• OFFICIAL BALLOT • GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 6, 2018 1 JUDGES'INmALS m CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI REPUBLICAN (REP); DEMOCRATIC (DEM); LIBERTARIAN (LIB):GREEN (GRN); CONSTITUTION (CST); INDEPENDENT (IND) I INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, return it b the election judge to receive a new one. ' , If vou are in favor of anv question, darlen the-tarqet bv "YES", if opposed darken_the target bv "NO". FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Vote For One Vote For One I O JOSH HAWLEY REP CJ RALPH PHILLIPS REP AMENDMENT 1 I O CLAIRE McCASKILL DEM O BOB RUBINO DEM I O JAPHETH CAMPBELL LIB rl Proposed by Initiative Petition I LJ WRITE IN , I O JO CRAIN GRN FOR COUNTY CLERK Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I [3) CRAIG O'DEAR IND Vote For One to: I WRITE IN O KAY BROWN REP · change process and criteria for redrawing I state legislative districts during FOR STATE AUDITOR L.3 WRITE IN reapportionment; I Vote For One · change limits on campaign contributions FOR CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT that candidates for state legislature can I O SAUNDRA McDOWELL REP COURT accept from individuals or entities; · establish a limit on gifts that state I O NICOLE GALLOWAY DEM Vote For One legislators, and their employees, can m accept from paid lobbyists; I O SEAN OTOOLE LIB rn BARBIE REP · prohibit state legislators, and their I 1--J BARNETT-STILLINGS I O DON FITZ GRN employees, from serving as paid lobbyists for a period of time; I O JACOB LUETKEMEYER WRITE IN · prohibit political fundraising by . candidates for or members of the state •O WRITE IN FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS legislature on State property; and li · require legislative records and Vote For One proceedings to be open to the public? I FOR UNITED STATES REP REPRESENTATIVE O KELLY BLUNT HALL Siatwok,emmental entities estimate annual . DISTRICT 7 .tneratina costs may increase by $189,000. , .LJ WRITE IN Vbal 96*Mjnental entities expect no fiscal I Vote For One FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ime¢// I O BILLY LONG REP Vote For One AMENDMENT 2 SCHOOLCRAFT .LJ WRITE IN I O BENJAMIN T. BRIXEY UB FOR PRO1EY \ Proposed by Initiative Petition C)'MY J. FI\ \\ REP Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended • f] WRITE IN Cjilk \ \ \\ V to: I V · allow the use of marijuana for medical m FOR STATE SENATOR < JDITOR purposes, and create regulations and DISTRICT 20 Votel:dr One licensing/certification procedures for I Vote For 1One./ -M *T REP marijuana and marijuana facilities; · impose a 4 percent tax on the retail sale I O ERIC W. BURLIS of marijuana; and 'L.J WRITEIN · use funds from these taxes for health and I O JIM BILLEDO L-----·.DEd OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT care services for military veterans by the I WRITE IN , j 0 Submitting to the voters whether the Judges Missouri Veterans Commission and to administer the program to license/certify I named below, whose terms expire and regulate marijuana and marijuana FOR STATE REPRESENTATIYE December 31,2018, shall be retained in office for facilities? new terms. I DISTRICT 140 1- VOTE ON EACH JUDGE This proposal is estimated to generate Vote For One MISSOURI SUPREME COURT annual taxes and fees of $18 million for state I operating costs and veterans programs, and 1 0 LYNN MORRIS REP JUDGES $6 million for local governments. Annual I state operating costs are estimated to be $7 I O TONY SMITH DEM Shall Judge W BRENT POWELL of the million. Missouri Supreme Court be retained in I O ROBERT DEBBAUT GRN office? O YES ..0 VIETE 114 , YES 0 NO ' 0 NO FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE i I CIRCUIT 38, DIVISION 1 Shall Judge MARY RHODES RUSSELL of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in Vote For One omce? I O LAURA JOHNSON REP D YES WRITE IN 0 NO FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS I DIVISION Ill JUDGES, SOUTHERN DISTRICT Vote For one Shall Judge JEFFREY BATES of the Southern District Court of Appeals be I O JESSICA L. KRUSE REP retained in office? lo WRITE IN O YES CD NO FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE I DIVISION IV I Vote For One • CD DOUG BACON VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT REP m CD WRPTE IN .. AMENDMENT 3 PROPOSITION C ................................................................ I Proposed by Initiative Petition Proposed by Initiative Petition Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Do you want to amend Missouri law to: · remove state prohibitions on personal I · allow the use of marijuana for medical use and possession of medical cannabis purposes, and create regulations and (marijuana) with a written certification by I licensing procedures for marijuana and a physician who treats a patient marijuana facilities; diagnosed with a qualifying medical · impose a 15 percent tax on the retail sale condition; of marijuana, and a tax on the wholesale · remove state prohibitions on growth, sale of marijuana flowers and leaves per possession, production, and sale of I dry-weight ounce to licensed facilities; medical marijuana by licensed and and regulated facilities, and a facility's I · use funds from these taxes to establish licensed owners and employees; and fund a state research institute to · impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of conduct research with the purpose of medical marijuana; and developing cures and treatments for · use funds from this tax for veterans' cancer and other incurable diseases or services, drug treatment, early childhood I medical conditions? education, and for public safety in cities with a medical marijuana facility? I This proposal is estimated to generate annual taxes and fees of $66 million. State State government entities estimate initial and governmental entities estimate initial one-time costs of $2.6 million, annual costs implementation costs of $186,000 and of $10 million, and annual revenues of at increased annual operating costs of least $10 million. Local government entities 11 $500,000. estimate no annual costs and are expected to have at least $152,000 in annual I O YES revenues. 1 0 NO YES 0 NO AMENDMENT 4 PROPOSITION D Proposed by the 99th General Assembly ¤ Do you want to amend the Missouri (Second Regular Session) SS 2 HB 1460 constitution to: Shall Missouri law be amended to fund · remove language limiting bingo game Missouri state law enforcement by I advertising that a court ruled increasing the motor fuel tax by twqMhd one unenforceable; and half cents per gallon annually for fot.irg·s I · allow a member of a licensed beginning July 1, 2019, exempt-Specia< \ organization conducting bingo games to Olympic, Paralympic, anglblympip Nizek \ il games after being a member of the Emergency Staighl1553fun>t353> participate in the management of bingo from state taxes, and tffesfablish tt,4 organization for six months instead of I the current two years? If passed, this 114,0» willylengrate at least $288 million annt]Alli tb©e St@toad State and local governmental entities Fund·to provide forNH6Junding Missouri . estimate no costs or savings from this stat; IalhoforceA,dot -ej;423 N!!lbn proposal. anniktolbwal gavAmmel@for road constn100··elm*(enancef I O YES • CD NO STATUTORY K€3 la.,> PRoposinJI -3 ) 0 / | Do you want to amend Missouri law to: · increase the state minimum wage to $8.60 per hour with 85 cents per hour increase each year until 2023, when the state minimum wage would be $12.00 per hour; · exempt government employers from the above increase; and · increase the penalty for paying employees less than the minimum wage? I State and local governments estimate no direct costs or savings from the proposal, but operating costs could increase by an I unknown annual amount that could be significant. State and local government tax I revenue could change by an unknown annual amount ranging from a $2.9 million decrease to a $214 million increase depending on business decisions. I O YES I O NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . • OFFICIAL BALLOT • GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 6, 2018 f JUDGES' INIRALS 0 I CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI i REPUBLICAN (REP): DEMOCRATIC (DEM); LIBERTARIAN (LIB):GREEN (GRN); CONSTITUDON (CST); INDEPENDENT (IND) I INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, return it to the election judge to receive a new one. " . If you are in favor of anv question, darken the target bv "YES", if opposed darken the target bv "NO". FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS I Vote For One Vote For One I O JOSH HAWLEY REP O RALPH PHILLIPS REP AMENDMENT 1 I O CLAIRE McCASKILL DEM O BOB RUBINO DEM I O JAPHETH CAMPBELL UE n Proposed by Initiative Petition I .LJ WRITE IN I O JO CRAIN GRN ' FOR COUNTY CLERK Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I O CRAIG O'DEAR IND Vote For One to: m WRITE IN O KAY BROWN REP · change process and criteria for redrawing m state legislative districts during FOR STATE AUDITOR - WRITE IN reapportionment; I I I · change limits on campaign contributions Vote For One that candidates for state legislature can I FOR CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT I O SAUNDRA McDOWELL REP COURT accept from individuals or entities; · establish a limit on gifts that state I NICOLE GALLOWAY DEM Vote For One legislators, and their employees, can m accept from paid lobbyists; I O SEAN O'TOOLE LIB BARBIE REP · prohibit state legislators, and their I BARNETT-STILLINGS I O DON FITZ GRN employees, from serving as paid lobbyists for a period of time; I O JACOB LUETKEMEYER CST (-3 · prohibit political fundraising by . L.J WRITE IN candidates for or members of the state WRITE IN FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS legislature on State property; and I · require legislative records and Vote For One proceedings to be open to the public? FOR UNITED STATES REP > REPRESENTATIVE O KELLY BLUNT HALL gats,gbizernmental entities estimate annual . 