OFFICIAL BALLOT _Jmmil'Imm'IN••I GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGEWINmUS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". Ifyou are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. 6 5.%4* FORDLAND R-111 SCHOOGDISTRICT '12 - 'I QUESTION El Shall the Fordland R-!11 School District ,· of Webster County Missouri board of education borrow money in the amount • of $3,800,000 for the purpose of constructing an Early Childhood Center 1 to serve as a FEMA storm shelter for m school and community use, repairing, renovating and improving existing In school facilities, including safety, . security and access improvements throughout District facilities and E furnishing and equipping the same and II issue bonds for the payment thereof resulting in an estimated increase to the II debt service property tax levy of $0.65 - per one hundred dollars assessed? /53 0 If this proposition is approved, the i adjusted debt service levy of the Adhool- - .' J 1 district is estimated to increase from- ·· « h T 1.$0.1089 to $0.7589 per one hundred ,< dollars assessed valuation of real and V 1/' ] personal property. i YES 1 NO ...m.... m . . . . ill lill illillililil i lili 111 . 1.1 I. lili ........................................ 1 OFFICIAL BALLOT i ' GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGErNITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 1 · INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or b!Ack ink, completely fill in the oval nexttothe candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-In candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. lf you are jn favor of any questiort submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". lf you are. opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". [f you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. I .-2 w. " AVA R-! SCNOOL DISTRICT ' 1- PROPOSITION 1 - To choose by ballot two directors who shall serve as members ofthe ·Board of Education of said school , district for d te¢m of thr6e years , I / 4;'.. % :each..4,0 3 2 1 \1\/0.'\ Vote For Two ' -- VERNON JOHNSON ' V /-...1 ... VERNARD DEATHERAGE I . 1 , UOHNNY BURKDOLL 1 VANESSAJOHNSON BART ELUSON · -' REGINA PORTER L -. WRITE IN It 1 WRITE IN 1 CHADWICK RURAL VOLUNTEER FIRE 1 PROTECTION DISTRICT . · QUESTIONi ..4 7 il "Shall the board of directors of the Chadwick Rural Volunteer Fire Protection District be authorized to levy C an additional tax of not more than twentrfive cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation to provide I funds for the support of the district?" YES NO m= . 1 HI I 1 l. ------ OFFICIAL BALLOT - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 1 1 JUDGES'INITIALS ... CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI 11 TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Osing blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any'question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". 1 If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and feceive a ·new ballot. CHADWICK R-1 SCHOOL DISIRICT · FOR BOARD MEMBER . 3 YEAR TERM 1: Vote For Two 1 . JUSTIN HOUSE 1 2 ' CHAD SALLEE ' \.451 1 -_ RAYMOND STEVENS \1 7,0 1 - , FA)\ | WRITE IN 1% ) I 1. ./\ I ....1 WRITE IN I EN> 1 t ' CHADWICK RURAL OLUNTEER FIRE 921,9 : PROTECTION DISTRICT '. I I. . I.jik..fI., '. n.<. Q?F?t'9*if*.,zk VOA-» I "Shall the board of directors of «St). 4 ---------------- Chadwick Rural Volunteer Fire Protection District be authorized to levyc 3/ I an additional tax of not more than twenty-five cents on·the one hundred do.Ilars assessed valuation to provide funds for the support of the district?" 1 YES 1 NO 1. m m . m 111 lili'1111111111111111 1 . 1 m.*INIMME'mm./11•mill/•m'mmm'm".m.Imm.mmlm.m' . JUDGES·INmALS C. f t OFFICIAL BALLOT t, . I lillill 4.....................m............. GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, compietely the ovaf next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this batfot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. LOGAN-ROGERSVILLE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FOR BOARD MEMBER SIX YEAR TERM r . 3- 1 7 -/ - /4 . Vote For One . -· 4 • - JOSEPH K SHOOK / \ DAVID ADAIR \3/ WRrrE IN m I 1 HHI I 11 . -- 11 - OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 1 JUDGES' INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI ----- TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 ' INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted oil this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". 1 If you are opeosed to any question submitted 6n this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. | OZARKREORGANIZED.SCHOOL , 1 . * DISTRICT-NO. 6 QUESTION 1 : 1 Shall Ozark Reorganized School District I No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri borrow money in the amount of 1 $20,000,000 for the purpose of building additions to, repairing, renovating and | improving District school facilities, to include classroom and cafeteria facilities constructed to serve as storm shelters, and furnishing and equipping the same I and issue bonds for the payment thereof resulting in no estimated increase to the debt service property tax levy of the District? adjusted debt service levy of the school 3 1 If'this proposition is approved, the district is estimated to remain /53 unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one h,0dred \/ dollars assessed valuation of reaka'nd-- -- ., f personal property. 1 - YES 4- 1 'NO OZARK FIRE fROTECTION QIST!¥T 1. 1,3» 6 '52·*t .7 9.tfQ< izin '· 2 .Gyr · r FOR BOARD MEMBER n .: «s-' .. 6 YEARTERM 2.,7 y 21 1 . Vote Nr One 1 : JAMES (JIM) BOWLES· 1 MARION BEEBE 1 . STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN 111*. Ill'll'11111111111111111111111111 . m.'Imm..Imm.m-mm/"Immlm JUDGES'INIT,AtS ", I 5 OFFICIAL BALLOT ./5/ 6 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completery fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-In: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the ovat. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this baUot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". lf you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot OZARK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT " FOR BOARD MEMBER /' p . f .. 6 YEARTERM ©·t - , "'·'v v - A Vote For One ..7 J JAMES (JIM) BOWLES MARION BEEBE STEVE LOFTIS r<' h i \ i ,4>. WRITE lN M'MIIMIMmmMIMMMMM m m . m ..............m.. 1111111111111111111!1111111 . m OFFICIAL BALLOT m GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES· INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI 7 1. I. TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS I Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: il Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". m If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word 'INO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and Il receive a new ballot. BRADLEYVILLE R-1 SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSITION NO. 1 I Shall the Board of Education of the Bradleyville R-1 School District, Missouri, be authorized to increase the M operating tax levy ceiling from $3.9124 to $4.4124 per one hundred dollars of iassessed valuation in order to provide I funds to complete roof repairs to the existing facilities of the District, retain I qualified staff, maintain its facilities and . meet the operating expenses of the District? I If this proposition is approved, the ¤ adjusted operating levy of the District is estimated to increase by $0.50 to I $4.4124 per one hundred dollars of iassessed valuation for Tax Year 2015 and can be applied to the assessed I valuation for each year thereafter. 