I OFFICIAL BALLOT .....................m...................m....m...... 1 GENERAL ELECTION JUDGES'INITIALS i - NOVEMBER 4, 2014 1 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI DEMOCRATIC - (DEM); REPUBLICAN » (REP); LIBERTARIAN - (LIB); CONSTITUTION - (CST); INDEPENDENT - (IND) 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question or response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote fora valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. 1 Ifyou are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. „ FOR STATE AUDITOR FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE .FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE .., 96te for ONE " ' - -' - 3 DIVISION 11: , :.ti. 1.1 . t'· Vote for ONE ..·. 1 REP O TED NICHOLS 1 0 TOM SCHWEICH - Vote f6* ONE- *i· - REP t I O SEAN O'TOOLE LIB O DOUG BACON REP A I O RODNEY FARTHING CST / WRITE-IN .0 . -· WRITE-IN OFFICIAL-JUDICIAL-BALLOT , . - *ittif:Ao,the voteM,Whether the J®ges 11' WRITE-IN i' -,pided below, Whose tihins expird : FOR PRESIDING'COMMISS)gNER:,1 Deqpniber 3£ 2014Ashali tte· retained'in office for. a J Vote for ONE> 2 · le ·A ' ,2\0 [en·hs. - - . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE 6-- O RAY WETER \ REP N EACH JUDGE i DISTRICT 7 I .7 & /SOUR11SUPREME COURTL I ' <-VoteforoNE-'.·3· ·.L " C I O JIM EVANS DEM WRITE-IN A \\ / 1 4 ' - JUDGES,·1 t. 17,1 I O BILLY LONG REP < 1\ '€' 1 "r Shall Judge LAURA DENVIR STITH of LIB FOR\COUNTY'CLERK the Missouri Supreme Court be retained I CD KEVIN CRAIG .A. \ Ooto>oN '\ in office? .0 (Nli*·BRO## 140# V Ep WRITE-IN A O V O YES . 2 \ \\ \\ ,CJ NO ,»not V I WILSON of the Missouri Supreme Court \ WRITE-IN . . FOR STATE SENATORN ' · Shall Judge PAUL CAMPBELL > 2%4\ \>-2 3 I .6,2 I - : DISTRICM© /»FOFCLERK,OF·THE CIRCUIT be retained in office? Note for/04& .' ,,, 9 4 i C®RT< 3 -1..; : .0.J m O JAY WASSON ( - REP f.hj .:Vote-for ONE> O .. . 1. REP (-3 YES r- BARBIE .0 - -3 ) 1/ - BARNETT-STILLINGS . WRITE-IN j 1 0 NO , . I- L/1... ' MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS t . " FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE WRITE-IN n of, 1 JUDGES, ' : 14 2.5 . DISTRICT 140 4 23 f . 0 0 ./ . .. < SOUTHERN DISTRICT tf ". Vote 6ONE < DJM FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS-4 I O JIM BILLEDO _. Vote·for OliEV' *- »1.94 Shall Judge MARYW. SHEFFIELD of I O LYNN MORRIS REP O KELLY BLUNT HALL REP the Southern District Court of Appeals be retained in office? •O 0 WRITE-IN CJ YES WRITE-IN . I € 4.- e =· , . 0 NO r :-FOR bIREUIT JUDGE> 54:. . 1 FOR PR6SECUTING ATORNEY Vote for ONE a. A Shall Judge NANCY STEFFEN CIRCUIT 38-61.- Vote for ONE' : D AMY J. FITE REP RAHMEYER of the Southern District _ Court of Appeals be retained in office? CD LAURA JOHNSON REP .0 WRITE-IN [3 YES .V. El No WRITE-IN FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for ONE FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE O LACEY HART REP DIVISION | 4 Py 7 Vote fot ONE I [D LARRY LUNA REP WRITE-IN .0 VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT WRITE-IN CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ' NO. 2 NO. 6 i Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS HJR 16 SS SCS HCS HJR No. 90 Shall the Missouri Constitution be Shall the Missouri Constitution be I amended so that it will be permissible to amended to permit voting in person or ¤ allow relevant evidence of prior criminal by mail for a period of six business days acts to be admissible in prosecutions for prior to and including the Wedne'sday m crimes of a sexual nature involving a before the election day in general victim under eighteen years of age? elections, but only if the legislature and the governor appropriate and disburse . If more resources are needed to defend funds to pay for the increased costs of increased prosecutions additional costs such voting? I to governmental entities could be at least $1.4 million annually, otherwise State governmental entities estimated the fiscal impact is expected to be startup costs of about $2 million and I limited. costs to reimburse local election I O YES authorities of at least $100,000 per election. Local election authorities 4 I O NO estimated higher reimbursable costs per election. Those costs Will depend on CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT the compensation, staffing, and, ' 'NO. 3 planning decisions of election Proposed by Initiative Petition authorities with the total costsff unknown. ¤ Shall the Missouri Constitution.be O YES »-1 \\ * amended to: O No %\ 3 j \.355> Il · require teachers to be evaluated by a CONSTI-RUirIGNA916i6MENT r ./ i , standards based performance evaluation system for which each local I school district must receive state R*ed by th,>(#herah€>embly ¤ approval to continue receiving state and (S«fan '" · require teachers to be dismisse \ 1 hall , ItheM issoOFLGonstitution be ' retained, demoted, promoted and Aid .