6oeratino . DISTRICT 7 L costs may increase by $189,000. LJ WRITE IN 1#bal gopr@lental entities expect no fiscal I Vote For One imel'/ • FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE I O BILLY LONG REP Vote For One j TED NICHOLS - 'kip I JAMIE DANIEL DEM rn ,/71 \ \\ SCHOOLCRAFT 0 AMENDMENT 2 .LJ WRITE IN I , e FOR PROSE€u-ri1 8* REP marijuana and marijuana facilities; · impose a 4 percent tax on the retail sale ' RIP V €3 kmz of marijuana; and I O ERIC W. BURLIS OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT · use funds from these taxes for health and I O JIM BILLEDO care services for military veterans by the m nij o named berow, whose terms expire Missouri Veterans Commission and to •O WRITE IN Submitting to the voters whether the Judges administer the program to license/certify and regulate marijuana and marijuana FOR STATE REPRESENTMIVE December 31,2018, shall be retained in office for facilities? new terms. I DISTRICT 139 - VOTE ON EACH JUDGE I I This proposal is estimated to generate Vote For One MISSOURI SUPREME COURT annual taxes and fees of $18 million for state I operating costs and veterans programs, and I O JERED TAYLOR REP JUDGES $6 million for local governments. Annual I state operating costs are estimated to be $7 , I O CORA HANF DEM Shall Judge W. BRENT POWELL of the million. Missouri Supreme Court be retained in •O WRITE IN office? YES O YES CJ NO FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE CIRCUIT 38, DIVISION 1 I NO Vote For One Shall Judge MARY RHODES RUSSELL of REP the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in I LAURA JOHNSON office? .O WRITE IN O YES O NO FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE I DIVISION Ill MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS I Vote For One JUDGES, SOUTHERN DISTRICT I O JESSICA L. KRUSE REP Shall Judge JEFFREY BATES of the Southern District Court ofAppeals be WRITE IN . retained in office? O YES FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE DIVISION IV O NO Vote For One I O DOUG BACON REP VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT WRITE IN .. AMENDMENT 3 PROPOSITION C ................................................................ i Proposed by Initiative Petition Proposed by Initiative Petition Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Do you want to amend Missouri law to: · remove state prohibitions on personal m · allow the use of marijuana for medical use and possession of medical cannabis purposes, and create regulations and (marijuana) with a written certification by I licensing procedures for marijuana and a physician who treats a patient marijuana facilities; diagnosed with a qualifying medical · impose a 15 percent tax on the retail sale condition; ¤ of marijuana, and a tax on the wholesale · remove state prohibitions on growth, sale of marijuana flowers and leaves per possession, production, and sale of I dry-weight ounce to licensed facilities; medical marijuana by licensed and and regulated facilities, and a facility's I · use funds from these taxes to establish licensed owners and employees; and fund a state research institute to · impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of conduct research with the purpose of medical marijuana; and , developing cures and treatments for · use funds from this tax for veterans' cancer and other incurabIe diseases or services, drug treatment, early childhood i medical conditions? education, and for public safety in cities with a medical marijuana facility? I This proposal is estimated to generate annual taxes and fees of $66 million. State State government entities estimate initial and governmental entities estimate initial one-time costs of $2.6 million, annual costs I implementation costs of $186,000 and of $10 million, and annual revenues of at increased annual operating costs of least $10 million. Local government entities I $500,000. estimate no annual costs and are expected to have at least $152,000 in annual I O YES revenues. I O NO O YES 0 NO AMENDMENT4 PROPOSITION D I Proposed by the 99th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR 59 Proposed by the 99th General Assembly Do you want to amend the Missouri (Second Regular Session) SS 2 HB 1460 constitution to: . Shall Missouri law be amended to fund · remove language limiting bingo game Missouri state law enforcement by 1 advertising that a court ruled increasing