0 ' YES 1 1 NO TEER4; CHADWICK RURAL Ve([ikl PROTECTIO M 0!STF UCT QUES·hoN-3 j i "Shall the board of directors e'iD" Chadwick Rural Volunteer Fire« Protection District be authorized to levy I an additional tax of not more than twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation to provide 01 funds for the support of the district?" E .m.. YES NO lilill OFFICIAL BALLOT .m.m................ GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES INITIUS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS ' Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-In: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you,are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return It to the election judges and . receive a new ballot. OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL CHRISTIAN COUNTY AMBULANCE DISTRICT NO.'6 - DISTRICT #3 /9, T l QUESTION 7 FOR BOARD MEMBER . 3 YEAR TERM Il Shall Ozark Reorganized School District · 4 ·· . .vite For one No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri 53 GARY MOSER i, borrow money in the amount of . - il $20,000,000 for the purpose of building J , ANGELA LEONBERGER ' additions to, repairing, renovating and \4 ' il improving District school facilities, to ' , I include classroom and cafeteria facilities WR]TE IN constructed to serve as storm shelters, : /-h $ 1/ r. Il and furnishing and equipping the same f Z C 9 3 ,152 . . and issue bonds for the payment thereof CITf1225-9 1 resulting in no estimated increase to the Il debt service property tax levy of the - District? i P ,\ %2 YEAN TERM m Ill If this proposition is approved, the i h. Ni/ '· ; Vote For One -' * adjusted debt service levy of the schol & -Rlg:JKdpA¤pNER ...........m...m.I district is estimated to remain ,.0 . il unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one hui?dred - 1, UDONNA'MCQUAY dollars assessed valuation of realand-- ·. :. 1 ' il personal property. m F YES -- / WRITEIN (2 NO FOR ALDERMAN -WARD THREE . 4 ' 2 YEARTERM' 4-9 - 4 9.ZARK FIRE PROTECTION.psi-RICI .U- - V. $ Al. 2./ . --km .2 1 . Vote For One - MELISSA WAGNER FOR BOARD MEMBER JEFF GARRISON 6 YEAR TERM Vote For One I JAMES (JIM) BOWLES WRITE IN 4-_*, MARION BEEBE ' .--: STEVE LOFTIS. If WRITE IN m m . . . Ill lili 111111111111 lil i l ili . OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES• WmALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI 9 : TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS F Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this:•m••••••••••••• Write-In: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. - OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL CHRISTIAN-COUNTY AMBULANCE 7 6 ; DISTRICT NO. 6 - k 1 DISTRICT#3 - - QUESTION ' · FOR BOARD MEMBER 3 YEAR TERM il . Shall Ozark Reorganized School District ' < Vote For One il No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri GARY MOSIER borrow money in the amount of ANGELA LEONBERGER il $20,000,000 for the purpose of building additions to, repairing, renovating and knproving District school facilities, to a ,< 11 include classroom and cafeteria facilities WRITE IN - \\ constructed to serve as storm shelters, ,/ II and furnishing and equipping the same ' WRITE IN CHRISTIAN COUNTY·AMBULANCE DISTRICT #3 1 . /« FOR BOARD MEMBER -, 3 YEAR TERM ' Vote For One -1 1 GARY MOSIER ANGELALEONBERGER WRITE IN · CITY OF OZARK - . FOR MAYOR · 2 YEAR TERM Vote For One RICK GARDNER ' DONNA MCQUAY WRITE IN i . m . I [1[ lili 111111[11111 1 . OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES· INmALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: 1 Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 CITY OF OZARK QUESTION FOR MAYOR 2 YEAR TERM I Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Vote For One No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri RICK GARDNER borrow money in the amount of $20,000,000 for the purpose of building DONNA MCQUAY additions to, repairing, renovating and improving District school facilities, to 19 m include classroom and cafeteria facilities constructed to serve as storm shelters, WRITE IN I and furnishing and equipping the same il . and issue bonds for the payment thereof FOR ALDERMAN >WARD TWO 2 YEAR'TERM \\ resulting in no estimated increase to the Voo· , 4.1 " =t ) *., FOMAYOR . z '- . . .'* gr E ' ' 1413 t.1 . - -4 c··· ' 7« 2 YEAR TERM f· ' · Il Shall Ozark Reorganized School District h * i . Le 2006, f No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri CD RICK GARDNER borrow money in the amount of - 2 Il $20,000,000 for the purpose of building .DONNA MCQUAY 4 4 / additions to, repairing, renovating and improving District school facilities, to , Il include classroom and cafeteria facilities WRITE IN i constructed to serve as storm shelters, . I il and furnishing and equipping the same . ,\/' . and issue bonds for the payment thereof FOR ALDERMAN -NVARD THREg: resulting in no estimated increase to the 2 *EARTERW Il debt service property tax levy of the ,-' 21.£ 120 " li District? (-1 MELISSA WAGNER V rXJEFF'GARRISON E If this proposition is approved, the t·-k \ I\ \2 Im adjusted debt service levy of the school - district js estimated to remain 4 Ark«43 1 unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one h£68red 1, . WRITE IN ' dollars assessed valiation of real.and ..g --·. . , Il personal property. li . YES NO OZARK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 4. ..4" 4/il I . ··4 . P. FOR BOARD MEMBER '· 6 YEAR TERM· v. Vote·For One JAMES (JIM) BOWLES MARION BEEBE r_, STEVE LOFT]s WRITE IN m . 9 m [l I Illil I I [1111 !Ii Illill[ lili Il 1 Il Il lilli lilli . ImmlljlllllllilllimmlmIRMIWillmmelliHIMMMIMMIMI.M.Mill.Mmil JUDGES'INITIUS 9 Itc 1 1 OFFICIAL BALLOT 1 , 14 Immm"Mmel"m GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-In candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. Dll)*·PUBLIC SCHOOLS To choose by ballot two (2) directors who: shall serve as mdmbers of the - Board of Education of said school · district for a term of three (3) years . each, c Vote For Two RAELYNN L. ANDERSON JOSHUA K. ROBERTS DANIEL JESSEN WRITE IN WRITE IN OZARK FIRE PROTEdTION DISTRICT: --- .\ FOR BOARD MEMBER m.mimmimmimm"mi 6 YEAR TERM Vote For One · ' JAMES (JIM) BOWLES C MARION BEEBE STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN m . m . m Ill lili 11111111111111111 . OFFICIAL BALLOT m"m•m"mmmm"mmmmm,amm¤ GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES'#ImUS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the'person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". if you are opposed to any questjon submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". 