Afft - .t INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this | day of 13-€ Ce..4.ex/ 2011, between Christian County Emergency Services, a countywide emergency services district established in accordance with Section 190.339, RSMo (hereinafter "CCES") and CA rr 94 7•A M/540071. (hereinafter "Contracting Authority"). WHEREAS, Section 70.220, RSMo (2000) authorizes governments to cooperate with one another in various matters; and WHEREAS, the CCES has agreed to provide street naming, numbering and addressing services throughout Christian County, and has adopted an Ordinance to establish procedures and guidelines for street naming, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Contracting Authority is agreeable to CCES exercising the street, naming, numbering and addressing authority within its geographic boundaries, in accordance with the Ordinance and this Agreement; and WHEREAS, this Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement is entered into to memorialize the parties agreement that CCES will be solely responsible for street naming, numbering and addressing within Christian County. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby mutually covertant and agree as follows: 1. CCES agrees that it will perform all duties and tasks required for street naming, numbering and addressing within Christian County, Missouri, including within all boundaries of any municipality, district or other governing authority within Christian County. This is done in order to provide efficient and effective planning of a 9-1-1 system as authorited,by Section 190.339.1, RSMo. 2. CCES has adopted an Ordinance to establish procedures for street naming, numbering and addressing, and a copy is attached as Exhibit A. CCES shall have the right to alter or amend this Ordinance as necessary in the future. 3. The Contracting Authority agrees that CCES shall have the sole responsibility for street naming, numbering and addressing, and acknowledges the Importance of CCES _ control over this function in effectively planning and operating a countywide 911 system. Furthermore, the Contracting Authority agrees that It will not name streets or exercise any authority to,name streets. 4. In no event shall the language of this Agreement constitute or be construed as a waiver or limitation of either party's rights or defenses with regard to each party's applicable sovereign, governmental or official immunities and protections as provided by state or federal law. 5. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties. No modification, amendment, cancellation or waiver of any provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless It is in writing and it signed by a representative authorized by CCES and the Contracting Authority. -2 «= j'. 6. This Agreement may be cancelled by either party by giving sixty (60) days advance written notice to the other party. Upon such cancellation, this Agreement shall be terminated, and of no further force or effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed the day and year first above written. CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES B: -44951_ , Board President CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Christian County Commission (state fululame of - ' " Authority) ionrracring t fou/Lapagli/al Commissioner (narrfe and title) £) i/.9 0*101 Bill Barnett-Western Commissioner Tom Huff (Absent) Eastern Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: /7 ATTEST: --4 >k»Li,i-u Bv: BY r A OZ,Lk J --- Todd-A. John,« Counsel to CCES Ellis, Ellis, Hdrfimons & Johnson, P.C. (namE itley 901 St. Louis Street, Suite 600 Springfield, MO 65806 APPROVED AS TO,F6*1: BV: CA«*p/ $2( or- -2- CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING PART I: General Provisions Section 1: Purpose and Authoritv: These standards and procedures are established to promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare by providing common and effective methods for assigning street names and addresses. This is required for Christian County Emergency Services Board (CCESB) to effectively plan and implement a 9-1-1 and central dispatching system, as authorized and directed by Section 190.339.1 of the Revised Missouri Statutes. Such methods will also assist emergency service agencies, the United States Postal Service and the public in the timely and efficient provision of services to residents and businesses in and around the Municipalities of; and within the boundaries of Christian County. Section 2: Applicabilitv: This Ordinance shall apply to all lands within the Municipalities of; and within the boundaries of Christian County. No application for a building permit or subdivision plat shall be approved that contains street names or site addresses that do not comply with the requirements and procedures provided herein. In circumstances where the regulations of this Ordinance conflict with those of another Ordinance, this Ordinance shall apply. Section 3: Goals: • To provide a street and addressing system to aid emergency service agencies in locating emergency victims with the greatest efficiency. • To improve the quality of life for residence through easier delivery of mail and services, • To project a positive and progressive image to residents, prospective residents and developers, and • To provide an ongoing service assigning addresses to new development. Section 4: Definitions The following are terms used to interpret this portion of the ordinance. The following definitions are related specifically to Street Naming and Addressing. Address: A property location identification including the following elements: Number, Directional Prefix, Street Name. And (Unit Number, if applicable). Addressing Official: The Christian County Emergency Services Board (CCESB), including the administrative Staff. Baseline: Municipality: A north-south or east-west line used as a zero starting point for address numbers in a grid system. Rural/County: Will use numbered interval system starting at the beginning point of a road Dedicated Street: A named or unnamed roadway located on land that is publicly owned and reserved for public access (a.k.a. public dedicated right-of-way). 