007 CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS BY COUNTY CLERK To: Joan Reynolds, City Clerk ofHighlandville Christian County, Missouri. The following is an Official Certificate of Election Results ofthe Special Election held at Christian County, Missouri, on June 6,2006. I hereby certify the following: Shall the City of Highlandville, Missouri, issue and sell negotiable combined waterworks and sewerage system revenue bonds of the City ofHighlandville, Missouri, in an amount not to exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($ 500,000.00), for the purpose of paying ali or a part ofthe costs of acquiring, constructing, extending, equipping and improving sanitary sewer collection and treatment facilities for the combined waterworks and sewerage system of said City, including the acquisition of any necessary rights-of-way, with the cost of operation and maintenance of the combined waterworks and sewerage system and repayment ofthe principal of and the interest on the combined waterworks and sewerage system revenue bonds to be payable solely from the revenue and receipts derived and to be derived from the operation of the combined waterworks and sewerage system, and all future expansions and extension thereof? The authorization of such revenue bonds will authorize the collection of rates, fees and charges for the use of and services provided by the acquisition, construction, extension, equipping and improvement ofthe City's existing combined waterworks and sewerage system sufficient to pay the cost of operating and maintaining the combined waterworks and sewerage system, to pay the principal of and interest on said revenue bonds as they fail due, and to provide for and maintain all contractual obligation incurred during the issuance of said revenue bonds. YES 190 Votes Received NO 35 Votes Received This issue required a simple majority to pass. CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS .....Ii ·Kay .Brown, County Clerk/Election Authority of Christian County, Missouri, do heYeby certify that the foregoing is a full and accurate return of all votes cast at the above named polling plade for all CANDIDATES and FOR and AGAINST all propositions at said election as certified 0 me by the duly qualified and acting judges of said election. - - : 40- 2 z,-k Coun€Clerk/Election Authority - Christian County Missouri Date:06/06/06 Election Summary Report Time:18:14:32 Christian County Page:1 of 1 Special Bond Election Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races Zero Report June 6th, 2006 Special Election Highlandville Water Works and Sewerage Revenue Bonds. Registered Voters 603 - Cards Cast 0 0.00% Num. Report Precinct 2 - Num. Reporting 0 0.00% HIGHLANDVILLE BOND ;f,47. Total Number of Precincts 2 Precincts Reporting 0 0.0 % t Times Counted 0/603 0.0 % t Total Votes 0 0 N/A I YES NO - 0 3/AN P'k[K. AU,0,0 3/722? d- *64- aa Election Summary Report Date:06/06/06 Time:20:42:51 Christian County Page:1 of 1 Special Bond Election Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races Offical Results Special Election June 6,2006 Highlandville Water Works and Sewer Revenue Bond Registered Voters 603 - Cards Cast 225 37.31% Num. Report Precinct 2 - Num. Reporting 2 I 00.00% HIGHLANDVILLE BOND 7 6 Number of Precincts - Precincts Reporting 2 100.0 % ' Times Counted 225/603 37.3 % 1 Total Votes 225 6 YES 190 84.44% NO 35 15.56% . YA-tak- rwxpu£oo -1 Election Summary Report Date:06/06/06 Time:20:48:43 Christian County Page: 1 of 1 Special Bond Election Summary For Absentee, All Counters, All Races Offical Results * Special Election June 6,2006 Highlandville Water Works and Sewer Revenue Bond Registered Voters 603 - Cards Cast 6 1.00% Num. Report Precinct I - Num. Reporting 1 100.00% HIGHLANDVILLE BOND Total Number of Precincts 1 Precincts Reporting 1 100.0 % Times Counted 6/603 1.0 % Total Votes 6 YES . 4 66.67% NO 2 33.33% Statement ofVotes Cast Date:06/29/06 Time:14:27:35 Christian County Page: 1 of 1 Special Bond Election SOVC For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races TURN OUT HIGHLANDVILLE BOND Reg. Cards % Reg. Times Total YES NO Voters Cast Turnout Voters Counted Votes Jurisdiction Wide NORTH GALLOWAY 603 219 36.32% 603 219 219 186 84.93% 33 15.07% Absentee 0 6 - 0 6 6 4 66.67% 2 33.33% Total Polling 603 219 36.32% 603 219 219 186 84.93% 33 15.07% Absentee 603 6 1.00% 603 6 6 4 66.67% 2 33.33% Total 1 603 225 37.3154 603 225 225 190 84.44% 35 15.56% NOnCE OF BOND ELECTION CITY OF HIGHLANDVILLE, MISSOURI Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters ofthe City of Highlandville, Missouri, that the Board of Aldermen of said City has called a special bond election to be held in said City on Tuesday, June 6,2006, commencing at 6:00 a.m. and closing at 7:00 p.m. on the question contained in the following sample ballot. OEFICIAL BALLOT BOND ELECTION CrrY OF HIGHLANDWLLE, MISSOURI JUNE 6,2006 Shall the City of Highlandville, Missouri, issue and sell negotiable combined waterworks and sewerage system revenue bonds of the City of Highlandville, Missouri, in an amount not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars($500.060.00 1 for the purpose ofpaying all or a part