1fyou tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. F . (-.5.- r . . . , OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL. CITY OFOZARK- ' 4 . ; DISTRICT NO; 6 : 1 QUESTION . FOR MAYOR 2 YEAR TERM Il Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Vote For One il No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri RICK GARDNER · borrow money in the amount of Il $20,000,000 for the purpose of building - DONNA MCQUAY , 1 additions to, repairing, renovating and r-1 improving District scboo] facilities, to - 1 ./ :5> 1 include classroom and cafeteria facilities, WRITE IN /-- \\ constructed to serve as storm shelters, , - : '¢«hj..ft /2-' ID and furnishing and equipping the same , n., /./ and issue bonds for the payment thereof FOR ALDERMAN<··WARD ONE ,/ resulting in no estjmated increase to the - 2 *EARTERM< 1 debt service property tax levy of the ./.. v\.PFo>On:\\ , District? JIM· STEWART 1 If this propositjon js approved, the ' * adjusted debt service levy of the school district is estimated to remajn 11 , WRITE IN m unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one hu@red 1 / dollars assessed valuatjon of real,and--- --. 1 1 personal property. ..%.... .... -Va v Il <.-, YES / 3 NO OZARK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FOR BOARD MEMBER ' 6 YEAR TERM ...· - Vote For One JAMES (JIM) BOWLES MARION BEEBE L STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN . . m . m 111111111[11111!1111111111111111111!111!111111 . il OFFICIAL BALLOT a..m. • GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 16 JUDGES INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTJONS TO VOTERS il Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Immmmmmmmmmmmmgmgmmmm9m••••mm•m••••• Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word ':YES". il If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". : If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. _ I ./ * 4 OZARK REORGANIZED *CHOOL SELMORE SPECIA ROAD DISTRICT DISTRICT NO. 6 I . k L - i- - - ' QUESTION - 1 ,3' - , QUESTION ' , .. II Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Shall the Selmore Special Road District 1 No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri of Christian County, Missouri, levy an borrow money in the amount of additional tax rate of thirty-five cents , il $20,000,000 for the purpose of building ($0.35) on the one hundred dollars additions to, repairing, renovating and ($100.00) assessed valuation, for a improving District school facilities, to period of four (41 vears? Il include classroom and cafeteria facilities YES constructed to serve as storm shelters, 11 and furnishing and equipping the same NO . and issue bonds for the payment thereof 1 4.-27' . U. '. resulting in no estimated increase to the C debt service property tax levy of the District? il If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the school V x . district is estimated to remain IB unchanged at $ 0.8471 perone hucted , i dollars assessed valuation of real.and.--- -- J 2 Il personal property. 1 YES // # 'NO OZARK FIRE PROTECTIONDISTRICT FOR BOARD MEMBER 6 YEAR TERM , Vote For One JAMES (JIM) BOWLES r-, MARION BEEBE , STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN m m . . m 11111!1111111111111'11111111111111111111111111 . OFFICIAL BALLOT mm,mmmmmlmmmmmm9mm•mm•m•m•mmm.•IImm••I'm• GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES·INinUS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS [ Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". I If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and , receive a new ballot. OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL CHRISTIAN COUNTY AMBULANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 - DISTRICT #3 QUESTION FOR BOARD MEMBER 3 YEAR TERM - 1 Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Vote For One Il No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri GARY MOS1ER borrow money in the amount of ' f> Il $20,000,000 for the purpose of building .- ANGELA LEONBERGER fl:. additions to, repairing, renovating and m indude dassroom and cafeteda facilities WRITE IN I improving District school facilities, to constructed to serve as storm shelters, r /Ch j >\\. ..3 Il and fumlshing and equipping the same SELMORE SPECIALROAD DISTRIGi> I and issue bonds for the payment thereof resulting in no estimated increase to the \.ANN\ Il debt service property tax levy of the ¢'\· QUESTION O . Dstrict NAC \\ \\ . .. il If this proposition is approved, the Stall®e Sethprefpecial Road Djstrict 1 adjusted debt service levy of the school bfph[!stian Cpunty, Missouri, levy an district is estimated to remain , acqd#igriallatraie of thiny-five cents I unchanged at $ 0.8471 perone h®dred ($0.35) on the one hundred dollars dollars assessed valuation of reakand-- (Sfob.00) assessed valuation, for a 1 personal property. .---/- --- Aribd of four (4) years? m -3 YES .,· >'7 YES I NO NO OZARK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FOR BOARD MEMBER , 6 YEAR TERM E . Vote Fer One 1 C-' JAMES (JIM) BOWLES , - MARION BEEBE STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN m . I m Ill'll'lililll'!111!11!111111'llili 111111111! . Il OFFICIAL BALLOT ..............¤.....m................... GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION . JUDGES'INITI,US CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 ' INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS MI Using blue or blackink, completely fillin the oval nexttothe candidate or question response of your choice like this: I 1· Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the ova! to the ]en of the word "YES". I If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". I If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return It to the election judges and - receive a new ballot. ' CHRISTIAN COUNTY AMBULANCE OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 DISTRICT #3 QUESTION FOR BOARD MEMBER . 3 YEAR TERM II· Shall Ozark Reorganized School District · Vote For One - 8 No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri J GARY MOSIER n borrow money in the amount of .,/ il $20,000,000 for the purpose of building 9 ANGELA LEONBERGER additions to, repairing, renovating and - Improving District school facilities, to - <1 R include classroom and cafeteria facilities WRITE·IN . - constructed to serve as storm shelters, . il and furnishing and equipping the same CITY OF'OZARK / \ .9 il and issue bonds for the payment thereof i ?