1 CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING Directional Prefix: A prefix assigned to a street based on its overall direction and its location within a grid system. The directional prefix is not part ofthe street name, but for addressing and 911 purposes. Frontage: The direction a building faces, or the point at which a private driveway meets a named roadway. Grid System: Addressing system whereby address numbers are assigned from a baseline. Hundred Block: An incremental breakdown (one-tenth) of a thousand grid. Street Name: The official name ofa roadway including a name and a suffix designation. Suffix Designation: A descriptive qualifier at the end ofa street name. Unit Number: A number affixed to an address number indicating a separate unit (apartment, suite, etc.) within a building or complex that is assigned a single address. 1 Address number: The numeric designation for an addressable structure or unit. E.g.: If 101 Main St is the 1 site address. 101 is the Address Number. 1 Address sign: An individual address plate identifying the address number of a structure. Addressable structures or units: Generally, the habitable or occupied structure(s) on a lot, parcel or tract, | but may also include other structures as determined necessary by the addressing coordinator. Building permit: A permit issued by the Incorporated Cities and Christian Count designated authorities before any building construction activity can commence. Driveway: A means ofvehicular access, entirely located on a single lot/parcel that does not provide access to any other lot/parcel. Beginning at the property line of a lot abutting a public road, private road, access, easement or private right-of-way that provides access to a building or structure on that lot. A driveway does not server any other lot or parcel. Interval addressing: A standard by which addresses area calculated with even number on one side and odd numbers on the other starting with one and increasing by a consistent interval (such as 1,000 addresses per mile) along a road. Inconsistent site address or road name: A site address or road name that is not in conformance with this ordinance and/or causes confusion to or hinders the efficient operation of the post office, delivery service, I and emergency response agencies serving Christian County (e.g. duplicate road names, address numbers or i ranges that are out ofsequence). Mailing address: The address to which mail from the U.S. Postal Service is sent. j 2 CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING ! Parity: Numbering address using odd number on one side and even numbers on the other side for the duration of the continuous road. 1 Private road: Any road not included in a right-of-way dedicated to the public. Public road: Any road included in a right-of-way dedicated to the public. ---------- Road name: The base name of a road without the suffix. Sequential numbering: A logical sequence ofprogression in numbers for a continuous road. Street/road: A general term denoting a public or private way used for access to three or more lots, parcels, or I tracts ofland, including the entire area within tile right-of-way and/or access easement. PART II: STREET NAMING Section 5: Street Names: All public streets shall be named in accordance with the provisions ofthis Article. All private streets, frontage roads and ingress/egress easements providing the principal means of access to residential. commercial, industrial, and other properties of buildings shall be named. Section 6: Streets Requiring Names: A roadway will be named if it meets at least one ofthe following conditions: • If three or more dwelling units or business related buildings exist, or are proposed to be constructed, along the roadway or are served by the roadway. • If the roadway is maintained, owned or operated by any municipality, county, road district, governmental entity or organized association. Section 7: Street Suffixes: The following suffixes are suggested for naming a type ofroadway. Other suffixes not listed below may be considered providing they meet valid street suffix abbreviations, as defined by the United States Postal Service (USPS) official suffix guidelines. Alley (ALY): A narrow land between or behind a row of buildings. Avenue (AVE): A roadway or thoroughfare in a densely populated area. Boulevard (BLVD): A street with a median. 