the motor fuel tax by twthd one unenforceable; and half cents per gallon annually for fol?N¥hars · allow a member of a licensed beginning July 1, 2019, exempt€Rcia< \ ¤ organization conducting bingo games to Olympic, Paralympic, angymp \'Mt] pi» STATUTORY MESURES PROPOSITIONB-- 3 ) V | Do you want to amend Missouri law to: · increase the state minimum wage to $8.60 per hour with 85 cents per hour increase each year until 2023, when the state minimum wage would be $12.00 per hour; · exempt government employers from the above increase; and · increase the penalty for paying employees less than the minimum wage? I State and local governments estimate no direct costs or savings from the proposal, but operating costs could increase by an unknown annual amount that could be [ significant. State and local government tax I revenue could change by an unknown annual amount ranging from a $2.9 million I decrease to a $214 million increase depending on business decisions. I O YES M ONO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT OFFICIAL BALLOT • GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 6, 2018 4 JUDGES'INIMALS . CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI REPUBLICAN (REP): DEMOCRATIC (DEM); LIBERTARIAN (LIB); GREEN (GRN); CONSTITUTION (CST); INDEPENDENT (IND) I INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, return it to the election judge to receive a new one. ; Ifvou are in favor of anv question, dark,n thetarget bv "YES", if opposed darken the target bv "NO". FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Vote For One Vote For One I O JOSH HAWLEY REP RALPH PHILLIPS REP AMENDMENT 1 I O CLAIRE McCASKILL DEM 0 BOB RUBINO DEM I O JAPHETH CAMPBELL LIE n Proposed by Initiative Petition I L1 WRITE IN I O JO CRAIN GRN FOR COUNTY CLERK Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I I O CRAIG O'DEAR IND Vote For One to: I •O WRITE IN O KAY BROWN REP · change process and criteria for redrawing 11 state legislative districts during FOR STATE AUDITOR WRITE IN reapportionment; I · change limits on campaign contributions Vote For One that candidates for state legislature can I FOR CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT I O SAUNDRA McDOWELL REP COURT accept from individuals or entities; · establish a limit on gifts that state I O NICOLE GALLOWAY DEM Vote For One legislators, and their employees, can I accept from paid lobbyists; I O SEAN OTOOLE LIB BARBIE REP · prohibit state legislators, and their I BARNETT-STILLINGS I O DON FITZ GRN employees, from serving as paid lobbyists for a period of time; I O JACOB LUETKEMEYER LJ WRITE IN · prohibit political fundraising by . candidates for or members of the state . WRITE IN FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS legislature on State property; and I · require legislative records and Vote For One proceedings to be open to the public? I FOR UNITED STATES REP REPRESENTATIVE O KELLY BLUNT HALL Slatepw,emmental entities estimate annual I . DISTRICT 7 LJ WRITE IN .Deratina costs may increase by $189,000. ¤ 1§61 gAm®ental entities expect no fiscal Vote For One imi@€ FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE I O BILLY LONG REP '\ [3\4 » Vote For One O TED NICHOLS - 'Mr C) NAV I n JAMIE DANIEL DEM F7 //-1 \ \,i /. - SCHOOL-CRAFT .L. J WRITE IN .00' AMENDMENT 2 1 0 FOR PROSEqp'r-(y*IEY \ I O BENJAMIN T. BRIXEY LIB 1rol\ Proposed by Initiative Petition ClAMY J. F'¥26\ REP Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I WRITE IN CUkilk \ \ \\ v . to: .1 V · allow the use of marijuana for medical m FOR STATE SENATOR C AUDITOR purposes, and create regulations and 5 DISTRICT 20 ·One licensing/certification procedures for marijuana and marijuana facilities; I Vote For One,/ REP · impose a 4 percent tax on the retail sale RV Fli \ b of marijuana; and I O ERIC W. BURLISf 41_J WRITETN · use funds from these taxes for health and DE&4 ' ' care services for military veterans by the I I O JIM BILLEDO 1 j \ OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT Missouri Veterans Commission and to . WRITE IN 1 ) L Submitting to the voters whether the Judges administer the program to license/certify I named below, whose terms expire and regulate marijuana and marijuana FOR STATE REPRESENTAT!'''' ' December 31,2018, shall be retained in office for facilities? new terms. Il DISTRICT 139 U VOTE ON EACH JUDGE This proposal is estimated to generate annual taxes and fees of $18 million for state m Vote For One MISSOURI SUPREME COURT operating costs and veterans programs, and I O JERED TAYLOR REP JUDGES $6 million for local governments. Annual I state operating costs are estimated to be $7 I O CORA H*IF DEM Shall Judge W BRENT POWELL of the million. Missouri Supreme Court be retained in ..O WRITE IN office? O YES O YES 0 NO FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE I CIRCUIT 38, DIVISION 1 0 NO Vote For One Shall Judge MARY RHODES RUSSELL of REP the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in I O LAURA JOHNSON office? . WRITE IN YES 0 NO FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE I DIVISION Ill MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS I Vote For one JUDGES, SOUTHERN DISTRICT I O JESSICA L. KRUSE REP Shall Judge JEFFREY BATES of the Southern District Court of Appeals be .0 retained in office? WRITE IN . O YES FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE I DIVISION IV I NO Vote For One I O DOUG BACON REP VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT WRITE IN =. r .. AMENDMENT 3 PROPOSITION C ..l............III.l....m..I.1IlI............m..m.....I..l...I.m. I Proposed by Initiative Petition Proposed by Initiative Petition Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Do you want to amend Missouri law to: · remove state prohibitions on personal I · allow the use of marijuana for medical use and possession of medical cannabis purposes, and create regulations and (marijuana) with a written certification by I licensing procedures for marijuana and a physician who treats a patient marijuana facilities; diagnosed with a qualifying medical · impose a 15 percent tax on the retail sale condition; of marijuana, and a tax on the wholesale · remove state prohibitions on growth, sale of marijuana flowers and leaves per possession, production, and sale of dry-weight ounce to licensed facilities; medical marijuana by licensed and and regulated facilities, and a facility's I · use funds from these taxes to establish licensed owners and employees; and fund a state research institute to · impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of conduct research with the purpose of medical marijuana; and . developing cures and treatments for · use funds from this tax for veterans' cancer and other incurable diseases or services, drug treatment, early childhood I medical conditions? education, and for public safety in cities with a medical marijuana facility? I This proposal is estimated to generate , annual taxes and fees of $66 million. State State government entities estimate initial and governmental entities estimate initial one-time costs of $2.6 million, annual costs I implementation costs of $186,000 and of $10 million, and annual revenues of at increased annual operating costs of least $10 million. Local government entities I $500,000. estimate no annual costs and are expected to have at least $152,000 in annual I O YES revenues. I O NO . O YES O No AMENDMENT4 PROPOSITION D I Proposed by the 99th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR 59 Proposed by the 99th General Assembly ¤ Do you want to amend the Missouri (Second Regular Session) SS 2 HB 1460 constitution to: Shall Missouri law be amended to fund · remove language limiting bingo game Missouri state law enforcement by I advertising that a court ruled increasing the motor fuel tax by twaihd one unenforceable; and half cents per gallon annually for fodrqhars I · allow a member of a licensed beginning July 1,2019, exempt-SRecia<\ organization conducting bingo games to Olympic, Paralympic, andgmpf prizes„ \ participate in the management of bingo from state taxes, and eoforce?,At ah*3 n®lori proposal. annbei|]bcal gqvAmmeqts\for road constructiormnbmkilltenan&e. I O YES \*2\ \\ » = \-v,© Nb# I O NO STATUTORY JRES f . . PROPOSITI 3 ) CITY OF CLEVER Proposed by Initiative Petition 1/ QUESTION ' Do you want to amend Missouri law to: SHALL THE CITY OF CLEVER, MISSOURI CONTINUE APPLYING AND COLLECTING · increase the state minimum wage to THE LOCAL USE TAX AT THE SAME I $8.60 per hour with 85 cents per hour RATE AS THE TOTAL LOCAL SALES TAX increase each year until 2023, when the RATE, CURRENTLY AT A RATE OF ONE I state minimum wage would be $12.00 AND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSANDTH PERCENT (1.875°/o), per hour; PROVIDED THAT IF THE LOCAL SALES · exempt government employers from the , above increase; and TAX IS REPEALED, REDUCED OR · increase the penalty for paying RAISED BY VOTER APPROVAL, THE I employees less than the minimum wage? LOCAL USE TAX SHALL ALSO BE REPEALED, REDUCED OR RAISED BY I State and local governments estimate no THE SAME ACTION? direct costs or savings from the proposal, but THIS IS NOT AN INCREASE TO THE operating costs could increase by an unknown annual amount that could be CURRENT LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX significant. State and local government tax RATE. 11 revenue could change by an unknown annual amount ranging from a $2.9 million THIS PROPOSAL WILLALSO ELIMINATE I decrease to a $214 million increase THE CURRENT SALES TAX ADVANTAGE THAT NON-MISSOURI VENDORS HAVE depending on business decisions. OVER MISSOURI