\ \4 1.1*. \/ resulting in no estimated increase to the :' 1 debt service property tax levy of the COF0R02 E District? \ 122(EAR TERM 4\ NP\- . II If this proposition is approved, the \ \\ 1 1.Vote·Por One * adjusted debt service levy of the school A \ RICKGARDNER UE district is estimated to remain ,,3 1 7 /. \1 V Il unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one hundred -\< 12)ONNAMCQUAY dollars assessed valuation of reaUnd - . ' personal property. il YES -' ., WRITE IN NO FOR ALDERMAN Z WARD TWO OZARK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 2 YEAR TERM Vote For One . TED A. SMITH FOR BOARD MEMBER - 6 YEAR TERM ' WRITE IN Vote For Ono JAMES (JIM) BOWLES MAR[ON BEEBE STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN i m m m m w MiliHililill i 1111111 . . OFFICIAL BALLOT 19 i GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES·WmAS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: mmmImmm,mmmmmm•m"mmmImmIm•mmmmm,mim Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". if you are opposed to any questjon submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL CHRISTIAN COUNTY AMBULANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 DISTRICT #3 QUESTION FOR BOARD MEMBER 3 YEAR TERM I Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Vote For ono 1 No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri - , GARY MOSIER borrow money jn the amount of -1 ANGELA LEONBERGER E $20,000,000 for the purpose of building additions to, repairjng, renovating and r-, 1 Improving District school facilities, to \ m include.dassroom and cafeteria facilities WRITE IN \ X constructed to serve as storm shelters, '4/-1.,1 Bl and furnishing and equippjng the same crry of·GzARK / . and issue bonds for the payment thereof ic\ \ 1,21 · resulting in no estjmated increase to tbe Il debt service property tax levy of the \ \NX \\ il District? \*-·FOR MA¥OR\,> X'2·YEAR TERM. 11 If this proposjtjon js approved, the II adjusted debt service levy of the school i-5©1<*NER district is estimated to remain /1 11 unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one hdhdld (1.90141*MCQUAY dollars assessed valuation of reatend- Il personal property. - YES ' / WRITE IN NO FOR ALDERMAN - WARD ONE OZARK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 2 YEAR TERM Vote For One JIM STEWART FOR BOARD MEMBER 6 YEAR TERM ' 1 4 ,-.. - i ..410¥ WRITE IN Vote For One + ' JAMES (JIM) BOWLES MARION BEEBE STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN . 2 N . U [1[liliI[1[ lilli 111 . ¤mmIImMmmMm.Mmmmmmmm• I - JUDGES' INmUS OFFICIAL BALLOT 7,2 . 1 III 20mimmlim'mmilmmimmomimmimmm,mmimmill GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval nextto the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. SPOKANE R-VII GCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSITION 1 fo choose by ballot two (2) directors who shalI servd as members of the Board of Education qf Spokane R-VII scHoot bistrict for a term of three (3) years each. . Vote For Two f CHARLES RIOTT CARRIE RANTZ DEREK HIME ROB RIGDON 41 CHRIS HORTON WRITE;N WRITE IN Mill 1 m EmmE® OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 21 JUDGES' INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: MEBm mm.imm,mI®mmmi"@•m•®••••••m••••m•.m Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. SPOKANE R-VII SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSITION 1 To choose by ballot two (2) directors who shal! serve as members of the Board of Education of Spokane R-VII School District for a term of three (3) 0 years each. Vote For Two < 1 CHARLES RIOTT CARRIE RANTZ 1 19 DEREK HIME ROB RIGDON CHRIS HORTON WRITE IN r WRITE IN /\ \91 1 v SELMORE SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT \ /1 \ \ 7X \ v 1 \V 1 \\"ff f /1. QUEST[ON 1 Shall the Selmore Special Road 9+Ci of Christian County, Missouri, Jan additional tax rate of thirty-five cents 1 ($0.35) on the one hundred Miars ($100.00) assessed valuation, for a period of four (4) years? , YES NO m lilli 1 i OFFICIAL BALLOT , GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the ovaf to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfulty mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. SPOKANE R.VII SCHOOL DISTRICT FbR ALDERMAN - WARD 1 2YEAR TERM -I Vote For One SHARON GUTLOVICS ' PROPOSITION 1 To choose by ballot two (2) directors L who shall serve as members of the Board of Education of Spokane R-VII WRITE IN School DIstrict fora term of three (3) years each. O FOR ALDERMAN -WARD 11 ./ Vote ForTwo 1 YEAR UNEXPIRED TERM , CHARLES RIOTT 4 Vote· For One- .\\. :*v*, 01 CARRIE RANTZ O GEORGE PEZOED»\ j \ 1 4 1 DEREK HIME L_ A X»/ v } i\\ \ r Il - ROB RIGDON WRITEIN \ I. il CHRIS HORTON \9\ \\ 1 V \1 QUESTION . 43\. \\\ 1 \ I . WRITE IN Shall thgtityof>Highlandville, Missouri, b& Authorized to forgo annua[ elections 1 (-- , _ ifthd. number of candidates who have WRITE IN --- - filed lor a particular office is equal to the n6mber of positions in the office to be CIty OF HIGHLAIJDVILLE ' ' € j fiiled bv the election? YES NO FOR MAYOR . 2 YEAR TERM Vote For One CLINT ELLINGSWORTH WRITE IN C m . m m 1111111'1111111111 111'ill'll I . JUDGES·INInALS m OFFICIAL BALLOT i-mm•••••••••m••••g,1•g•m•m•mmmmmImmmmmmmmm M Immillm,Imm-/1/Immm'Immlm.........1....... receive a new ballot. GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 -- INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate;write the person's name on the line provided and darken the ovhl. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and . SPOKANE R-VII SCHOOE DISTRICT. FOR ALDERMAN -WARD 11 2 YEAR TERM .. -' -' Vote For One : : PROPOSITION 1" 'Wl; 1 C BOB KINDRICK To choose by ballot two (2) directors - who shall serve as members of the Board of Education of Spokane R-VII WRITE IN School District for a term of three (3) years each. QUESTION 1 Vote For Two CHARLES RIOTT Shall the City of Highlandville, Missouri, :be authorized to fargo'Knnud!,eledtions CARRIE RANTZ if the number of candidates who Have . DEREK HIME filed for a particular offic?ejs'equal tothe number of positionkin the 6ffice to be - ROB RIGDON . filled bv the elediAA?\ \.\ -- CHRIS HORTON O YES,700=\ \ v 0410 \\ \2\ WRITE IN - . WRITE IN CITY OF HIGI·{UND\(ILLE € 52 FOR MAYOR .- · 2 YEAR TERM ; Vote For One CLINT ELLINGSWORTH WRITE IN 1111111 . ..... C OFFICIAL BALLOT . GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES· INIT]ALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI 24 . TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS * Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I¤•••••••••••••m¤mgmm¤¤ImIm..m.....m „ Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES: Il If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and Il. receive a new ballot. OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 QUESTION il Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Il No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri /= borrow money in the amount of • $20,000,000 for the purpose of building additions to, repairing, renovating and improving District school facilities. to <\ 13 include classroom and cafeteria facilities .1 1 0»-2.--. constructed to serve as storm shelters, .Ch N \ 1 Il and furnishing and equipping the same t m and issue bonds for the payment thereof - resulting in no estimated increase to the 21 debt service property tax levy of the 1 District? 