3 CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING Circle (CIR): A cul-de-sac or looped street that begins and circles back to terminate on the same road. Court (CT): A permanently closed street, not exceeding 1,000 ft, such as a culde-sac. Drive (DR): A curvilinear street. Highway (HWY): A primary state or federal route, suitable for heavy traffic volume. Lane (LN): A minor dead-end street or private lane. Parkway (PKWY): A road with a median reflecting the parkway character. Pike (PIKE): A primary state or federal route, suitable for heavy traffic volume. Road (RD): A common roadway, usually in less densely populated areas. Street (ST): A common roadway, usually in more densely populated areas. Way (WAY): A minor roadway. Section 8: Street Name Assignments: The approval process for new street names may be initiated as part of any of the following development approval procedures. Applicants for preliminary subdivision plan review are encouraged to seek street name approval as part ofthe preliminary plat application. Preliminarv plat for Maior Subdivision: Street names may be submitted for approval with a Preliminary Plat for Major Subdivision. Approval of the preliminary plat with street names may be given at the time of preliminary plat approval. Final Plat: Approved street names shall be shown on all final plats recorded at the Christian County Recorder's Office. Minor Subdivision: Street names must be submitted for approval with a Minor Subdivision Plat. When recorded. minor subdivision plats must reflect the approved street name. Section 9: Street Name Guidelines 1. Duplication of Existing Street Names Is Not Permitted: To eliminate potential confusion and delay of emergency response, duplication of street names shall not be permitted. Streets with the same name but different street type designations shall be considered duplicate street names (e.g., Wasson Drive and Wasson Road are duplicates). Proposed street names and name changes shall be compared with existing street names of both the Municipality and County name index to determine if the proposed street name would create a duplicate name. 2. Similar or Confusing Spelling of Street Names Not Permitted: To eliminate confusion resulting from diction problems when individuals are reporting street names under stress, similar (text or phonetic) or 4 CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING confusing spelling of street names shall not be approved. The following are examples ofthe issues described above. Length of Street Names: Street names of 1 2 or fewer characters are encouraged to maximize visibility of street signs. New street names shall not contain more than 16 characters, which does not include either the direction (north, east, etc.) or the street type (lane, drive, etc.). Names shall not contain hyphens, apostrophes, or other non-letter characters. New street names shall not contain more than two words, exclusive of direction or street type. 3. Use of Directional Indicators in Street Names: Directional indicators, such as north and west, shall not be included in street name proposals as a prefix or suffix to a street name. 4. No separate name is to be used for a cut-de-sac that provides street frontage for three or less lots or units. The name shall be the same as that ofthe intersecting street 5. In circumstances where a street changes directions abruptly, generally greater than 45 degrees, a new street name shall be assigned. Section 10: Continuation of Street Names The assignment of continuous street names, or street names assigned to grid lines, shall be given to new thoroughfares that have the same basic alignment with an existing street. To help reduce the total number of names within the system, new street names will not be issued to streets that fall within an address grid line with an established name. New street names can only be issued if a current linear street name cannot be used, or to designated collector and arterial thoroughfares that have a special or unique alignment and configuration. Street names shall not be changed due to a change in direction of the street, nor shall a new prefix be used for those streets that meet the criteria for using a directional indicator in the street name. Rumplestiltskin Difficult to Spell Jotunheimen Obscure Phunny Phonetically confusing spelling | Rumplestiltskin I Difficult to Spell Jotunheimen 1 Obscure 5 CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING PART III: ADDRESSING Section 11: Addressing Agency The Christian County Emergency Services Board is the addressing authority for Christian County and shall establish an E9-1-1 addressing service to assign street address numbers in accordance with the guidelines set ' forth herein. The Administrative Staff of the CCES shall be responsible for the day to day administration of this Ordinance, and for making the initial decision on any matter under this Ordinance. All buildings used for residential, commercial, institutional or governmental purposes shall be provided with an address identifying the building. Section 12: Address Numbering The assignment of address numbering shall be dependent on the location ofthe address. Ifthe address is located within an incorporated area, Grid addressing should be used. Ifthe address is located outside of incorporated area and in Christian County proper, then Interval addressing should be used. The governing factor will be determined once the exact location ofthe address is verified using GIS master data files. Gridalities: The purpose of the address numbering grid is to provide a more uniform and orderly spacing of block numbers. Each new subdivision parcel, each pad in a mobile home park, commercial unit, apartment, condominium, or townhouse shall be assigned an address on the street providing access to the parcels. The grid system allows a series of numbers to be assigned for approximately every 500 feet. The address grid includes the NW, NE, SW, and SE quadrants of Municipalities, and uses primary routes within the City as zero baselines. Address Grid Baselines E9-1-1 address numbering system shall be on a grid system dividing the address area into quadrants establishing zero baselines from which numbers are assigned. The grid baseline identifies the point at which block numbers will change in increments of 