ofthe costs of acquiring, constructing, extending, equipping and improving sanitary sewer collection and treatment facilities for the combined waterworks and sewerage system of said City, including the acquisition ofany necessan, rights-of-way, with the cost of operation and maintenance ofthe combined waterworks and sewerage system and repayment ofthe principal of and theinterest on the combined waterworks and sewerage system revenue bonds to be payable solely from the revenue and receipts derived and to be derived from the operation ofthe combined waterworks and sewerage system, and all future expansions and extensions thereof? Yes [ ] No[ ] The authorization of such revenue bonds wilI authorize the collection ofrates, fees and charges for the use of and services provided by tile acquisition, construction, extension, equipping and improvement ofthe City's existing combined waterworks and sewerage system sufficient to pay the costs of operating and maintaining the combined waterworks and sewerage system, to pay the principal of and interest on said revenue bonds as they fall due, and to provide for and maintain all contractual obligations incurred during the issuance of said revenue bonds. INSTRUCnONS TO VOTERS To vote FORthe Question, punch a hole opposite "YES" To vote AGAINST the Question, punch a hole opposite 'NO" Polling Places: RECEIVED MAR 23 2006 3 COMN-n782'N ERR k BILL NO 161 ORDINANCE NO: 135 AN ORD]NANCE CALLING A SPECIAL BOND ELECTION IN TE[E CITY OF HIGHLANDV[LIN, MISSOURI CE[IE"CITY") TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 6,2006, IN SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING THE SENSE OF THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY ON A PROPOSITION TO ISSUE AND SELL NEGOTIABLE COMBINED WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY IN AN AMOUNT MOTTO EXCEED five hundred thousand DOLLARS (S 500,000.00 ) FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING ALL OR A PART OF THE COSTS OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, EXPENDING, EQUIPPING AND IMPROVING SANrTARY SEWER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT FACIL]11ES FOR THE COMBINED WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CrrY, INCLUDING THE ACQUISITION OF ANY NECESSARY RIGHTS-OF-WAY; DESIGNATING THE TIME FOR HOLDING SUCH ELECTION; AUTHORIZING THE CrrY CLERK TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION AND AUTHORIZING ELECTION OFEICIALS TO DO ALL THINGS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE ELECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CrrY OF HIGHLANDVILLE, M[SSOURI as follows: Section 1. A special election be and the same is hereby called and ordered to be held in the City of Highlandville, Missouri (the "City") on Tuesday, June 6,2006, for the purpose oftesting the sense of the qualified voters of said City upon the following proposition: Shall the City of Highlandville, Missouri, issue and sell negotiable combined waterworks and sewerage svstem revenue bonds of the Citv of Highlandville. Missouri. in an amount not to exceed _five hundred thousand dollars ($_ 500.000.00 ), forthe purpose of paying all or a part ofthe costs of acquiring, constructing, extending, equipping and improving sanitary sewer collection and 1reatment facilities forthe combined waterworks and sewerage system of said City, including the acquisition of any necessary rights-of-way, with the cost of operation and maintenance ofthe combined waterworks and sewerage system and repayment ofthe principal of and the interest on the combined waterworks and sewerage system revenue bonds to be payable solely from the revenue and receipts derived and to be derived from the operation ofthe combined waterworks and sewerage system, and all future expansions and extensions thereof? Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to notify the County Clerk of Christian County, Missouri, of the adoption ofthis Ordinance no later than 5:00 p.m. on the tenth Tuesday prior to the date of the election, and to include in said notification all of the terms and provisions required by Chapter 115 RSMo. Section 3. Said election shall be held in the several wards and precincts of said City, as the same are now defined by the ordinances ofthe City, in voting places as shall be established therein by the City Clerk orthe County Clerk as required by Chapter 115 RSMo. and the polls shED 1362 19#ftlection day during the hours provided by law. .MAR 232006 . KAY tikuvvi COUNTY CLERK L Section 4. The County Clerk of Christian County, Missouri, shalI appoint the judges and clerks of said election and shall conduct the election and make returns to the Board ofAldermen as provided by the laws ofthe State ofMissouri and the ordinances ofthe City applicable to other municipal elections. The City CIerk orthe County Clerk is hereby authorized to do all things necessary to comply with the provisions of State law and City ordinances pertaining to conduct of elections. Section 5. The County CIerk of Christian County, Missouri, is hereby authorized and directed to conduct such election in a manner consistent with the provisions of Chapter 115 RSMo. Section 6. The form ofthe notice of special