+ quire the governor to pay $ annepaeo i I primarily using quantitjatudent b/ fEWri!0121Z, to prohibit the governor performance data a/bart of the 1 ,/ iro!*ra!0ng on revenue from legislation 1 not yet passed when proposing a I evaluation system; 1£ L-----\ \ \ budget, and to provide a legislative · require teachers to enerinio 7 U check on the governor's decisions to I contracts of three years or fewer witji restrict funding for education and other / public school districts; and CO state services? I · prohibit teachers from organizing or State governmental entities expect no collectively bargaining regarding the direct costs or savings. Local design and implementation of the governmental entities expect an I teacher evaluation system? unknown fiscal impact. I Decisions by school districts regarding O YES . provisions allowed or required by this CJ NO proposal and their implementation will I influence the potential costs or savings ¤ impacting each district. Significant SPARTA FIRE <' potential costs may be incurred by the .. PROTECTION DISTRICT , I state and/or the districts if 6 y ,· 4 2 • C) BILLY LONG , f Al: ::.·<' 6 Shall Judge LAURA DENVIR STITH of ue FORCOUN:TYCLERK : the Missouri Supreme Court be retained I O KEVIN CRAIG - £ - \ 42,02(Nk "\ 1 ·' in office? .0 41*880¥1 « v REP . WRITE-IN /\' O.,-Vi v CJ YES . .CJ NO DISTRICT>20.3 3153-> --- ... FOR STATE SENATOR : - Shall Judge PAUL CAMPBELL · Cl," LERK OF THE CIRCUIT . WILSON of the Missouri Supreme Court , .. -- vole to44 Z - - . ,, COURIL e y.' '. I.: be retained in office? m O JAY WASSON - Rt Vote for ONE ' rn BARBIE REP O YES - 3 j 9 L._J BARNETT-STILLINGS ; 1 0 NO WRITE-IN , m '- 0 MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS . FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE JUDGES, WRITE-IN DISTRICT 140 . : - SOUTHERN DISTRICT' I- . Vote for ONE' · ··. 1 ¢ t- At FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS I O JIM BILLEDO DEM Vote for ONE - Shall Judge MARY W. SHEFFIELD of I O LYNN MORRIS REP O KELLY BLUNT HALL REP the Southern District Court of Appeals be retained in office? 0 WRITE-IN [3 YES WRITEIN 0 NO FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY J . FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE Shall Judge NANCY STEFFEN CIRCUIT 38 Vote for ONE .. O AMY J. FITE REP RAHMEYER of the SoutherA District Vote for ONE Court of Appeals be retained in office? I O LAURA JOHNSON REP .0 WRITE-IN CD YES ./ WRITE·IN O NO FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for ONE FORASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE O LACEY HART REP DIVISION I Vote for ONE CD I O LARRY LUNA REP WRITE-IN .0 VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT WRITE-IN .. =m.. 111111 1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT- CONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT ..............m..........m..m....................... m ' 4 NO. 2 - - . NO. 6 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS HJR 16 SS SCS HCS HJR No. 90 Shall the Missouri Constitution be Shall the Missouri Constitution be I amended so that it will be permissible to amended to permit voting in person or allow relevant evidence of prior criminal by mail for a period of six business days " acts to be admissible in prosecutions for prior to and including the Wednesday m crimes of a sexual nature involving a before the election day in general victim under eighteen years of age? elections, but only if the legislature and the governor appropriate and disburse . If more resources are needed to defend funds to pay for the increased costs of increased prosecutions additional costs such voting? I to governmental entities could be at * least $1.4 million annually, otherwise State governmental entities estimated the fiscal impact is expected to be startup costs of about $2 million and I limited. costs to reimburse local election I O YES authorities of at least $100,000 per election. Local election authorities ' 0 NO estimated higher reimbursable costs per4 V election. Those costs will depend on CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT the compensation, staffing, and, ' NO. 3 planning decisions of election authorities with the total costs .15@ing H Proposed by Initiative Petition unknown. \\ Shall the Missouri Constitution be O YES /016\\ . amended to: 0 NO 1% ) ) i./35 I · require teachers to be evaluated by a CONSTRUUGNAL>AMENDMENT , standards based performance \.90<10\\\ evaluation system for which each local I school district must receive state P@hed- by thegthNeneral Assembly approval to continue receiving state and (Se*Vcl?egular,Sessio