be Page 1 of 2 1 -- -- $1.35 million. The Petitioner has pre-sold two lots at the intersection, one to Kum & Go, and one to McDonald's, both subject to the improvements being made. TIle Petitioners have extensive interest in tile balance of the property and believe it will develop with the public improvements, as well will improve the safety of.the traffic. and will further assist in the improvements that MoDOT and Christian County will be making in 2015. The Petitioners herein request that the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ozark, Missouri authorize the creation of the Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District as requested WITHIN THE Original Petition dated April 24, 2014 plus the amended changes as herein requested in this amendment and grant it the powers and authority as provided for under Missouri Revised Statues 67.1401 to 67.1571 as amended and as provided in the herein provided petition. PETITIONERS: 65 & CC Development, LLC & Deerbrook Development, LLC I, Mike Seitz, managing member of both the 65 & CC Development, LLC and the Deerbrook Development LLC, both Missouri limited liability companies, both owners of real property within the proposed Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District, do hereby submit the herein attached amendment to the Petition to Create dated April 24, 2014 and submitted to the Board of Aldermen of City of Ozark, Missouri requesting the herein stated changes to said Petition. I understand that I cannot withdraw this amendment or the original petition after the seventh day it has been submitted to the City Clerk. By executing this Amendment to the Petition to Create, the undersigned represents and warrants that he is the person listed herein and owners of real property described within the Petition to Create dated April 24, 2014 and submitted to the City Clerk of Ozark, Mis@ouri. 65 & CC Dev0*ment, LLC Deerbrrok Developnt LLC Michael Seitz, Managing Member Michael Seitz, Managing Member 2112 West Vista 896 RiverbluffDrive Springfield, MO 65807 Ozark, MO 65721 417-881-3150 417-881-3150 TAX PARCEL #11-0.2-04-000-000-067.000 TAX PARCEL #Part of #: 11-0.2-04-001-003- 001.000 ASSESSED VALUE: $1,220 ASSESSED VALUE: $670 STATE OF MISSOURI ) ) SS COUNT OF GREENE ) Before me personally appeared Michael Seitz, to me persgnally known to be the individual described in and executed the forgoing instrument, and possessing such documentation as to demonstrate his legal authority to execute this document as the owners of real property described in the Petition to Created dated April 24, 201.4. -- - Date/Dfal i 4 My CommissionExpkes /0 i /1<14 V l.14 ULUC.L ,-9 UL-64'0··)OV- Notary Public ' *ex* VANESSA STEWART Page 2 of2 U Nay€ P#mmbsionEpires W·. SEAL.@ October 17,@14 Greene County "'I, m " Commission 810954506 =7 m=- PETITION FOR CREATION OF A COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT UNDER MISSOURI REVISED STATUES 67.1401 TO 67.1571 AS AMENDED PETITION SIJBMITTED TO: City of Ozark, Missouri DATE OF PETITION: Apri124, 2014 NAME OF THE PROPOSED DISTRICT: DeerbrookMarketplace Community Improvement District Comes now the recorded owners of 100% of the total assessed value of all real property and 100% of the per capita owners of taxable real property within the proposed Community Improvement District requesting the establishment of a Community Improvement District as allowed under Missouri Revised Statues 67.1401 to 67.1571·as amended. The Petition request that the City Clerk of the City of Ozark, Missouri, review said petition to certify that it complies with the requirements of subsection 2 of Missouri Revised Statute 67.1421 and contains all required information. The Petition request that the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ozark, Missouri hold a public hearing in - accordance with Missouri Revised Statue 67.1431 to receive public comments concerning the Petition. The Petition request that upon the conclusion of the required public hearing that an ordinance be adopted establishing the Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District as a political subdivision granting it the powers as provided for under Missouri Revised Statures 67.1401 to 67.1571 as amended and other such powers as stated and requested within the Petition. REQUIRED COMPONENTS OF THE PETITION AS REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 67.1421.2(3): 1. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED DISTRICT: Attached as Exhibit A of this Petition with a map of the proposed district. All real property is contiguous as required under RSMo 67.1411. Amap ofthe proposed district boundaries is attached as Exhibit B. 2. THE NAME OF THE PROPOSED DISTRICT: Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District. 3. NOTICE THAT SIGNATURES OF THE SIGNERS MAY NOT WITHDRAW THEIR SIGNATURE LATER THAN SEVEN DAYS AFTER THE PETITION IS FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: See the statement on the signature page of Petition. 4. A FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR THE DISTRICT: Attached as Exhibit C ofthis Petition. Page 1 of 15 --- 1.qI2= 5. STATEMENT OF THE TYPE STRUCTURE THE DISTRICT WILL BE FORMED: The District shall be formed as a political subdivision under RSMo Chapter 67.1401 to 67.1571 as amended. 6. GOVERNING BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The District shall be governed by a board of directors appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ozark, Missouri as provided under Missouri Revised Statures 67.1451 as amended. Said definitions are restated below. a. O f the initial appointed directors named in the herein Petition, one-half shall be appointed to serve for a two-year term, and one-half shall be appointed to serve for the term specified by the district for successor directors pursuant to this subsection, and if an odd number of directors are appointed, the last person appointed shall serve for a two-year term; provided that each director shall serve until such director's successor is appointed. Successor directors shall be appointed in the same manner as the initial directors and shall serve for a term of years specified by the district prior to the appointment, which term shall be at least three years and not more than four years. b. The herein Petition states the names of the initial directors, those directors shall serve for the terms specified in the petition and successor directors shall be determined either by the above-listed election process or appointment process as provided in the petition. 