BILL NO. 21-12 ORDINANCE NO. NOTICE OF ELECTION REPUBLIC, MISSOURI Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of the City of Republic, Missouri, that pursuant to an Ordinance duly adopted, the City Council of the City of Republic, Missouri, has called an election to be held in the City on August 3, 2021, commencing at 6:00 a.m. and closing at 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City the question contained in the following sample ballot: OFFICIAL BALLOT ELECTION - -- - - - REPUBLIC, MISSOURT August 3, 2021 PROPOSITION S Shall the City of Republic, Missouri, impose a city sales tax of three-fourths of one percent (3/4%) to fund public safety, such tax to terminate automatically 25-years after the imposition thereof? INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: If you are in favor of the question, place an X in the box opposite"YES." If you are opposed to the question, place an X in the box opposite "NO." A full and complete copy of Ordinance No. 21-12, submitting the above question to the electorate is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Republic, Missouri where the same is open for inspection and copying during normal business hours. The election will be held at the following polling places in the City: To be determined by the County Clerk efthe respective jurisdiction. BILL NO. 21-12 Page 4 of 4 ORDINANCE NO. NOTICE OF TAX LEVY ELECTION BROOKLINE F[RE PROTECTION DISITRICT Notice is hereby given to the election authority and the qualified voters of tile Brookline Fire Protection District (the "District"), that the Board ofDirectors ofthe District has called an election to be held in the District on Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021, commencing at 6:00 a.m., and closing at 7:00 p.m., on that date, on the proposition contained in the following sample ballot: PROPOSITION 1 Shall the Board of Directors of the BrookIine Fire Protection District be authorized to levy an additional tax of not more than fifty cents on the one hundred dollars --assessed valuation to provide funds-for-the support of the District? 1 I ] FOR THE PROPOSITION [ ] AGAINST THE PROPOSITION (Place an X in the square opposite the one for which you wish to vote.) A favorable vote by a majority of the electors voting on the increase in the operating levy ceiling is required for approval. The election will be held and conducted by the County Clerks of Greene and Christian Counties, Missouri under the general election laws governing those Counties, and the election will be held in each voting precinct in the District and at the polling places designated therein by the County Clerks ofGreene and Christian Counties, Missouri, or such other or additional precincts orpolling places as such County Clerks may designate. By order of the Board of Directors of the Brookline Fire Protection District, Missouri, this 19th day ofMay 2021. BROOKLINE FIRE, PROTECTION DISITRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 By·. /s/ 4L,gl Larry Keller President ofthe Board of Directors By·. /sl ,=421_ William Glenn Secretary ofthe Board of Directors /11 , r