VENDORS. I YES O YES i O NO 0 NO . . .. I OFFICIAL BALLOT • GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 6, 2018 5 JUDGES'INmALS . CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI REPUBLICAN (REP): DEMOCRATIC (DEM):LIBERTARIAN (LIB); GREEN (GRN); CONSTITUTION (CST); INDEPENDENT (IND) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or response of your choice like this: l m Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. b,If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, return it to the election judge to receive a new one. gif vou are in favor of anv question, darken the target bv "YES", if opposed darken the target bv"NO". FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Vote For One Vote For One I O JOSH HAWLEY REP O RALPH PHILLIPS REP r AMENDMENT 1 I O CLAIRE McCASKILL DEM O BOB RUBINO DEM I JAPHETH CAMPBELL UB WRFIE\N Proposed by Initiative Petition , O JO CRAIN GRN FOR COUNTY CLERK Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended 4. O CRAIG O'DEAR IND Vote For Ono to: ' . WRITE IN KAY BROWN L REP change process and criteria for redrawing I state legislative districts during -m reapportionment; I FOR STATE AUDITOR L.J WRITE IN change limits on campaign contributions I vote For One that candidates for state legislature can FOR CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT LJI Fl SAUNDRA McDOWELL REP COURT accept from individuals or entities; establish a limit on gifts that state NICOLE GALLOWAY DEM Vote For gne- -- legislators, and their employees, can I accept from paid lobbyists; SEAN O'TOOLE LIB m BARBIE - REP prohibit state legislators, and their I - BARNETT-STILLINGS DON FITZ V - WRITE IN LIB FOR PROSERrk¢,54;'EY \,/ I O BENJAMIN T. BRIXEY 140 *fron* < Proposed by Initiative Petition OY J. FAA\\ \\ REP Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I WRITEIN [1*24 \ v , to: 1 FOR STATE SENATOR /\ \0#·08iA,AliMTOR · allow the use of marijuana for medical I purposes, and create regulations and DISTRICT 20 3 VoQ'For One REP licensing/certification procedures for i marijuana and marijuana facilities; Vote For One/1 13>«13+ · impose a 4 percent tax on the retail sale ' RAPVE) \ > of marijuana; and , I O ERIC W. BURLIS0 WRITE[N · use funds from these taxes for health and DEIA ' I O JIM BILLEDO - 7 OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT care services for military veterans by the 1 LJ Submitting to the voters whether the Judges Missouri Veterans Commission and to . WRITE IN , j / named below, whose tenns expire administer the program to license/certify I and regulate marijuana and marijuana , FOR STATE REPRESENTATIYE December 31, 2018, shall be retained in office for facilities? new terms. I DISTRICT 138 U./ VOTE ON EACH JUDGE 1 This proposal is estimated to generate Vote For One MISSOURI SUPREME COURT annual taxes and fees of $18 million for state I operating costs and veterans programs, and i I O BRAD HUDSON REP JUDGES $6 million for local governments. Annual state operating costs are estimated to be $7 WRTEIN Shall Judge W. BRENT POWELL of the million. Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office? O YES FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE CIRCUIT 38, DIVISION 1 O YES 0 NO E Vote For One 0 NO m O LAURA JOHNSON REP Shall Judge MARY RHODES RUSSELL of 1 the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in . 0 WRTTE IN office? O YES FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE DIVISION Ill 0 NO I Vote For One MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS I O JESSICA L. KRUSE REP JUDGES, SOUTHERN DISTRICT . WRITE IN Shall Judge JEFFREY BATES of the Southern District Court of Appeals be FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE retained in office? DIVISION IV O YES Vote For One 0 NO I O DOUG BACON REP I .Ii WRITE IN VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT .... 1 .1 .. AMENDMENT 3 PROPOSITION C Proposed by Initiative Petition Proposed by Initiative Petition I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Do you want to amend Missouri law to: · remove state prohibitions on personal I · allow the use of marijuana for medical use and possession of medical cannabh purposes, and create regulations and (marijuana) with a written certification by S I licensing procedures for marijuana and a physician who treats a patient marijuana facilities; diagnosed with a qualifying medical · impose a 15 percent tax on the retail sale condition; of marijuana, and a tax on the wholesale · remove state prohibitions on growth, sale of marijuana flowers and leaves per possession, production, and sale of m drrweight ounce to licensed facilities; medical marijuana by licensed and and regulated facilities, and a facility's ¤ · use funds from these taxes to establish licensed owners and employees; and fund a state research