election for said special election, a copy ofwhich is. attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved. Section 7. The City expects to make expenditures on and after the date of passage ofthis Ordinance in connection with the improvements to the City's combined waterworks and sewerage system and the City intends to reimburse itselffor such expenditures with the proceeds ofthe combined waterworks and sewerage system revenue bonds (the "Bonds"). The maximum principal amount of Bonds expected to be issued for the improvements is $ 500.000.OQ Section 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed insofar as they are in conflict. Any provision of this Ordinance in conflict with Chapter 115 RSMo. shall be null and void and shall be superseded. Appropriate public officials are hereby authorized to take any and ali actions to comply with Chapter 115 RSMo. Section 9. The City hereby engages the firm ofYates, Mauck, Bohrer, EIliff & Croessmann, P.C., Springfield, Missouri, as bond counsel with respect to the Bonds. Section 10. This Ordinance shall be in fulI force and effect from and after passage and approval. Read, agreed to and passed this the 21st day of -March .2006 - Paul Weeks/ Mayor [SEAb]3 . L ."11,1, V Attest: V' i \ t =* N Um,710 gmneJU4/ Jg#n Reynoldsf City Clerk 2 + CITY OF HIGHLANDVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 2006, 7:00 P.M. Mayor Weeks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A Quorum was established with the following present. Roger Melton, Jim Wade, Ray Slentz, and Stuart Baker, Doug Glossip Chief of the Highlandville Fire Dept. was present to ask for the support of the City Council and guests, when the Department goes on the April 2006 ballot asking for a S.15 tax increase. With the cost of gas going up, cost of clothing for each fireman increasing, and trying to open another station in Spokane, the department needs to have this increase passed. Mayor Weeks called for an open forum. Steve Varney asked the council if the city - could sell sewer capacity in orderto bring in more income to the city. Mayor Weeks explained that until Phase II of the sewerproject was complete this would not be an option, as DNR would not allow this until sewer is completed. Mayor Weeks informed the council that DNR & CDBG would have to approve of the bids opened before the contract could be awarded. Mayor Weeks wanted to recognize two employees forgoing the extra mile in public relations. Officer David Howell for going out of his way to heIp others the night of the tornadoes and Cindy Hogshooter for helping to calm a stranded female motorist on Highway 65 and get help to her when she ran out of gas. This lady wrote a nice letter of thanks to Cindy. Mayor Weeks brought forth information from Experience Works, a company that places men and women age 55 to 65 for employment experience. This company pays for 20 hours per week, for training, and provide workers compensation for the person hired. MOTION was made by Roger Melton to hire someone under this program to assist the office in filing and typing. MOTION SECONDED by Jim Wade. MOTION CARRIED with the following votes. Roger Melton yea, Jim Wade yea, Ray Slentz yea, and Stuart Bakeryea. MOTION was made by Roger Melton to require officers of the police department to wear ties at all times. MOTION SECONDED by Ray Slentz. ·MOTION CARRIED with the following votes, Roger Melton yea, Jim Wade yea, Ray Slentz yea, and Stuart Bakeryea. MOTION was made by Roger Melton to read BilI # 161 by title only for the first time, to become Ordinance # 135. MOTION SECONDED by Stuart Baker. MOTION CARRIED. t t MOTION was made by Roger Melton to read Bill # 161 by title only for the second and final time and become Ordinance # 135. This ordinance will place a bond issue on the ballot on June 6,2006 for the vote of the people to provide the money to complete Phase II of the sewerproject. MOTION SECONDED by Stuart Baker. MOTION CARRIED. MOnON was made by Roger Melton to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION SECONDED by Ray Slentz. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION was made by Ray Slentz to pay the bills and approve the financial reports as presented. MOTION SECONDED by Stuart Baker. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Weeks asked Mayor Protem Jim Wade to take over the meeting for the next issue on the agenda, and recluses himself. MOTION was made by Stuart Baker to issue Paul & Becky Weeks a building permit to build a barn. MOTION SECONDED by Roger Melton. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Protem Jim Wade returns the meeting to Mayor Weeks. MOTION was made by Roger Melton to sell the Police Department Jeep, and look for a better patrol car. MOTION SECONDED by Ray Slentz. MOTION CARRIED with the following votes Roger Melton yea, Jim Wade yea, Ray Slentz yea, and Stuart Bakeryea. MOTION was made by RogerMelton to appoint Larry Jackson to fill a vacancy on theplanning & zoning board. MOTION SECONDED by Jim Wade. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION was made by Jim Wade to adjourn the meeting. MOTION SECONDED by Ray Slentz. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. e