m . OFFICIAL BALLOT CONSTITUTION PARTY JUDGES'INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CARISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT i , CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ' FOR STATE AUDITOR p .. : ...NO, 7 .. NO. 9 . . * 2 . Vote for ONE , I. r-J RODNEY FARTHING Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly : (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) e. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 I O, No: 1 ' 3 Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) quarters of one percent to be used sotely 5/ / electronic communications and data from I CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos.11 & 7 fund state and local highways, roads, < 1 -1 YES li engage in agricultural production and ranching practices shall not be infringed? 6340 \\ N j 0 NO m 1 The potential costs or savings to \ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT .governmental entities are unknown, but,5) NO. 9 I 1 likely limited unless the resolution leads to / \2 NO. 7 , Increased litigation costs and/or the I69*f- - Prppopd by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly I federatfunding. YSecond Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I f YES , S& HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 m NO Shoutd the Missouri Constitution be changed Statl the Missouri Constitution be amended to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shatl be secure in their , quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they . bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, .. years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? m roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect Il This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 CI YES m million for local governments. Increases in 2 No the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue shall only be used for transportation ' VOTE BOTH SIDES purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. '. OF THE BALLOT O YES C.3 No ..... .. 111'11111111111111111111111111111111'1111 lilli . SPARTA FIRE PROTECTION .................... DISTRICT I "Shall the board of directors of the Sparta Fire Protection District be authorized to levy I an additional tax of not more than thirty , cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation to provide funds for the support of m the district?" . L YES NO 0 1 /1 .1 \\ 77 \09'/ VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT ... OFFICIAL BALLOT ........................................ REPUBLICAN PARTY JUDGES'INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". - If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR STATE AUDITOR , FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER NO. 1 Vote for ONE Vote for ONE •C TOM SCHWEICH O CHRIS SNYDER Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) DEREK WATKINS CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJRNos. 11 &7 . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE O RAY WETER Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended DISTRICT 7 to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to .. Vote for ONE CD TOM CHUDOMELKA , engage in agricultural production and I 2 MARSHALL WORKS O ROBERT PALMER ranching practices shall not be infringed? -1 BILLY LONG 'c d=he pentiat costs or savings to , FOR COUNTY CLERK , goverrpnental entities are unknown, but , Vote for ONE--. \ 7 lk*limited unless the resolution leads to » indreased litigation costs and/or the loss of FOR STATE SENATOR , KAY BROWN (-- ) 1 « federal funding. DISTRICT 20 n. Vote for ONE **/ U' U YES 7: JAY WASSON FOR CLERKOFTHE CIRCUIT 03 NO /\ COURT \* :. \\ Note for ONE> CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE /\ BARBIE. p -:\ NO. 5 DISTRICT 140 * >OBARNETT-STILLINGS Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Vote for ONE : (Second Regular Session) M * LYNN MORRIS SCS SJR No. 36 OR RECORDER OF DEEDS Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Vote for ONE , « to include a declaration that the right to keep - FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE /23 KELLY BLUNT HALL and bear arms is a unalienable right and that DIVISION 1 . Y /. - ' the state government is obligated to uphold I :I Vote for ONE f FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY that right? - LARRY LUNA Vote for ONE State and local governmental entities should [-3 AMY J. FITE have no direct costs or savings from this FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE proposal. However, the proposal's passage will likely lead to increased litigation and DIVISION It FORCOUNTY AUDITOR criminal justice related costs. The total i Vote for ONE Vote for ONE potential costs are unknown, but could be 2 - PATTY SHILLING [D NORMA RYAN significant. I O RON CLEEK CJ LACEY HART O YES I - DOUG BACON 02 No FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . . . . . 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . - CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ........................................ NO. 7 „ . , L NO. 9 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SS HJR No. 68 SCS S.IR No. 27 I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shatl be secure in their quarters of one percent to be used sotely to electronic communications and data from .- fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, I years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect „ This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation I Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 C) YES million for local governments. Increases in I the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue (3 No shall only be used for transportation purposes and cannot be diverted for other SPARTA FIRE PROTECTION uses. DISTRICT / 7 I . J YES "Shatl the board of directors of the Sparta < . Fire Protection District be authorized to levy\ 4 4/ I C NO an additional tax of not more thaNhirty \ <' cents on the one hundred dollar'sjassessed \ v 15> CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT valuation to provide fundsforthe subPort of \. / I NO. 8 the district?" 4<3 j \,1 /2 -0 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly C) YES 91 9/3 11* . (Second Regular Session) I HJR No. 48 D NO- 91 \X I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended \26\»v to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to use the revenue from the sate of these . tickets for projects and services related to veterans? The annual cost or savings to state a» al -- j QC i governmental entities is unknown, bu¢likely- 7 k . minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket ) / game decrease existing lottery ticket sales,.*-j, the profits of which fund education, there - could be a small annual shift in funding from M education to veterans' programs. YES EkNO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT OFFICIAL BALLOT DEMOCRATIC PARTY 4 JUDGES· IN[nALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election Judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE NO. 5 NO. 8 DISTRICT 7 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Vote for ONE (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) m - - GENEVIEVE WILLIAMS SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 • 23 JIM EVANS Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Il to inctude a declaration that the right to keep to create a"Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to , and bear arms is a unatienable right and that 3· use the revenue from the sale of these the state government is obligated to upholf: tickets for projects and services related to , . FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE \4 .v¢erans? DISTRICT 140 that right? : 2 . \1 .Vote for ONE State and loca! governmental enfities should i hean®ual cost or savings to state and local I JIM BILLEDO have no direct costs or saying#00*lis 1 gopmmental entities is unknown, but likely I proposal. However, thepppospls pissage » hinimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket , CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT willlikely lead to increased litigatipn AK / / game decrease existing lottery ticket sates, NO. 1 criminal justice related bostg;he total L / the profits of which fund education, there ¤ potential costs a?e *knon, b(ft could be could be a small annual shift in funding from significant. \ \06. 1:\I education to veterans' programs. I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) C.1 YES i I. CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 L]YES&3# \ f \,4. » i Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended 0410 \ 0.. N j CP No I to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT engage in agricultural production and ,<3 GpNSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT . NO. 9 , ranching practices shall not be Infringdd? \ < ;/ NO. 7 I The potential costs or savings to < - frppq,ed bythe 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly ;Secona Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) governmental entities are unknown, but SCS SJR No. 27 I I likely limited unless the resolution leads to - / SS HJR No. 68 increased litigation costs and/or the loss of I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended federal funding. to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their I YES quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they , m NO bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? 