100. Application of Address Grid Application of the address grid will vary. as few streets run directly north, south, east or west. Most streets run at angles to the cardinal directions and often change direction. The primary consideration for assigning addresses on streets tliat diverge from the cardinal directions is the even distribution of address numbers. The grid shall be used to assist in assigning numbers by orienting the grid parallel to the direction of the street. In this manner, an appropriate distance between address numbers can be maintained. Streets- Frequencv of Numbers Every twenty-five feet of ground or fraction of a lot less than twenty-five feet fronting upon each street shall 6 1,4 CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING have one number. This will yield approximately 400 numbers per mile, 200 odd on one side and 200 even on the other side. Section 13: Interval Address Numbering Intervals: The purpose of the address numbering interval is to provide a more uniform and orderly spacing of address numbers. Each new subdivision parcel, each pad in a mobile home park, commercial unit, apartment, condominium, or townhouse shall be assigned an address on the street providing access to the parcels. The interval system allows a series of numbers to be assigned for approximately every 1000 feet. The address interval includes the NW. NE. SW. and SE quadrants of Municipalities and uses primary routes as the zero baselines. Address Interval Baselines 89- 1 -1 address numbering system shall be on a standard by which addresses area calculated with even number on one side and odd numbers on the other starting with one and increasing by a consistent interval (such as 1,000 addresses per mile) along a road. Application of Address Interval Application ofthe address interval will vary, as few streets run directly north, south, east or west. Most streets rim at angles to the cardinal directions and often change direction. The primary consideration for assigning addresses on streets that diverge from the cardinal directions is the even distribution of address numbers. The interval shall be used to assist in assigning numbers by orienting the interval parallel to the direction of the street. In this manner, an appropriate distance between address numbers can be maintained. Streets- Frequenev of Numbers Every five point two eight feet (5.28) of ground is capable of having an address assigned This will yield approximately 1000 numbers per mile, 250 odd on one side and 250 even on the other side. Even/Odd Numbers The north side of east/west streets and the west side of north/south streets shall be assigned odd numbers. The south side of east/west streets and the east side of north/south streets shall be assigned even numbers. The original odd or even designation shall be continued throughout the drive regardless of change in compass direction. Section 14: Private Rights-of-Wav In situations where three or more structures are located on a private, un-named right-of way, the private drive shall be named. Once a street name has been approved a standard street name sign shall be installed at the owner's expense. The structures shall then be numbered according to these principles using the number interval method. Nothing in this Ordinance shall cause any private drive to become public property, or to be 7 CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING in any way dedicated. or to be deemed dedicated. Section 15: Loop or Circular Streets The properties fronting circle streets shall be numbered without regard to the change in direction. Continuous even or odd numbers shall be assigned around the outside, and the appropriate opposite even or odd number shall be assigned continuously around the inside of the circle. In some cases this will result in fewer numbers on the inside of the circle. Adjustments will be made where necessary to provide numbers with similar numeric value for properties which face each other along the street. Section 16: Corner Lots When assigning numbers to corner lots, the front door shall be used. When the front door is obscured or ifthe structure is best reached for emergency purposes by the driveway, assign the property number based on where the driveway falls on the road. Section 17: Curvilinear Streets To assign numbers, consideration must be given to the overall direction of the entire street and the pattern o f existing and future development. The street numbers shall be determined from the grid axis that is most nearly at a right angle to tile overall direction of the street. Section 18: Single Familv Lots Addresses for single-family dwelling lots shall be assigned consecutively on the odd and even sides of the street. Section 19: Mobile Home Parks Addresses for home sites in a single street/road access mobile home parks are assigned consecutively on the odd and even sides of the street. A separate street address number shall be assigned for each mobile home pad or lot. Section 20: Multi-Familv Apartments Multi-family housing units, such as apartments and condominiums, will have a separate whole number street address assigned to each individual building. Street addresses shall be assigned based on the normal criteria for assignment. Within the individual structures. separate dwelling units shall be assigned apartment numbers as secondary location indicators. Structures having multiple levels with dwelling units placed one above another will receive a consecutive whole unit number assigned from the left to right as viewed from the common entrance. The lowest floor shall begin with 101, 102, 103 etc., until all units have been assigned unit numbers. Successively higher floors shall begin with successively higher increments of hundreds. The complete official street address for each unit will consist of the street address. street name, and unit number. 