51 If this proposition is approved, the ..1 ....\ 91 adjusted debt service levy of the school , 0 - . * district is estimated to remain <3 .\ \ ' / m unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one handred dollars assessed valuation of real,and- 1 personal property. il , YES NO SELMORE SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT QUESTION· 1 Shall the Selmore Special Road District 1 of Christian County, Missouri, additional tax rate of thirtrfive cents 1 ($0.35) on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation, for a period of four (4) years? 1 YES NO I ... Ill 11111111111111111111111111111 li ll i Ill 111111 . JUDGES'»,mALS each. iG OFFICIAL BALLOT Flmillmill"Immlimatim"REY"loimmill"millmimall" IMmmmNM"mIIIImIM¤mRMMI9ImIIINMIMIM"m.mIII receive a new ballot. GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write:in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES: jf you are opposed to any questjon submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfutly mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and NIXA PUBLIC SCHOQLS To choose by ballot two (2) directors ' who shall serve as members of the Board of Education of said school district for a term of three'(3) years - Vote For Two RAELYNN L. ANDERSON JOSHUA K. ROBERTS DANIEL JESSEN WRITE IN ta <94...3 \\ v WRITE N . 5 , . . m = 0 111111! 11111 1 11111 Ill lilli OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES'INTIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI 26 imm'Imm'Imm'millm'mm'mall/m/m'm'mmm"Im receive a new ballot. . TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 ./ /7 m.....................0............ INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES: If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and I k r k 1 NIXA PUBUC SCHOOLS. SELMORE SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT QUESTION To choose by ballot two (2).directors who shall serve as members of the Shall the Selmore Special Road District . Board of Education of said school of Christian County, Missouri, levy an 1 - district for a term of three (3) years additional tax rate of thirtrfive cents,- :- 2 . ,· each. ($0.35) on the one hundred dollars <' < * I " ($100.00) assessed valuation, for a \ 4, Vote ForTwo period of four (4) years? RAELYNN L..ANDERSON " YES \ N JOSHUA K. ROBERTS NO DANIEL JESSEN . ' WRITE IN . k h A WRITE IN OZARK FIRE PROTECIION DISTRICIP - * L. 1 r n. - FOR BOARD MEMBER C 6 YEAR TERM ' · Vote For One - JAMES (JIM) BOWLES MARION BEEBE , -; STEVE LOFTIS E t WRITE IN . m . m 111111111111111111 1 111111!11111111111111111 111 . OFFICIAL BALLOT mmmmmlmmmmmmmI GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES·INITIALS. CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS . Using blue or blackink, completely fillin the ovalnextto the candidate or question response of your choice like this: 9 Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 QUESTION . il Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Il No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri · borrow money in the amount of C $20,000,000 for the purpose of building additions to, repairing, renovating and II improving District school facilities, to IR include classroom and cafeteria facilities constructed to serve as storm shelters, 1 and furnishing and equipping the same . and issue bonds for the payment thereof resulting in no estimated increase to the Il debt service property tax levy of the District? Il Ifthis proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the school district is estimated to remain ,42' 1 unchanged at $ 0.8471 perone hundred dollars assessed valuation of reahind.--- · "1 personal property. ll YES NO mi ........... ill lill illilillillilli i . lili 111 .mgm .. ............ .... .. ................. OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES'INInALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidite, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. ·, i,Li SPOKANE R-VII SCHQOL DISTRICT. . CITY OF-HIGHLANDVILLE PROPOSITION 1 FOR MAYOR To choose by ballot two (2) directors 2 YEAR TERM who shall serve as members of the Vote For One Board of Education of Spokane R-VII CLINT ELLINGSWORTH School District for a term of three (3) years each. O Vote For Two WRITE IN , - CHARLES RIOTT . FORALDERMAN=·WARD I i ' CARRIE RANTZ ..· . 21:,914,%1 92 DEREK HIME ote For One / ROB RIGDON SHARON GOTLOVjCS CHRIS HORTON WRITE IN. . WRITE IN FORAUDERMAN-WARD 1 1 YEAR UNEXPIRED TERM WRITE IN Vote For One ...1. 4/2 GEORGE PEZOLD SELMORE SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICt / -2 WRITE IN QUESTION QUESTION 1 Shall the Selmore Special Road District 1 of Christian County, Missouri, levy an Shall the City of Highlandville, Missouri, additional tax rate of thirty-five cents be authorized to forgo annual elections f ($0.35) on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation, for a if the number of candidates who have period of four (4) years? filed for a particular office is equal to the number of positions in the office to be 1 E: YES . filled by the election? 1 NO 1 YES NO 1. I. 1 . 2 . mmmmmmmm.'ImmmmmMmIImIIImmMMMmm.I/mmmmIm/m. NOJUDGES' INITULS . OFFICIAL BALLOT . 29 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-In: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES: If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. SPOKANE R-VII SCHOOL DISTRICT : CITY OR HIGHLANDVILLE PROPOSITION 1 FOR MAYOR To choose by ballot.two (2) directors 2 YEAR TERM who shall serve as members of the . Vote For One Board of Education of Spokane R-VII CLINT ELLINGSWORTH School District f6r a term of three (3) -- it, : years eachz . 47 :3 6 - 'Vote F¥60 3 WRITE IN CHARLES RIOTT . 11 -- /65:5> - CARRIE RANTZ -' FOR ALDERMAN-,-WARE).Iii 6 \ .2.YEARTE - DEREK HIME · po;6:b,> - ROB RIGDON BOB KINDRICK'· - CHRIS HORTON i 1 WRITE IN. s. WRITE IN - / \ /7 14>QUESTION ' , WRITE IN - -- Std©he City of Highlandville, Missouri, : v ·, be authorized to forgo annual elections SELMORE SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICTS : if the number of candidates who have · filed for a particular office is equal to the number of positions in the office to be filled bv the election? QUESTION " YES Shall the Selmore Special Road District - NO of Christian County, Missouri, levy an additional tax rate of thtrty-five cents ($0.35) on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation, for a period of four (4) vears? YES m m . . . III 111111111111111111111111111111111'111111111 . 1 .............i......................... m JUDGES'INIMALS 1 I -- OFFICIAL BALLOT"mmmImm¤ImmmImmmmImmmmmmmmmmIImm GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black Ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-In: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a neW ballot. SPOKANE R-VII SCHOOL gis.iBICI VILLAGE OF SADDLEBROOKE PROPOSITION f: r ; FOR BOARD MEMBER Tb choose by bailot tw6 (2}directors 2 YEAR TERM who shall serve as members of the Vote ForThree " Board of Education of Spokane R-VII CAROL GAINES » School District for a term of three (3) JERALD SEARS years each. MICHAEL SOCHA Vote For Two CHARLES RIOTT - RACHELLE DARABI + CARRIE RANTZ : KATHY TOSOLINI·' 1 DEREK HIME JOELTRAUTMANN, j· - ROB RIGDON \N« \\ \:. CHRIS HORTON WRITE INb , 4 , r \:\ WRITE IN , WRITE IN. A WRITE IN --- - ' \WRITE IN ) 1 . GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. if you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CITY OF Ct-EVER 4 / FOR EAST WARD ALDERMAN 2 YEAR TERM Vote For One C SCOTT HACKWORTH WRITE IN - , NX N / /313 - 4 ikx \\ 44.42; \43 1 . 