7. NUMBER OF DIRECTORS: The number of directors shall be five, serving four-year staggered terms. The directors shall be at least eighteen years of age; and either an owner as defined in RSMo 67.1401, or real property or of a business operating within the district; or a registered voter residing within the district. An initial board has been selected and appointed by action of this Petition to serve for the terms designated. See Exhibit D for a copv of the Blight Studv of the Conditions of the District DIRECTOR TERM a. Shelly Stanley , Two-Year Term b. Cory Collins Two-Year Term c. Michael Seitz Four-Year Term d. Toni Henry Two-Year Term e. Brad Thessing Four-Year Term 8. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL PROPERTY OF THE DISTRICT: $1,890; See Exhibit A for details. 9. SEEKING BLIGHTED STATUS: The petitioners are seeking a determination of blight for all property within the proposed district. 10. PROPOSED LENGTH OF TIME FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE DISTRICT: The Petitioners herein request that the number of years is thirty years as provided in RSMo. 67.1481. 11. MAXIMUM SALES TAX RATE TO BE IMPOSED: The Petitioners herein request that a maximum one-percent (1%) sales and use tax be imposed on all retail sales made within the district which are subject to taxation pursuant to sections 144.010 to 144.525, RSMo, except sales of motor vehicles, trailers, boats or outboard motors and sales to public utilities, subject to approval by the qualified voters ofthe district. Page 2 of 15 12. MAXIMUM RATE OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES: No real estate tax is proposed or requested. 13. MAXIMUM RATE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND METHOD OF ASSESSMENTS: No special assessments are proposed or requested. 14. DISTRICT FUND TO BE ESTABLISHED: The District will establish a depositoiy designated to receive all revenue and pay all expenses ofthe district and to disburse them in accordance ofthe actions ofthe Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District Board ofDirectors actions. 15. LIMITATIONS ON BORROWING CAPACITY OF DISTRICT: The District will have no preset borrowing limitations prescribed by this petition. 16. LIMITATIONS ON REVENUE OF DISTRICT: The District shall not be limited in the amounts or type of revenue, except as allowed by RSMo 67.1401 to 67.1571 as amended. 17. OTHER LIMITATIONS: City will impose apenalty of $ 1,000 upon the District for failure to file the required statutory reports with the City of Ozark upon the due dates of such reports. The Petitioners herein request that the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ozark, Missouri authorize the creation of the Deerbrook Marketplace Community Improvement District as herein requested and grant it the powers and· authority as provided fbr under Missouri Revised Statues 67.1401 to 67.1571 as amended and as provided in the herein provided petition. BALANCE OF PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 3 of 15 1 PETITIONERS: 65 & CC Development. LLC L.egal Description and Map Atinched as Exhibil A of the Pelition: I: Michael Seitz, Managing Member of the 65 & CC Development, LLC, a Missouri limited liability company, and the recorded owner of record of real properly within the propascd Decibrook Marketplaces Community Improvemcnt Disuict, do hereby submit this petition to the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ozark, Missouri for considemtion as requested in the petition. Wc further undersrand that we may not withdraw this petition for any reason after the seventh day it has belm submitted zo the City Crerk. By executing ihis petition,!hc undersigned represents and wan-an:S that llc. or she. is the persons listed herein and are the o¥rfs ofall real properly described herein -140 Eb Jibw /,9 Miclinel Scitz£Managing Member DMe ' 65 & CC Development LLC (OwnerOF9293 of the total property and 66% of the Assessed Value orDistrict) 2112 West Vista Springfield, MO 65807 417-881·-3850 .STATE OF MISSOURI ) )SS. COUNTY OF GREENE ) Before me personaUy appeared Michael.Seitz. to me personally known to be the individual described in and executed the foregoing instmment. and possessing such documentation as to demonstrate their legal authority to execute this document as theowners ofthc real property described within this Petition. WTINESSmy handand officialscalthis€Mf dayof pri ' ,2014 -01Mi6232 YNESSASTE,•AAE 14 Ccm=n L. 12?MFENY:t Octor 17 2)14 339&.SEAL.•-42 Glogia Comt, '0. 9FWCA. C=:i:im *1095153 Page 4 of 15 - Deerbrook Development, LLC I.egal Description and Map Allached as Exhibit A of the Petition: 1. 1»1\kg. fal 42 , Managing Membci of the Deerbrook Development, LLC, a Missouri limited liability company. and the recorded owner of re,cord of real propedy within thc proposed Deefbrock Marketplaces Community Improvement District. do hereby submit this petition to the Board of Alde:men of the City of Ozark, MiaffJUIi for considemtion as requested in the petition. We further understand thal wc may not Withdraw this petition for any reason after the seven[Il day it has been submitted to the City Clerk. By executing this petition, tlic underigned represents and warrants thal he. or she, is tho persons lisred berein and are th, owners ofaII real propcrty described hemin 01* L:ta 9 144 )14 , '7,46,42=0 , Managing Member '/ ' bate Deerbrook De*opment. LLC (Owner OF 8% or the total property and 34% of the .Usessed Value orDistrict) 896 Rivcrbluff Drive Ozark. MO 65721 417- .STATE OF MISSOURI ) )SS; COUNTYOFTUAL ) Before me personally appeazed fr<*44_. 53o. A-Z. . to me personally known to bc the individual described inand executed the foregoing instrument and possessing sucti documentation ms to demonstrate their legal authority to execute this document as the owners of Che real property described within this Petition. WITNESS my handand official seal this .94 day of Anr, , 2014 Y4(331 100211CTPLACE 2=22=212*3=18=0 U.1 1-LI 05 2 240 ;22 6 0 WAG lagE"RBER' -,¢4 PARCEL ACRE fi f f 133ulS C]Na 1 Fz f PREPARED FOR: MIKE SErrZ kr t Page 15 of 15 1 - 1