V local funding; HJR+to 74 r- , · require teachers to be dismissed # Shall ti ie issolifl.Gonstitution be retained, demoted, promoted and paid # kmendecitolequire the governor to pay /the@bblickiebt, to prohibit the governor I evaluation system; («--fA / Arrpre$]ng on revenue from legislation m primarily using quantifiaeltudent performance data as/part ofthe not yet passed when proposing a budget, and to provide a legislative · require teachers to ener12-3 ,> check on the governofs decisions to I contracts of three years or fewer WitN restrict funding for education and other / public school districts; and 57 state services? m · prohibit teachers from organizing or State governmental entities expect no collectively bargaining regarding the direct costs or savings. Local design and implementation of the governmental entities expect an m teacher evaluation system? unknown fiscal impact. I Decisions by school districts regarding O YES . provisions allowed or required by this [3 NO proposal and their implementation will I influence the potential costs or savings ¤ impacting each district. Significant potential costs may be incurred by the Il state and/or the districts if new/additional evaluation instruments must be developed to satisfy the m proposal's performance evaluation requirements. I O YES I O NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT 1 - G mill'UNINNININ'"ININNININNINNIN""IN""m"Immill'Iminar | OFFICIAL BALLOT REP I FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUEREP GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI DEMOCRATIC - (DEM); REPUBLICAN - (REP): LIBERTARIAN - (LIB); CONSTITUTION - (CST); INDEPENDENT - UND) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question or response of your choice like this: I Write-In: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name onthe line provided and darken the target. 1 f you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word 'NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. FOR STATE AUDITOR FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE Vote for ONE DIVISION It Vote for ONE TOM SCHWEICH REP Vote for ONE TED NICHOLS SEAN OTOOLE UB - DOUG BACON CST RODNEY FARTHING . WRHE-IN WRLTE4N OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT I , Submitling to the voters whether the Judges WRI N- FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER named below, whose terms expire December 31. 2014, shall be retained in office for Vote for ONE new telms. FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE RAY WETER REP VOTE ON EACH JUDGE DISTRICT 7 Voti for ONE MISSOURI SUPREME COURT JIM EVANS DEM JUDGES WRITE-IN BILLY LONG REP . . 1. .Shall Judge LAURA DENVIR STITH of ua FOR COUNTY CLERK the Missouri Supreme Court be retained KEVIN CRAIG Vote for ONE- N • in office? • , , REP + . KAY BROWN <'r i , WRiTE4N YES FOR STATE SENATOR . u_M1!I&11__1111_1_1_-, ..NO DISTRICT 20 Nv.1..\\ 1:1:. /1 Shall Judge PAUL CAMPBELL r--FOR CLERKOF THE CIRCUIT WILSON of the Missouri Supreme Court Vote for ONE 4 1 \\ COURT ' be retained in office? JAY WASSON , _ «Vot. for ONE 'BARBIE REP YES + BARNETT-STILLINGS ..MliTE:!N-i NO FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS WRITE-IN JUDGES, DISTRICT 139 '· SOUTHERN DISTRICT Vote for ONE REP FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS JERED TAYLOR Votifor ONE Shall Judge MARY W. SHEFFIELD of C KELLY BLUNT HALL REP the Southern District Court of Appeals be retained in office? WRITE4N WRITE-1N f- YES FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE ' I. NO CIRCUIT 38 FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Vote tor ONE Vote for ONE· Shall Judge NANCY STEFFEN LAURA JOHNSON REP AMY J. FITE REP RAHMEYER of the Southern District Court of Appeals be retained in office? WRITE-IN YES NO FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE ., FOR COUNTY AUDITOR DIVISION I Voto for ONE 0 LACEY HART 89 Vot. for ONE LARRY LUNA REP WRITE-IN WRiTE-IN · VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT = m . . . . 111 lilli li li 1111111111111111111111111111111 Ill . -.Ii-$ - e m ........••..•...•.•......m..