1 . m 11'lili 111111111111111111111111111111'11111111 . JUDGES'INInALS OFFICIAL BALLOT m 33 m,mImmmIImImm•r .M M,m m M m.m M IM M Ilm IMM m.lilll gl llillimm m m..Illimm m HIMI MM.M M.m m lil receive a new ballot. VE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION lillilll CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-In candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and SPOKANE R-VII SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSITION 1 Jo choose by ballot two (2) directors. who shall serve as members of the Board of Education of Spokane R-VII· School Dfstrict for a term of three (3)· years each. Vote ForTwo -- CHARLES RIOTT CARRIE RANTZ DEREK HIME ROB RIGDON 23 CHRIS HORTON 0 \ \\4 WRITE IN WRITE IN OZARK FIRE PROTETION DISTRICT FOR BOARD MEMBER ' 1 6 YEARTERM'i v ' Vote For One ' - JAMES (JIM) BOWLES 1 MARION BEEBE STEVE LOFTIS WRITE ]N 1. OFFICIAL BALLOT 1. GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 34 JUDGES'INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, M[SSOUR[ TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS 1 Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I -Ii---I.I-----------Ill-----I-- Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". I jf you are opposed to any questjon submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and I receive a new ballot. 1 . 4 ./ I SPOKANE R-VII SCHQOL DISTRICT 1 . PROPOSmON 1 To choose by ballot two (2) directors who shall serve as members of the Board of Education of Spokane R-VII - School District for a term of three (3) fi eats eadh. · v<5> - .. 13 2. 1 Vote For Two -- CHARLES RIOTT CARRIE RANTZ %3> DEREK HIME ROB RIGDON / 1 CHRIS HORTON WRITE IN . /1 t( WR]TE IN CHADWICK RURAL VOLUNTEER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - QUESTION | "Shall the board of djrectors of the Chadwick Rural Volunteer Fire -------- Protection District be authorized to levy I an additional tax of not more than twenty-five cents on the one hundred 1 dollars assessed valuation to provide I funds for the support of the district?" I YES l NO 1. . 1 . m 111 1111111111[111111111111111111111111111'1111 . OFFICIAL BALLOT mnimm,IN,glmlimmlilmm,mmillmill,miallmmili • GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES'INm,M.S CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI .. TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS I. Using blue or brack ink, completely fill in the oval next tothe candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. Ifyou are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". Il If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfuIly mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and Il receive a new ballot. OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 QUESTION ./ I. I 1 Shall Ozark Reorganized School District * No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri borrow money in the amount of : /,1., 1 $20,000,000 for the purpose of building € additions to, repairing, renovating and :%/>/ I improving District school facilities, to m include classroom and cafeteria facilities constructed to serve as storm shelters, II and furnishing and equipping the same . and issue bonds for the payment thereof . resulting in no estimated increase to the 1 ' ml debt service property tax levy of the 111 District? it... A \ \\ ¥ 11 If this proposition is approved, the i.t> \030 adjusted debt service levy of the school district is estimated to remain 1,4 m unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one hilmdred dollars assessed valuation of real.fnd C personal property. il - YES 'NO 1 CAADWEK RURAL VOLUNTEER FIRE 1 PROTECTION DISTRICT *- QUESTION - "Shall the board of directors of the il Chadwick Rural Volunteer Fire Protection District be authorized to levy Il an additional tax of not more than li twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation to provide 11 funds for the support of the district?" YES NO i . I . m 1111111111111 lilli!1111111111 . • OFFICIAL BALLOT • GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 36 . JUDGES'INmALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI . TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Il Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this:"mmmmmIm••• Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". li If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return It to the election judges and * receive a new ballot. BILLINGS R-IV SCHOOL DISTRICT, PROPOSITION ll Shall the Billings R-IV School District of il Christian County, Missouri issue its general obligation bonds in the amount • of $1,800,000 for the purpose of \»f> constructing, improving, furnishing and equipping school facilities, including but E nottimited to-(1) construction of a multipurpose ficility qualifying as a 11 FEMA storm shelter, contingent upon <3. 9 9\/,2 . receipt of a 75% FEMA grant for the facility, and (2) upgrades and safety Il modifications to existing facilities? 91 Approval of this proposition is estimated to result in a tax increase of $0.10 over I / Il the existing debt service levy of $0.8500 ¤ per one hundred dollars of assessed \ valuation of real and personal prope* i { : YES NO // 0 5 m m 1111111111111111111111111!11111'lili 1111111111 . . 1 OFFICIAL BALLOT • GENERAL MUN[CIPAL ELECTION JUDGES·INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI .. . TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill In the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any questjon submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and recetve a new ballot. BILLINGS R-IV SCHOOL DISTRICT £ PROPOSITION 11 Shall the Billings R-IV School District of il Christian County, Missouri issue its general obligation bonds in the amount I , il of $1,800,000 for the purpose of * constructing, improving, furnishing and . equip-ping school facilities, including but , m not limited to (1) construction of a multipurpose facility qualifying as a II FEMA storm shelter, contingent upon Il receipt of a 75% FEMA grant for the facility, and (2) upgrades and safety \©\\ 1/ Il modifications to existing facilities? Approval of this proposition is estimated to result in a tax increase of $0.10 over IL the existing debt service levy of $0.8500 (41 11\ lil per one hundred dollars of assessed \\ 33\ \3 valuation of real and personal proerty. A. ' YES NO CITY OF BILLINGS FOR BOARD MEMBER: WARD 2 2 YEARTERM Voto For One DON POWELL WRITE IN . . m . m In 11.1111[1111 [[l i n 1111.11 [' 11 li ll i lili ["11 . Im OFFICIAL BALLOT •.