1 roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 O YES m million for local governments. Increases in .. the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue CJNO shall only be used for transportation " VOTE BOTH SIDES purposes and cannot be diverled for other uses. OF THE BALLOT CJ YES = C. NO , ..... =. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill . . ........................................ SPARTA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT I "Shall the board of directors of the Sparta Fire Protection District be authorized to levy i an additional tax of not more than thirty cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation to provide funds for the support of I the district?" £ _ i YES A NO 0 9 6 \«/ U V t bu <3 VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT OFFICIAL BALLOT Non-Partisan JUDGES'INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS · Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfuIly mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT - NO. 1 NO. 7 NO. 9 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by tile 97th General Assembly · (First Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) CCS No. 2 SSHCSHJRNes. 11 &7 SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their engage in agricultural production and quarters of one percent to be used solely to '3 electronic communications and data from . ranching practices shall not be infringed? fund state and local highways, roads, << unreasonable searches and seizures as they . bridges and transportation projects for ten . a€j·now likewise secure in their persons, I The potential costs or savings to years, with priority given to repaig unsafe homes, papers and effects? I governmental entities are unknown, but roads and bridges? \\. A I likely limited unless the resolution leads to fitafe·Snd local governmental entities expect I . increased litigation costs and/or the loss of This change is expected46@6ce480 v nc(significant costs or savings. federalfunding. million annually to the 4,tdie's Tapspbl@tioIr' / 6 7 YES Safety and Job Creatiom¢t,Q*grid $54\<5/ O YES million for local gl#@lments.tincreases in I .NO the gas twill be*ptilbtehiThs revenue 1 3 NO . < shall on» baused tor transpor*on T , .. 1 4 1 \\ . CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT purposes\ana.cannot be di@rted for other SPARTA FIRE PROTECTION uses. \ \ \\\ \ 1: NO. 5 1 1 0 .\ \\\ \3 DISTRICT I I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly "Shall the board of directors of the Sparta (Second Regular Session) Fire Protection District be authorized to levy SCS SJR No. 36 R._-- - an additional tax of not morethan thirty I Shatl the Missouri Constitution be ambnded- - 11& cents on the one hundred dollars assessed to include a declaration that the right to keep CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT valuation to provide funds for the support of and bear arms is a unalienable right and that / NO. 8 the district?" . the state government is obligated to uphold L - Proposed by the 97th General Assembly C] YES that right? (Second Regular Session) HJR No. 48 03 NO State and local governmental entities should I have no direct costs or savings from this Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended , proposal. However, the proposal's passage to create a Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to will likely lead to Increased litigation and use the revenue from the sale of these I· criminal justice related costs. The total tickets for projects and services related to potential costs are unknown, but could be veterans? I significant. The annual cost or savings to state and local m . YES governmental entities is unknown, but likely I 7 = NO minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, the profits of which fund education, there could be a small annual shift in funding from education to veterans' programs. .. O YES CD NO .= .... Ill 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . . OFFICIAL BALLOT CONSTITUTION PARTY JUDGES·INmALS PRIMARY ELECTION -AUGUST 5,2014 < CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill In the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR STATE AUDITOR i m NO. 7 · NO. 9 m Vote for ONE - I RODNEY FARTHING Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97{h General Assembly ./ '. (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session} SS HJR No. 58 SCS SJR No. 27 I CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT m NO. 1 Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their , I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly quarters of one percent to be used solely 5/ electronic communications and data from (First Regular Session) eli CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 fund state and local highways, rels, C / unreasonable searches and seizures as they , bridges and transportation projects for ten,f a,9 now likewise secure in their persons, I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended years, with priority given to repal¢g unsafeVt tfomes, papers and effects? to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to roads and bridges? x , engage in agricultural production and 11 ' mate·and local governmental entities expect i . ranching practices shall not be infringed? This change is expected·16*7uce4480 9 nolignificant costs or savings. million annually.to theitaie's Tkifisporthtign · ./ ' YES m. The potential costs or savings to Safety and Job Creatio?And,and $54\ , '' governmental entities are unknown, but million for local gbv¢nmeht©ncreases i? I likely limited unless the resolution leads to the gas tax will b0}Iibitehqhis revenue .2 NO A increased litigation costs and/or the loss of shall ont¢»2ed foOahsportation ' federal funding. purposes\andzannot be li@rted for other uses. \\\24\ I . 1- 1 YES C h>- \\ j, I -3 NO /1 - W*kx> m I CONSTITUTIONALAMENDME- - ll.146 . I NO. 5 CC)NSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Proposed by the 97th General Assembly No.e - (Second Regular Session) 9/ . I SCS SJR No. 36 Proposed bythe 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended HJR No. 48 to include a declaration that the right to keep and bear arms is a unalienable right and that Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended the state government is obligated to uphold to create a'Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to that right? use the revenue from the sale of these tickets for projects and services related to , State and locat governmental entities should veterans? I have no direct costs or savings from this The annual cost or savings to state and local proposal. However, the proposal's passage governmental entities is unknown, but likely will likely lead to increased litigation and minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket , criminal justice related costs. The total game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, potential costs are unknown, but coutd be the profits of which fund education. there I significant. could be a small annual shift in funding from . toi YES education to veterans' programs. m 0-1 No O YES .. CD NO .. ..... ill lilli mi 111111 Ill Ill lili ll li li Illilli li lli I OFFICIAL BALLOT LIBERTARIAN PARTY INTRASTATE JUDGESWInALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 NEW RESIDENT CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR STATE AUDITOR NO. 5 NO. 8 1 Vote for ONE . m SEAN O'TOOLE Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly \ (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 3 . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended | DISTRICT 7 to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to Vote for ONE and bear arms is a unalienable right and that 3 use the revenue from the sale of these the state government is obligated to uphpic{/ tickets for projects and services related to 1 m. 23 KEVIN CRAIG that right? :\ vdlerans? CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT State and local governmental enfities should Theal#lual cost or savings to state and local I Il NO. 1 have no direct costs or savjngsjo@®is dovemmental entities is unknown, but likely 1 proposal. However, thp#*psal!, pa,ssage » Minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket j Proposed by the 97th General Assembly will likely lead to increaed Ittlghtion andt/ / game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, (First Regular Session) criminal justice related cfs.366 totaIL; the profits of which fund education, there 1 I CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 potential costs are uhknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from i Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended O YES education to veterans' programs. 1 significant. to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to EYES I ' engage in agricultural production and , ranching practices shall not be infringed? 4340 \\N \ . 0 NO I The potential costs or savings to \ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT governmental entities are unknown, but,33 NO. 9 1 I likely limited unless the resolution leails to *' / NO. 7 , increased litigation costs and/or the Id€322 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly \ federal funding. -- P'?P°3ed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) NS,cold Regular Session) . f- YES 0 , SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 1 1 £ NO Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they ¤ bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? I roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect i This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 l _i YES million for local governments. Increases in I. the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue 1 NO shall only be used for transportation purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. O YES 1 .CJ NO ..... 