institute to · impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of conduct research with the purpose of medical marijuana; and 2-4 . developing cures and treatments for · use funds from this tax for veterans' cancer and other incurable diseases or services, drug treatment, early childhood I medical conditions? education, and for public safety in cities 1 . with a medical marijuana facility? I This proposal is estimated to generate annual taxes and fees of $66 million. Ste State government entities estimate initial and governmental entities estimate initial one-time costs of $2.6 million, annual costs implementation costs of $186,000 and of $10 million, and annual revenues of at increased annual operating cpsts of , least $10 million. Local government entities I $500,000. estimfte no annual costs and are expected to have at least $152,000 in annual I O YES revenues. 1 0 NO O YES -L---1- 0 NO AMENDMENT 4 PROPOSITION D I Proposed by the 99th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR 59 Proposed by the 99th General Assembly Do you want to amend the Missouri (Second Regular Session) SS 2 HB 1460 constitution to: Shall Missouri law be amended to fund · remove language limiting bingo game Missouri state law enforcement by I advertising that a court ruled increasing the motor fuel tax by twa:6hd one unenforceable; and half cents per gallon annually for folirgaws I · allow a member of a licensed beginning July 1, 2019, ex¢mpt-SREcial . organization conducting bingo games to Olympic, Paralympic, atwtlympic pozek 1 -V participate in the management of bingo from state taxes, and / 1 Do you want to amend Missouri law to: 1 · increase the state minimum wage to 1 $8.60 per hour with 85 cents per hour increase each year until 2023, when the | state minimum wage would be $12.00 per hour; · exempt government employers from the above increase; and · increase the penalty for paying I employees less than the minimum wage? | State and local governments estimate no direct costs or savings from the proposal, but operating costs could increase by an unknown annual amount that could be significant. State and local government tax revenue could change by an unknown annual amount ranging from a $2.9 million decrease to a $214 million increase depending on business decisions. O YES 0 NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT 1= . . .. OFFICIAL BALLOT I • GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 6, 2018 • JUDGES·INITIALS . CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI . REPUBLICAN (REP): DEMOCRATIC (DEM); LIBERTARIAN (LIB):GREEN (GRN): CONSTITUnON (CST); INDEPENDENT (IND) I INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS . Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or response of your choice like this: m Write-in: To vote fora valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. 1 If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, return it to the election judge to receive a new one. If vou are in favor of anv question, darken the target bv "YES', if opposed darken the target bv "NO". FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER I CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Vote For One Vote For One I I O JOSH HAWLEY REP O RALPH PHILLIPS REP ' AMENDMENT 1 i O CLAIRE McCASKILL DEM O BOB RUBINO DEM ¤ I O JAPHETH CAMPBELL UB ._J WRITE IN Proposed by Initiative Petition I O JO CRAIN GRN FOR COUNTY CLERK Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I O CRAIG O'DEAR IND Vote For One to: I O KAY BROWN REP change process and criteria for redrawing m i WRITE IN state legislative districts during FOR STATE AUDITOR LJ WRITE IN reapportionment; I I change limits on campaign contributions , Vote For One that candidates for state legislature can 1 FOR CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT I O SAUNDRA McDOWELL REP COURT accept from indivjduals or entities; .1 establish a limit on gifts that state I O NICOLE GALLOWAY DEM Vote For One legislators, and their employees, can .1 accept from paid lobbyists; I SEAN O'TOOLE LIB F-7 BARBIE REP prohibit state legislators, and their I | L-' BARNETT-STILLINGS I DON FITZ GRN employees, from serving as paid lobbyists for a period of time; I O JACOB LUETKEMEYER CST m prohibit political fundraising by . 1--1 WRITE IN candidates for or members of the state WRITE IN FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS legislature on State property; and .1 require legislative records and Vote For One proceedings to be open to the public? I 1 FOR UNITED STATES ner,nr=or=kiTA¥,i/re O KELLY BLUNT HALL REP rwarn=ocay IM,/v= 'emmental entities estimate annual . DISTRICT 7 .