•..•mmm.... c GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Il JUDGES'INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS il. Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I 1 Write-in: To vote for a valid write-In candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". Il If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". ' If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and mongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. BILLINGS R-IV SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSITION il Shall the Billings R-IV School District of Cfiristian County, Missouri issue its general obligation bonds in the amount il of $1,800,000 for the purpose of constructing, improving, furnishing and equipping school facilities, including but E notlimited to (1) construction of a \ 1 multipurpose facility qualifying as a NI FEMA storm shelter, contingent upon 4 il receipt of a 75% FEMA grant for the facility, and (2) upgrades and safety , Il modifications to existing facilities? 1 Approval of this proposition Is estimated :t .5 *" to result in a tax increase of $0.10 over \4\ UI the existing debt service levy of $0.8500 ON \\ per one hundred dollars of assessed \AN N \ valuation of real and personal property. \V/49 il. M _ \ < M YES -- -hh NO CITY OF BILLINGS 6 . 1- E ' FOR BOARD MEMBER - WARD 3 2 YEAR TERM '- · Vote For One MELISSA VENABLE 1 . WRITE IN ... ill illi illillill i lilill'll'lili mmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmImmmm¤mmm.m.M.m..m...mmmm JUDGES' INITIALS each. 1. OFFICIAL BALLOT 39 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRIS.TIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the Ieft of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. REPUBLIC R-llj SCHOOL DISTRICT ' PROPOSITION 1 · To choose by ballot two directors * who shall serve as members of the * Board of Education of said school 6 district for a term of three years 1 : * ·Voto ForTwo -- TODD WOJCIECHOWSKI - MARK GIMUN .j \\ .0 13 \Ntl MARK MORRIS COREY E. KILBURN WRITE IN , -1 , £4 . .. I I.*, b WRITE IN ./ -. .9 . m 111111111[11111111[11111111111 li li 1111111 li lli . JUDGES·,NmALS OFFICIAL BALLOT 40 .m.m. MEN'Imm"ImimmE'm"mimimmimmimmimmim•••• . receive a new ballot. /1GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION '3 ...m....m....0¤mm...m.............. CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or questi'on response of your chotce like this: Write-in: To vote for a Valid write-In candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the feft of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and MARIONVILLE R-9 SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSITION 1 To choose by ballot two directors who shall serve as members of the Board Of Education of said school ..frs:, , district for a term of three years : 1 + each. .- 4 4,· r ... 't Vote Forl·wo MARK NEVELN SHANA SMITH BRANDON UN WHITE KARRI STANTON ALLISON WOODY WORKMAN $. , 1. t f r \. 4 1 WRITE IN WRITE IN t 1 m m . 1 11'lili 111!111!111111 11'1111 '11' 1 . t m OFFJCIAL BALLOT I 41 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES'INITLUS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI - TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submttted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES: If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. REPUBLIC R-111 SCHOOL DISTRICT . PROPOSITION 1 To choose by ballot two directors · who shall serve as members of the Board of Education of said school , district for a term of three years . each. i .692 Vote ForTwo 1 t TODD WOJCIECHOWSKI MARK GIMLIN MARK MORRIS COREY E. KILBURN WRITE IN r> WRITE IN ; CITY OF REPUBLIC FOR COUNCIL MEMBER - WARD 4 2 YEAR TERM Vote For One ...m....... - DANIEL HARTER MICHAEL TIPPIE WRITE IN i . Im 11111111111111111111111[1,111111!11111111 11 111 . . m,mmlmmmmIm"mm¤aBmom,Ommmmm••m••m••••••• OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 42 JUDSES' INmALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS 1 Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I · Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you lean deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. BILLINGS R-IV SCHOOL DISTRICT , 7: PROPOSITION /3 I Il Shall the Billings R-IV School District of Christian County, Missouri issue its general obligation bonds in the amount jj il of $1,800,000 for the purpose of ..1/f> constructing, improving, furnishing and Il equipping school facilities, including but g not limited to (1) construction of a multipurpose facility qualifying as a .-I. /: . II FEMA storm shelter, contingent upon \ . . receipt of a 75% FEMA grant for the facility, and (2) upgrades and safety il modifications to existing facilities? 2 , 1 Approval of this proposition is estimated to result in a tax increase of $0.10 over U the existing debt service levy of $0.8500 h t per one hundred dollars of assessed , h I valuation of real and personal proBegy. mi it. YES NO CITY OF BILLINGS I ./ FOR BOARD MEMBER - WARD 1 2 YEAR TERM 1 = 1 Vote For Ore JACK VANZANDT WRiTE IN . m m . Ill lill i Ill 11111l l Ill Ill illi li li ll Il l 1111 lilli . m m m m m m m m m m m m M m m m • m • m m m m m m.. m m. m m.m m.• m m m m m • mIl#3 JUDGES'INITIALS OFFICIAL BALLOT /2 43 m......m..eN GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice (ike this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES*. 1 f you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. : NIXA PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOR COUNCIL MEMBER DISTRICT I 4 3 YEAR TERM To choose by ballot two (2) directors Vote For One who shall ser*e as' meinbers of the , JONATHAN LABRIE Board of Education of said school , .JAY FARR district for a term of three (3) years ' each. Vote ForTWO ' WRITE IN RAELYNN L ANDERSON ••Immelism JOSHUA K. ROBERTS , DANIEL JESSEN WRITE IN -\1 . WRITE IN CITY OF NIXA FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE m 0...........g 2.YEAR TERM. 4 4* . Vote For One ) JOEL T. HARRIS WRITE IN . 0 1 1 1 III lili 111[11111[1111[1[111111 li ll il lili 111 111 . ...•..•......••m.."I.•....•.•mm.......mmm JUDGES' INmALS each.- )1 9 m OFFICIAL BALLOT » m 44i=INE•mwi•mwiwle@g@®Imme@@mmwiwi,wm GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: 1 Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. NIXA PUBLIC SCHOOLS To choose by ballot two (2) directors who shall serve as members of the Board of Education of said school district for a term of three (3) years Vote For Two RAELYNN L. ANDERSON 3 JOSHUA K. ROBERTS 1% » DANIEL JESSEN WRITE IN (21 \24 WRITE iN CITY OF NIXA . i*41\» V \ FOR MUNICIP*UDGE \\ 2 YEA!*ERM \9/ vote Mor One J < JOEL T. HARR)<- \ 1 WRITE IN €' } FOR COUNCIL MEMBER DISTRICT Il 3 YEAR TERM Vote For One CHRIS RUSSELL WRITE IN m Imm.•mm•m• JUDGES INITLALS each. U- . OFFICIAL BALLOT .V 45 : GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: Im.m..m•m..¤¤. Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the ovat. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. NIXA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 6 choae by ballot two (2) directors : who shall serve as members of the Board of Education of said school district for a term of three-(3) years Vote For Two /\ - RAELYNN L. ANDERSON JOSHUA K. ROBERTS /,03- ,\ '\ - %\ )2 047 - <0\0 \ 4,4 - DANIEL JESSEN WRITE IN WRITE IN I , C!IY OF NIX,A & I FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE 0. 2 YEAR TERM -9.- Vote For One JOEL T. HARRIS WRITE IN m . . . 1 11111111111111111111111 mil . . ..... OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 46 JUDGES· INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY,· MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS 1 Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I•mmm.m.g.mmm¤mmBgmWmm.¤mmm..mmm.... Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". I If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. CITY OF SPARTA FOR MAYOR .'> »i.YEAR TERM V6te For'On. 1 MIKE YOUNKER ./> WRITE IN FOR ALDERMAN -WARD ONE 2 YEAR TERM : A \: 2 7 \.1 ./. V VZte For One - . 1 JOSEPH A VALADE, JR. n \P.h .21 I J DIALA BROWN «24\ U v 93 - 3.N 91 WRITE IN .-- \ 1. :-2-) I 1 {T< \.2 \ I QUESTION - . .----- - - , li Shall intoxicating liquor, containing - . Il alcohol in excess of five percent (5%) Gy + weight, be sold by the drink at retail for li consumption on the premises where 1 sold? YES NO m m . a .9 1111111111111111 1 1 . OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES' INmALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI 47 TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS ' Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I.mI.l........MM.ImI.¤..lI.I.R..IM.. Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted·on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". · Ifyou tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. crrY OF SPARTA FOR MAYOR 2 YEAR TERM · Vote For One - MIKE YOUNKER WRITE IN ./\ \. < A Cy ..6 <44»f/, , FOR ALDERMAN,-WARD TWO ' . 1 2 f i 2 YEAR TERM ./ F Vote For One - \ 60 1. e DANIEL BREON JARRETT RAY JORG \ \ 41 WRITE IN . .,0 % \ \00. \> ' >QUES+iON,4 2,C-<-- '\ 1 \i Il Shall intoxicating liquor, containing .2/ Il alcohol in excess of five percent (5%) by- weight, be sold by the drink at retail for Il consumption on the premises where sold? YES NO i m m . m 11'lili'11111111111111111111111111111111111111 . m ..... OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 48 JUDGES'INmALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS | Using blue or blackink, completely fill in the oval nextto the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I......m.......m...m...............m Write-in: To vote for a valid write-In candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. r . -OZARK REORGANIZED dCHOOL CITY OF FREMONT HILLS DISTRICT NO. 6 QUESTION FOR ALDERMAN - WARD ONE 2 YEAR TERM Il Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Vote For One Il No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri , KEVIN JANSEN borrow money in the amount of - 1 $20,000,000 for the purpose of building ' . 3 additions to, repairing, renovating and / il improving District school facilities, to 01 include classroom and cafeteria facilities constructed to serve as storm shelters, C.\ \: 1 Il and furnishing and equipping the same .. and issue bonds for the payment thereof resulting In no estimated Increase to the 1 2., ' I. I debt service property tax levy of the « 1.<1,/3 Ii, District? il If this proposition is approved, the (21 \\ Il adjusted debt service levy of the school \<1.Fr.,Trr*, district is estimated to remain 0 » il unchanged at $.0.8471 per one hundred \ 1/ dollars assessed valuation of reatand · - , : ' personal property. i YES NO OZARK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FOR BOARD MEMBER 6. YEAR TERM t Vote For One ' JAMES (JIM) BOWLES MARION BEEBE · STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN 9 m . . . 111 lili '1111111111'111111111 lilli . OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES,INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI 49 TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like Write-In: To vote for a valid write-In candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT.NO..6 r I CITY OF FREMONT HILLS QUESTION FOR ALDERMAN,- WARD TWO 2 YEAR TERM •1 Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Vote For One Il No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri LUKE DAVIS borrow money in the amount of 11· $20,000,000 for the purpose of building additions to, repairing, renovating and WRITE IN , improving District school facilities, to m include classroom and cafeteria facilities constructed to serve as storm shelters, Il and furnishing and equipping the same . and issue bonds for the payment thereof % V'/ · resulting in no estimated increase to the t f\YV < II debt service property tax levy of the - District? / t ./ t Ul If this proposition is approved, the . ll adjusted debt service levy of the school . district is estimated to remain , 91 unchanged at $ 0.8471 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation of real and.- ·- , 1 -1- % .3 , personal property. ) ) t. • C YES .L No OZARK FIRE PROTECTIN. DISTRICT. FOR BOARD MEMBER 6 YEARTERM Vote For One JAMES (JIM) BOWLES - MARION BEEBE STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN - 1 lilli 111 m OFFICIAL BALLOT m GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION JUDGES·INITIALS CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI . TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS I Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: IM7 Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. =======." If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". li If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new ballot. I OZARK REORGANIZED SCHOOL m DISTRICT NO. 6 CITY OF FREMONT HILLS QUESTION FOR ALDERMAN - WARD THREE 2 YEAR TERM IB Shall Ozark Reorganized School District Vote For One No. 6 of Christian County, Missouri RANDY WEST borrow money in the amount of I $20,000,000 for the purpose of building ' Vote For One - JAMES wIM) BOWLES 3 MARION BEEBE ' STEVE LOFTIS WRITE IN .. 111111 IMMI'll/MINIMENIMMIMMI'l".1/IMMINIA..1/M ..... JUDGEWINITALS \0 OFFICIAL BALLOT Cl mill .......................m................. GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, APRIL 7,2015 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Using blue or black ink, completely fill in the oval next to the candidate or question response of your choice like this: I Write-in: To vote for a valid write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. If you are in favor of any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "YES". If you are opposed to any question submitted on this ballot, darken the oval to the left of the word "NO". If you tear, deface, or make a mistake and wrongfully mark any ballot, you must return it to the election judges and receive a new baIIot. CITY OF CLEVER FOR WEST WARD ALDERMAN 2 YEAR TERM ·· Vote For One ,- WADE A. PEARCE WRITE IN t \1- \ m . . . m lillillillillilimill