•.....m..............mmM /G CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT m NO. 2 NO. 6 i proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by Ihe 97th General Assembjy (First Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS HJR 16 SS SCS HCS HJR No. 90 ' Stat! the Missouri Constitution be Shatl the Missouri Constitution be I amended so that it wiff be permissible to amended to perm!! voting In person or allow relevant evidence+ of prior criminal by mail for a period of six business days I acts to be admjssible jn prosecutions for prior to and including the Wednesday m crimes of a sexual nature involving a before the election day in general victim under eighteen years of age? elections, but only if the legislature and the governor appropriate and disburse . If more resources are needed to defend funds to pay for the increased costs of increased prosecutions additional costs. such voting? li to governmental entities could be at least $1.4 million annuatly, otherwise State governmental entities estimated the fiscal impact is expected to be startup costs of about $2 million and 1 limited. costs to reimburse local election authorities of at least S100,000 per I YES election. Local election authorities 1 ---WL____________J estimated hjgher reimbursabJe cosls per election. Those costs will depend on CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT the compensation, staffing, and, 1 NO. 3 planning decisions of election authorities with the total costs being I Proposed by fnitiative Petition unknown. / Shall theMissouri Constitution be YES . amended to: NO I · require teachers to be evaluated by a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTj standards based performance ·- NO. 10 · evaluation system for whjch each local I school district must receive state Proposed by.the 97th General Assembly {Second Regular Session). approval to continue receiving state and HJRNo. 72 local funding; 1 . Shall the Missouri Constitution be · require teachers to be dismissed, amended to requke the governor to pay I retained, demoted, promoted and paid the public debt, to prohibit the governor ¤ primarily. using quan#fiable student from relying on revenue from legislation performance dala as part of the not yet passed When proposing a ¤ evaluation system; ' bOdget,.and to proilde a legislative check*ilhegdvemofs decisions to -'' · require teaohers to enter into ,·02 restdct funding for education and other I contracts of three years or fewer With - - stEMservices? l,C- - public school districts; and L s6tegovernmental entities expect no m · prohibit teachers from organizing or 0 5 direct costs or savings. Local coffectively bargaining regarding the governmental entities expect an design and implementation of the unknown fiscal impact. , teacher evaluation system? i Decisions by school districts regarding ..' YES . provisions allowed or required by this No proposal and their implementation witt i influence the potent'al costs or savjngs · impacting each district. Significant * . . CITY OF HIGHLANDVILLE potential costs may be incurred by the PROPOSmON NUMBER ONE i state and/or the districts if new/additional evaluation instruments· must be developed to satisfy the Shan the Board of Aldermen of the City I proposal's performance evaluation of Highlandvitle, Missouri be Authorized to levy a tax on both real and personal requirements. property of not more than $0.40 (forty cents) per $100.00 (one hundred i L YES dollars) assessed valuation,7 U _ NO O YES NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m .. ..................................................,OFF, JUDGES'mmALS Vote for ONE REPREP C WFUTE-INOFFICIAL BALLOT REPREP , WROTE-IN Vote for ONE 4 ..mm. GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI DEMOCRATIC - (DEM); REPUBLICAN - (REP); LIBERTARIAN - (LIB): CONSTITUTION - (CST); INDEPENDENT - (IND) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question or response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write.the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word "YES: If you are opposed to any question submitted ori this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word •NO·. If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. FOR STATE AUDITOR FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE DIVISION It TOM SCHWEICH Vote for ONE TED NICHOLS REP 1 SEAN O'TOOLE UB DOUG BACON RODNEY FARTHING CST WRITE-IN OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT : WRITE4N Submitting to the voters whether Illa Judges FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER named below, whose terms expire December 31, 2014, shall be retained in office for Vote for ONE new lerms. FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE C-, RAYWETER REP VOTE ON EACH JUDGE DISTRICT 7 Vote for ONE MISSOURI SUPREME COURT JIM EVANS DEM JUDGES. WRITE-iN BILLY LONG REP ..' 1 Statl Judge LAURA DENVIR STITH of KEVIN CRAIG ue- FOR COUNTY CLERK the Missouri Supreme Court be retained Vote for ONE-· ' i in office? KAY BROWN . REP WRI'rE-IN , YES WRITE-IN . -NO_J 1 , FOR STATE SENATOR DISTRICT 20 faiR;@e-PAUL-CAMPBELL-3 i JAY WASSON .1.FOR CLERK ali THE CIRCUIT WILSON of the Missouri Supreme Court i Vote for ONE 4.