8 h t CHRISTIAN COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES ADDRESSING ORDINANCE STREET NAMING, NUMBERING AND ADDRESSING Section 21: Commercial Development Commercial developments shall be numbered just as apartments, with one street address applied to each individual building, with additional addresses for the buildings consisting of suite numbers. Commercial buildings will be numbered with the middle of the building determining the number of the building with offices or businesses in the building numbered as suites (e.g. 625 E. Mt. Vernon, Suite 34) Section 22: Appeal Process. All street naming shall be done by Christian County Emergency Services (CCES) in accordance with this Ordinance. In the event any person is aggrieved by a final decision of the Administrative Staff of the CCES under this Ordinance. then he/she shall have the right to an appeal hearing before the CCES Board, by requesting an appeal hearing within ten (10) days after the final decision by the Administrative Staff of CCES. The aggrieved person shall have the right to appear in person or through an attorney at the appeal hearing. and to submit documents or records for consideration by the Board. The decision of the Board shall be final. 9 1 1C . Ar dulia Maples From: John W. Housley l Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 12:36 PM To: 'Cheryl Mitchell' Subject: RE: ADDRESSING ORDINANCE \P Cheryl: I have read the attached addressing ordinance that the 911 board intends to adopt. I have also read the intergovernmental agreement between the 911 Board and Christian County. l have no objection to the county commission signing the IGA, if it wishes to do so. Please pass this along to Lou. John From: Cheryl Mitchell [] Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 3:10 PM To: John W. Housley Subject: FW: ADDRESSING ORDINANCE Importance: High Please look at this for us. Thanks, Cheryl From: Rance Duffy [] Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 1:54 PM To:;; Cc: James Bacon; Subject: ADDRESSING ORDINANCE Importance: High Gentlemen, r The 911 board and staff are ready to approve the addressing ordinance. Before we do that we would like to get the City of Nixa, Ozark and Christian County's input on how they would like to move forward. To catch you up, from our research there is no centralized addressing authority for the county and there is no existing ordinance with exception to the City of Nixa on how addresses will be issued. When 911 was formed we have been pursuing a more centralized fashion to how addresses are issued throughout the county including the municipalities. We have received great support on this measure from each of you and now we need to move another step forward. The ordinance itself has been through review by the GIS working group that includes members from each of your staff.!t has also been through our legal counsel review. Now we are down to a process issue to move forward, our legal counsel advised the 911 board could pass the ordinance to make it law. Then each of the governmental entities could pass an intergovernmental agreement saying they would agree to follow the ordinance passed by the 911 board. We need to know if that process will work for each of you or do we need to go in a different direction? This item will be on the next 911 board meeting which is this Thursday, August 11.m at 2:30 in OTC Richwood Valley - Room 224. We are not planning on passing this ordinance until we receive some direction from each of you. We are placing it on the agenda to have discussion with you if you are able to attend. If you are not able to attend please let me know your thoughts and I can convey those to the board. Thanks, Ranee Duffy 1 *Director - Christian County Emergency Services 110 West Elm St. Rm 50 Ozark, MO 65721 O: 417-581-1520 F: 417-581-1523 E: W: 2 -9 % Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 190 Emergency Services Section 190.335 August 28,2010 Central dispatch for emergency services, alternative funding by county saIes tax, procedure, ballot form, rate of tax-collection, limitations-adoption of alternate tax, telephone tax to expire, when- board appointment and election, qualification, terms-continuation of board in Greene County- board appointment in Christian County. 190.335. 1. In lieu of the tax levy authorized under section 190.305 for emergency telephone services, the county commission of any county may impose a county sales tax for the provision of central dispatching of fire protection, including law enforcement agencies, emergency ambulance service or any other emergency services, including emergency telephone services, which shalI be collectively referred to herein as "emergency services", and which may aIso include the purchase and maintenance of communications and emergency equipment, including the operational costs associated therein, in accordance with the provisions ofthis section. 2. Such county commission may, by a majority vote of its members, submit to the voters of the county, at a public election, a proposal to authorize the county commission to impose a tax under the provisions ofthis section. If the residents of the county present a petition signed by a number ofresidents equal to ten percent of those in the county who voted in the most recent gubematorial election, then the commission shalI submit such a proposal to the voters of the county. 