€neratino costs may increase by $189,000. Vote For One .l_J WRITE IN 4bal gAmtnental entities expect no fiscal FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE iet/>/ I O BILLY LONG REP '\, [C]\4 » Vote For One O TED NICHOLS - p C] NAK// . m JAMIE DANIEL DEM rn ill »/f// AMENDMENT 2 LJ SCHOOLCRAFT .LJ WRITE IN /-\ \ I j b FOR PROSEGUT19 NINEY I C BENJAMIN T. BRIXEY LIB or 0 C Proposed by Initiative Petition m [*AMYJ.F'¥6\ \\ REP Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended CO\V»iA \\ \\ to: WRITE IN r AMTOR · allow the use of marijuana for medical m FOR STATE SENATOR vA>Fdt ·one REP purposes, and create regulations and DISTRICT 20 ·3 -citM 24T licensing/certification procedures for marijuana and marijuana facilities; I Vote For One,1 · impose a 4 percent tax on the retail sale of marijuana; and I O ERIC W. BURI-IS0 F · use funds from these taxes for health and I O JIM BILLEDO Dclvi OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT care services for military veterans by the * WRITE IN - , .XJ Submitting to the voters whether the Judges Missouri Veterans Commission and to administer the program to license/certify I named below, whose terms expire ' December 31, 2018, shall be retained in office for and regulate marijuana and marijuana FOR STATE REPRESENTpl' new terms. facilities? I DISTRICT 138 ,- VOTE ON EACH JUDGE . This proposal is estimated to generate annual taxes and fees of $18 million for state I Vote For One MISSOURI SUPREME COURT operating costs and veterans programs, and I O BRAD HUDSON REP JUDGES $6 million for local governments. Annual I Shall Judge W. BRENT POWELL of the state operating costs are estimated to be $7 .| WRITE IN million. 1 Missouri Supreme Court be retained in office? YES FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE CIRCUIT 38, DIVISION 1 O YES 0 NO Vote For One CD NO I O LAURA JOHNSON REP Shall Judge MARY RHODES RUSSELL of the Missouri Supreme Court be retained in .0 WRITE IN office? O YES FORASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE I DIVISION Ill I NO I Vote For One MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS I O JESSICA L. KRUSE REP JUDGES, SOUTHERN DISTRICT . . WRITE IN Shall Judge JEFFREY BATES of the : Southern District Court ofAppeals be FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE retained in office? DIVISION IV O YES Vote For One O NO • CD DOUG BACON REP 1 . WRITE IN . VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT I .. . AMENDMENT 3 PROPOSITION C I Proposed by Initiative Petition Proposed by Initiative Petition I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Do you want to amend Missouri law to: · remove state prohibitions on personal m · allow the use of marijuana for medical use and possession of medical cannabis purposes, and create regulations and (marijuana) with a written certification by I licensing procedures for marijuana and a physician who treats a patient marijuana facilities; diagnosed with a qualifying medical · impose a 15 percent tax on the retail sale condition; of marijuana, and a tax on the wholesale · remove state prohibitions on growth, sate of marijuana flowers and leaves per possession, production, and sale of I dry-weight ounce to licensed facilities; medical marijuana by licensed and and regulated facilities, and a facility's I · use funds from these taxes to establish licensed owners and employees; and fund a state research institute to · impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of conduct research with the purpose of medical marijuana; and . developing cures and treatments for · use funds from this tax for veterans' cancer and other incurable diseases or services, drug treatment, early childhood I medical conditions? education, and for public safety in cities with a medical marijuana facility? I This proposal is estimated to generate „ annual taxes and fees of $66 million. State State government entities estimate initial and governmental entities estimate initial one-time costs of $2.6 million, annual costs implementation costs of $186,000 and of $10 million, and annual revenues of at increased annual operating costs of least $10 million. Local government entities 11 $500,000. estimate no annual costs and are expected to have at least $152,000 in annual I O YES revenues. 'I 0 NO O YES 0 NO AMENDMENT4 PROPOSITION D \I Proposed by the 99th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR 59 Proposed by the 99th General Assembly * Do you want to amend the Missouri (Second Regular Session) SS 2 HB 1460 constitution to: I. Shall Missouri law be amended to fund · remove language limiting bingo game Missouri state law enforcement by I advertising that a court ruled increasing the motor fuel tax by tvmjhd one unenforceable; and half cents per gallon annually for fourgbelrs Il · allow a member of a licensed beginning July 1, 2019, exempt-Scia< \ ) organization conducting bingo games to Olympic, Paralympic, audgmpic pdze4 participate in the management of bingo from state taxes, and