-34 x \ dOURT be retained in office? IEP '· >-4*3'' MA• 10'ONS ' -BARBIE' REP - '- BARNETT-STILLINGS YES WRITE4N No - MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE ' ' DISTRICT 139 JUDGES, SOUTHERN DISTRICT Vote for ONE * - FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS 2 JERED TAYLOR REP Vote for ONE Shall Judge MARY W. SHEFFIELD or O KELLY BLUNT HALL REP the Southern District Court of Appeals be retained in office? WRITE·IN WETE-IN ' . YES · 1- FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE CIRCUIT 38 No FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Votolor ONE - · . Shall Judge NANCY STEFFEN Vot, for ONE LAURA JOHNSON REP f AMY J. FITEE REp RAHMEYER pr the Southern District Court of Appeals be retained in omce? WRITE-IN . WRITE-IN YES 1 NO FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR COUNTY AUDITOR DIVISION I Vote for ONE Vote for ONE C LACEY HART . LARRY LUNA WRITE-IN WRITE-IN VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . m . m = . 1111111111 ill'11111111111111111111111111111111 . m 0 m A••• m • I m • m• " I m I. I n m im I m ' m m, m i l l ", m " MI m min CONSTITUnONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT i NO. 2 NO. 6 I Pmposed by ibe 97 th Genem] Assembly Proposed by the 970} General Assembly (First Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I SCS HJR 16 SS SCS HCS HJR No. 90 Shall the Missouri Constitution be Shall the Missouri Constitution be I amended so that it will be permissible to amended b permit voting in person or allow relevant evidence of prior criminal by mail for a period of six business days acts to be admissibte In prosecutions for prior to and including the Wednesday 1 crimes of a sexuat nature involving a before the election day in general victim under eighteen years of age? elections, but only if the legislature and the governor appropriate and disburse . If more resources are needed to defend funds to pay for the increased costs of increased prosecutions additional costs such voting? I to governmental entities could be at , least $1.4 million annually, otherwise State governmental entities estimated the fiscal impact is expected to be startup costs o f about $2 million and I limited. costs to reimburse local election author»les of at least $100,ODD per I YES election. Local election authorities I 'NO estimated higher reimbursable costs per etection, Those costs will depend on CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT the compensation, staffing, and, m NO. 3. planning decisions of efaction authorities with the total costs being I Proposed by *Ualiye Petition unknown. I Shall the Missouri Constitution be YES ' , amended to: NO , I · require teachers to be evaluated by a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT < ¤ standards based performance NO. 10 evaluation system for which each local · m school district must receive state Proposed by the 97th General Kssembly x (Second Regular Session£1.0 ' : . approval to continue receiving state and HJRNc. 72 local funding; • require teachers to be dismissed, Shall the Missouri Constitution be retained, demoted, promoted and paid amended to require the govemor to pay the publiEd*, tb protibjt th& governor primarily using quantifiable student from re@inb on rei/enuefrom legista«on performance data as part of the not yet paised whbn, proposing a I evaluation system; budget,.and119 proWde a legislative · require teachers to enter into 0 chbck.od the gdvernors decisions to resirictilihdirig for education and other I contracts of three years or fewer *ith statd,services? ¤ public schoot districts; and Slate governmental entities expect no m · prohibit teachers from organizing or direct costs or savings. Local collectively bargaining regarding the E. governmental enti#es expect an design and implementation of the unknown fiscal impact. m teacher evaluation system? I Decisions by school districts regarding , YES . provisions allowed or required by this NO proposal and their impiementation will I influence the potential costs or savings ¤ impacting each district. Significant potential costs may be incurred by the I state and/or the districts if new/additional evaluation Instruments must be developed to satisfy the I proposal's performance evaluation * requirements. I 7 YES i - 1 NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION ' JUDGES· INITIALS NOVEMBER 4, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI DEMOCRATIC - (DEM); REPUBLICAN - (REP); LIBERTARIAN - (LIB): CONSTITUTION - (CST); INDEPENDENT - (IND) 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question or response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. I Eli .. y. FOR STATE AUDITOR >' FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ' 11 , FORASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE . 2" Vote for ONE 7 - Vote for ONE" ": 0 DIVISiON It : ..i .. l REP ./ . 