3. The ballot of submission shall be in substantially the following form: Shall the county of (insert name of county) impose a county sales tax of ............ (insert rate of percent) percent for the purpose ofproviding central dispatching of fire protection, emergency ambulance service, including emergency telephone services, and other emergency services? AiYES&&NO If a majority of the votes cast on the proposal by the qualified voters voting thereon are in favor of the proposal, then the ordinance shall be in effect as provided herein. If a majority of the votes cast by the qualified voters voting are opposed to the proposal, then the county commission shall have no power to impose the tax authorized by this section unless and until the county commission shall again have submitted another proposal to authorize the county commission to impose tile tax under the provisions of this section, and such proposal is approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting thereon. 4. The sales tax may be imposed at a rate not to exceed one percent on the receipts from the sale at retail of all tangible personal property or taxable services at retail within any county adopting such tax, if such property and services are subject to taxation by the state of Missouri under the provisions of sections 144.010 to 144.525. The sales tax shall not be collected prior to thirty-six months before operation of the central dispatching of emergency services. 5. Except as modified in this section, all provisions of sections 32.085 and 32.087 shall apply to the tax imposed under this section. 6. Any tax imposed pursuant to section 190.305 shall terminate at the end of the tax year in which the tax imposed pursuant to this section for emergency services is certified by the board to be fully operational. Any revenues collected from the tax authorized under section 190.305 shall be credited for the purposes for which they were intended. 7. At least once each calendar year, the board shall establish a tax rate, not to exceed the ·amount authorized, that together wih anfsurplus revenues carried forward will produce sufficient revenues to fund the expenditures authorized by this act. Amounts collected in excess of that necessary within a given year shall be carried forward to subsequent years. The board shall make its determination of such tax rate each year no later than September first and shalI fix the new rate which shall be collected as provided in this act. Immediately upon making its determination and fixing tile rate, the board shall publish in its minutes the new rate, and it shall notify every retailer by mail of the new rate. 8. Immediately upon the affirmative vote of voters of such a county on the ballot proposal to establish a county sales tax pursuant to the provisions of this section, the county commission shall appoint the initial members of a board to administer the funds and oversee the provision of emergency services in the county. Beginning with the general election in 1994, all board members shall be elected according to this section and other applicable laws ofthis state. At the time of the appointment of the initial members of the board, the commission shall relinquish and no longer exercise the duties prescribed in this chapter with regard to the provision of emergency services and such duties shall be exercised by the board. 9. The initial board shall consist of seven members appointed without regard to political affiliation, who shall be selected from, and who shalI represent, the fire protection districts, ambulance districts, sheriff's department, municipalities, any other emergency services and the general public. This initial board shall serve until its successor board is duly elected and installed in office. The commission shall ensure geographic representation ofthe county by appointing no more than four members from each district of the county commission. 10. Beginning in 1994, three members shall be elected from each district of the county commission and one member shall be elected at large, such member to be the chairman of the board. Of those first elected, four members from districts of the county commission shall be elected for terms of two years and two members from districts of the county commission and the member at large shall be elected for terms of four years. In 1996, and thereafter, all terms of office shall be four years. 11. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 8 to 10 of this section to the contrary, in any county of the first classification with more than two hundred forty thousand three hundred but fewer than two hundred forty thousand four hundred inhabitants, any emergency telephone service 911 board appointed by the county under section 190.309 which is in existence on the date the voters approve a saIes tax under this section shall continue to exist and shall have the powers set forth under section 190.339. 12. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 8 to 10 of this section to the contrary, in any county of the second classification with more than fifty-four thousand two hundred but fewer than fifty-four thousand three hundred inhabitants that has approved a sales tax under this section, the county commission shall appoint the members of the board to administer the funds and oversee the provision of emergency services in the county. (2) The board shall consist of seven members appointed without regard to political affiliation. Each member shall be one ofthe following: (a) The head of any of the county's fire protection districts, or a designee; (b) The head of any of the county's ambulance districts, or a designee; (c) The county sheriff, or a designee; (d) The head of any of the police departments in the county, or a designee; and (e) The head of any of the county's emergency management organizations, or a designee. (3) Upon the appointment of the board under this subsection, the board shall have the power provided in section 190.339 and shall exercise all powers and duties exercised by the county commission under this chapter, and the commission shall relinquish all powers and duties relating to the provision of emergency services under this chapter to the board. (L. 1993 S.B. 157 & 29 § 1, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1460. A.L. 2005 H.B. 58, A.L. 2008 S.B. 1039, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1942) © Copyright /PX -117.- ' '31'9 Missouri General Assembly Missouri Revised Statutes *t Chapter 67 Political Subdivisions, Miscellaneous Powers Section 67.318 August 28,2010 Street addresses to be posted conspicuously to aid emergency location, ordinances by cities or counties-fire department to enforce. 67.318. The governing body of any county or municipality may by order or ordinance require that ali residences and commercial businesses have the numbers of their street addresses conspicuously posted so that providers of fire protection services or other emergency services may better find the proper location when responding to an emergency call. Where such an ordinance or order is established, the fire department, fire protection district or volunteer fire protection association which provides fire protection services fbr the municipality or county, or portion thereof, shall enforce the provisions of such ordinance or order. The ordinance or order shall prescribe a grace period forpersons who violate the ordinance or order, which shall allow such violator at least fifteen days to comply with the ordinance before any fine may be imposed. (L. 1990 H.B. 1274 § 1) © Copyright Missouri General Assemblv Christian County Ordinance Wbereas, as Section 67.318 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Missl uri allows the governing body of a county to require all residences and commercial businesics to have the numbers of thcir 5trect addresses conspicuously postcd, and Whereas, the people o fChristian County have voted in favor ofa county-wide Enhanced Emergency 911 System, and Whereas, in order that emergency scrvices, guch as nrc, medical, and law enfbrcelncnt, may better find the proper localion when responding to an emergency call, BE IT ESTABLISHED, that the following provisions are now adopted by the Clisistian County Commigion to be known as the House Addressing System. GENERAL PROVISIONS - RURAL HOUSE ADDRESSING SYSTEM A unlfon! system of n=bering propaties and buildings as described by amap ind material filed in dic Christian County Courdouse in Ozark, Missoul is hereby adopted. All properties, lots and parcels ofland within the unincorporated areas ofthc County of Christian shall hereafterbeidentined by reference to the rural house addressing system adopted. RESPONSIBILITY OF ASSIGNING NUMBERS Each principal building shall bear the number adgned to it by the Mapping and Mdressing office of each Emergency 911 District, acting on bchalf ofthe Count y Commission, as herein provided and whcrc morc than onc business or family dwellmg unit occupies a single structure shall bear, in additiontothebasicnumberassigncd tothestnicture, tbosupplementarynumeral, orletters assigned by the Mapping and Addressing Offce of the responsible Emergency 91 1 Distiict USE OF OTHER NUMBERS PROHIBITED No person, agency, or business shall adopt, assign, display, or cite any number other than that assigned, as provided by tbis ordinance for the puipose of property identification or for the purpose of desigoating locations ofproperty. ASSIGNMENT OF NUMBERS At! propatics, lots, and parcels ofland within the unincorporated areas of Christian County shall L 1 f 4 hcreafter be identified by reference to tic rural house addressing system adopted by this ordinance, except that all existing number identification orbuildings or lots or parcels not in conformity with the system adopted, herein, shall be changed in not more than three months from the adoption ofthis ordinance so as to conform. POSTING OF NUMBERS Refiectivenumbers and letters indicating the ofRcialproperty number assigned shallbeposted bythe addressee or property owner. The following is to be adhered to reguding poning of addresses: 1. Reflective numbers and letters sha!! be no less than three (3}inches in height. 2. Numbers must be posted at property entrances and/or to houses/building, positioned at location the provides unobstructcd sighling from the road on which located. Administraion According to Statute 67.318 RSMo., the fire depanment, fire protection district or volunteer fire protectionassociation, whichprovides nreprotcction sevices forthe county orportion thereof, shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance 22!NmES Violation of this ordinance s]1011 be a misdemeanor and suchperson who violates this order shall be allowed fifteen days to comply with Ihe oilnnance before any nnes maybe imposed. This ordinance shall become efiective immediately upon the signatures of the Christian County Commisson. 62»240' 823*iatthews, Presiding Commissioner £:s@£- ==21=25 Tom Chudomelka, Eastern Commisioner b 1* . rujtihi- A Bill Bainett, Western Commissioner I hereby certify that the aitached Ordinance was duly pas,ed this 3 /467 of Jamiary, 2000, by the Christian County Commission, and do hereby affix my seal of the County. Jlof Combs, Chostian County Clerk 1