JUDGES INITIU.S • OFFICIAL BALLOT . SPECIAL ELECTION - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6,2007 . CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI " INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS • . To vote, darken in the oval(s) completely next to your choice(sh like this: - , If you are in favor of any question submitted upon this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word *YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted upon this ballot, darken the oval to tile left of the word 'NO'. • If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. SPARTA FIRE • PROTECTION DISTRICT QUESTION . Shall the Board of Directors of the Sparta Fire Protection District be authorized to levy an ' additional tax of not more than eighteen cents • on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation , to provide funds for the support of the district? • O YES • CANO 4 I % , . = FRONT Card 2 SEQ# 1 . 1 - . JUDGES NmALS - . OFFICIAL BALLOT ,/Ill m SPECIAL ELECTION - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6,2007 - , CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI - = INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS - • To vote, darken in the oval(s) completely next to your choice(s), like this: - - 11 you are in favor of any question submitted upon this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word 'YES'. - If you are opposed to any question submitted upon this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word °NO: • If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. - m .... m JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF Ii//1 . CENTRAL SOUTHWEST, MISSOURI - (OZARKS TECHNICAL = COMMUNITY COLLEGE) . QUESTION ' I'll/:/Il m Shall the Board of Trustees of the Junior € = College District of Central Southwest Missouri 2 (also known as Ozarks Technical Community· I College) be authorized to increase the ...I . operating tax levy ceiling of the District to . = $0.1812 per $100 of assessed valuation for = the 2008 calendar year, tp $0.2212 per $100 . of assessed valuation for the 2009 calendar ' - year and to $0.2612 per $100 of assessed %1 , - valuation for the 2010 calendar year for the - - purpose of paying operating costs of the ./.1 - District, including expanded allied health ,IIII ' programs, technical programs and workforce - development initiatives? - - If this question is approved, the operating levy - of the District will increase by $0.04 per one ' Ill/, . hundred dollars of assessed valuation in each ""III of the three calendar years 2008 through 2010 - - resulting in a total increase of $0.12 per one - hundred dollars of assessed valuation over th'e I .- current estimated operating tax levy of ./.I = $0.1412 perone hundred dollars of assessed - valuation. - O YES , -1 0 NO 9 1 ./.1 e : ./.I - IIII, . - FRONT Card 1 SEQ# 1