4 ./ I. D TED NICHOLS REP I O TOM SCHWEICH Vote'for ONE >e s I O SEAN O'TOOLE 08 0 DOUG BACON REP 0 m I O RODNEY FARTHING CST WRITE-IN .0 . WRITE-IN -- OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT , , 1 - , ' _ Submitting to the voters whether the.Judges " 1 . WRITE-IN Aimed below, whosei tenns expire - ' FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER Dember 31,2014, shall be retained in office for ] Vote for ONE t . S , :, new terms. : ., . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE O RAY WETER REP 9 ..VOTE ON EACH JUDGEr 1 DISTRICT 7': . , 1 Vote for ONE 4 4 - MISSOURI SUPREME COURT m O JIM EVANS DEM WRITE-IN JUDGES . 1 I O BILLY LONG REP ' Shall Judge LAURA DENVIR STITH of I LIB FOR COUNTY CLERK :s: thelisso[#i Supreme Court be retained I O KEVIN CRAIG 7 Vote for ONE' · ' ' in off¢e? [3 KAY BROWN REP / C 1 . WRITE-IN .0 U ¥ES---7 j | - WRITE-IN c L /4.29 NO ..0/ / , - A FOR STATE SENATOR - PX S §1* Judge'PXUL CAMPBELL ' t. .- DISTRICT 20 1 . d . 'Ch . 0.:4 ,%\ UiT FOR CLERK OBIHE C R h \VA®SON of the Missouri Supreme Court 1 It.1Vote for ONE · 2 -9. 9: b be r@tained in office? I O JAY WASSON REP .1.ket n \- 1 ·. V :2Votd for'ONE\ -N •0 rn BARBIE \\ \ \ \ V,»p 23 YES 1 . WRITE-IN .El NO 1 L-1 BARNETT-STILLINGS MISSOURI COURT OF APPEALS, . FOR STATERENTAT;39 WRLTE:IN \\ : , JUDGES, -,2 1 : SOUTHERN DISTRICT Vote for ONE- OFTRECORDEROF DEEDS s 1 0 DON PHILLIPS REP Vote·for ONE ' Shall Judge MARY W. SHEFFIELD of ] U= \MWAEAN 03 YES I I FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE /' .-: z . O NO 1 ·i - CIRCUIT 38 FOR PROSECUpNG ATTORNEY Shall Judge NANCY STEFFEN I . - 'Vote for ONE " - Vote for ONE -- . i O LAURA JOHNSON REP AMY J. FITE REP RAHMEYER of the Southern District Court of Appeald be retained in office? 10 0 1 O YES WRITE-IN WRITE-IN [3 NO FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR COUNTY AUDITOR DIVISION·! Vote for ONE t O LACEY HART REP ·Vote for ONE 1 REP El WRITE-IN WRITE-IN VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT .. lilli " CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT mm.................................................. : NO. 2 , * NO/6: 2 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS HJR 16 SS SCS HCS HJR No. 90 Shall the Missouri Constitution be Shall the Missouri Constitution be I amended so thatit will be permissible to amended to permit voting in person or allow relevant evidence of prior criminal by mail for a period of six business days " acts to be admissible in prosecutions for prior to and including the Wednesday m crimes of a sexual nature involving a before the election day in general victim under eighteen years of age? elections, but only if the legislature and the governor appropriate and disburse . If more resources are needed to defend funds to pay for the increased costs of increased prosecutions additional costs such voting? I to governmental entities could be at * least $1.4 million annually, otherwise State governmental entities estimated the fiscal impact is expected to be startup costs of about $2 million and I limited. costs to reimburse local election • O YES authorities of at least $100,000 per election. Local election authorities m ONO estimated higher reimbursable costs per election. Those costs will depend on .. CONSTiTUIIONAL AMENDMENT the compensation, staffing, and, I h.) . Ne·,3 i planning decisions of election authorities with the total costs being I Proposed by Initiative Petition unknown. Shall the Missouri Constitution be O YES I amended to: O NO I · require teachers to be evaluated by a coNSTITUT16NALAMENDMENT, ¤ standards based performance NO. 10 - U evaluation system for which each local 11 school district must receive state Proposed by the 97th General Assembly ¤ approval to continue receiving state and (Second Regular Session) local funding; HJR No. 72 · require teachers to be dismissed, Shall the Missouri Constitutiorqje retained, demoted, promoted and paid amended to require the goye(nordcPpaLM m primarily using quantifiable student the public debt, to prohibit tl@govkrnor j performance data as part of the from relying on reveptlqrorrN€*latiok I evaluation system; not yet passed wheripeepaege \ budget, and to·providb ¥legislatixe\ · require teachers to enter into check on 0140*flo"edisii©to\ I contracts of three years or fewer with restrict fclina ar educalion anhihe# // public school districts; and state sen/Icesi \\\\ I · prohibit teachers from organizing or /1 State gomtal Aitiepexpect no collectively bargaining regarding the//\ Rrect costs or sgngs. hocal designandimplementationof th·'574!2' > - ·· "t'y ' ··· Vote'or ONE-' /' REP ,•9.