1. 111 lilli 1111111111111111111111111111111111 lili . REPUBLICAN PARTY ........................................ ........................................ JUDGES' WITI,US . .4 OFFICIAL BALLOT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT . PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. ,. FOR STATE AUDITOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER NO. 1 Vote for ONE Vote for ONE ' TOM SCHWEICH Q CHRIS SNYDER Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) DEREK WATKINS CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE . Q RAYWETER Shatl the Missouri Constitution be amended DISTRICT 7 0 TOM CHUDOMELKA to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to Voto for ONE . .3 engage in agricultural production and - - MARSHALL WORKS CJ ROBERT PALMER ',: ranching practices shall not be infringed? BILLY LONG t \ 1-he potential costs or savings to r . FOR COUNTY CLERK -ovemmental entities are unknown, but 'Vote for ONE- 5 . kekilmited unless the resolution leads to FOR STATE SENATOR .. ihcfeased litigation costs and/or the loss of DISTRICT 20 l. J KAY BROWN <9 - 1 "# ' federal funding, Vote for ONE. ' ·· N>K>' \ O YES FOR CLEF FAE CIRCUIT NO :- I JAY WASSON . €0 10 h I. f Vote for ONE>. r CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE BARBIE \4 1 NO. 5 DISTRICT 140 f A BARNE]F-STILLINGS Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Vote for.ONE /1. ..\\ 2- \ U (Second Regular Session) [- LYNN MORRIS : SCS SJR No. 36 '' - --4 '\FoR RECORDER OF DEEDS Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Vote for.ONE to include a declaration that the right to keep FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUITUUDGE 22) KELLY BLUNT HALL and bear arms is a unalienable right and that i DIVISION 1 Ex ' the state government is obligated to uphotd 9ote for ONE that right? FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY LARRY LUNA Vote for.ONE State and local governmental entities should 03 AMY J. FITE have no direct costs or savings from this FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE proposal. However, the proposal's passage DIVISION Il will likely lead to increased litigation and FOR COUNTY AUDITOR criminal justice related costs. The total 'Vote for ONE Vote.for ONE potential costs are unknown, but could be "1 PATTY SHILUNG O NORMA RYAN significant. r -1 RON CLEEK O LACEY HART O YES - DOUG BACON , NO FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE CD TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m . m . . . Ill lilli lili 111111111111111111111111111'll'Ill . 1 I . . . ......................................... CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT f.. p, C6NSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT - e NO. 7 1, , " Pl . NO. 9 . 1 1 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) i SS HJRNo. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 I' Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended , to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure ln their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from . fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, I years,with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect This change ts expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation , Safely and Job Creation Fund and $54 O YES million for local governments. Increases in I the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue O NO shall only be used for transportation I purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. il ,_, YES I C.J NO . CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 8 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly {Second Regular Session) i HJRNo. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to use the revenue from the sale of these . tickets for projects and services related to veterans? , .. The annual cost or savings to state a#*loca# _ 1 I governmental entities is unknown, butlikely- 71 minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket jj game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, g 2 ¤ the profits of which fund education, there could be a small annual shift in funding from I education to veterans' programs. m - YES I NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT .. . OFFICIAL BALLOT DEMOCRATIC PARTY JUDGES'INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 9 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTiTUTIONAL AMENDMENT . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE NO. 5 NO. 8 1 DISTRICT 7 m. Proposed by the 97th Genefal Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly \ Vote for ONE (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) m 3 GENEVIEVE WILLIAMS SCS SJR No. 36 HJRNo. 48 \ m O JIM EVANS Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Statl the Missouri Constitution be amended | to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to 4 and bear arms is a unalienable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these . FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE the state government Is obligated to uphold> Uckets for projects and services related to 1 DISTRICT 140 that right? \ \ virans? I Vote for ONE State and local governmental en{ities should gheagilual cost or savings to state and local m. i- JIM BILLEDO have no direct costs or sayings fr'00®is gofemmental entities is unknown, but likely I proposal. However, the,propos@ pqssage » 1>ninimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket 1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT will likely lead to increasdd litigation and,#· / game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, I NO. 1 criminal justice related 80#t€I:#d total 4-* the profits of which fund education, there 1 potential costs alethknowB but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly signmcal \t\>i 21 education to veterans' programs. I I CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 C. 1 YES (First Regular Session) O YEER-11 1 V I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended 43*0 \\N J CD NO , to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to 7, . £ 4 f CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT1.= engage in agricultural production and ,-3 \ GOASI!:1:UPONAL AMENDMENT , ranching practices shall not be infringdd?- 4 K.·/ \2 0 NO, 7 NO. 9 . \t I The potential costs or savings to + Ul-· Pro;oedby the 97#i Genera/Assemb/y Proposed by the 97th General Assembly governmental entities are unknown, but Mt,(860 Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I likely limited unless the resolution leads to / ISS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 I , increased litigation costs and/or the loss of 0/ Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I federal funding. to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their , • C. YES quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they I El No are now likewise secure in their persons, bridges and transportation projects for ten I. years,with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? I roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect li . This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 YES I million for locat governments. Increases in I the gas tax willbe prohibited. This revenue ,- NO I shall only be used for transportation purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. O YES O NO ... ..... 1111111111111111111111111'11111111111111111'11 . . OFFICIAL BALLOT Non-Partisan INTRASTATE , JUDGES'INmALS PRIMARY ELECTION -AUGUST 5, 2014 NEW RESIDENT10 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS · Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT . CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT . NO. 1 : NO. 7 NO. 9 'll I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (First Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I CCS No. 2 SS HCS HUR Nos. 11 & 7 SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their I engage in agricultural production and quarters of one percent to be used solely tq/7 electronic communications and data from ¤ ranching practices shall not be infringed? fund state and local highways, roads, >••36 The potential costs or savings to i governmental entities are unknown, but I -_. LYNN MORRIS (r r 17 - likely limited unless the resolution leads to - , - h 1 FOR RECORDER OFJDEEDS increased litigation costs and/or the loss of Vote for ONE federal funding. FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE a (r: KELLY BLUNT HALL c YES DIVISION 1 t...: . · NO Vote for ONE 0- LARRY LUNA FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - . . Vote for ONE AMY J. FITE FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE ' DIVISION Il FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for ONE Vote for ONE PATTY SHILLING NORMA RYAN C RON CLEEK 0 1 LACEY HART - DOUG BACON FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE O TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT ...... Ill 111111111111111111111111111'11 . .. ........m.................................... , CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT . CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 5 , NO. 8 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended . to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms is a unalienable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these I the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to that right? veterans? . State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local I have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, , criminal justice related costs. The total the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from ll. significant. education to veterans' programs. I - YES C) YES 1 -) NO l.3 NO . 