'4. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF CHRISTIAN COU NTY, MISSOURI AMBER PLEMONES, ) APPLICANT ) vs. ) CASE NUMBER: 04CT-C400304 KAY BROWN, COUNTY CLERK, CHRISTIAN COUNTY, ELECTION AUTHORrrY CONSENT JUDGMENT AND ORDER This matter comes before this Court in open session, Applicant appearing by Steven Meier, and Election Authority appearing by Kay Brown, County Clerk, Christian County, the following directives has been stimulated and agreed by both parties. That the Election Authority, by and through Kay Brown, County Clerk of Christian is ordered to correct the mistaken information contained in the ballot regarding the Logan- Rogersville Fire Protection District General Obligation Bonds incurred debt from $2,7500.000.00 as printed and attached and incorporated by reference in this order as Exhibit "A" to the correct amount of $2,750,000.00 as printed and attached and incorporated in this Order as Exhibit"B". This correction, that you, Kay Brown, shall make and prepare prior to the time of 6:00 a.m. of the date of April 68,2004. U SO ORDERED: A 1 - Mdge °1 the Circuit CJ* 0-- ... 0 n ..i 1,4 IN THE CIRCUrr COURT OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MISSOURI AMBER PLEMONES, ) APPLICANT ) vs. ) CASE NUMBER04OT-tAi00304 KAY BROWN, COUNTY CLERK, CHRISTIAN COUNTY, ELECTION AUTHORITY WAIVER OF FORMAL SERVICE OF PROCESS, CONSENT TO JURISDICTION AND JUDGEMENT COMES NOW, Election Authority, by the County Clerk of Christian County, Missouri, Kay Brown, and informs this court that: 1. The formal service of process is waived and Election Authority accepts notice of this action as presented and further states that Election Authority does not intend or desire to respond the Applicant's Application. 2. Election Authority submits itselfto the jurisdiction ofthis Court and that venue is proper. 3. Election Authority will submit to the Courts order regarding the relief prayed for in Applicant's Application. 44- 6- Kay Brown County Clerk Christian County, Missouri Election Authority 100 W. Church, Rm 206 Ozark, Missouri, 65721 417-581-6360