-%7' Et·et, 5 v •61% Cl LACEY HART Vote for ONE· ' 1 7 5 9 Y k».1 F LARRY LUNA REP WRKE-IN WRITE-m VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m . . . . m 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111'lilli . CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.c c9NSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NIXA FIRE ,...............................m.................... ·Al· B r. 4 ·»,1" • 1 · : NQI K 0 -· 3 ,@. t, 3,6 'p-·•r- PROTECTION DISTRICT i.*, · .. .,QUESTION I Pmposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by Ute 97111 Geneml Assembly (First Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) Shall the Nixa Fire Protection District SCS HJR 16 SS SCS HCS HJR No. 90 Issue and sell general obligation bonds Bhatt the Missourt Constitution be Shall the Missouri Constitution be in an amount not to exceed Two Miilion I a men ded so tha ! 11 w)11 b e pe rm iss ib]e to amended to permit voting in person or Five Hundred Seventy Five Thousand allow relevant evidence of prior criminal by mal for a period of six business days Dollars ($2,575,000) for the purpose of acts to be admissible in prosecutions for prior to and inctuding the Wednesday paying alt or a portion of the costs of 1 crimes of a sexual nature involving a before the election day in general constructing, improving, acquiring, and elections, but only W the legislature and installing additional firefighting facilities victim under eighteen years of age? tile governor appropriate and disburse and equipment for tile District. . If more resources are needed to defend funds to pay for the increased costs of The authorization of said bonds witt increased prosecutions additional costs such voting7 authorize the levy and collection of an 1 to governmental entities could be at annual tax in addition to the other taxes least $1.4 million annuatly, otherwise State governmental entities estimated provided for by law on all taxable the fiscal impact is expected to be startup costs of about $2 million and I limited. costs to reimburse local election tangible property in said District authorit[es of at least $100,000 per sufficient to pay the interest and il YES election. Local election authof,ties principal of said bonds as they fall due estimated higher reimbursable costs per and to retire the same within ten years i NO election. Those costs will depend on from the date thereof. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT the compensation, staffing, and, NO. 3 planning decisions of election YES authorities with the total costs being I Pmposed by k#janve Petjtjon unknown. No I Shan the Missouri Constitution be YES . amended to: No 77 - 4, ' i I · require teachers to be evaluated by a r 'CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT\ , standards based performance N.070, ,- . evaluation system for which each local . school district must receive state Proposed bythe 9nh General.Assembly - approval to continue receiving state and (Second RegWar Session) = focal funding; HJR No. 72 1 I Shall the Missouri Constitulion be · require teachers to be dismissed, amended to require the governor to pay I retained, demoted, promoted and paid the publindebt, to 'prohibit the governor ¤ primarily using quantifiable student from relying on reifenue{tom legislation performance data as part of the n6tyet passed wl*n proposing a Il evaluation system; . b®gtet,and e provide a legislative ·require teachers to enter into /3 @ep q.thq governor's decisions to I contracts of three years or fewer witfi restrict flihding for education and other public school districts; and -_ -- st*d,services? Slate governmental entities expect no i · prohibit teachem from organizing or direct costs or savings. Local collectively bargain[ng regarding the f - . governmental entities expect an 1 design and implementation of the i teacher evaluation system? unknown fiscal Impact. Il Decisions by school districts regarding i YES . provislons attowed or required by this [ NO proposal and their implementation will I intluence the potential costs or savings ¤ impacting each district. Significant potential costs may be Incurred by ihe I state and/or the districts if new/additional evaluation Instruments must be developed to satisfy the i proposal's performance evaluation requirements. YES No VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m OFFICIAL BALLOT .................................................... GENERAL ELECTION INTRASTATE JUDGES' INITIALS NOVEMBER 4, 2014 NEW RESIDENT CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI DEMOCRATIC - (DEM); REPUBLICAN - (REP); LIBERTARIAN - (LIB); CONSTITUTION - (CST); INDEPENDENT - (IND) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question or response of your choice like this: ill Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word"NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR STATE AUDITOR 6 :.NO. 3 ; Vote for ONE . I O TOM SCHWEICH REP Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by Initiative Petition UB (First Regular Session) I O SEAN OTOOLE SCS HJR 16 Shall the Missouri Constitution be 1 0 RODNEY FARTHING CST ·73ppd to: Shali the Missouri Constitution be •0 amended so that it will be permissible to < gequirtkachers to be evaluated by a allow relevant evidence of prior criminal *taodqr>ased performance . WRITE-IN acts to be admissible in prosecutions for @\01&tion system for which each local crimes of a sexual nature involying a scnodkdistricty,*t receive state . . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE victim under eighteen years of ag approxal*,cont[nue receiving state and / ill I DISTRICT 7, ' - c If more resources arp 9'eded to,d>fht local fu*gf Vote for ONE - 4 -rre teachers to be dismissed. increased prosecut@ns additibnal cohts DEM . . A. , I / 1 O JIM EVANS to governmel]Ial enarl»couci' 9e at z eMined, demoted, promoted and paid I O BILLY LONG REp least $1.4 nlliohannt*l!*otherwise L primarily using quantifiable student the fiscal impa&*expectedlo be performance data as part of the I O KEVIN CRAIG LIB li18!45'· \\\\ \\ evaluation system; •0 (ll» I< · require teachers to enter into WRITE·IN . f.3 *\\1\ v contracts of three years or fewer with .r - \Al «» public school districts; and OFFICIAL JUDICIAL BALLOT \\ Submitting to,thevoters.Whetherthe:Judges · prohibit teachers from organizing or named below, wHose/ef@.expire \ collectively bargaining regarding the -December 31.2014, shall be-;Atained'in offibe / \/ design and implementation of the 0 5 k new teims. m I j VOTE ON EADIUMUSE-<' \ teacher evaluation system? Decisions by school districts regarding MISSOURI SUPREME COUR provisions allowed or required by this m : JUDGES . p j proposal and their implementation will il Shall Judge LAURA DENVIR STITH of influence the potential costs or savings the Missouri Supreme Court be retained impacting each district. Significant in office? potential costs may be incurred by the m state and/or the districts if new/additional evaluation instruments i O YES must be developed to satisfy the • C] NO proposal's performance evaluation requirements. I Shall Judge PAUL CAMPBELL WILSON of the Missouri Supreme Court CJ YES be retained in office? 1 0 NO • O YES • CD NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT I111II 1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 93................................................... NO. 6 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) SS SCS HCS HJR No. 90 Shall the Missouri Constitution be I amended to permit voting in person or by mail for a period of six business days Il prior to and including the Wednesday m before the election day in general elections, but only if the legislature and I the governor appropriate and disburse . funds to pay for the increased costs of such voting? State governmental entities estimated startup costs of about $2 million and I costs to reimburse local election authorities of at least $100,000 per ' election. Local election authorities I estimated higher reimbursable costs per election. Those costs will depend on ¤ the compensation, staffing, and, . planning decisions of election authorities with the total costs being 1 / .v> I unknown. I O YES 0 10 No CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT i«\09 4 ' ·-"NO.-10 02·· £ 4 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR No. 72 Shall the Missouri Constitution be \ 4\ \\ \ ¤ the public debt, to proillbille gover,8( 21«p·. i amended to require the governor tolpay .4 +*.. from relying on revelde,from legislation, / - I not yet passed wheq P{oposing a \ r budget, and to provide a-legisleitivep I check on the governdPs-decisionsto 2 . restrict funding for education and other state services? 7 1 1 7 State governmental entities expect no direct costs or savings. Local 1 governmental entities expect an unknown fiscal impact. VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . . .. I OFFICIAL BALLOT .................................................... • GENERAL ELECTION FEDERAL JUDGES' INInALS . NOVEMBER 4, 2014 1 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI . DEMOCRATIC - (DEM); REPUBLICAN - (REP); LIBERTARIAN - (LIB); CONSTITUTION - (CST); INDEPENDENT- (IND) 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question or response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the target. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the target to the left of the word "NO". lf you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfuIly mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 7 Vote for ONE I O JIM EVANS DEM I O BILLY LONG REP I O KEVIN CRAIG lIB .0 WRITE-EN \1 » 3 V C . . I .... \\ l"llI . 1 \ -- 1 i. m..... . m .. m m m m m . . m . .. m . « m . .. m . .. m. I ....