11 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT j n 1 NO. 7 NO. 9 \« I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by fhe 97(h Genera/AssembK (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) - \ V I SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 403 1 «..9 I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missou¢toinAGion be amended' \ to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the peoples{@ FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE rr\\-/,2,4 B SS HUR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 B Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missou¢'Const,lution be amende40 to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the peopleAQI.1*40ure in their ' quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronjecommunications anddata from . fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonatiesearhliesaRctres as they bridges and transportation projects for ten are now lik¢si>e} e irilheir persons, I years,with priority given to repairing unsafe HEtnes, paperd efects? \\\\ roads and bridges? ,\ \ I .-i State and 109'governmental entities expect This change is expected to produce §40 ndiignificAnt.costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transpgrlation i \ , Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54.-25 -.='1 - \*ES million for local governments. Increases in /, , I the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue 1 9' , NO shatl only be used for transportation (/. I purposes and cannot be diverted for other I uses. 1 ED YES 1 ED NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT OFFICIAL BALLOT ........................................ REPUBLICAN PARTY JUDGES'INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. . If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. FOR STATE AUDITOR ,· FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER FOR RIVERSIDE PRECINCT Vote for ONE y Vote for ONE COMMITTEEWOMAN I r TOM SCHWEICH O CHRIS SNYDER ·' Vote for ONE DEREK WATKINS GLENDA NICHOLS . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE RAY WETER O MELISSA WAGNER DISTRICT 7 Vote for ONE TOM CHUDOMELKA .50 1 MARSHALL WORKS CJ ROBERT PALMER /,/ \ 4 -« WRITE IN 1 BILLY LONG 60NSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR COUNTY CLERK , NO. 1 Vote for,ONE- \ tylit . FOR STATE SENATOR (- 1 KAY BROWN (,9 -.j 1 '; Proposedbythe 97#h Genera/Assembly DISTRICT 20 -: (First Regular Session) Vote for ONE r (X \Ut/ V' CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 JAY WASSON . FOR GLERIg.F.THEL Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to e for.ONE > engage in agricultural production and FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE el.BARBIEK \v \ ranching practices shall not be infringed? DISTRICT 140 \%434RNET©STILLINGS The potential costs or savings to Vote for ONE governmental entities are unknown, but LYNN MORRIS likely limited unless the resotution leads to * -- c- ·)PeR RECORDER OF DEEDS increased litigation costs and/or the loss of Vate for.ONE federalfunding. FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE , 73 KELLY BLUNT HALL f F YES DIVISION 1 175: JNO - Vote for ONE - FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY g LARRY LUNA Vote for.ONE C-) AMY J. FITE FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE · DIVISION 11 Sl FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for ONE Vote for.ONE f-3 PATTY SHILLING NORMA RYAN r RON CLEEK i , LACEY HART DOUG BACON FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE (_) TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m . . . . . 11'Ill'111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . ......................................... CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTiTUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 5 NO. 8 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms is a unalienable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these . the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to that right? veterans? State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local I have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely proppsal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, I criminal Justice related costs. The total the proms of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from 1 significant. education to veterans' programs. 1 ' YES 1 _7 YES I ..INO C NO I /7 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT \ , I t. NO. 7 NO. 9 A \ \\ I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly 2:WN:tr,% Sessiot",3.I>\ \\ \, Proposed by the 97th General Assemblyl (Second Regular Session) SS HIR No. 68 Xi ) 7 »/ I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missou¢ Cqnstitutio!j·b'e amended to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the peopleApal . FOR STATE REPRESENTATiVE .rxkBARBIE \V \ Proposed by the 97th General Assembly DISTRICT 140 BARNEIT-STILLINGS (First Regular Session) Vote for ONE JIN\\5 , CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 LYNN MORRIS J V Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended OR RECORDER OF DEEDS to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to t Vote for ONE engage in agricultural production and . FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE j /,4 KELLY BLUNT HALL ranching practices shall not be infringed? DIVISION 1 i./ , i . The potential costs or Savings to Voto for ONE , 1- FOR PROSECUTING.ATTORNEY governmental entities are unknown, but I -7 LARRY LUNA . likely limited unless the resolution leads to Vote for ONE increased litigation costs and/or the loss of ' [3 AMY J. FITE . federal funding. . FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE O YES DIVISION 11 - FOR COUNTY AUDITOR 1,t Vote for ONE O NO ' Vote for ONE • C.} PATTY SHILLING NORMA RYAN m RON CLEEK --} LACEY HART m - DOUG BACON FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE O TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m . m . . . Ill 1111'1111111111'111111111'111111'lilli lilli . - ---q=;7 . 4 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTIT.UTIONAL AMENDMENT . ........................................ I NO. 5 . ly 4 1 li i* NO. 8 " 6 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) i SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 i. Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended , to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms is a unallenable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these . the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to that right? veterans? State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local I have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, , criminal justice related costs. The total the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from I significant. education to veterans' programs. . 13 YES O YES I ONO O NO , 1 1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONALAMENDMENT \ NO. 7 2 NO. 9 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 971h General Assemb (Second Regutar Session) (Second Regu/ar Session) fi) Lp · SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 < I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missou'foonstituboB,be ame,ded to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the peoples@\ /.3AUdbyth•97#,Genera/Assemb, DISTRICT 20 (First Regu/ar Session) Vote for ONE ' A i< CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 '- JAY WASSON FOR CLERKRETHE CIRCUIT Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended - - 40\OTc\> to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to . i \¥Note for ONE> engage in agricultural production and FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE » L BARBIE \7 1 ranching practices shall not be infringed? DISTRICT 140 \ 4.-BARNETT-STILiINGS Vote for ONE .1 1/09\\1 The potential costs or savings to . governmental entities are unknown, but 7-LYNNMORRiS---77- Pr 4 f ' likely limited untess the resolution leads to 4 - - x '\ FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS increased litigation costs and/or the loss of . \-/ ™ V. 7 1 . '1 V Vote for ONE federal funding. FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE j 23 KELLY BLUNT HALL O YES DIVISION 1 Vote for ONE C] NO FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY LARRY LUNA Voto for ONE i--- i AMY J. FITE I FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE DIVISION 11 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for ONE Vote for ONE I PATTY SHILLING [3 NORMA RYAN • O RON CLEEK 12 LACEY HART I.'- DOUG BACON FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE g TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m . . . . . Ill lillill'1111111111111111111111111111111'Ill . . ........................................ /1 = CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT m NO. 5 NO. 8 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly · (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shatl the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a'Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms is a unalienable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these . the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to that right? veterans? State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local I have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, I criminal justice related costs. The total the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift In funding from 1 significant. education to veterans' programs. I YES C YES m NO .. NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT \ NO. 71 : NO. 9 A \ // I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General AssemWK (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) -\\ I SS HJR No. 68 <0) »p SCS SJR No. 27 I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missou¢Qnstituitoc,be amende to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the peoplesp@1*Aecure in their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic-communications anchpta from . fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonabih··searbtles*d@zures as they bridges and transportation projects for ten are now lik¢Rjs*q@re inthelr persons, FEmes, paperaand elfects? I years, with priority given to repairing unsafe \ \P \ \\>\ » roads and bridges? I , 1 S CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE ,-9 BARBIE \24 NO. 5 DISTRICT 139 \ bkBARNE*STILLINGS Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Vote for ONE (Second Regular Session) r CLAYTON JONES SCS SJR No. 36 DR RECORDER OF DEEDS - MICHAEL HOPE 4221_ Vote for ONE Shal! the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep . JERED TAYLOR -, 73 KELLY BLUNT HALL and bear arms is a unalienable right and that the state government is obligated to uphold FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY that right? FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE DIVISION 1 Vote for ONE State and local governmental entities should O AMY J. FITE have no direct costs or savings from this Vote for ONE proposal. However, the proposal's passage 52 LARRY LUNA will likely lead to increased litigation and FOR COUNTY AUDITOR criminal justice related costs. The total Vote for ONE potential costs are unknown, but could be FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE NORMA RYAN significant. DIVISION 11 123 LACEY HART 03 YES Vote for ONE [g PATTY SHILLING .NO FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE O RON CLEEK Vote for ONE / DOUG BACON TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT ...... 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . m ................m........................... CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT · CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT I NO. 7 NO. 9 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regutar Session) (Second Regular Session) I SS H.IR No. 68 SCS SIR No. 27 I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended , to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from . fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they , bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, I years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect , This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation ¤ Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 0 3 YES million for local governments. Increases in I the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue I O !N shall only be used for transportation I purposes and cannot be diverted for other . uses. I [3 YES I CJ NO fl CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT f r-- \/. I NO, 8 r P I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR No. 48 1 Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to create a "Veterans Lottery Tickef' and to use the revenue from the sale of these tickets for projects and services related to veterans? i f The annuat cost or savings to state al,dlocal -, I governmental entities is unknown, butlikely-- - ¤ minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, V O I. the profits of which fund education, there - could be a small annual shift in funding from I education to veterans' programs. IYES ,NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . OFFICIAL BALLOT DEMOCRATIC PARTY JUDGES'INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE NO. 5 NO. 8 DISTRICT 7 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Vote for ONE (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I GENEVIEVE WILLIAMS SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 rn JIM EVANS Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a 'Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT and bear arms is a unalienable right and that 3 use the revenue from the sale of these NO. 1 the state government is obligated to uphId< tickets for projects and services related to that right? v@erans? Proposed by the 97th General Assembly - (First Regular Session) State and local governmental enthies should Crhe annual cost or savings to state and local CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 have no direct costs or sayIngs frb®this go#nimental entities is unknown, but likely I proposal. However, the,propos@ts passage » minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended will likely lead to increas litightion drBI.< ./ game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to criminal justice related 62tg:fle total\,/ the profits of which fund education, there I engage in agricultural production and potential costs ate'uhknoWn, Et could be could be a small annual shift in funding from ranching practices shall not be infringed? significal] \t\X '0 education to veterans' programs. 1 m The potential costs or savings to (3 YE*Ax\\ U V O YES m governmental entities are unknown, but I tikely limited unless the resolution leads to 040 \12<8 0 NO ,. increased litigation costs and/or the loss of '% j *it 1 5 federal funding. \ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT YES IC '/ 3*/ NO. 7 NO. 9 I m ID NO - - Prppojed by the 9701 General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly YSecond Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) ) PS HUR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 I I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they ¤ bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, I years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? I roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect I This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 Cl YES million for local governments. Increases in l the gas tax wil! be prohibited. This revenue 0 NO shall only be used for transportation i purposes and cannot be diverted for other . uses. .. CD YES (.f No m. . ..... ill I'lli lill illillillililill li il li li illill i 'll . ......................................... OFFICIAL BALLOT REPUBLICAN PARTY JUDGES·INrr,At.S PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the ova!. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. FOR STATE AUDITOR ' FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER FOR OLDFIELD PRECINCT Vote for ONE Vote for ONE COMMITTEEMAN TOM SCHWEICH CHRIS SNYDER Vote for ONE DEREK WATKINS g DONNY E. GARDNER FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE RAYWETER [ DAVE MYERS 11 DISTRICT 7 O TOM CHUDOMELKA 0 Vote for ONE CE MARSHALL WORKS 1 - i ROBERT PALMER / -4 WRITE IN IL ·_f BILLY LONG - 1 4 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR COUNTY CLERK \340 NO. 1 Vote for ONE- \ . FOR STATE SENATOR CD KAYBROWN <<-w,j \< ·:., :. Ailposedbythe 97th Genera/Assembly DISTRICT 20 , 4 (Arst Regu/ar Session) Vote for ONE 6 19 ,,/' CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 m --' JAYWASSON FOR CLERE\ORTHECIRCUIT Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended i ·· .«. COURT \> to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to m 1 \\ -Vote for ONE > engage in agricultural production and . FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE r : BARBIE U L ranching practices shan not be infringed? DISTRICT 140 \ A BARNErT-STILLINGS - The potential costs or savings to Vote for ONE 1 governmental entities are unknown, but I O LYNN MORRIS (7 17 w- likely limited unless the resolution leads to * -···- \ A fOR RECORDER OF DEEDS increased litigation costs and/or the loss of . Vote for ONE . federal funding. \ lt-L / FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE 23 KELLY BLUNT HALL O YES DIVISION 1 . O NO . Vote for ONE FORPROSECUTINGATTORNEY (-LARRY LUNA Vote for ONE 0-1 AMY J. FITE . FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE DIVISION 11 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR V6to f6r ONE Vote for ONE m O PATTY SHILUNG O NORMA RYAN m RON CLEEK ELI LACEY HART 1 (_] DOUG BACON FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE / TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . . . . . m Ill lilli lili'1111111111111111111 lili'111111111 . " CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ........................................ I NO. 5 NO. 8 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Statl the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a'Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms is a unalienable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these , the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to that right? veterans? State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local I have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, criminal justice related costs. The total the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from I significant. education to veterans' programs. I CD YES O YES . [23 No 03 No CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 7 th m NO. 7 NO. 9 ,'lli Proposed bythe 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th Genemt Asseb (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) -53, \2 SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 /1 \ i Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missou¢'banituj'°¢be amended' to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people,Ap21V , CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT . r ate for ONE > FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE ni BARBIB \v \ NO. 5 DISTRICT 138 \ €B€RNEJT-STILLINGS Vote for ONE 5-1 \\42\\1 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) Ji DON PHILLIPS (t I \ - SCS SJR No. 36 c-Ch \5OK RECORDER OF DEEDS , Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended v Vote for ONE FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE , /,3- KELLY BLUNT HALL to include a declaration that the right to keep . DIVISION 1 . and bear arms isa unalienable right and that ' the state government is obligated to uphold vote for ONE ' · that right? FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY LARRY LUNA Vote for ONE State and local governmental entities should CJ AMY J. FITE have no direct costs or savings from this FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE proposal. However, the proposal's,passage DIVISION Il FOR COUNTYAUDITOR will likely lead to increased litigation and criminal justice related costs. The total Vote for ONE Vote for ONE potential costs are unknown, but could be . Q PATTY SHILLING NORMA RYAN significant. [p RON CLEEK 3 LACEY HART C} YES I I .., DOUG BACON I . NO , FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE . Vote for ONE CD TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m . . . . . Ill lilli lili 1111111111111111111111111111111 '11 . CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT .............. NO. 7 NO. 9 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed bythe 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) i SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 1 Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure In their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, I years,with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation I Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 O YES million for local governments. Increases in i. the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue f--1 No shall only be used for transportation I purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. 0 .C ;YES I O NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT I NO. 8 0 / Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) HJR No. 48 Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended 0 to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to use the revenue from the sale of these . tickets for projects and services related to veterans? The annual cost or savings to state a264'cal -h I· governmental entities is unknown, butlikely- h \ ............... minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket ) ) game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, ( ¢/ the profits of which fund education, there could be a small annual shift in funding from 1 education to veterans' programs. YES j NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . OFFICIAL BALLOT REPUBLICAN PARTY JUDGES' INmALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 20 : CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS I Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I................................... Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. I f you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. FOR STATE AUDITOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER FOR McCRACKEN PRECINCT 1.1 Vote for ONE Vote for ONE COMMHTEEMAN - TOM SCHWEICH Fl CHRIS SNYDER 1 Vote for ONE -1 DEREK WATKINS r' GEORGE A BURNS FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE L) RAY WETER KEITH HARTMAN DISTRICT 7 Vote for ONE O TOM CHUDOMELKA O MARSHALL WORKS ROBERT PALMER . . WRITE IN , - · BILLY LONG k \' 7 A FOR COUNTY CLERK . \\.teR-McCRACKEN PRECINCT * ' Vote for ONE·-·- 9/ COMMITTEEWOMAN FOR STATE SENATOR KAY BROWN /31 1 6 » Vote for ONE DISTRICT 20 .Vbte for ONIE \vi \V/- CD PATSY WILCOX r JAY WASSON FOR CLEF FJHE CIRCUIT O VERA PAULINE SEATON rn FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE rn BARBIE \-1 1 DISTRICT 140 1 BeNESTILLINGS WRITE IN I 13 3-1\> CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Vote for ONE ' 1 LYNN MORRIS , NO, 1 --i ]R RECORDER OF DEEDS Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Vote for ONE (First Regular Session) FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE - 7-1 KELLY BLUNT HALL CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 DIVISION 1 E./. ' Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Vote for ONE FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to r- LARRY LUNA Voto for ONE , engage in agricuttural production and , (-3 AMY J. FITE ranching practices shall not be infringed? FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE The potential costs or savings to DIVISION 11 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR governmental entities are unknown, but Vote for ONE 1 , Voto for ONE likely limited unless the resolution leads to increased litigation costs and/or the loss of 21 PATTY SHILLING O NORMA RYAN federal funding. I D RON CLEEK 03 LACEY HART (3 YES I i - DOUG BACON 3 No . FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE i--3 TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . . . m . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . . ........................................ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT I NO. 5 NO. 8 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly ' (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I SCS SUR No. 36 HJR No. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms Isa unalIenable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these . the state government is obligated to uphotd tickets for projects and services related to that Eight? veterans? State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local 11 have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely ,. proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, , criminal justice related costs. The total the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from „ significant. education to veterans' programs. m i YES O YES I f - NO C:NO 2 . 1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT \ . NO. 7 NO. 9 A Nf Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembi (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) Ih i. \ \X ™Vote lorONE> . FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE r:kBARBIE \1 \ WRITE IN DISTRICT 140 \ A BARNETT-STILLINGS . ..7, .\\\42\\\1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT .Vote for ONE . • El LYNN MORRIS r / NO. 1 -1 JR RECORDER OF DEEDS Proposed by the 9701 General Assembly Vote for ONE (First Regular Session) .· FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT Jl'DE / 23 KELLY BLUNT HALL CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 DIVISION 1 , YA h y - Shall the Missouri Consmution be amended Vote for ONE FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to I g LARRY LUNA - Voto for ONE engage in agricultural production and O AMY J. FEE ranching practices shall not be infringed? FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE The potential costs or savings to DIVISION 11 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR governmental entities are unknown, but Vote for ONE likely limited unless the resolution leads to Vote for ONE increased litigation costs and/or the loss of ' PATTY SHILLING Q NORMA RYAN federalfunding. RON CLEEK i » , LACEY HART iYES DOUG BACON .1 NO FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Vote for ONE O TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . . m . m . Ill 'll'l lili 111111111111111111111111111111 l ili . 1 . . ........................................ "' CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 1 NO. 5 NO. 8 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a "'Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms is a unallenable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these . the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to that right? veterans? State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local i have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely , proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket · will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, , criminal justice related costs. The total the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could bea small annual shift in funding from I significant. education to veterans' programs. I O YES O YES I 1 i NO CD No -0 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT /// NO. 7 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT p NO. 9 \\ 1% /5 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly, (Second Regular Session) /4\3// I SS HJR No. 68 (Second Regular Session) - N scs SJRNo. 27 <) \ I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missou¢'bostitulobe amended , to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people,Apall€spcure in their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic·commuqckions an¢iata from . fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonabik-searcliesa®,eizures as they bridges and transportation projects for ten are now lik¢4!sh*ke in their persons, m years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papersa.effects? roads and bridges? Stbte dndlocalhovemmental entities expect ¤ This change is expected to produce §480' nd si{inifikenbooits or savings. million annually to the state's Transprlation \ , Safety and Job Creation Fund and $5<25 - XI\*S mittion for local governments. Increases in \ I the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue j 3 NO shall only be used for transpoMation Fl/ I purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. I O YES , rb NO VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . OFFICIAL BALLOT ........................................ REPUBLICAN PARTY JUDGES' INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5,2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election Judges and receive a new ballot. FOR STATE AUDITOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER FOR UNION CHAPEL PRECINCT Vote for ONE Vote for ONE COMMITTEEMAN Q CHRIS SNYDER , L.' TOM SCHWEICH Vote for ONE DEREK WATKINS THOMAS TAYLOR FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE O RYWETER BOB HACKETT DISTRICT 7 0 TOM CHUDOMELKA ..n Vote for ONE - MARSHALL WORKS f- 1 ROBERT PALMER : \ . . - WRITE IN \1. 7 : BILLY LONG FOR COUNTY CLEtik ' k LFOk UNION CHAPEL PRECINCT Vote for ONE- \ 1./ COMMITTEEWOMAN FOR STATE SENATOR 7 KAY BROWN /7-: 3 fr. 7 Vote for ONE DISTRICT 20 U» CONETTATAYLOR Vote for ONE Ch\\F FOR CLERK\ORTHE CIRCUIT' © LACEY HART ' JAY WASSON 0 \\ ote for ONE> FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE 'rhBARBIE \v \ WRITE IN DISTRICT 139 \ h BARNETT-Sl{LLINGS . v6te for ONE . /1 .\ \30\\5 1 _ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CLAYTON JONES ; f 11 NO. 1 - 1, 1 1 FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS Proposed by the 97th General Assembly C MICHAEL HOPE Vote for ONE (First Regular Session) &- JERED TAYLOR -. *3 KELLY BLUNT HALL CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to FOR ASSOC]ATE CIRCUIT JUDGE Vote for ONE engage in agricultural production and DIVISION 1 O AMY J. FITE ranching practices shaN not be Infringed? Vote for ONE The potential costs or savings to ] LARRY LUNA governmental entities are unknown, but FOR COUNTY AUDITOR likely limited unless the resolution leads to Voto for ONE increased litigation costs and/or the loss of FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE NORMA RYAN federalfunding. DIVISION Il - i LACEY HART ,D YES Vote for ONE I / PATTY SHILLING NO FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE n RON CLEEK Votefor ONE m 93 DOUG BACON r) TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT ...... -- 11'11111111111111111111'111111111111'111'lilli . m .....................................m.. "' CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 5 NO. 8 1 Proposed by the 97Uh Genera/Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS SJR No. 36 HJRNo. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a'Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms isa unatienable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to · that right? veterans? State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local I have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely , proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. lf sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, I criminal justice related costs. The totat the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from I significant. education to veterans' programs. I [ 7 YES C.3 YES I NO 0.3 NO jJ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. ,-6. NO. 7 NO. 9 \ \\ Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assemb/A (Second Regular Session) (Second Regu/ar Session) - \ V SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 \\/2 \v, I Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missour Qonstitution be amendecf to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the peoplqs[¢114]AGre in their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic·commun,loptions an¢Fdata from . fund state and local highways, roads, unreasohabiesparc,hes'a¢djselztlres as they bridges and transportation projects for ten are now IU*ese@re intheir persons, m years, with priority given to repairing unsafe .t*nes, paes,andects? roads and bridges? \\ State andlocaltovernmental entities expect , Tilis change is expected to produce $4.80.- nAstinifidbntbosts or savings million annually to the state's Transpdrtation l , ¤ Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54--3--- 1-\*ES million for local governments. Increases in I the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue ,-7) NO . shall only be used for transportation E/. I purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. N YES l.j No VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT . OFFICIAL BALLOT DEMOCRATIC PARTY JUDGES'INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS ' Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ba!!ot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE NO. 5 NO. 8 DISTRICT 7 ' Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Vote for ONE (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I [3 GENEVIEVE WILLIAMS SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 m 'U JIM EVANS Shatl the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms is a unalienable right and that J3 use the revenue from the sale of these . FOR UNION CHAPEL PRECINCT the state government is obligated to uphold> tickets for projects and services related to w@erans? COMMnTEEMAN that right? ' 1 Vote for ONE State and local governmental entitigs should' . < The arbua! cost or savings to state and local 1 | O BOB RUBINO have no direct costs or savingsrb®this dovenimental entities is unknown, but likely proposal. However, the,pfoposaNs passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket I (' EDDIE MAPLES willtikely lead to increasdd litightibn and· ., . - game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, criminal justice re,lated 2€1,3;fid totall . the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are Uhknown, btit could 14 could be a small annual shift in funding from . . WRITE IN significal \t\\ U education to veterans' programs. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT O **I U v [3 YES I NO. 1 ic>No\\N j . I 0 NO Proposed by the 97{h General Assembly DONSTITU ·rioNAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT (First Regular Session) NO. 7 NO. 9 .. CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nes. 11 & 7 \\ Proposed by the 97th General Assembly I Shall the Missouri Constitution be am&nded Prppopd by the 97th General Assembly '{second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to SS H.IR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 engage in agricultural production and Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I · ranching practices shall not be infringed? Should the Missouri Constitution be changed to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their , I The potential costs or savings to quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from governmental entities are unknown, but fund state and local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they , I likely limited unless the resolution leads to bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure in their persons, , increased litigation costs and/or the loss of years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? I federal funding. roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect I I o YES no significant costs or savings. This change is expected to produce $480 I LJ NO miltion annually to the state's Transportation Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 YES li .. million for local governments. Increases in the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue , ._I NO I shall only be used for transportation purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. O YES 0 NO , ..... .. Ill lilli 1 111111111111111 lili Il li li ll Illl1111ll m OFFICIAL BALLOT REPUBLICAN PARTY 24 JUDGES WITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this:....m.............................. Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". 1 If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. FOR STATE AUDITOR FOR PRESIDING COMMISSIONER FOR ROSEDALE PRECINCT .. Vote for ONE Vote for ONE COMMITTEEMAN TOM SCHWEICH O CHRIS SNYDER Vote for ONE . CD DEREK WATKINS 9 JIM BOWEN . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE . RAY WETER CE GAIL K. STAFFORD DISTRICT 7 h O TOM CHUDOMELKA //1 0 Vote for ONE I O MARSHALL WORKS Q ROBERT PALMER ft n WRITEIN 1 BILLY LONG r < CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR COUNTY CLERK, \\4/ NO. 1 Vote for ONE- < j . FOR STATE SENATOR CD KAYBROWN engage in agricultural production and , FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE 04 BARBIE \v \ ranching practices shall not be infringed? DISTRICT 139 t-NOB€RNEJT-STILLINGS .. ..IC \\3>\\1 The potential costs or savings to . Vote for ONE governmental entities are unknown, but I C CLAYTON JONES f< likely limited unless the resolution leads to p \ FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS increased litigation costs and/or the loss of I E- MICHAEL HOPE \.-- t ' V Vote for ONE lederal funding. m - JERED TAYLOR . 9 j KELLY BLUNT HALL El YES [_] NO FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY DIVISION 1 Vot& f6r ONE O AMY J. FITE Vote for ONE j LARRY LUNA FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Vote for ONE FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE CD NORMA RYAN DIVISION Il Vote for ONE LACEY HART £ PATTY SHILLING j FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE -- RON CLEEK Vote for ONE .DOUG BACON Cl TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT m . m . . . Ill 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ill . 1.. . CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT I NO. 5 NO. 8 , Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and bear arms is a unalienable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these . the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to that right? veterans? State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local 1 have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely · proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, I criminal justice related costs. The total the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from il significant. education to veterans' programs. I I YES O YES m 0- NO -3 NO .9 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT,\ 4 I. NO. 7 NO. 9 \./ /, \\ \ El . FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE ClBARBIE \v \ WRtTE IN TT-SPILLINGS . DISTRICT 139 ., \3731 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT m Q. CLAYTON JONES h NO. 1 DR RECORDER OF DEEDS . - . Proposed bythe 97th General Assembly •. 3 MICHAEL HOPE Vote for ONE (First Regular Session) JERED TAYLOR 2,1 KELLY BLUNT HALL CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to r Vote for ONE engage in agricultural production and DIVISION 1 O AMY J. FITE ranching practices shall not be infringed? Vote for ONE f-- LARRY LUNA The potential costs or savings to ' FOR COUNTY AUDITOR governmental entities are unknown, but 4• Vote for ONE likely limited unless the resolution leads to FOR ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE increased litigation costs and/or the loss of O NORMA RYAN federalfunding. DIVISION 11 © LACEY HART - YES Vote for ONE 3 PATTY SHILLING J NO FOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE, 22 RON CLEEK .Vote for ONE 20 DOUG BACON g) TED NICHOLS VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT 1 m . . . . 111 lillil 1111111111 Ill'11111 Il lilli lilli lilli I i . . . ......................................... CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTiTUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 5. NO. 8 I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) I SCS SJR No. 36 HJR No. 48 I Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended - to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a"Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to and beararms isa unalienable right and that use the revenue from the sale of these . the state government is obligated to uphold tickets for projects and services related to that right? veterans? . State and local governmental entities should The annual cost or savings to state and local I have no direct costs or savings from this governmental entities is unknown, but likely ¤ proposal. However, the proposal's passage minimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket will likely lead to increased litigation and game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, ¤ criminat justice related costs. The total the profits of which fund education, there potential costs are unknown, but could be could be a small annual shift in funding from I. significant. education to veterans' programs. I L YES O YES ' 13 No CD NO ./> 1* CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT N <3 NO. 7 NO. 9 Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembjy (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) *, - :, ' ·< : SS HJR No. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 . 1 Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shall the Missouff gonstitution.be amended , to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the peoplf21*A?re in their quarters of one percent to be used solely to electroniecommur,dations and data from . fund state and local highways, roads, unreasdist*sear@,s>a¢ts@zhres as they bridges and transportation projects for ten are now 11@Ms*ect?re in bbir persons, m years, with priority given to repairing unsafe liomes, paAs aRd*[ects? roads and bridges? Slafe,0¥40 povemmental entities expect ¤ This change is expected to produce §4 nesignificantposts or savings. million annually to the state's TranspqAtion . Safety and Job Creation Fund and $544--1 -- ·£\VES million for local governments. Increasesin I the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue , 7 NO shall only be used for transportation I purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. i El YES I O No VOTE BOTH SIDES OF THE BALLOT OFFICIAL BALLOT REPUBLICAN PARTY INTRASTATE JUDGEW INITIALS PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5, 2014 NEW RESIDENT26 : CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: m Write-In: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". · If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election Judges and receive a new ballot. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR STATE AUDITOR NO. 5 NO. 8 · I . Vote for ONE m [23 TOM SCHWEICH Proposed by the 97th General Assembly Proposed by the 97th General Assembly I (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) SCS SJR No. 36 HJRNo. 48 . FOR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended I DISTRICT 7 to include a declaration that the right to keep to create a 'Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to Vote for ONE and bear arms is a unalienable right and that ,3 use the revenue from the sale of these the state government is obligated to uphold> tickets for projects and services related to , il -- MARSHALL WORKS veterans? .that right? m E BILLY LONG State and local governmental entities should i < Vie annual cost or savings to state and local CONSTiTUTIONAL AMENDMENT have no direct costs or savjrtgR#b¢®is 1 govemmental entities is unknown, but likely I proposal. However, the,prbposalts passage ,4 iniNimal. If sales of a veterans lottery ticket I NO. 1 will likely lead to increa@3 litightipn An€/,/ game decrease existing lottery ticket sales, I Proposed by the 97th General Assembly criminal justice related cq#tgfje tota!Xv/ the profits of which fund education, there potential costs ate uhknown, btlt could be could be a small annual shift in funding from (First Regular Session) CCS No. 2 SS HCS HJR Nos. 11 & 7 significal education to veterans' programs. I Shall the Missourl Constitution be amended O YEb,© \» w' OYES to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to \ k M.3 \ O NO engage in agricultural production and \\ ranching practices shall not be infringed? \ 08NkimuTIONAL AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT '. 1 I The potential costs or savings to \ vy' 1.1 NO. 7 NO. 9 I governmental entities are unknown, but.- _ Proposed by the 97th General Assembly I likely limited unless the resolution lea215 to- ' - · Prppojed by the 97th General Assembly (Second Regular Session) (Second Regular Session) ¤ increased litigation costs and/or the loss of :SHJRNo. 68 SCS SJR No. 27 I federalfunding. li & 1 YES Should the Missouri Constitution be changed Shatl the Missouri Constitution be amended I to enact a temporary sales tax of three- so that the people shall be secure in their I 0 : NO quarters of one percent to be used solely to electronic communications and data from fund stateand local highways, roads, unreasonable searches and seizures as they . bridges and transportation projects for ten are now likewise secure In their persons, years, with priority given to repairing unsafe homes, papers and effects? m roads and bridges? State and local governmental entities expect I This change is expected to produce $480 no significant costs or savings. million annually to the state's Transportation t - YES Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 million for local governments. Increases in the gas tax will be prohibited. This revenue NO . m shall only be used for transportation purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses. O YES 23 NO ..=.. ... Ill'11111111111111111111111111111111 lili lim . 1 . ....................................... OFFICIAL BALLOT LIBERTARIAN PARTY JUDGES,INm,US PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 5,2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. Ifyou are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word *NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. A "1·WIWFUS,R-:fLR•,2-le;*--+ -™*2"14Wfru'le FMA{66?4}A,1,311 r 41·4.illjt.'?,4,:r-li-*jWL ,.. · £ i:te . · i- _jittarjyl1 00 .96te G 8NE=.tiI'O rt : ' . 4.L " - I KEVIN CRAIG 1 - I . . . . i" Illill"lillill 111111 lili . OFFICIAL BALLOT, REPUBLICAN PARTY' 28 JUDGES'INNIALS PRIMARY ELECIJON EAUGUST,5,2014 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the target next to the candidate or question response. of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided·and darken.the 6Val:. : If you are in favor of anyquestion submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left cif the Word·'0¥ES".» '· ·· · ·.-·'··. If you are opposed.to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word.,"NO". , If you tear, deface, or makea mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. Fed}jitiftly*ES.616rfE<%9 1,i»FOR ULS>REPRESENTATIVE,4 at-•.i- 'rn --j I . „=-% €U 4 : 9 .9 ' I 51.i r«w 40 f#DISIRiCT,7OiU€F«5134 h., mff' %. . fl ·,4.,JiL 11;J;1'htr2 "· P .. / I · £#44*199/.· irin#'f'j:,il 9,9-"bz T-AR- 81'fi, 1* latt"¥4:4.22,tt.,i,5,Votdfor:ONEr 49 ' . .M ,r<;13,1,11 e f MARSHALL WORKS . 7.- L > BILLY LONG